INSTANT CNC – new video on YouTube

Our brand new “INSTANT CNC” Video Series is now online on YouTube. A new video has been added to this series today. Have a look.

In this video, you will see a simulation of the exercise task 3 from Christiani’s booklet “Collection of tasks on CNC technology milling according to PAL2020” simulated with the CNC software SYMplus™.

The exercise task deals with: Pocket cycles, Groove cycles and drilling patterns (G72, G73, G74, G75 as well as G81 with G67 and G77).

Here is the link to the video:

Additinally, the video from last week, the one that was available only in German then, is now also available in English. Here is the link to that:

Do you have any questions?

Our experts are at your disposal. We look forward to your inquiry!

Jürgen Wollny


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