$context array (1)
regions => array (4)
East Europe => array (6)
$context['regions']['East Europe']
0 => Timber\Post (57)
$context['regions']['East Europe'][0]
  • Properties (57)
  • Available methods (95)
  • Static class properties
  • public ImageClass -> string (12) "Timber\Image"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->ImageClass
    public PostClass -> string (11) "Timber\Post"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->PostClass
    public TermClass -> string (11) "Timber\Term"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->TermClass
    public object_type -> string (4) "post"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->object_type
    public custom -> array (19)
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->custom
    _av_el_mgr_version => string (3) "1.0"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->custom['_av_el_mgr_version']
    _av_alb_posts_elements_state => array (0)
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->custom['_av_alb_posts_elements_state']
    country => string (8) "Slovakia"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->custom['country']
    _country => string (19) "field_5d8b13d6b29ba"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->custom['_country']
    logo => string (3) "984"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->custom['logo']
    _logo => string (19) "field_5d8b1571b29c0"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->custom['_logo']
    firm => string (9) "Teximp SA"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->custom['firm']
    _firm => string (19) "field_5d8b14e4b29bb"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->custom['_firm']
    info => UTF-8 string (112) "Oswald Oettl Technical Sales Kohlrainstrasse 10 CH-8700 Küsnacht Tel.: ++41 ...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->custom['info']
    Oswald Oettl
    Technical Sales
    Kohlrainstrasse 10 
    CH-8700 Küsnacht 
    Tel.: ++41 91440-61 
    Fax: ++41 91440-04 
    _info => string (19) "field_5d8b14f7b29bc"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->custom['_info']
    mail => string (23) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->custom['mail']
    _mail => string (19) "field_5d8b150fb29bd"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->custom['_mail']
    web => string (23) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->custom['web']
    _web => string (19) "field_5d8b1524b29be"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->custom['_web']
    _wpml_location_migration_done => string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->custom['_wpml_location_migration_done']
    _edit_lock => string (12) "1590746698:1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->custom['_edit_lock']
    _edit_last => string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->custom['_edit_last']
    _last_translation_edit_mode => string (13) "native-editor"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->custom['_last_translation_edit_mode']
    _av_css_styles => array (0)
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->custom['_av_css_styles']
    protected ___content -> null
    protected _permalink -> null
    protected _next -> array (0)
    protected _prev -> array (0)
    protected _css_class -> null
    public id -> integer 2395
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->id
    public ID -> integer 2395
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->ID
    public post_author -> string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->post_author
    public post_content -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->post_content
    public post_date -> string (19) "2019-09-25 10:43:45"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->post_date
    public post_excerpt -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->post_excerpt
    public post_parent -> integer 0
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->post_parent
    public post_status -> string (7) "publish"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->post_status
    public post_title -> string (9) "Teximp SA"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->post_title
    public post_type -> string (7) "partner"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->post_type
    public slug -> string (11) "teximp-sa-3"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->slug
    protected __type -> null
    public _av_el_mgr_version -> string (3) "1.0"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->_av_el_mgr_version
    public _av_alb_posts_elements_state -> array (0)
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->_av_alb_posts_elements_state
    public country -> string (8) "Slovakia"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->country
    public _country -> string (19) "field_5d8b13d6b29ba"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->_country
    public logo -> string (3) "984"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->logo
    public _logo -> string (19) "field_5d8b1571b29c0"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->_logo
    public firm -> string (9) "Teximp SA"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->firm
    public _firm -> string (19) "field_5d8b14e4b29bb"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->_firm
    public info -> UTF-8 string (112) "Oswald Oettl Technical Sales Kohlrainstrasse 10 CH-8700 Küsnacht Tel.: ++41 ...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->info
    Oswald Oettl
    Technical Sales
    Kohlrainstrasse 10 
    CH-8700 Küsnacht 
    Tel.: ++41 91440-61 
    Fax: ++41 91440-04 
    public _info -> string (19) "field_5d8b14f7b29bc"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->_info
    public mail -> string (23) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->mail
    public _mail -> string (19) "field_5d8b150fb29bd"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->_mail
    public web -> string (23) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->web
    public _web -> string (19) "field_5d8b1524b29be"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->_web
    public _wpml_location_migration_done -> string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->_wpml_location_migration_done
    public _edit_lock -> string (12) "1590746698:1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->_edit_lock
    public _edit_last -> string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->_edit_last
    public _last_translation_edit_mode -> string (13) "native-editor"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->_last_translation_edit_mode
    public _av_css_styles -> array (0)
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->_av_css_styles
    public post_date_gmt -> string (19) "2019-09-25 08:43:45"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->post_date_gmt
    public comment_status -> string (6) "closed"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->comment_status
    public ping_status -> string (6) "closed"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->ping_status
    public post_password -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->post_password
    public post_name -> string (11) "teximp-sa-3"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->post_name
    public to_ping -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->to_ping
    public pinged -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->pinged
    public post_modified -> string (19) "2020-05-29 12:04:28"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->post_modified
    public post_modified_gmt -> string (19) "2020-05-29 10:04:28"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->post_modified_gmt
    public post_content_filtered -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->post_content_filtered
    public guid -> string (52) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->guid
    public menu_order -> integer 0
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->menu_order
    public post_mime_type -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->post_mime_type
    public comment_count -> string (1) "0"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->comment_count
    public filter -> string (3) "raw"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->filter
    public status -> string (7) "publish"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->status
  • public __construct($pid = null) If you send the constructor nothing it will try to figure out the current post i...
    new \Timber\Post($pid = null)
    * If you send the constructor nothing it will try to figure out the current post id based on being inside The_Loop
    * @example
    * ```php
    * $post = new Timber\Post();
    * $other_post = new Timber\Post($random_post_id);
    * ```
    * @param mixed $pid
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:180
    public __get($field): mixed This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is also here to ensure that {{ post.class }} remains usable
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:190
    public __call($field, $args): mixed This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is also here to ensure that {{ post.class }} remains usable
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:202
    public __toString(): string Outputs the title of the post if you do something like `<h1>{{post}}</h1>`
    (string) $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]
    * Outputs the title of the post if you do something like `<h1>{{post}}</h1>`
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:269
    public get_edit_url(): bool|string Get the URL that will edit the current post/object
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->get_edit_url()
    * Get the URL that will edit the current post/object
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::edit_link
    * @return bool|string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:336
    public update($field, $value) updates the post_meta of the current object with the given value
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->update($field, $value)
    * updates the post_meta of the current object with the given value
    * @param string $field
    * @param mixed $value
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:345
    public preview(): \Timber\PostPreview Gets a preview/excerpt of your post.
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->preview()
    * Gets a preview/excerpt of your post.
    * If you have text defined in the excerpt textarea of your post, it will use that. Otherwise it
    * will pull from the post_content. If there's a `<!-- more -->` tag, it will use that to mark
    * where to pull through.
    * This method returns a `Timber\PostPreview` object, which is a **chainable object**. This
    * means that you can change the output of the preview by **adding more methods**. Refer to the
    * [documentation of the `Timber\PostPreview` class](
    * to get an overview of all the available methods.
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {# Use default preview #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview }}</p>
    * {# Change the post preview text #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview.read_more('Continue Reading') }}</p>
    * {# Additionally restrict the length to 50 words #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview.length(50).read_more('Continue Reading') }}</p>
    * ```
    * @see \Timber\PostPreview
    * @return \Timber\PostPreview
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:432
    public get_preview($len = 50, $force = false, $readmore = 'Read More', $strip = true, $end = '&hellip;'): string of the post preview get a preview of your post, if you have an excerpt it will use that, otherwise i...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->get_preview($len = 50, $force = false, $readmore = 'Read More', $strip = true, $end = '&hellip;')
    * get a preview of your post, if you have an excerpt it will use that,
    * otherwise it will pull from the post_content.
    * If there's a <!-- more --> tag it will use that to mark where to pull through.
    * @deprecated since 1.3.1, use {{ post.preview }} instead
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <p>{{post.get_preview(50)}}</p>
    * ```
    * @param int $len The number of words that WP should use to make the tease. (Isn't this better than [this mess]( If you've set a post_excerpt on a post, we'll use that for the preview text; otherwise the first X words of the post_content
    * @param bool $force What happens if your custom post excerpt is longer then the length requested? By default (`$force = false`) it will use the full `post_excerpt`. However, you can set this to true to *force* your excerpt to be of the desired length
    * @param string $readmore The text you want to use on the 'readmore' link
    * @param bool|string $strip true for default, false for none, string for list of custom attributes
    * @param string $end The text to end the preview with (defaults to ...)
    * @return string of the post preview
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:452
    public import_custom($pid) gets the post custom and attaches it to the current object
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->import_custom($pid)
    * gets the post custom and attaches it to the current object
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid a post ID number
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:521
    public comment_form($args = array()): string of HTML for the form Gets the comment form for use on a single article page
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->comment_form($args = array())
    * Gets the comment form for use on a single article page
    * @param array This $args array thing is a mess, [fix at some point](
    * @return string of HTML for the form
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:634
    public terms($args = array(), $merge = true, $term_class = ''): array An array of taxonomies. Gets the terms associated with the post.
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->terms($args = array(), $merge = true, $term_class = '')
    * Gets the terms associated with the post.
    * @api
    * @todo Remove deprecated parameters in 2.x
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <section id="job-feed">
    * {% for post in job %}
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>{{ post.title }}</h2>
    *         <p>{{ post.terms( {query:{taxonomy:'category', orderby:'name', order: 'ASC'}} )|join(', ') }}</p>
    *     </div>
    * {% endfor %}
    * </section>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <section id="job-feed">
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>Cheese Maker</h2>
    *         <p>Cheese, Food, Fromage</p>
    *     </div>
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>Mime</h2>
    *         <p>Performance, Silence</p>
    *     </div>
    * </section>
    * ```
    * ```php
    * // Get all terms of a taxonomy.
    * $terms = $post->terms( 'category' );
    * // Get terms of multiple taxonomies.
    * $terms = $post->terms( array( 'books', 'movies' ) );
    * // Use custom arguments for taxonomy query and options.
    * $terms = $post->terms( array(
    *     'query' => [
    *         'taxonomy' => 'custom_tax',
    *         'orderby'  => 'count',
    *     ],
    *     'merge'      => false,
    *     'term_class' => 'My_Term_Class'
    * ) );
    * ```
    * @param string|array $args {
    *     Optional. Name of the taxonomy or array of arguments.
    *     @type array $query       Any array of term query parameters for getting the terms. See
    *                              `WP_Term_Query::__construct()` for supported arguments. Use the
    *                              `taxonomy` argument to choose which taxonomies to get. Defaults
    *                              to querying all registered taxonomies for the post type. You can
    *                              use custom or built-in WordPress taxonomies (category, tag).
    *                              Timber plays nice and figures out that `tag`, `tags` or
    *                              `post_tag` are all the same (also for `categories` or
    *                              `category`). For custom taxonomies you need to define the
    *                              proper name.
    *     @type bool $merge        Whether the resulting array should be one big one (`true`) or
    *                              whether it should be an array of sub-arrays for each taxonomy
    *                              (`false`). Default `true`.
    *     @type string $term_class The Timber term class to use for the term objects.
    * }
    * @param bool   $merge      Deprecated. Optional. See `$merge` argument in `$args` parameter.
    * @param string $term_class Deprecated. Optional. See `$term_class` argument in `$args`
    *                           parameter.
    * @return array An array of taxonomies.
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:706
    public has_term($term_name_or_id, $taxonomy = 'all'): bool
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->has_term($term_name_or_id, $taxonomy = 'all')
    * @param string|int $term_name_or_id
    * @param string $taxonomy
    * @return bool
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:806
    public get_paged_content(): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->get_paged_content()
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:824
    public get_post_type(): PostType Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->get_post_type()
    * Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    * @deprecated since 1.0.4
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * This post is from <span>{{ post.get_post_type.labels.plural }}</span>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * This post is from <span>Recipes</span>
    * ```
    * @return PostType
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:844
    public get_comment_count(): int the number of comments on a post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->get_comment_count()
    * @return int the number of comments on a post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:852
    public has_field($field_name): boolean
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->has_field($field_name)
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:861
    public field_object($field_name): mixed Gets the field object data from Advanced Custom Fields. This includes metadata o...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->field_object($field_name)
    * Gets the field object data from Advanced Custom Fields.
    * This includes metadata on the field like whether it's conditional or not.
    * @since 1.6.0
    * @param string $field_name of the field you want to lookup.
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:873
    public get_field($field_name): mixed
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->get_field($field_name)
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:883
    public import_field($field_name)
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->import_field($field_name)
    * @param string $field_name
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:905
    public post_class($class = ''): string a space-seperated list of classes Get the CSS classes for a post without cache. For usage you should use `{{post.c...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->post_class($class = '')
    * Get the CSS classes for a post without cache. For usage you should use `{{post.class}}`
    * @internal
    * @param string $class additional classes you want to add
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <article class="{{ post.post_class }}">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <article class="post-2612 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-data tag-charleston-church-shooting tag-dylann-roof tag-gun-violence tag-hate-crimes tag-national-incident-based-reporting-system">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * @return string a space-seperated list of classes
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:927
    public css_class($class = ''): string a space-seperated list of classes Get the CSS classes for a post, but with caching css post classes. For usage you...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->css_class($class = '')
    * Get the CSS classes for a post, but with caching css post classes. For usage you should use `{{ post.class }}` instead of `{{post.css_class}}` or `{{post.post_class}}`
    * @internal
    * @param string $class additional classes you want to add
    * @see Timber\Post::$_css_class
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <article class="{{ post.class }}">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * @return string a space-seperated list of classes
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:956
    public get_method_values(): array
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->get_method_values()
    * @return array
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:970
    public author(): User|null A User object if found, false if not Return the author of a post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->author()
    * Return the author of a post
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{post.title}}</h1>
    * <p class="byline">
    *     <a href="{{}}">{{}}</a>
    * </p>
    * ```
    * @return User|null A User object if found, false if not
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1005
    public authors()
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->authors()
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1011
    public modified_author(): User|null A User object if found, false if not Get the author (WordPress user) who last modified the post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->modified_author()
    * Get the author (WordPress user) who last modified the post
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Last updated by {{ }}
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Last updated by Harper Lee
    * ```
    * @return User|null A User object if found, false if not
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1026
    public categories(): array of Timber\Terms Get the categoires on a particular post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->categories()
    * Get the categoires on a particular post
    * @api
    * @return array of Timber\Terms
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1036
    public category(): Timber\Term|null Returns a category attached to a post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->category()
    * Returns a category attached to a post
    * @api
    * If mulitpuile categories are set, it will return just the first one
    * @return Timber\Term|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1046
    public children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false): array Returns an array of children on the post as Timber\Posts (or other claass as you...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false)
    * Returns an array of children on the post as Timber\Posts
    * (or other claass as you define).
