SYMplus™ CNC-software.
Explore the CNC world with ease -
How time flies–
Milestones in the company history
For decades the name KELLER has been inseparably connected with the development of CNC solutions and the education and training of CNC users.
1984First Software
The publishing house R. Keller offered the first software “Introduction to CNC technology without fear” for basic CNC training. It was developed by the vocational school teachers Mr. Keller and Mr. Grossmann.

The grammar school teacher Mr Werner Buhr developed the EPL1 simulator on Apple Ile. To the EPL1 keyboard were later added the DOS computers and many other keyboards, resulting in the 3-stage model of a CNC training.

1988First partnerships
The product GKE + CAM sold like hot cakes and attracted a lot of attention. The product was also well received by the SIEMENS company. A partnership with SIEMENS was established.

1990Technology Centre
The KELLER Technology Centre was ceremonially opened. The heart of the technical centre is the workshop with 6 CNC machines and 6 different CNC controls.

1995CAMplus und Qplus
The successors of CNCplus are CAMplus for production and Qplus for qualification.

1999Multimedia learning systems
Cooperation with SIEMENS to develop interactive, multimedia learning systems.

2001KELLER software for Young and Old
Our software is not only fun for young people, but also for older skilled workers. Especially those who have so far “only” worked on conventional machines and are now no longer “afraid” of CNC.

2003Four levels of education
Starting with version 3.0 there are 4 levels of education: ShoopFloor, DIN/PAL, Control and CAD/CAM. These can still be found in our products today.

2010Partnership with Heidenhain
At a big meeting here in Wuppertal, the HIT project was decided. But before that, there was already a KELLER-Heidenhain multimedia version created at the own expense.

The Keller couple withdraws from the business of the company. The CNC KELLER GmbH is founded.

2016Exciting year
The new product SYMplus™ with plusCARE™ with integrated update service is launched.
The 1st user meeting took place.
We are now an apprenticing company in the areas:
– Management assistant for office management
– IT specialist for application development

201735th anniversary and KELLER.Academy
CNC KELLER 35th anniversary – the event “next level” was a great success
We presented our new “Virtual Workshop” in combination with VR-glasses – the “next level” for CNC training.
Opening of the KELLER.Academy – our new training center.

20181 year of KELLER.Academy
The first year of the KELLER.Academy attracted many guests. Trying out the “Virtual Workshop” with VR glasses is always a highlight during these visits.

20202,400 students/trainees uses SYMplus™ through the pandemic
The state of emergency triggered by the coronavirus pandemic has affected all areas of life.
KELLER.Software has taken the necessary measures:
All students and trainees are given the opportunity to receive the entire scope of the “Student Licence PAL” free of charge in order to be able to continue learning effectively even in so-called “homeschooling” (this support lasted until 2022).

2021The new SYMplus™ packets
The new SYMplus™ packets make it easy for you to choose the right software configuration. SYMplus™ packet provides a good and understandable overview. And with many more add-ons, you can put together your own personal SYMplus™ packet.

20225 years of KELLER.Academy
The KELLER. Academy is now 5 years old!
In 2017, inquisitive people arrived at the Academy for the first time. Among the first were companies such as Bosch, Hansgrohe, the Continental, etc. In the past years, the KELLER.Academy “moved” from the Black Forest to Berlin, and sometimes even beyond. Just recently, there was an online training course in faraway Pakistan.

„KELLER.Software develops applications and methods for the independent creation of solutions.”
– Jürgen Mues, Managing Director