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {% if post.children %}
    *     Here are the child pages:
    *     {% for child in post.children %}
    *         <a href="{{ }}">{{ child.title }}</a>
    *     {% endfor %}
    * {% endif %}
    * ```
    * @param string|array $post_type _optional_ use to find children of a particular post type (attachment vs. page for example). You might want to restrict to certain types of children in case other stuff gets all mucked in there. You can use 'parent' to use the parent's post type or you can pass an array of post types.
    * @param string|bool $childPostClass _optional_ a custom post class (ex: 'MyTimber\Post') to return the objects as. By default (false) it will use Timber\Post::$post_class value.
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1067
    public comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment'): bool|\Timber\CommentThread Gets the comments on a `Timber\Post` and returns them as a `Timber\CommentThread...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment')
    * Gets the comments on a `Timber\Post` and returns them as a `Timber\CommentThread`: a PHP
    * ArrayObject of [`Timber\Comment`](
    * (or whatever comment class you set).
    * @api
    * @param int    $count        Set the number of comments you want to get. `0` is analogous to
    *                             "all".
    * @param string $order        Use ordering set in WordPress admin, or a different scheme.
    * @param string $type         For when other plugins use the comments table for their own
    *                             special purposes. Might be set to 'liveblog' or other, depending
    *                             on what’s stored in your comments table.
    * @param string $status       Could be 'pending', etc.
    * @param string $CommentClass What class to use when returning Comment objects. As you become a
    *                             Timber Pro, you might find yourself extending `Timber\Comment`
    *                             for your site or app (obviously, totally optional).
    * @see \Timber\CommentThread for an example with nested comments
    * @return bool|\Timber\CommentThread
    * @example
    * **single.twig**
    * ```twig
    * <div id="post-comments">
    *   <h4>Comments on {{ post.title }}</h4>
    *   <ul>
    *     {% for comment in post.comments() %}
    *       {% include 'comment.twig' %}
    *     {% endfor %}
    *   </ul>
    *   <div class="comment-form">
    *     {{ function('comment_form') }}
    *   </div>
    * </div>
    * ```
    * **comment.twig**
    * ```twig
    * {# comment.twig #}
    * <li>
    *   <p class="comment-author">{{ }} says:</p>
    *   <div>{{ comment.content }}</div>
    * </li>
    * ```
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1136
    public content($page0, $len = -1): string Gets the actual content of a WP Post, as opposed to post_content this will run t...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->content($page0, $len = -1)
    * Gets the actual content of a WP Post, as opposed to post_content this will run the hooks/filters attached to the_content. \This guy will return your posts content with WordPress filters run on it (like for shortcodes and wpautop).
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <div class="article">
    *     <h2>{{post.title}}</h2>
    *     <div class="content">{{ post.content }}</div>
    * </div>
    * ```
    * @param int $page
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1206
    public paged_content(): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->paged_content()
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1254
    public date($date_format = ''): string Get the date to use in your template!
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->date($date_format = '')
    * Get the date to use in your template!
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Published on {{ }} // Uses WP's formatting set in Admin
    * OR
    * Published on {{'F jS') }} // Jan 12th
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Published on January 12, 2015
    * OR
    * Published on Jan 12th
    * ```
    * @param string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1277
    public time($time_format = ''): string Get the time to use in your template
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->time($time_format = '')
    * Get the time to use in your template
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Published at {{ post.time }} // Uses WP's formatting set in Admin
    * OR
    * Published at {{ post.time | time('G:i') }} // 13:25
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Published at 1:25 pm
    * OR
    * Published at 13:25
    * ```
    * @param string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1301
    public type(): PostType Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->type()
    * Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    * @since 1.0.4
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * This post is from <span>{{ }}</span>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * This post is from <span>Recipes</span>
    * ```
    * @return PostType
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1323
    public edit_link(): bool|string the edit URL of a post in the WordPress admin Returns the edit URL of a post if the user has access to it
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->edit_link()
    * Returns the edit URL of a post if the user has access to it
    * @return bool|string the edit URL of a post in the WordPress admin
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1337
    public format(): mixed
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->format()
    * @api
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1347
    public password_required(): boolean whether post requires password and correct password has been provided
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->password_required()
    * whether post requires password and correct password has been provided
    * @api
    * @return boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1356
    public link(): string ex: get the permalink for a post object
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->link()
    * get the permalink for a post object
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <a href="{{}}">Read my post</a>
    * ```
    * @return string ex:
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1369
    public meta($field_name = null): mixed
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->meta($field_name = null)
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1381
    public name(): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->name()
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1392
    public modified_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->modified_date($date_format = '')
    * @param string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1400
    public modified_time($time_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->modified_time($time_format = '')
    * @param string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1410
    public next($in_same_term = false): mixed
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->next($in_same_term = false)
    * @api
    * @param bool $in_same_term
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1419
    public pagination(): array Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a pa...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->pagination()
    * Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a paginated post
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1445
    public convert($data) Finds any WP_Post objects and converts them to Timber\Posts
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->convert($data)
    * Finds any WP_Post objects and converts them to Timber\Posts
    * @param array|WP_Post $data
    * @param string $class
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1478
    public parent(): bool|Timber\Post Gets the parent (if one exists) from a post as a Timber\Post object (or whatever...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->parent()
    * Gets the parent (if one exists) from a post as a Timber\Post object (or whatever is set in Timber\Post::$PostClass)
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Parent page: <a href="{{ }}">{{ post.parent.title }}</a>
    * ```
    * @return bool|Timber\Post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1504
    public path(): string Gets the relative path of a WP Post, so while link() will return http://example....
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->path()
    * Gets the relative path of a WP Post, so while link() will return
    * this will return just /2015/07/my-cool-post
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <a href="{{post.path}}">{{post.title}}</a>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1522
    public prev($in_same_term = false): mixed Get the previous post in a set
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->prev($in_same_term = false)
    * Get the previous post in a set
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h4>Prior Entry:</h4>
    * <h3>{{post.prev.title}}</h3>
    * <p>{{post.prev.get_preview(25)}}</p>
    * ```
    * @param bool $in_same_term
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1539
    public tags(): array Gets the tags on a post, uses WP's post_tag taxonomy
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->tags()
    * Gets the tags on a post, uses WP's post_tag taxonomy
    * @api
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1562
    public thumbnail(): Image|null of your thumbnail get the featured image as a Timber/Image
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->thumbnail()
    * get the featured image as a Timber/Image
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <img src="{{ post.thumbnail.src }}" />
    * ```
    * @return Image|null of your thumbnail
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1575
    public title(): string Returns the processed title to be used in templates. This returns the title of t...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->title()
    * Returns the processed title to be used in templates. This returns the title of the post after WP's filters have run. This is analogous to `the_title()` in standard WP template tags.
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{ post.title }}</h1>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1593
    public gallery($html = true): html Returns the gallery
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->gallery($html = true)
    * Returns the gallery
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1609
    public audio(): html Returns the audio
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->audio()
    * Returns the audio
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1628
    public video(): html Returns the video
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->video()
    * Returns the video
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1651
    public get_categories(): array of Timber\Terms Get the categories for a post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->get_categories()
    * Get the categories for a post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::categories
    * @return array of Timber\Terms
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1682
    public get_category(): mixed
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->get_category()
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::category
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1693
    public get_image($field): Timber\Image
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->get_image($field)
    * @param string $field
    * @return Timber\Image
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1704
    public get_tags(): array Gets an array of tags for you to use
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->get_tags()
    * Gets an array of tags for you to use
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <ul class="tags">
    *     {% for tag in post.tags %}
    *         <li>{{}}</li>
    *     {% endfor %}
    * </ul>
    * ```
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1723
    public get_title(): string Outputs the title with filters applied
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->get_title()
    * Outputs the title with filters applied
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{post.get_title}}</h1>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <h1>Hello World!</h1>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1741
    public get_content($len = -1, $page0): string Displays the content of the post with filters, shortcodes and wpautop applied
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->get_content($len = -1, $page0)
    * Displays the content of the post with filters, shortcodes and wpautop applied
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <div class="article-text">{{post.get_content}}</div>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <div class="article-text"><p>Blah blah blah</p><p>More blah blah blah.</p></div>
    * ```
    * @param int $len
    * @param int $page
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1758
    public get_format(): mixed
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->get_format()
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1770
    public get_terms($tax = '', $merge = true, $TermClass = ''): array Get the terms associated with the post This goes across all taxonomies by defaul...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->get_terms($tax = '', $merge = true, $TermClass = '')
    * Get the terms associated with the post
    * This goes across all taxonomies by default
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param string|array $tax What taxonom(y|ies) to pull from. Defaults to all registered taxonomies for the post type. You can use custom ones, or built-in WordPress taxonomies (category, tag). Timber plays nice and figures out that tag/tags/post_tag are all the same (and categories/category), for custom taxonomies you're on your own.
    * @param bool $merge Should the resulting array be one big one (true)? Or should it be an array of sub-arrays for each taxonomy (false)?
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1784
    public permalink(): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->permalink()
    * @deprecated 0.20.0 use link() instead
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1793
    public get_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->get_date($date_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::date
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param  string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1806
    public get_modified_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->get_modified_date($date_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::modified_date
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param  string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1818
    public get_modified_time($time_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->get_modified_time($time_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @param  string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1827
    public get_children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false): array
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->get_children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false)
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::children
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param string 		$post_type
    * @param bool|string 	$childPostClass
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1842
    public get_path(): string Get the permalink for a post, but as a relative path For example, where {{post.l...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->get_path()
    * Get the permalink for a post, but as a relative path
    * For example, where {{}} would return ""
    * this will return the relative version: "/2015/07/04/my-cool-post"
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1855
    public get_prev($in_same_term = false): TimberPost|boolean Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->get_prev($in_same_term = false)
    * Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return TimberPost|boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1866
    public get_parent(): bool|TimberPost Get the parent post of the post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->get_parent()
    * Get the parent post of the post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return bool|TimberPost
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1877
    public get_author(): User|null Gets a User object from the author of the post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->get_author()
    * Gets a User object from the author of the post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::author
    * @return User|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1889
    public get_modified_author(): User|null
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->get_modified_author()
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return User|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1899
    public get_thumbnail(): Image|null
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->get_thumbnail()
    * @internal
    * @see TimberPost::thumbnail
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return Image|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1910
    public get_permalink(): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->get_permalink()
    * @internal
    * @see TimberPost::link
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1921
    public get_link(): string get the permalink for a post object In your templates you should use link: <a hr...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->get_link()
    * get the permalink for a post object
    * In your templates you should use link:
    * <a href="{{}}">Read my post</a>
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1934
    public get_next($taxonomy = false): TimberPost|boolean Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->get_next($taxonomy = false)
    * Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param bool $taxonomy
    * @return TimberPost|boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1946
    public get_pagination(): array Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a pa...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->get_pagination()
    * Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a paginated post
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::pagination();
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1958
    public get_comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment'): array|mixed Get the comments for a post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->get_comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment')
    * Get the comments for a post
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::comments
    * @param int $count
    * @param string $order
    * @param string $type
    * @param string $status
    * @param string $CommentClass
    * @return array|mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1974
    public __isset($field): boolean
    * @return boolean
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:15
    public import($info, $force = false) Takes an array or object and adds the properties to the parent object
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->import($info, $force = false)
    * Takes an array or object and adds the properties to the parent object
    * @example
    * ```php
    * $data = array('airplane' => '757-200', 'flight' => '5316');
    * $post = new Timber\Post()
    * $post->import(data);
    * echo $post->airplane; //757-200
    * ```
    * @param array|object $info an object or array you want to grab data from to attach to the Timber object
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:59
    public can_edit(): bool Can you edit this post/term/user? Well good for you. You're no better than me.
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][0]->can_edit()
    * Can you edit this post/term/user? Well good for you. You're no better than me.
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {% if post.can_edit %}
    * <a href="{{ post.edit_link }}">Edit</a>
    * {% endif %}
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <a href="">Edit</a>
    * ```
    * @return bool
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:100
    protected determine_id($pid): int|null the numberic id we should be using for this post object, null when there's no ID (ex: 404 page) tries to figure out what post you want to get if not explictly defined (or if it...
    * tries to figure out what post you want to get if not explictly defined (or if it is, allows it to be passed through)
    * @internal
    * @param mixed a value to test against
    * @return int|null the numberic id we should be using for this post object, null when there's no ID (ex: 404 page)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:230
    protected get_post_preview_object()
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:273
    protected get_post_preview_id($query)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:281
    protected init($pid = false) Initializes a Post
    * Initializes a Post
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:317
    protected prepare_post_info($pid0): WP_Post on success takes a mix of integer (post ID), string (post slug), or object to return a Word...
    * takes a mix of integer (post ID), string (post slug),
    * or object to return a WordPress post object from WP's built-in get_post() function
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid
    * @return WP_Post on success
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:360
    protected check_post_id($pid): integer ID number of a post helps you find the post id regardless of whether you send a string or whatever
    * helps you find the post id regardless of whether you send a string or whatever
    * @param integer $pid ;
    * @internal
    * @return integer ID number of a post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:379
    protected get_post_custom($pid): array Used internally to fetch the metadata fields (wp_postmeta table) and attach them...
    * Used internally to fetch the metadata fields (wp_postmeta table)
    * and attach them to our TimberPost object
    * @internal
    * @param int $pid
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:533
    protected get_info($pid): null|object|WP_Post Used internally by init, etc. to build TimberPost object
    * Used internally by init, etc. to build TimberPost object
    * @internal
    * @param  int $pid
    * @return null|object|WP_Post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:606
    protected maybe_show_password_form(): string|void If the Password form is to be shown, show it!
    * If the Password form is to be shown, show it!
    * @return string|void
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1170
    protected get_revised_data_from_method($method, $args = false)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1183
    protected content_handle_no_teaser_block($content): string Handles for an circumstance with the Block editor where a "more" block has an op...
    * Handles for an circumstance with the Block editor where a "more" block has an option to
    * "Hide the excerpt on the full content page" which hides everything prior to the inserted
    * "more" block
    * @ticket #2218
    * @param string $content
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1243
    public static get_post_id_by_name($post_name): int get_post_id_by_name($post_name)
    * get_post_id_by_name($post_name)
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.5.0
    * @param string $post_name
    * @return int
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:402
    protected static is_previewing(): bool Determine whether or not an admin/editor is looking at the post in "preview mode...
    * Determine whether or not an admin/editor is looking at the post in "preview mode" via the
    * WordPress admin
    * @internal
    * @return bool
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:217
    protected static get_wp_link_page($i): string
    * @param int $i
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:591
  • public static $representation :: string (4) "post"
1 => Timber\Post (54)
$context['regions']['East Europe'][1]
  • Properties (54)
  • Available methods (95)
  • Static class properties
  • public ImageClass -> string (12) "Timber\Image"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->ImageClass
    public PostClass -> string (11) "Timber\Post"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->PostClass
    public TermClass -> string (11) "Timber\Term"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->TermClass
    public object_type -> string (4) "post"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->object_type
    public custom -> array (16)
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->custom
    country => string (14) "Czech Republic"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->custom['country']
    _country => string (19) "field_5d8b13d6b29ba"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->custom['_country']
    logo => string (3) "984"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->custom['logo']
    _logo => string (19) "field_5d8b1571b29c0"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->custom['_logo']
    firm => string (9) "Teximp SA"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->custom['firm']
    _firm => string (19) "field_5d8b14e4b29bb"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->custom['_firm']
    info => UTF-8 string (112) "Oswald Oettl Technical Sales Kohlrainstrasse 10 CH-8700 Küsnacht Tel.: ++41 ...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->custom['info']
    Oswald Oettl
    Technical Sales
    Kohlrainstrasse 10 
    CH-8700 Küsnacht 
    Tel.: ++41 91440-61 
    Fax: ++41 91440-04 
    _info => string (19) "field_5d8b14f7b29bc"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->custom['_info']
    mail => string (23) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->custom['mail']
    _mail => string (19) "field_5d8b150fb29bd"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->custom['_mail']
    web => string (23) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->custom['web']
    _web => string (19) "field_5d8b1524b29be"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->custom['_web']
    _wpml_location_migration_done => string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->custom['_wpml_location_migration_done']
    _edit_lock => string (12) "1590746799:1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->custom['_edit_lock']
    _edit_last => string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->custom['_edit_last']
    _last_translation_edit_mode => string (13) "native-editor"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->custom['_last_translation_edit_mode']
    protected ___content -> null
    protected _permalink -> null
    protected _next -> array (0)
    protected _prev -> array (0)
    protected _css_class -> null
    public id -> integer 2397
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->id
    public ID -> integer 2397
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->ID
    public post_author -> string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->post_author
    public post_content -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->post_content
    public post_date -> string (19) "2019-09-25 10:43:12"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->post_date
    public post_excerpt -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->post_excerpt
    public post_parent -> integer 0
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->post_parent
    public post_status -> string (7) "publish"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->post_status
    public post_title -> string (9) "Teximp SA"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->post_title
    public post_type -> string (7) "partner"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->post_type
    public slug -> string (11) "teximp-sa-2"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->slug
    protected __type -> null
    public country -> string (14) "Czech Republic"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->country
    public _country -> string (19) "field_5d8b13d6b29ba"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->_country
    public logo -> string (3) "984"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->logo
    public _logo -> string (19) "field_5d8b1571b29c0"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->_logo
    public firm -> string (9) "Teximp SA"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->firm
    public _firm -> string (19) "field_5d8b14e4b29bb"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->_firm
    public info -> UTF-8 string (112) "Oswald Oettl Technical Sales Kohlrainstrasse 10 CH-8700 Küsnacht Tel.: ++41 ...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->info
    Oswald Oettl
    Technical Sales
    Kohlrainstrasse 10 
    CH-8700 Küsnacht 
    Tel.: ++41 91440-61 
    Fax: ++41 91440-04 
    public _info -> string (19) "field_5d8b14f7b29bc"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->_info
    public mail -> string (23) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->mail
    public _mail -> string (19) "field_5d8b150fb29bd"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->_mail
    public web -> string (23) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->web
    public _web -> string (19) "field_5d8b1524b29be"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->_web
    public _wpml_location_migration_done -> string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->_wpml_location_migration_done
    public _edit_lock -> string (12) "1590746799:1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->_edit_lock
    public _edit_last -> string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->_edit_last
    public _last_translation_edit_mode -> string (13) "native-editor"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->_last_translation_edit_mode
    public post_date_gmt -> string (19) "2019-09-25 08:43:12"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->post_date_gmt
    public comment_status -> string (6) "closed"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->comment_status
    public ping_status -> string (6) "closed"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->ping_status
    public post_password -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->post_password
    public post_name -> string (11) "teximp-sa-2"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->post_name
    public to_ping -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->to_ping
    public pinged -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->pinged
    public post_modified -> string (19) "2020-05-29 12:05:49"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->post_modified
    public post_modified_gmt -> string (19) "2020-05-29 10:05:49"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->post_modified_gmt
    public post_content_filtered -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->post_content_filtered
    public guid -> string (52) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->guid
    public menu_order -> integer 0
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->menu_order
    public post_mime_type -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->post_mime_type
    public comment_count -> string (1) "0"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->comment_count
    public filter -> string (3) "raw"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->filter
    public status -> string (7) "publish"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->status
  • public __construct($pid = null) If you send the constructor nothing it will try to figure out the current post i...
    new \Timber\Post($pid = null)
    * If you send the constructor nothing it will try to figure out the current post id based on being inside The_Loop
    * @example
    * ```php
    * $post = new Timber\Post();
    * $other_post = new Timber\Post($random_post_id);
    * ```
    * @param mixed $pid
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:180
    public __get($field): mixed This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is also here to ensure that {{ post.class }} remains usable
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:190
    public __call($field, $args): mixed This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is also here to ensure that {{ post.class }} remains usable
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:202
    public __toString(): string Outputs the title of the post if you do something like `<h1>{{post}}</h1>`
    (string) $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]
    * Outputs the title of the post if you do something like `<h1>{{post}}</h1>`
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:269
    public get_edit_url(): bool|string Get the URL that will edit the current post/object
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->get_edit_url()
    * Get the URL that will edit the current post/object
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::edit_link
    * @return bool|string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:336
    public update($field, $value) updates the post_meta of the current object with the given value
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->update($field, $value)
    * updates the post_meta of the current object with the given value
    * @param string $field
    * @param mixed $value
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:345
    public preview(): \Timber\PostPreview Gets a preview/excerpt of your post.
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->preview()
    * Gets a preview/excerpt of your post.
    * If you have text defined in the excerpt textarea of your post, it will use that. Otherwise it
    * will pull from the post_content. If there's a `<!-- more -->` tag, it will use that to mark
    * where to pull through.
    * This method returns a `Timber\PostPreview` object, which is a **chainable object**. This
    * means that you can change the output of the preview by **adding more methods**. Refer to the
    * [documentation of the `Timber\PostPreview` class](
    * to get an overview of all the available methods.
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {# Use default preview #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview }}</p>
    * {# Change the post preview text #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview.read_more('Continue Reading') }}</p>
    * {# Additionally restrict the length to 50 words #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview.length(50).read_more('Continue Reading') }}</p>
    * ```
    * @see \Timber\PostPreview
    * @return \Timber\PostPreview
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:432
    public get_preview($len = 50, $force = false, $readmore = 'Read More', $strip = true, $end = '&hellip;'): string of the post preview get a preview of your post, if you have an excerpt it will use that, otherwise i...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->get_preview($len = 50, $force = false, $readmore = 'Read More', $strip = true, $end = '&hellip;')
    * get a preview of your post, if you have an excerpt it will use that,
    * otherwise it will pull from the post_content.
    * If there's a <!-- more --> tag it will use that to mark where to pull through.
    * @deprecated since 1.3.1, use {{ post.preview }} instead
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <p>{{post.get_preview(50)}}</p>
    * ```
    * @param int $len The number of words that WP should use to make the tease. (Isn't this better than [this mess]( If you've set a post_excerpt on a post, we'll use that for the preview text; otherwise the first X words of the post_content
    * @param bool $force What happens if your custom post excerpt is longer then the length requested? By default (`$force = false`) it will use the full `post_excerpt`. However, you can set this to true to *force* your excerpt to be of the desired length
    * @param string $readmore The text you want to use on the 'readmore' link
    * @param bool|string $strip true for default, false for none, string for list of custom attributes
    * @param string $end The text to end the preview with (defaults to ...)
    * @return string of the post preview
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:452
    public import_custom($pid) gets the post custom and attaches it to the current object
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->import_custom($pid)
    * gets the post custom and attaches it to the current object
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid a post ID number
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:521
    public comment_form($args = array()): string of HTML for the form Gets the comment form for use on a single article page
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->comment_form($args = array())
    * Gets the comment form for use on a single article page
    * @param array This $args array thing is a mess, [fix at some point](
    * @return string of HTML for the form
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:634
    public terms($args = array(), $merge = true, $term_class = ''): array An array of taxonomies. Gets the terms associated with the post.
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->terms($args = array(), $merge = true, $term_class = '')
    * Gets the terms associated with the post.
    * @api
    * @todo Remove deprecated parameters in 2.x
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <section id="job-feed">
    * {% for post in job %}
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>{{ post.title }}</h2>
    *         <p>{{ post.terms( {query:{taxonomy:'category', orderby:'name', order: 'ASC'}} )|join(', ') }}</p>
    *     </div>
    * {% endfor %}
    * </section>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <section id="job-feed">
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>Cheese Maker</h2>
    *         <p>Cheese, Food, Fromage</p>
    *     </div>
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>Mime</h2>
    *         <p>Performance, Silence</p>
    *     </div>
    * </section>
    * ```
    * ```php
    * // Get all terms of a taxonomy.
    * $terms = $post->terms( 'category' );
    * // Get terms of multiple taxonomies.
    * $terms = $post->terms( array( 'books', 'movies' ) );
    * // Use custom arguments for taxonomy query and options.
    * $terms = $post->terms( array(
    *     'query' => [
    *         'taxonomy' => 'custom_tax',
    *         'orderby'  => 'count',
    *     ],
    *     'merge'      => false,
    *     'term_class' => 'My_Term_Class'
    * ) );
    * ```
    * @param string|array $args {
    *     Optional. Name of the taxonomy or array of arguments.
    *     @type array $query       Any array of term query parameters for getting the terms. See
    *                              `WP_Term_Query::__construct()` for supported arguments. Use the
    *                              `taxonomy` argument to choose which taxonomies to get. Defaults
    *                              to querying all registered taxonomies for the post type. You can
    *                              use custom or built-in WordPress taxonomies (category, tag).
    *                              Timber plays nice and figures out that `tag`, `tags` or
    *                              `post_tag` are all the same (also for `categories` or
    *                              `category`). For custom taxonomies you need to define the
    *                              proper name.
    *     @type bool $merge        Whether the resulting array should be one big one (`true`) or
    *                              whether it should be an array of sub-arrays for each taxonomy
    *                              (`false`). Default `true`.
    *     @type string $term_class The Timber term class to use for the term objects.
    * }
    * @param bool   $merge      Deprecated. Optional. See `$merge` argument in `$args` parameter.
    * @param string $term_class Deprecated. Optional. See `$term_class` argument in `$args`
    *                           parameter.
    * @return array An array of taxonomies.
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:706
    public has_term($term_name_or_id, $taxonomy = 'all'): bool
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->has_term($term_name_or_id, $taxonomy = 'all')
    * @param string|int $term_name_or_id
    * @param string $taxonomy
    * @return bool
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:806
    public get_paged_content(): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->get_paged_content()
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:824
    public get_post_type(): PostType Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->get_post_type()
    * Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    * @deprecated since 1.0.4
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * This post is from <span>{{ post.get_post_type.labels.plural }}</span>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * This post is from <span>Recipes</span>
    * ```
    * @return PostType
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:844
    public get_comment_count(): int the number of comments on a post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->get_comment_count()
    * @return int the number of comments on a post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:852
    public has_field($field_name): boolean
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->has_field($field_name)
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:861
    public field_object($field_name): mixed Gets the field object data from Advanced Custom Fields. This includes metadata o...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->field_object($field_name)
    * Gets the field object data from Advanced Custom Fields.
    * This includes metadata on the field like whether it's conditional or not.
    * @since 1.6.0
    * @param string $field_name of the field you want to lookup.
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:873
    public get_field($field_name): mixed
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->get_field($field_name)
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:883
    public import_field($field_name)
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->import_field($field_name)
    * @param string $field_name
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:905
    public post_class($class = ''): string a space-seperated list of classes Get the CSS classes for a post without cache. For usage you should use `{{post.c...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->post_class($class = '')
    * Get the CSS classes for a post without cache. For usage you should use `{{post.class}}`
    * @internal
    * @param string $class additional classes you want to add
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <article class="{{ post.post_class }}">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <article class="post-2612 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-data tag-charleston-church-shooting tag-dylann-roof tag-gun-violence tag-hate-crimes tag-national-incident-based-reporting-system">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * @return string a space-seperated list of classes
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:927
    public css_class($class = ''): string a space-seperated list of classes Get the CSS classes for a post, but with caching css post classes. For usage you...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->css_class($class = '')
    * Get the CSS classes for a post, but with caching css post classes. For usage you should use `{{ post.class }}` instead of `{{post.css_class}}` or `{{post.post_class}}`
    * @internal
    * @param string $class additional classes you want to add
    * @see Timber\Post::$_css_class
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <article class="{{ post.class }}">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * @return string a space-seperated list of classes
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:956
    public get_method_values(): array
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->get_method_values()
    * @return array
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:970
    public author(): User|null A User object if found, false if not Return the author of a post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->author()
    * Return the author of a post
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{post.title}}</h1>
    * <p class="byline">
    *     <a href="{{}}">{{}}</a>
    * </p>
    * ```
    * @return User|null A User object if found, false if not
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1005
    public authors()
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->authors()
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1011
    public modified_author(): User|null A User object if found, false if not Get the author (WordPress user) who last modified the post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->modified_author()
    * Get the author (WordPress user) who last modified the post
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Last updated by {{ }}
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Last updated by Harper Lee
    * ```
    * @return User|null A User object if found, false if not
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1026
    public categories(): array of Timber\Terms Get the categoires on a particular post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->categories()
    * Get the categoires on a particular post
    * @api
    * @return array of Timber\Terms
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1036
    public category(): Timber\Term|null Returns a category attached to a post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->category()
    * Returns a category attached to a post
    * @api
    * If mulitpuile categories are set, it will return just the first one
    * @return Timber\Term|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1046
    public children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false): array Returns an array of children on the post as Timber\Posts (or other claass as you...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false)
    * Returns an array of children on the post as Timber\Posts
    * (or other claass as you define).
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {% if post.children %}
    *     Here are the child pages:
    *     {% for child in post.children %}
    *         <a href="{{ }}">{{ child.title }}</a>
    *     {% endfor %}
    * {% endif %}
    * ```
    * @param string|array $post_type _optional_ use to find children of a particular post type (attachment vs. page for example). You might want to restrict to certain types of children in case other stuff gets all mucked in there. You can use 'parent' to use the parent's post type or you can pass an array of post types.
    * @param string|bool $childPostClass _optional_ a custom post class (ex: 'MyTimber\Post') to return the objects as. By default (false) it will use Timber\Post::$post_class value.
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1067
    public comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment'): bool|\Timber\CommentThread Gets the comments on a `Timber\Post` and returns them as a `Timber\CommentThread...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment')
    * Gets the comments on a `Timber\Post` and returns them as a `Timber\CommentThread`: a PHP
    * ArrayObject of [`Timber\Comment`](
    * (or whatever comment class you set).
    * @api
    * @param int    $count        Set the number of comments you want to get. `0` is analogous to
    *                             "all".
    * @param string $order        Use ordering set in WordPress admin, or a different scheme.
    * @param string $type         For when other plugins use the comments table for their own
    *                             special purposes. Might be set to 'liveblog' or other, depending
    *                             on what’s stored in your comments table.
    * @param string $status       Could be 'pending', etc.
    * @param string $CommentClass What class to use when returning Comment objects. As you become a
    *                             Timber Pro, you might find yourself extending `Timber\Comment`
    *                             for your site or app (obviously, totally optional).
    * @see \Timber\CommentThread for an example with nested comments
    * @return bool|\Timber\CommentThread
    * @example
    * **single.twig**
    * ```twig
    * <div id="post-comments">
    *   <h4>Comments on {{ post.title }}</h4>
    *   <ul>
    *     {% for comment in post.comments() %}
    *       {% include 'comment.twig' %}
    *     {% endfor %}
    *   </ul>
    *   <div class="comment-form">
    *     {{ function('comment_form') }}
    *   </div>
    * </div>
    * ```
    * **comment.twig**
    * ```twig
    * {# comment.twig #}
    * <li>
    *   <p class="comment-author">{{ }} says:</p>
    *   <div>{{ comment.content }}</div>
    * </li>
    * ```
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1136
    public content($page0, $len = -1): string Gets the actual content of a WP Post, as opposed to post_content this will run t...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->content($page0, $len = -1)
    * Gets the actual content of a WP Post, as opposed to post_content this will run the hooks/filters attached to the_content. \This guy will return your posts content with WordPress filters run on it (like for shortcodes and wpautop).
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <div class="article">
    *     <h2>{{post.title}}</h2>
    *     <div class="content">{{ post.content }}</div>
    * </div>
    * ```
    * @param int $page
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1206
    public paged_content(): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->paged_content()
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1254
    public date($date_format = ''): string Get the date to use in your template!
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->date($date_format = '')
    * Get the date to use in your template!
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Published on {{ }} // Uses WP's formatting set in Admin
    * OR
    * Published on {{'F jS') }} // Jan 12th
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Published on January 12, 2015
    * OR
    * Published on Jan 12th
    * ```
    * @param string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1277
    public time($time_format = ''): string Get the time to use in your template
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->time($time_format = '')
    * Get the time to use in your template
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Published at {{ post.time }} // Uses WP's formatting set in Admin
    * OR
    * Published at {{ post.time | time('G:i') }} // 13:25
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Published at 1:25 pm
    * OR
    * Published at 13:25
    * ```
    * @param string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1301
    public type(): PostType Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->type()
    * Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    * @since 1.0.4
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * This post is from <span>{{ }}</span>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * This post is from <span>Recipes</span>
    * ```
    * @return PostType
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1323
    public edit_link(): bool|string the edit URL of a post in the WordPress admin Returns the edit URL of a post if the user has access to it
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->edit_link()
    * Returns the edit URL of a post if the user has access to it
    * @return bool|string the edit URL of a post in the WordPress admin
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1337
    public format(): mixed
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->format()
    * @api
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1347
    public password_required(): boolean whether post requires password and correct password has been provided
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->password_required()
    * whether post requires password and correct password has been provided
    * @api
    * @return boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1356
    public link(): string ex: get the permalink for a post object
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->link()
    * get the permalink for a post object
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <a href="{{}}">Read my post</a>
    * ```
    * @return string ex:
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1369
    public meta($field_name = null): mixed
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->meta($field_name = null)
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1381
    public name(): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->name()
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1392
    public modified_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->modified_date($date_format = '')
    * @param string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1400
    public modified_time($time_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->modified_time($time_format = '')
    * @param string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1410
    public next($in_same_term = false): mixed
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->next($in_same_term = false)
    * @api
    * @param bool $in_same_term
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1419
    public pagination(): array Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a pa...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->pagination()
    * Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a paginated post
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1445
    public convert($data) Finds any WP_Post objects and converts them to Timber\Posts
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->convert($data)
    * Finds any WP_Post objects and converts them to Timber\Posts
    * @param array|WP_Post $data
    * @param string $class
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1478
    public parent(): bool|Timber\Post Gets the parent (if one exists) from a post as a Timber\Post object (or whatever...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->parent()
    * Gets the parent (if one exists) from a post as a Timber\Post object (or whatever is set in Timber\Post::$PostClass)
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Parent page: <a href="{{ }}">{{ post.parent.title }}</a>
    * ```
    * @return bool|Timber\Post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1504
    public path(): string Gets the relative path of a WP Post, so while link() will return http://example....
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->path()
    * Gets the relative path of a WP Post, so while link() will return
    * this will return just /2015/07/my-cool-post
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <a href="{{post.path}}">{{post.title}}</a>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1522
    public prev($in_same_term = false): mixed Get the previous post in a set
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->prev($in_same_term = false)
    * Get the previous post in a set
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h4>Prior Entry:</h4>
    * <h3>{{post.prev.title}}</h3>
    * <p>{{post.prev.get_preview(25)}}</p>
    * ```
    * @param bool $in_same_term
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1539
    public tags(): array Gets the tags on a post, uses WP's post_tag taxonomy
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->tags()
    * Gets the tags on a post, uses WP's post_tag taxonomy
    * @api
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1562
    public thumbnail(): Image|null of your thumbnail get the featured image as a Timber/Image
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->thumbnail()
    * get the featured image as a Timber/Image
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <img src="{{ post.thumbnail.src }}" />
    * ```
    * @return Image|null of your thumbnail
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1575
    public title(): string Returns the processed title to be used in templates. This returns the title of t...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->title()
    * Returns the processed title to be used in templates. This returns the title of the post after WP's filters have run. This is analogous to `the_title()` in standard WP template tags.
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{ post.title }}</h1>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1593
    public gallery($html = true): html Returns the gallery
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->gallery($html = true)
    * Returns the gallery
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1609
    public audio(): html Returns the audio
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->audio()
    * Returns the audio
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1628
    public video(): html Returns the video
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->video()
    * Returns the video
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1651
    public get_categories(): array of Timber\Terms Get the categories for a post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->get_categories()
    * Get the categories for a post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::categories
    * @return array of Timber\Terms
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1682
    public get_category(): mixed
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->get_category()
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::category
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1693
    public get_image($field): Timber\Image
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->get_image($field)
    * @param string $field
    * @return Timber\Image
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1704
    public get_tags(): array Gets an array of tags for you to use
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->get_tags()
    * Gets an array of tags for you to use
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <ul class="tags">
    *     {% for tag in post.tags %}
    *         <li>{{}}</li>
    *     {% endfor %}
    * </ul>
    * ```
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1723
    public get_title(): string Outputs the title with filters applied
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->get_title()
    * Outputs the title with filters applied
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{post.get_title}}</h1>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <h1>Hello World!</h1>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1741
    public get_content($len = -1, $page0): string Displays the content of the post with filters, shortcodes and wpautop applied
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->get_content($len = -1, $page0)
    * Displays the content of the post with filters, shortcodes and wpautop applied
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <div class="article-text">{{post.get_content}}</div>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <div class="article-text"><p>Blah blah blah</p><p>More blah blah blah.</p></div>
    * ```
    * @param int $len
    * @param int $page
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1758
    public get_format(): mixed
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->get_format()
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1770
    public get_terms($tax = '', $merge = true, $TermClass = ''): array Get the terms associated with the post This goes across all taxonomies by defaul...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->get_terms($tax = '', $merge = true, $TermClass = '')
    * Get the terms associated with the post
    * This goes across all taxonomies by default
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param string|array $tax What taxonom(y|ies) to pull from. Defaults to all registered taxonomies for the post type. You can use custom ones, or built-in WordPress taxonomies (category, tag). Timber plays nice and figures out that tag/tags/post_tag are all the same (and categories/category), for custom taxonomies you're on your own.
    * @param bool $merge Should the resulting array be one big one (true)? Or should it be an array of sub-arrays for each taxonomy (false)?
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1784
    public permalink(): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->permalink()
    * @deprecated 0.20.0 use link() instead
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1793
    public get_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->get_date($date_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::date
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param  string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1806
    public get_modified_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->get_modified_date($date_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::modified_date
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param  string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1818
    public get_modified_time($time_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->get_modified_time($time_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @param  string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1827
    public get_children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false): array
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->get_children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false)
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::children
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param string 		$post_type
    * @param bool|string 	$childPostClass
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1842
    public get_path(): string Get the permalink for a post, but as a relative path For example, where {{post.l...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->get_path()
    * Get the permalink for a post, but as a relative path
    * For example, where {{}} would return ""
    * this will return the relative version: "/2015/07/04/my-cool-post"
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1855
    public get_prev($in_same_term = false): TimberPost|boolean Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->get_prev($in_same_term = false)
    * Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return TimberPost|boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1866
    public get_parent(): bool|TimberPost Get the parent post of the post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->get_parent()
    * Get the parent post of the post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return bool|TimberPost
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1877
    public get_author(): User|null Gets a User object from the author of the post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->get_author()
    * Gets a User object from the author of the post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::author
    * @return User|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1889
    public get_modified_author(): User|null
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->get_modified_author()
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return User|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1899
    public get_thumbnail(): Image|null
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->get_thumbnail()
    * @internal
    * @see TimberPost::thumbnail
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return Image|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1910
    public get_permalink(): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->get_permalink()
    * @internal
    * @see TimberPost::link
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1921
    public get_link(): string get the permalink for a post object In your templates you should use link: <a hr...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->get_link()
    * get the permalink for a post object
    * In your templates you should use link:
    * <a href="{{}}">Read my post</a>
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1934
    public get_next($taxonomy = false): TimberPost|boolean Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->get_next($taxonomy = false)
    * Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param bool $taxonomy
    * @return TimberPost|boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1946
    public get_pagination(): array Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a pa...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->get_pagination()
    * Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a paginated post
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::pagination();
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1958
    public get_comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment'): array|mixed Get the comments for a post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->get_comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment')
    * Get the comments for a post
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::comments
    * @param int $count
    * @param string $order
    * @param string $type
    * @param string $status
    * @param string $CommentClass
    * @return array|mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1974
    public __isset($field): boolean
    * @return boolean
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:15
    public import($info, $force = false) Takes an array or object and adds the properties to the parent object
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->import($info, $force = false)
    * Takes an array or object and adds the properties to the parent object
    * @example
    * ```php
    * $data = array('airplane' => '757-200', 'flight' => '5316');
    * $post = new Timber\Post()
    * $post->import(data);
    * echo $post->airplane; //757-200
    * ```
    * @param array|object $info an object or array you want to grab data from to attach to the Timber object
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:59
    public can_edit(): bool Can you edit this post/term/user? Well good for you. You're no better than me.
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][1]->can_edit()
    * Can you edit this post/term/user? Well good for you. You're no better than me.
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {% if post.can_edit %}
    * <a href="{{ post.edit_link }}">Edit</a>
    * {% endif %}
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <a href="">Edit</a>
    * ```
    * @return bool
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:100
    protected determine_id($pid): int|null the numberic id we should be using for this post object, null when there's no ID (ex: 404 page) tries to figure out what post you want to get if not explictly defined (or if it...
    * tries to figure out what post you want to get if not explictly defined (or if it is, allows it to be passed through)
    * @internal
    * @param mixed a value to test against
    * @return int|null the numberic id we should be using for this post object, null when there's no ID (ex: 404 page)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:230
    protected get_post_preview_object()
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:273
    protected get_post_preview_id($query)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:281
    protected init($pid = false) Initializes a Post
    * Initializes a Post
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:317
    protected prepare_post_info($pid0): WP_Post on success takes a mix of integer (post ID), string (post slug), or object to return a Word...
    * takes a mix of integer (post ID), string (post slug),
    * or object to return a WordPress post object from WP's built-in get_post() function
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid
    * @return WP_Post on success
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:360
    protected check_post_id($pid): integer ID number of a post helps you find the post id regardless of whether you send a string or whatever
    * helps you find the post id regardless of whether you send a string or whatever
    * @param integer $pid ;
    * @internal
    * @return integer ID number of a post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:379
    protected get_post_custom($pid): array Used internally to fetch the metadata fields (wp_postmeta table) and attach them...
    * Used internally to fetch the metadata fields (wp_postmeta table)
    * and attach them to our TimberPost object
    * @internal
    * @param int $pid
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:533
    protected get_info($pid): null|object|WP_Post Used internally by init, etc. to build TimberPost object
    * Used internally by init, etc. to build TimberPost object
    * @internal
    * @param  int $pid
    * @return null|object|WP_Post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:606
    protected maybe_show_password_form(): string|void If the Password form is to be shown, show it!
    * If the Password form is to be shown, show it!
    * @return string|void
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1170
    protected get_revised_data_from_method($method, $args = false)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1183
    protected content_handle_no_teaser_block($content): string Handles for an circumstance with the Block editor where a "more" block has an op...
    * Handles for an circumstance with the Block editor where a "more" block has an option to
    * "Hide the excerpt on the full content page" which hides everything prior to the inserted
    * "more" block
    * @ticket #2218
    * @param string $content
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1243
    public static get_post_id_by_name($post_name): int get_post_id_by_name($post_name)
    * get_post_id_by_name($post_name)
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.5.0
    * @param string $post_name
    * @return int
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:402
    protected static is_previewing(): bool Determine whether or not an admin/editor is looking at the post in "preview mode...
    * Determine whether or not an admin/editor is looking at the post in "preview mode" via the
    * WordPress admin
    * @internal
    * @return bool
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:217
    protected static get_wp_link_page($i): string
    * @param int $i
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:591
  • public static $representation :: string (4) "post"
2 => Timber\Post (55)
$context['regions']['East Europe'][2]
  • Properties (55)
  • Available methods (95)
  • Static class properties
  • public ImageClass -> string (12) "Timber\Image"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->ImageClass
    public PostClass -> string (11) "Timber\Post"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->PostClass
    public TermClass -> string (11) "Timber\Term"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->TermClass
    public object_type -> string (4) "post"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->object_type
    public custom -> array (17)
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->custom
    country => string (6) "Balkan"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->custom['country']
    _country => string (19) "field_5d8b13d6b29ba"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->custom['_country']
    logo => string (3) "984"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->custom['logo']
    _logo => string (19) "field_5d8b1571b29c0"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->custom['_logo']
    firm => string (9) "Teximp SA"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->custom['firm']
    _firm => string (19) "field_5d8b14e4b29bb"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->custom['_firm']
    info => UTF-8 string (112) "Oswald Oettl Technical Sales Kohlrainstrasse 10 CH-8700 Küsnacht Tel.: ++41 ...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->custom['info']
    Oswald Oettl
    Technical Sales
    Kohlrainstrasse 10 
    CH-8700 Küsnacht 
    Tel.: ++41 91440-61 
    Fax: ++41 91440-04 
    _info => string (19) "field_5d8b14f7b29bc"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->custom['_info']
    mail => string (23) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->custom['mail']
    _mail => string (19) "field_5d8b150fb29bd"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->custom['_mail']
    web => string (23) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->custom['web']
    _web => string (19) "field_5d8b1524b29be"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->custom['_web']
    _wpml_media_duplicate => string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->custom['_wpml_media_duplicate']
    _wpml_location_migration_done => string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->custom['_wpml_location_migration_done']
    _edit_lock => string (12) "1590746800:1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->custom['_edit_lock']
    _edit_last => string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->custom['_edit_last']
    _last_translation_edit_mode => string (13) "native-editor"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->custom['_last_translation_edit_mode']
    protected ___content -> null
    protected _permalink -> null
    protected _next -> array (0)
    protected _prev -> array (0)
    protected _css_class -> null
    public id -> integer 2398
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->id
    public ID -> integer 2398
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->ID
    public post_author -> string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->post_author
    public post_content -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->post_content
    public post_date -> string (19) "2019-09-25 10:42:26"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->post_date
    public post_excerpt -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->post_excerpt
    public post_parent -> integer 0
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->post_parent
    public post_status -> string (7) "publish"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->post_status
    public post_title -> string (9) "Teximp SA"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->post_title
    public post_type -> string (7) "partner"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->post_type
    public slug -> string (9) "teximp-sa"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->slug
    protected __type -> null
    public country -> string (6) "Balkan"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->country
    public _country -> string (19) "field_5d8b13d6b29ba"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->_country
    public logo -> string (3) "984"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->logo
    public _logo -> string (19) "field_5d8b1571b29c0"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->_logo
    public firm -> string (9) "Teximp SA"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->firm
    public _firm -> string (19) "field_5d8b14e4b29bb"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->_firm
    public info -> UTF-8 string (112) "Oswald Oettl Technical Sales Kohlrainstrasse 10 CH-8700 Küsnacht Tel.: ++41 ...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->info
    Oswald Oettl
    Technical Sales
    Kohlrainstrasse 10 
    CH-8700 Küsnacht 
    Tel.: ++41 91440-61 
    Fax: ++41 91440-04 
    public _info -> string (19) "field_5d8b14f7b29bc"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->_info
    public mail -> string (23) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->mail
    public _mail -> string (19) "field_5d8b150fb29bd"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->_mail
    public web -> string (23) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->web
    public _web -> string (19) "field_5d8b1524b29be"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->_web
    public _wpml_media_duplicate -> string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->_wpml_media_duplicate
    public _wpml_location_migration_done -> string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->_wpml_location_migration_done
    public _edit_lock -> string (12) "1590746800:1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->_edit_lock
    public _edit_last -> string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->_edit_last
    public _last_translation_edit_mode -> string (13) "native-editor"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->_last_translation_edit_mode
    public post_date_gmt -> string (19) "2019-09-25 08:42:26"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->post_date_gmt
    public comment_status -> string (6) "closed"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->comment_status
    public ping_status -> string (6) "closed"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->ping_status
    public post_password -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->post_password
    public post_name -> string (9) "teximp-sa"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->post_name
    public to_ping -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->to_ping
    public pinged -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->pinged
    public post_modified -> string (19) "2020-05-29 12:05:53"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->post_modified
    public post_modified_gmt -> string (19) "2020-05-29 10:05:53"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->post_modified_gmt
    public post_content_filtered -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->post_content_filtered
    public guid -> string (50) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->guid
    public menu_order -> integer 0
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->menu_order
    public post_mime_type -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->post_mime_type
    public comment_count -> string (1) "0"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->comment_count
    public filter -> string (3) "raw"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->filter
    public status -> string (7) "publish"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->status
  • public __construct($pid = null) If you send the constructor nothing it will try to figure out the current post i...
    new \Timber\Post($pid = null)
    * If you send the constructor nothing it will try to figure out the current post id based on being inside The_Loop
    * @example
    * ```php
    * $post = new Timber\Post();
    * $other_post = new Timber\Post($random_post_id);
    * ```
    * @param mixed $pid
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:180
    public __get($field): mixed This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is also here to ensure that {{ post.class }} remains usable
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:190
    public __call($field, $args): mixed This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is also here to ensure that {{ post.class }} remains usable
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:202
    public __toString(): string Outputs the title of the post if you do something like `<h1>{{post}}</h1>`
    (string) $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]
    * Outputs the title of the post if you do something like `<h1>{{post}}</h1>`
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:269
    public get_edit_url(): bool|string Get the URL that will edit the current post/object
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->get_edit_url()
    * Get the URL that will edit the current post/object
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::edit_link
    * @return bool|string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:336
    public update($field, $value) updates the post_meta of the current object with the given value
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->update($field, $value)
    * updates the post_meta of the current object with the given value
    * @param string $field
    * @param mixed $value
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:345
    public preview(): \Timber\PostPreview Gets a preview/excerpt of your post.
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->preview()
    * Gets a preview/excerpt of your post.
    * If you have text defined in the excerpt textarea of your post, it will use that. Otherwise it
    * will pull from the post_content. If there's a `<!-- more -->` tag, it will use that to mark
    * where to pull through.
    * This method returns a `Timber\PostPreview` object, which is a **chainable object**. This
    * means that you can change the output of the preview by **adding more methods**. Refer to the
    * [documentation of the `Timber\PostPreview` class](
    * to get an overview of all the available methods.
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {# Use default preview #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview }}</p>
    * {# Change the post preview text #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview.read_more('Continue Reading') }}</p>
    * {# Additionally restrict the length to 50 words #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview.length(50).read_more('Continue Reading') }}</p>
    * ```
    * @see \Timber\PostPreview
    * @return \Timber\PostPreview
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:432
    public get_preview($len = 50, $force = false, $readmore = 'Read More', $strip = true, $end = '&hellip;'): string of the post preview get a preview of your post, if you have an excerpt it will use that, otherwise i...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->get_preview($len = 50, $force = false, $readmore = 'Read More', $strip = true, $end = '&hellip;')
    * get a preview of your post, if you have an excerpt it will use that,
    * otherwise it will pull from the post_content.
    * If there's a <!-- more --> tag it will use that to mark where to pull through.
    * @deprecated since 1.3.1, use {{ post.preview }} instead
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <p>{{post.get_preview(50)}}</p>
    * ```
    * @param int $len The number of words that WP should use to make the tease. (Isn't this better than [this mess]( If you've set a post_excerpt on a post, we'll use that for the preview text; otherwise the first X words of the post_content
    * @param bool $force What happens if your custom post excerpt is longer then the length requested? By default (`$force = false`) it will use the full `post_excerpt`. However, you can set this to true to *force* your excerpt to be of the desired length
    * @param string $readmore The text you want to use on the 'readmore' link
    * @param bool|string $strip true for default, false for none, string for list of custom attributes
    * @param string $end The text to end the preview with (defaults to ...)
    * @return string of the post preview
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:452
    public import_custom($pid) gets the post custom and attaches it to the current object
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->import_custom($pid)
    * gets the post custom and attaches it to the current object
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid a post ID number
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:521
    public comment_form($args = array()): string of HTML for the form Gets the comment form for use on a single article page
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->comment_form($args = array())
    * Gets the comment form for use on a single article page
    * @param array This $args array thing is a mess, [fix at some point](
    * @return string of HTML for the form
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:634
    public terms($args = array(), $merge = true, $term_class = ''): array An array of taxonomies. Gets the terms associated with the post.
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->terms($args = array(), $merge = true, $term_class = '')
    * Gets the terms associated with the post.
    * @api
    * @todo Remove deprecated parameters in 2.x
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <section id="job-feed">
    * {% for post in job %}
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>{{ post.title }}</h2>
    *         <p>{{ post.terms( {query:{taxonomy:'category', orderby:'name', order: 'ASC'}} )|join(', ') }}</p>
    *     </div>
    * {% endfor %}
    * </section>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <section id="job-feed">
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>Cheese Maker</h2>
    *         <p>Cheese, Food, Fromage</p>
    *     </div>
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>Mime</h2>
    *         <p>Performance, Silence</p>
    *     </div>
    * </section>
    * ```
    * ```php
    * // Get all terms of a taxonomy.
    * $terms = $post->terms( 'category' );
    * // Get terms of multiple taxonomies.
    * $terms = $post->terms( array( 'books', 'movies' ) );
    * // Use custom arguments for taxonomy query and options.
    * $terms = $post->terms( array(
    *     'query' => [
    *         'taxonomy' => 'custom_tax',
    *         'orderby'  => 'count',
    *     ],
    *     'merge'      => false,
    *     'term_class' => 'My_Term_Class'
    * ) );
    * ```
    * @param string|array $args {
    *     Optional. Name of the taxonomy or array of arguments.
    *     @type array $query       Any array of term query parameters for getting the terms. See
    *                              `WP_Term_Query::__construct()` for supported arguments. Use the
    *                              `taxonomy` argument to choose which taxonomies to get. Defaults
    *                              to querying all registered taxonomies for the post type. You can
    *                              use custom or built-in WordPress taxonomies (category, tag).
    *                              Timber plays nice and figures out that `tag`, `tags` or
    *                              `post_tag` are all the same (also for `categories` or
    *                              `category`). For custom taxonomies you need to define the
    *                              proper name.
    *     @type bool $merge        Whether the resulting array should be one big one (`true`) or
    *                              whether it should be an array of sub-arrays for each taxonomy
    *                              (`false`). Default `true`.
    *     @type string $term_class The Timber term class to use for the term objects.
    * }
    * @param bool   $merge      Deprecated. Optional. See `$merge` argument in `$args` parameter.
    * @param string $term_class Deprecated. Optional. See `$term_class` argument in `$args`
    *                           parameter.
    * @return array An array of taxonomies.
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:706
    public has_term($term_name_or_id, $taxonomy = 'all'): bool
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->has_term($term_name_or_id, $taxonomy = 'all')
    * @param string|int $term_name_or_id
    * @param string $taxonomy
    * @return bool
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:806
    public get_paged_content(): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->get_paged_content()
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:824
    public get_post_type(): PostType Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->get_post_type()
    * Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    * @deprecated since 1.0.4
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * This post is from <span>{{ post.get_post_type.labels.plural }}</span>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * This post is from <span>Recipes</span>
    * ```
    * @return PostType
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:844
    public get_comment_count(): int the number of comments on a post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->get_comment_count()
    * @return int the number of comments on a post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:852
    public has_field($field_name): boolean
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->has_field($field_name)
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:861
    public field_object($field_name): mixed Gets the field object data from Advanced Custom Fields. This includes metadata o...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->field_object($field_name)
    * Gets the field object data from Advanced Custom Fields.
    * This includes metadata on the field like whether it's conditional or not.
    * @since 1.6.0
    * @param string $field_name of the field you want to lookup.
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:873
    public get_field($field_name): mixed
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->get_field($field_name)
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:883
    public import_field($field_name)
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->import_field($field_name)
    * @param string $field_name
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:905
    public post_class($class = ''): string a space-seperated list of classes Get the CSS classes for a post without cache. For usage you should use `{{post.c...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->post_class($class = '')
    * Get the CSS classes for a post without cache. For usage you should use `{{post.class}}`
    * @internal
    * @param string $class additional classes you want to add
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <article class="{{ post.post_class }}">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <article class="post-2612 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-data tag-charleston-church-shooting tag-dylann-roof tag-gun-violence tag-hate-crimes tag-national-incident-based-reporting-system">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * @return string a space-seperated list of classes
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:927
    public css_class($class = ''): string a space-seperated list of classes Get the CSS classes for a post, but with caching css post classes. For usage you...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->css_class($class = '')
    * Get the CSS classes for a post, but with caching css post classes. For usage you should use `{{ post.class }}` instead of `{{post.css_class}}` or `{{post.post_class}}`
    * @internal
    * @param string $class additional classes you want to add
    * @see Timber\Post::$_css_class
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <article class="{{ post.class }}">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * @return string a space-seperated list of classes
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:956
    public get_method_values(): array
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->get_method_values()
    * @return array
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:970
    public author(): User|null A User object if found, false if not Return the author of a post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->author()
    * Return the author of a post
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{post.title}}</h1>
    * <p class="byline">
    *     <a href="{{}}">{{}}</a>
    * </p>
    * ```
    * @return User|null A User object if found, false if not
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1005
    public authors()
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->authors()
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1011
    public modified_author(): User|null A User object if found, false if not Get the author (WordPress user) who last modified the post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->modified_author()
    * Get the author (WordPress user) who last modified the post
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Last updated by {{ }}
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Last updated by Harper Lee
    * ```
    * @return User|null A User object if found, false if not
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1026
    public categories(): array of Timber\Terms Get the categoires on a particular post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->categories()
    * Get the categoires on a particular post
    * @api
    * @return array of Timber\Terms
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1036
    public category(): Timber\Term|null Returns a category attached to a post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->category()
    * Returns a category attached to a post
    * @api
    * If mulitpuile categories are set, it will return just the first one
    * @return Timber\Term|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1046
    public children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false): array Returns an array of children on the post as Timber\Posts (or other claass as you...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false)
    * Returns an array of children on the post as Timber\Posts
    * (or other claass as you define).
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {% if post.children %}
    *     Here are the child pages:
    *     {% for child in post.children %}
    *         <a href="{{ }}">{{ child.title }}</a>
    *     {% endfor %}
    * {% endif %}
    * ```
    * @param string|array $post_type _optional_ use to find children of a particular post type (attachment vs. page for example). You might want to restrict to certain types of children in case other stuff gets all mucked in there. You can use 'parent' to use the parent's post type or you can pass an array of post types.
    * @param string|bool $childPostClass _optional_ a custom post class (ex: 'MyTimber\Post') to return the objects as. By default (false) it will use Timber\Post::$post_class value.
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1067
    public comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment'): bool|\Timber\CommentThread Gets the comments on a `Timber\Post` and returns them as a `Timber\CommentThread...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment')
    * Gets the comments on a `Timber\Post` and returns them as a `Timber\CommentThread`: a PHP
    * ArrayObject of [`Timber\Comment`](
    * (or whatever comment class you set).
    * @api
    * @param int    $count        Set the number of comments you want to get. `0` is analogous to
    *                             "all".
    * @param string $order        Use ordering set in WordPress admin, or a different scheme.
    * @param string $type         For when other plugins use the comments table for their own
    *                             special purposes. Might be set to 'liveblog' or other, depending
    *                             on what’s stored in your comments table.
    * @param string $status       Could be 'pending', etc.
    * @param string $CommentClass What class to use when returning Comment objects. As you become a
    *                             Timber Pro, you might find yourself extending `Timber\Comment`
    *                             for your site or app (obviously, totally optional).
    * @see \Timber\CommentThread for an example with nested comments
    * @return bool|\Timber\CommentThread
    * @example
    * **single.twig**
    * ```twig
    * <div id="post-comments">
    *   <h4>Comments on {{ post.title }}</h4>
    *   <ul>
    *     {% for comment in post.comments() %}
    *       {% include 'comment.twig' %}
    *     {% endfor %}
    *   </ul>
    *   <div class="comment-form">
    *     {{ function('comment_form') }}
    *   </div>
    * </div>
    * ```
    * **comment.twig**
    * ```twig
    * {# comment.twig #}
    * <li>
    *   <p class="comment-author">{{ }} says:</p>
    *   <div>{{ comment.content }}</div>
    * </li>
    * ```
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1136
    public content($page0, $len = -1): string Gets the actual content of a WP Post, as opposed to post_content this will run t...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->content($page0, $len = -1)
    * Gets the actual content of a WP Post, as opposed to post_content this will run the hooks/filters attached to the_content. \This guy will return your posts content with WordPress filters run on it (like for shortcodes and wpautop).
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <div class="article">
    *     <h2>{{post.title}}</h2>
    *     <div class="content">{{ post.content }}</div>
    * </div>
    * ```
    * @param int $page
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1206
    public paged_content(): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->paged_content()
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1254
    public date($date_format = ''): string Get the date to use in your template!
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->date($date_format = '')
    * Get the date to use in your template!
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Published on {{ }} // Uses WP's formatting set in Admin
    * OR
    * Published on {{'F jS') }} // Jan 12th
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Published on January 12, 2015
    * OR
    * Published on Jan 12th
    * ```
    * @param string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1277
    public time($time_format = ''): string Get the time to use in your template
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->time($time_format = '')
    * Get the time to use in your template
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Published at {{ post.time }} // Uses WP's formatting set in Admin
    * OR
    * Published at {{ post.time | time('G:i') }} // 13:25
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Published at 1:25 pm
    * OR
    * Published at 13:25
    * ```
    * @param string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1301
    public type(): PostType Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->type()
    * Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    * @since 1.0.4
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * This post is from <span>{{ }}</span>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * This post is from <span>Recipes</span>
    * ```
    * @return PostType
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1323
    public edit_link(): bool|string the edit URL of a post in the WordPress admin Returns the edit URL of a post if the user has access to it
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->edit_link()
    * Returns the edit URL of a post if the user has access to it
    * @return bool|string the edit URL of a post in the WordPress admin
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1337
    public format(): mixed
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->format()
    * @api
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1347
    public password_required(): boolean whether post requires password and correct password has been provided
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->password_required()
    * whether post requires password and correct password has been provided
    * @api
    * @return boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1356
    public link(): string ex: get the permalink for a post object
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->link()
    * get the permalink for a post object
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <a href="{{}}">Read my post</a>
    * ```
    * @return string ex:
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1369
    public meta($field_name = null): mixed
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->meta($field_name = null)
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1381
    public name(): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->name()
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1392
    public modified_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->modified_date($date_format = '')
    * @param string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1400
    public modified_time($time_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->modified_time($time_format = '')
    * @param string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1410
    public next($in_same_term = false): mixed
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->next($in_same_term = false)
    * @api
    * @param bool $in_same_term
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1419
    public pagination(): array Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a pa...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->pagination()
    * Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a paginated post
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1445
    public convert($data) Finds any WP_Post objects and converts them to Timber\Posts
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->convert($data)
    * Finds any WP_Post objects and converts them to Timber\Posts
    * @param array|WP_Post $data
    * @param string $class
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1478
    public parent(): bool|Timber\Post Gets the parent (if one exists) from a post as a Timber\Post object (or whatever...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->parent()
    * Gets the parent (if one exists) from a post as a Timber\Post object (or whatever is set in Timber\Post::$PostClass)
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Parent page: <a href="{{ }}">{{ post.parent.title }}</a>
    * ```
    * @return bool|Timber\Post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1504
    public path(): string Gets the relative path of a WP Post, so while link() will return http://example....
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->path()
    * Gets the relative path of a WP Post, so while link() will return
    * this will return just /2015/07/my-cool-post
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <a href="{{post.path}}">{{post.title}}</a>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1522
    public prev($in_same_term = false): mixed Get the previous post in a set
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->prev($in_same_term = false)
    * Get the previous post in a set
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h4>Prior Entry:</h4>
    * <h3>{{post.prev.title}}</h3>
    * <p>{{post.prev.get_preview(25)}}</p>
    * ```
    * @param bool $in_same_term
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1539
    public tags(): array Gets the tags on a post, uses WP's post_tag taxonomy
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->tags()
    * Gets the tags on a post, uses WP's post_tag taxonomy
    * @api
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1562
    public thumbnail(): Image|null of your thumbnail get the featured image as a Timber/Image
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->thumbnail()
    * get the featured image as a Timber/Image
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <img src="{{ post.thumbnail.src }}" />
    * ```
    * @return Image|null of your thumbnail
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1575
    public title(): string Returns the processed title to be used in templates. This returns the title of t...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->title()
    * Returns the processed title to be used in templates. This returns the title of the post after WP's filters have run. This is analogous to `the_title()` in standard WP template tags.
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{ post.title }}</h1>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1593
    public gallery($html = true): html Returns the gallery
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->gallery($html = true)
    * Returns the gallery
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1609
    public audio(): html Returns the audio
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->audio()
    * Returns the audio
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1628
    public video(): html Returns the video
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->video()
    * Returns the video
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1651
    public get_categories(): array of Timber\Terms Get the categories for a post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->get_categories()
    * Get the categories for a post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::categories
    * @return array of Timber\Terms
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1682
    public get_category(): mixed
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->get_category()
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::category
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1693
    public get_image($field): Timber\Image
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->get_image($field)
    * @param string $field
    * @return Timber\Image
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1704
    public get_tags(): array Gets an array of tags for you to use
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->get_tags()
    * Gets an array of tags for you to use
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <ul class="tags">
    *     {% for tag in post.tags %}
    *         <li>{{}}</li>
    *     {% endfor %}
    * </ul>
    * ```
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1723
    public get_title(): string Outputs the title with filters applied
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->get_title()
    * Outputs the title with filters applied
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{post.get_title}}</h1>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <h1>Hello World!</h1>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1741
    public get_content($len = -1, $page0): string Displays the content of the post with filters, shortcodes and wpautop applied
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->get_content($len = -1, $page0)
    * Displays the content of the post with filters, shortcodes and wpautop applied
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <div class="article-text">{{post.get_content}}</div>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <div class="article-text"><p>Blah blah blah</p><p>More blah blah blah.</p></div>
    * ```
    * @param int $len
    * @param int $page
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1758
    public get_format(): mixed
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->get_format()
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1770
    public get_terms($tax = '', $merge = true, $TermClass = ''): array Get the terms associated with the post This goes across all taxonomies by defaul...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->get_terms($tax = '', $merge = true, $TermClass = '')
    * Get the terms associated with the post
    * This goes across all taxonomies by default
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param string|array $tax What taxonom(y|ies) to pull from. Defaults to all registered taxonomies for the post type. You can use custom ones, or built-in WordPress taxonomies (category, tag). Timber plays nice and figures out that tag/tags/post_tag are all the same (and categories/category), for custom taxonomies you're on your own.
    * @param bool $merge Should the resulting array be one big one (true)? Or should it be an array of sub-arrays for each taxonomy (false)?
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1784
    public permalink(): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->permalink()
    * @deprecated 0.20.0 use link() instead
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1793
    public get_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->get_date($date_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::date
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param  string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1806
    public get_modified_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->get_modified_date($date_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::modified_date
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param  string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1818
    public get_modified_time($time_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->get_modified_time($time_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @param  string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1827
    public get_children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false): array
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->get_children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false)
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::children
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param string 		$post_type
    * @param bool|string 	$childPostClass
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1842
    public get_path(): string Get the permalink for a post, but as a relative path For example, where {{post.l...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->get_path()
    * Get the permalink for a post, but as a relative path
    * For example, where {{}} would return ""
    * this will return the relative version: "/2015/07/04/my-cool-post"
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1855
    public get_prev($in_same_term = false): TimberPost|boolean Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->get_prev($in_same_term = false)
    * Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return TimberPost|boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1866
    public get_parent(): bool|TimberPost Get the parent post of the post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->get_parent()
    * Get the parent post of the post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return bool|TimberPost
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1877
    public get_author(): User|null Gets a User object from the author of the post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->get_author()
    * Gets a User object from the author of the post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::author
    * @return User|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1889
    public get_modified_author(): User|null
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->get_modified_author()
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return User|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1899
    public get_thumbnail(): Image|null
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->get_thumbnail()
    * @internal
    * @see TimberPost::thumbnail
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return Image|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1910
    public get_permalink(): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->get_permalink()
    * @internal
    * @see TimberPost::link
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1921
    public get_link(): string get the permalink for a post object In your templates you should use link: <a hr...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->get_link()
    * get the permalink for a post object
    * In your templates you should use link:
    * <a href="{{}}">Read my post</a>
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1934
    public get_next($taxonomy = false): TimberPost|boolean Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->get_next($taxonomy = false)
    * Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param bool $taxonomy
    * @return TimberPost|boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1946
    public get_pagination(): array Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a pa...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->get_pagination()
    * Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a paginated post
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::pagination();
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1958
    public get_comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment'): array|mixed Get the comments for a post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->get_comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment')
    * Get the comments for a post
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::comments
    * @param int $count
    * @param string $order
    * @param string $type
    * @param string $status
    * @param string $CommentClass
    * @return array|mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1974
    public __isset($field): boolean
    * @return boolean
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:15
    public import($info, $force = false) Takes an array or object and adds the properties to the parent object
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->import($info, $force = false)
    * Takes an array or object and adds the properties to the parent object
    * @example
    * ```php
    * $data = array('airplane' => '757-200', 'flight' => '5316');
    * $post = new Timber\Post()
    * $post->import(data);
    * echo $post->airplane; //757-200
    * ```
    * @param array|object $info an object or array you want to grab data from to attach to the Timber object
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:59
    public can_edit(): bool Can you edit this post/term/user? Well good for you. You're no better than me.
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][2]->can_edit()
    * Can you edit this post/term/user? Well good for you. You're no better than me.
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {% if post.can_edit %}
    * <a href="{{ post.edit_link }}">Edit</a>
    * {% endif %}
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <a href="">Edit</a>
    * ```
    * @return bool
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:100
    protected determine_id($pid): int|null the numberic id we should be using for this post object, null when there's no ID (ex: 404 page) tries to figure out what post you want to get if not explictly defined (or if it...
    * tries to figure out what post you want to get if not explictly defined (or if it is, allows it to be passed through)
    * @internal
    * @param mixed a value to test against
    * @return int|null the numberic id we should be using for this post object, null when there's no ID (ex: 404 page)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:230
    protected get_post_preview_object()
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:273
    protected get_post_preview_id($query)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:281
    protected init($pid = false) Initializes a Post
    * Initializes a Post
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:317
    protected prepare_post_info($pid0): WP_Post on success takes a mix of integer (post ID), string (post slug), or object to return a Word...
    * takes a mix of integer (post ID), string (post slug),
    * or object to return a WordPress post object from WP's built-in get_post() function
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid
    * @return WP_Post on success
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:360
    protected check_post_id($pid): integer ID number of a post helps you find the post id regardless of whether you send a string or whatever
    * helps you find the post id regardless of whether you send a string or whatever
    * @param integer $pid ;
    * @internal
    * @return integer ID number of a post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:379
    protected get_post_custom($pid): array Used internally to fetch the metadata fields (wp_postmeta table) and attach them...
    * Used internally to fetch the metadata fields (wp_postmeta table)
    * and attach them to our TimberPost object
    * @internal
    * @param int $pid
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:533
    protected get_info($pid): null|object|WP_Post Used internally by init, etc. to build TimberPost object
    * Used internally by init, etc. to build TimberPost object
    * @internal
    * @param  int $pid
    * @return null|object|WP_Post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:606
    protected maybe_show_password_form(): string|void If the Password form is to be shown, show it!
    * If the Password form is to be shown, show it!
    * @return string|void
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1170
    protected get_revised_data_from_method($method, $args = false)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1183
    protected content_handle_no_teaser_block($content): string Handles for an circumstance with the Block editor where a "more" block has an op...
    * Handles for an circumstance with the Block editor where a "more" block has an option to
    * "Hide the excerpt on the full content page" which hides everything prior to the inserted
    * "more" block
    * @ticket #2218
    * @param string $content
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1243
    public static get_post_id_by_name($post_name): int get_post_id_by_name($post_name)
    * get_post_id_by_name($post_name)
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.5.0
    * @param string $post_name
    * @return int
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:402
    protected static is_previewing(): bool Determine whether or not an admin/editor is looking at the post in "preview mode...
    * Determine whether or not an admin/editor is looking at the post in "preview mode" via the
    * WordPress admin
    * @internal
    * @return bool
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:217
    protected static get_wp_link_page($i): string
    * @param int $i
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:591
  • public static $representation :: string (4) "post"
3 => Timber\Post (58)
$context['regions']['East Europe'][3]
  • Properties (58)
  • Available methods (95)
  • Static class properties
  • public ImageClass -> string (12) "Timber\Image"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->ImageClass
    public PostClass -> string (11) "Timber\Post"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->PostClass
    public TermClass -> string (11) "Timber\Term"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->TermClass
    public object_type -> string (4) "post"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->object_type
    public custom -> array (20)
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->custom
    country => string (7) "Hungary"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->custom['country']
    _country => string (19) "field_5d8b13d6b29ba"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->custom['_country']
    logo => string (4) "1293"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->custom['logo']
    _logo => string (19) "field_5d8b1571b29c0"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->custom['_logo']
    firm => string (17) "FL Intercoop Kft."
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->custom['firm']
    _firm => string (19) "field_5d8b14e4b29bb"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->custom['_firm']
    info => UTF-8 string (134) "Dipl.-Ing. Laszio Ficsor, Dr. Ing. István Gyurika Pannonia u. 64/b 1133 Buda...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->custom['info']
    Dipl.-Ing. Laszio Ficsor, 
    Dr. Ing. István Gyurika 
    Pannonia u. 64/b 
    1133 Budapest
    Tel.:  ++36 1 237 0100 
    Fax:  ++36 1 339 0916
    _info => string (19) "field_5d8b14f7b29bc"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->custom['_info']
    mail => string (13) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->custom['mail']
    _mail => string (19) "field_5d8b150fb29bd"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->custom['_mail']
    web => string (26) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->custom['web']
    _web => string (19) "field_5d8b1524b29be"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->custom['_web']
    _wpml_media_duplicate => string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->custom['_wpml_media_duplicate']
    _wpml_location_migration_done => string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->custom['_wpml_location_migration_done']
    _edit_lock => string (12) "1718003774:1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->custom['_edit_lock']
    _edit_last => string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->custom['_edit_last']
    _last_translation_edit_mode => string (13) "native-editor"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->custom['_last_translation_edit_mode']
    _pys_head_footer => array (7)
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->custom['_pys_head_footer']
    disable_global => boolean false
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->custom['_pys_head_footer']['disable_global']
    head_any => string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->custom['_pys_head_footer']['head_any']
    head_desktop => string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->custom['_pys_head_footer']['head_desktop']
    head_mobile => string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->custom['_pys_head_footer']['head_mobile']
    footer_any => string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->custom['_pys_head_footer']['footer_any']
    footer_desktop => string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->custom['_pys_head_footer']['footer_desktop']
    footer_mobile => string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->custom['_pys_head_footer']['footer_mobile']
    _av_css_styles => array (0)
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->custom['_av_css_styles']
    _wpml_media_featured => string (1) "0"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->custom['_wpml_media_featured']
    protected ___content -> null
    protected _permalink -> null
    protected _next -> array (0)
    protected _prev -> array (0)
    protected _css_class -> null
    public id -> integer 2402
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->id
    public ID -> integer 2402
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->ID
    public post_author -> string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->post_author
    public post_content -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->post_content
    public post_date -> string (19) "2019-09-25 10:39:10"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->post_date
    public post_excerpt -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->post_excerpt
    public post_parent -> integer 0
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->post_parent
    public post_status -> string (7) "publish"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->post_status
    public post_title -> string (17) "FL Intercoop Kft."
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->post_title
    public post_type -> string (7) "partner"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->post_type
    public slug -> string (16) "fl-intercoop-kft"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->slug
    protected __type -> null
    public country -> string (7) "Hungary"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->country
    public _country -> string (19) "field_5d8b13d6b29ba"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->_country
    public logo -> string (4) "1293"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->logo
    public _logo -> string (19) "field_5d8b1571b29c0"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->_logo
    public firm -> string (17) "FL Intercoop Kft."
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->firm
    public _firm -> string (19) "field_5d8b14e4b29bb"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->_firm
    public info -> UTF-8 string (134) "Dipl.-Ing. Laszio Ficsor, Dr. Ing. István Gyurika Pannonia u. 64/b 1133 Buda...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->info
    Dipl.-Ing. Laszio Ficsor, 
    Dr. Ing. István Gyurika 
    Pannonia u. 64/b 
    1133 Budapest
    Tel.:  ++36 1 237 0100 
    Fax:  ++36 1 339 0916
    public _info -> string (19) "field_5d8b14f7b29bc"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->_info
    public mail -> string (13) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->mail
    public _mail -> string (19) "field_5d8b150fb29bd"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->_mail
    public web -> string (26) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->web
    public _web -> string (19) "field_5d8b1524b29be"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->_web
    public _wpml_media_duplicate -> string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->_wpml_media_duplicate
    public _wpml_location_migration_done -> string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->_wpml_location_migration_done
    public _edit_lock -> string (12) "1718003774:1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->_edit_lock
    public _edit_last -> string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->_edit_last
    public _last_translation_edit_mode -> string (13) "native-editor"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->_last_translation_edit_mode
    public _pys_head_footer -> array (7)
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->_pys_head_footer
    disable_global => boolean false
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->_pys_head_footer['disable_global']
    head_any => string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->_pys_head_footer['head_any']
    head_desktop => string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->_pys_head_footer['head_desktop']
    head_mobile => string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->_pys_head_footer['head_mobile']
    footer_any => string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->_pys_head_footer['footer_any']
    footer_desktop => string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->_pys_head_footer['footer_desktop']
    footer_mobile => string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->_pys_head_footer['footer_mobile']
    public _av_css_styles -> array (0)
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->_av_css_styles
    public _wpml_media_featured -> string (1) "0"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->_wpml_media_featured
    public post_date_gmt -> string (19) "2019-09-25 08:39:10"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->post_date_gmt
    public comment_status -> string (6) "closed"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->comment_status
    public ping_status -> string (6) "closed"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->ping_status
    public post_password -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->post_password
    public post_name -> string (16) "fl-intercoop-kft"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->post_name
    public to_ping -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->to_ping
    public pinged -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->pinged
    public post_modified -> string (19) "2024-06-10 09:13:37"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->post_modified
    public post_modified_gmt -> string (19) "2024-06-10 07:13:37"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->post_modified_gmt
    public post_content_filtered -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->post_content_filtered
    public guid -> string (57) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->guid
    public menu_order -> integer 0
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->menu_order
    public post_mime_type -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->post_mime_type
    public comment_count -> string (1) "0"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->comment_count
    public filter -> string (3) "raw"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->filter
    public status -> string (7) "publish"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->status
  • public __construct($pid = null) If you send the constructor nothing it will try to figure out the current post i...
    new \Timber\Post($pid = null)
    * If you send the constructor nothing it will try to figure out the current post id based on being inside The_Loop
    * @example
    * ```php
    * $post = new Timber\Post();
    * $other_post = new Timber\Post($random_post_id);
    * ```
    * @param mixed $pid
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:180
    public __get($field): mixed This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is also here to ensure that {{ post.class }} remains usable
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:190
    public __call($field, $args): mixed This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is also here to ensure that {{ post.class }} remains usable
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:202
    public __toString(): string Outputs the title of the post if you do something like `<h1>{{post}}</h1>`
    (string) $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]
    * Outputs the title of the post if you do something like `<h1>{{post}}</h1>`
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:269
    public get_edit_url(): bool|string Get the URL that will edit the current post/object
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->get_edit_url()
    * Get the URL that will edit the current post/object
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::edit_link
    * @return bool|string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:336
    public update($field, $value) updates the post_meta of the current object with the given value
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->update($field, $value)
    * updates the post_meta of the current object with the given value
    * @param string $field
    * @param mixed $value
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:345
    public preview(): \Timber\PostPreview Gets a preview/excerpt of your post.
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->preview()
    * Gets a preview/excerpt of your post.
    * If you have text defined in the excerpt textarea of your post, it will use that. Otherwise it
    * will pull from the post_content. If there's a `<!-- more -->` tag, it will use that to mark
    * where to pull through.
    * This method returns a `Timber\PostPreview` object, which is a **chainable object**. This
    * means that you can change the output of the preview by **adding more methods**. Refer to the
    * [documentation of the `Timber\PostPreview` class](
    * to get an overview of all the available methods.
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {# Use default preview #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview }}</p>
    * {# Change the post preview text #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview.read_more('Continue Reading') }}</p>
    * {# Additionally restrict the length to 50 words #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview.length(50).read_more('Continue Reading') }}</p>
    * ```
    * @see \Timber\PostPreview
    * @return \Timber\PostPreview
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:432
    public get_preview($len = 50, $force = false, $readmore = 'Read More', $strip = true, $end = '&hellip;'): string of the post preview get a preview of your post, if you have an excerpt it will use that, otherwise i...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->get_preview($len = 50, $force = false, $readmore = 'Read More', $strip = true, $end = '&hellip;')
    * get a preview of your post, if you have an excerpt it will use that,
    * otherwise it will pull from the post_content.
    * If there's a <!-- more --> tag it will use that to mark where to pull through.
    * @deprecated since 1.3.1, use {{ post.preview }} instead
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <p>{{post.get_preview(50)}}</p>
    * ```
    * @param int $len The number of words that WP should use to make the tease. (Isn't this better than [this mess]( If you've set a post_excerpt on a post, we'll use that for the preview text; otherwise the first X words of the post_content
    * @param bool $force What happens if your custom post excerpt is longer then the length requested? By default (`$force = false`) it will use the full `post_excerpt`. However, you can set this to true to *force* your excerpt to be of the desired length
    * @param string $readmore The text you want to use on the 'readmore' link
    * @param bool|string $strip true for default, false for none, string for list of custom attributes
    * @param string $end The text to end the preview with (defaults to ...)
    * @return string of the post preview
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:452
    public import_custom($pid) gets the post custom and attaches it to the current object
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->import_custom($pid)
    * gets the post custom and attaches it to the current object
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid a post ID number
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:521
    public comment_form($args = array()): string of HTML for the form Gets the comment form for use on a single article page
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->comment_form($args = array())
    * Gets the comment form for use on a single article page
    * @param array This $args array thing is a mess, [fix at some point](
    * @return string of HTML for the form
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:634
    public terms($args = array(), $merge = true, $term_class = ''): array An array of taxonomies. Gets the terms associated with the post.
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->terms($args = array(), $merge = true, $term_class = '')
    * Gets the terms associated with the post.
    * @api
    * @todo Remove deprecated parameters in 2.x
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <section id="job-feed">
    * {% for post in job %}
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>{{ post.title }}</h2>
    *         <p>{{ post.terms( {query:{taxonomy:'category', orderby:'name', order: 'ASC'}} )|join(', ') }}</p>
    *     </div>
    * {% endfor %}
    * </section>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <section id="job-feed">
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>Cheese Maker</h2>
    *         <p>Cheese, Food, Fromage</p>
    *     </div>
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>Mime</h2>
    *         <p>Performance, Silence</p>
    *     </div>
    * </section>
    * ```
    * ```php
    * // Get all terms of a taxonomy.
    * $terms = $post->terms( 'category' );
    * // Get terms of multiple taxonomies.
    * $terms = $post->terms( array( 'books', 'movies' ) );
    * // Use custom arguments for taxonomy query and options.
    * $terms = $post->terms( array(
    *     'query' => [
    *         'taxonomy' => 'custom_tax',
    *         'orderby'  => 'count',
    *     ],
    *     'merge'      => false,
    *     'term_class' => 'My_Term_Class'
    * ) );
    * ```
    * @param string|array $args {
    *     Optional. Name of the taxonomy or array of arguments.
    *     @type array $query       Any array of term query parameters for getting the terms. See
    *                              `WP_Term_Query::__construct()` for supported arguments. Use the
    *                              `taxonomy` argument to choose which taxonomies to get. Defaults
    *                              to querying all registered taxonomies for the post type. You can
    *                              use custom or built-in WordPress taxonomies (category, tag).
    *                              Timber plays nice and figures out that `tag`, `tags` or
    *                              `post_tag` are all the same (also for `categories` or
    *                              `category`). For custom taxonomies you need to define the
    *                              proper name.
    *     @type bool $merge        Whether the resulting array should be one big one (`true`) or
    *                              whether it should be an array of sub-arrays for each taxonomy
    *                              (`false`). Default `true`.
    *     @type string $term_class The Timber term class to use for the term objects.
    * }
    * @param bool   $merge      Deprecated. Optional. See `$merge` argument in `$args` parameter.
    * @param string $term_class Deprecated. Optional. See `$term_class` argument in `$args`
    *                           parameter.
    * @return array An array of taxonomies.
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:706
    public has_term($term_name_or_id, $taxonomy = 'all'): bool
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->has_term($term_name_or_id, $taxonomy = 'all')
    * @param string|int $term_name_or_id
    * @param string $taxonomy
    * @return bool
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:806
    public get_paged_content(): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->get_paged_content()
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:824
    public get_post_type(): PostType Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->get_post_type()
    * Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    * @deprecated since 1.0.4
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * This post is from <span>{{ post.get_post_type.labels.plural }}</span>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * This post is from <span>Recipes</span>
    * ```
    * @return PostType
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:844
    public get_comment_count(): int the number of comments on a post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->get_comment_count()
    * @return int the number of comments on a post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:852
    public has_field($field_name): boolean
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->has_field($field_name)
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:861
    public field_object($field_name): mixed Gets the field object data from Advanced Custom Fields. This includes metadata o...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->field_object($field_name)
    * Gets the field object data from Advanced Custom Fields.
    * This includes metadata on the field like whether it's conditional or not.
    * @since 1.6.0
    * @param string $field_name of the field you want to lookup.
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:873
    public get_field($field_name): mixed
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->get_field($field_name)
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:883
    public import_field($field_name)
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->import_field($field_name)
    * @param string $field_name
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:905
    public post_class($class = ''): string a space-seperated list of classes Get the CSS classes for a post without cache. For usage you should use `{{post.c...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->post_class($class = '')
    * Get the CSS classes for a post without cache. For usage you should use `{{post.class}}`
    * @internal
    * @param string $class additional classes you want to add
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <article class="{{ post.post_class }}">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <article class="post-2612 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-data tag-charleston-church-shooting tag-dylann-roof tag-gun-violence tag-hate-crimes tag-national-incident-based-reporting-system">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * @return string a space-seperated list of classes
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:927
    public css_class($class = ''): string a space-seperated list of classes Get the CSS classes for a post, but with caching css post classes. For usage you...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->css_class($class = '')
    * Get the CSS classes for a post, but with caching css post classes. For usage you should use `{{ post.class }}` instead of `{{post.css_class}}` or `{{post.post_class}}`
    * @internal
    * @param string $class additional classes you want to add
    * @see Timber\Post::$_css_class
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <article class="{{ post.class }}">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * @return string a space-seperated list of classes
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:956
    public get_method_values(): array
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->get_method_values()
    * @return array
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:970
    public author(): User|null A User object if found, false if not Return the author of a post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->author()
    * Return the author of a post
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{post.title}}</h1>
    * <p class="byline">
    *     <a href="{{}}">{{}}</a>
    * </p>
    * ```
    * @return User|null A User object if found, false if not
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1005
    public authors()
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->authors()
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1011
    public modified_author(): User|null A User object if found, false if not Get the author (WordPress user) who last modified the post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->modified_author()
    * Get the author (WordPress user) who last modified the post
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Last updated by {{ }}
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Last updated by Harper Lee
    * ```
    * @return User|null A User object if found, false if not
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1026
    public categories(): array of Timber\Terms Get the categoires on a particular post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->categories()
    * Get the categoires on a particular post
    * @api
    * @return array of Timber\Terms
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1036
    public category(): Timber\Term|null Returns a category attached to a post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->category()
    * Returns a category attached to a post
    * @api
    * If mulitpuile categories are set, it will return just the first one
    * @return Timber\Term|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1046
    public children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false): array Returns an array of children on the post as Timber\Posts (or other claass as you...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false)
    * Returns an array of children on the post as Timber\Posts
    * (or other claass as you define).
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {% if post.children %}
    *     Here are the child pages:
    *     {% for child in post.children %}
    *         <a href="{{ }}">{{ child.title }}</a>
    *     {% endfor %}
    * {% endif %}
    * ```
    * @param string|array $post_type _optional_ use to find children of a particular post type (attachment vs. page for example). You might want to restrict to certain types of children in case other stuff gets all mucked in there. You can use 'parent' to use the parent's post type or you can pass an array of post types.
    * @param string|bool $childPostClass _optional_ a custom post class (ex: 'MyTimber\Post') to return the objects as. By default (false) it will use Timber\Post::$post_class value.
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1067
    public comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment'): bool|\Timber\CommentThread Gets the comments on a `Timber\Post` and returns them as a `Timber\CommentThread...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment')
    * Gets the comments on a `Timber\Post` and returns them as a `Timber\CommentThread`: a PHP
    * ArrayObject of [`Timber\Comment`](
    * (or whatever comment class you set).
    * @api
    * @param int    $count        Set the number of comments you want to get. `0` is analogous to
    *                             "all".
    * @param string $order        Use ordering set in WordPress admin, or a different scheme.
    * @param string $type         For when other plugins use the comments table for their own
    *                             special purposes. Might be set to 'liveblog' or other, depending
    *                             on what’s stored in your comments table.
    * @param string $status       Could be 'pending', etc.
    * @param string $CommentClass What class to use when returning Comment objects. As you become a
    *                             Timber Pro, you might find yourself extending `Timber\Comment`
    *                             for your site or app (obviously, totally optional).
    * @see \Timber\CommentThread for an example with nested comments
    * @return bool|\Timber\CommentThread
    * @example
    * **single.twig**
    * ```twig
    * <div id="post-comments">
    *   <h4>Comments on {{ post.title }}</h4>
    *   <ul>
    *     {% for comment in post.comments() %}
    *       {% include 'comment.twig' %}
    *     {% endfor %}
    *   </ul>
    *   <div class="comment-form">
    *     {{ function('comment_form') }}
    *   </div>
    * </div>
    * ```
    * **comment.twig**
    * ```twig
    * {# comment.twig #}
    * <li>
    *   <p class="comment-author">{{ }} says:</p>
    *   <div>{{ comment.content }}</div>
    * </li>
    * ```
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1136
    public content($page0, $len = -1): string Gets the actual content of a WP Post, as opposed to post_content this will run t...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->content($page0, $len = -1)
    * Gets the actual content of a WP Post, as opposed to post_content this will run the hooks/filters attached to the_content. \This guy will return your posts content with WordPress filters run on it (like for shortcodes and wpautop).
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <div class="article">
    *     <h2>{{post.title}}</h2>
    *     <div class="content">{{ post.content }}</div>
    * </div>
    * ```
    * @param int $page
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1206
    public paged_content(): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->paged_content()
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1254
    public date($date_format = ''): string Get the date to use in your template!
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->date($date_format = '')
    * Get the date to use in your template!
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Published on {{ }} // Uses WP's formatting set in Admin
    * OR
    * Published on {{'F jS') }} // Jan 12th
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Published on January 12, 2015
    * OR
    * Published on Jan 12th
    * ```
    * @param string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1277
    public time($time_format = ''): string Get the time to use in your template
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->time($time_format = '')
    * Get the time to use in your template
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Published at {{ post.time }} // Uses WP's formatting set in Admin
    * OR
    * Published at {{ post.time | time('G:i') }} // 13:25
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Published at 1:25 pm
    * OR
    * Published at 13:25
    * ```
    * @param string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1301
    public type(): PostType Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->type()
    * Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    * @since 1.0.4
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * This post is from <span>{{ }}</span>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * This post is from <span>Recipes</span>
    * ```
    * @return PostType
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1323
    public edit_link(): bool|string the edit URL of a post in the WordPress admin Returns the edit URL of a post if the user has access to it
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->edit_link()
    * Returns the edit URL of a post if the user has access to it
    * @return bool|string the edit URL of a post in the WordPress admin
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1337
    public format(): mixed
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->format()
    * @api
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1347
    public password_required(): boolean whether post requires password and correct password has been provided
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->password_required()
    * whether post requires password and correct password has been provided
    * @api
    * @return boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1356
    public link(): string ex: get the permalink for a post object
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->link()
    * get the permalink for a post object
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <a href="{{}}">Read my post</a>
    * ```
    * @return string ex:
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1369
    public meta($field_name = null): mixed
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->meta($field_name = null)
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1381
    public name(): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->name()
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1392
    public modified_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->modified_date($date_format = '')
    * @param string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1400
    public modified_time($time_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->modified_time($time_format = '')
    * @param string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1410
    public next($in_same_term = false): mixed
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->next($in_same_term = false)
    * @api
    * @param bool $in_same_term
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1419
    public pagination(): array Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a pa...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->pagination()
    * Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a paginated post
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1445
    public convert($data) Finds any WP_Post objects and converts them to Timber\Posts
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->convert($data)
    * Finds any WP_Post objects and converts them to Timber\Posts
    * @param array|WP_Post $data
    * @param string $class
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1478
    public parent(): bool|Timber\Post Gets the parent (if one exists) from a post as a Timber\Post object (or whatever...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->parent()
    * Gets the parent (if one exists) from a post as a Timber\Post object (or whatever is set in Timber\Post::$PostClass)
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Parent page: <a href="{{ }}">{{ post.parent.title }}</a>
    * ```
    * @return bool|Timber\Post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1504
    public path(): string Gets the relative path of a WP Post, so while link() will return http://example....
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->path()
    * Gets the relative path of a WP Post, so while link() will return
    * this will return just /2015/07/my-cool-post
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <a href="{{post.path}}">{{post.title}}</a>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1522
    public prev($in_same_term = false): mixed Get the previous post in a set
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->prev($in_same_term = false)
    * Get the previous post in a set
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h4>Prior Entry:</h4>
    * <h3>{{post.prev.title}}</h3>
    * <p>{{post.prev.get_preview(25)}}</p>
    * ```
    * @param bool $in_same_term
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1539
    public tags(): array Gets the tags on a post, uses WP's post_tag taxonomy
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->tags()
    * Gets the tags on a post, uses WP's post_tag taxonomy
    * @api
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1562
    public thumbnail(): Image|null of your thumbnail get the featured image as a Timber/Image
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->thumbnail()
    * get the featured image as a Timber/Image
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <img src="{{ post.thumbnail.src }}" />
    * ```
    * @return Image|null of your thumbnail
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1575
    public title(): string Returns the processed title to be used in templates. This returns the title of t...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->title()
    * Returns the processed title to be used in templates. This returns the title of the post after WP's filters have run. This is analogous to `the_title()` in standard WP template tags.
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{ post.title }}</h1>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1593
    public gallery($html = true): html Returns the gallery
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->gallery($html = true)
    * Returns the gallery
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1609
    public audio(): html Returns the audio
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->audio()
    * Returns the audio
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1628
    public video(): html Returns the video
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->video()
    * Returns the video
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1651
    public get_categories(): array of Timber\Terms Get the categories for a post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->get_categories()
    * Get the categories for a post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::categories
    * @return array of Timber\Terms
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1682
    public get_category(): mixed
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->get_category()
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::category
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1693
    public get_image($field): Timber\Image
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->get_image($field)
    * @param string $field
    * @return Timber\Image
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1704
    public get_tags(): array Gets an array of tags for you to use
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->get_tags()
    * Gets an array of tags for you to use
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <ul class="tags">
    *     {% for tag in post.tags %}
    *         <li>{{}}</li>
    *     {% endfor %}
    * </ul>
    * ```
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1723
    public get_title(): string Outputs the title with filters applied
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->get_title()
    * Outputs the title with filters applied
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{post.get_title}}</h1>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <h1>Hello World!</h1>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1741
    public get_content($len = -1, $page0): string Displays the content of the post with filters, shortcodes and wpautop applied
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->get_content($len = -1, $page0)
    * Displays the content of the post with filters, shortcodes and wpautop applied
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <div class="article-text">{{post.get_content}}</div>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <div class="article-text"><p>Blah blah blah</p><p>More blah blah blah.</p></div>
    * ```
    * @param int $len
    * @param int $page
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1758
    public get_format(): mixed
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->get_format()
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1770
    public get_terms($tax = '', $merge = true, $TermClass = ''): array Get the terms associated with the post This goes across all taxonomies by defaul...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->get_terms($tax = '', $merge = true, $TermClass = '')
    * Get the terms associated with the post
    * This goes across all taxonomies by default
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param string|array $tax What taxonom(y|ies) to pull from. Defaults to all registered taxonomies for the post type. You can use custom ones, or built-in WordPress taxonomies (category, tag). Timber plays nice and figures out that tag/tags/post_tag are all the same (and categories/category), for custom taxonomies you're on your own.
    * @param bool $merge Should the resulting array be one big one (true)? Or should it be an array of sub-arrays for each taxonomy (false)?
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1784
    public permalink(): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->permalink()
    * @deprecated 0.20.0 use link() instead
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1793
    public get_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->get_date($date_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::date
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param  string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1806
    public get_modified_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->get_modified_date($date_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::modified_date
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param  string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1818
    public get_modified_time($time_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->get_modified_time($time_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @param  string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1827
    public get_children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false): array
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->get_children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false)
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::children
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param string 		$post_type
    * @param bool|string 	$childPostClass
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1842
    public get_path(): string Get the permalink for a post, but as a relative path For example, where {{post.l...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->get_path()
    * Get the permalink for a post, but as a relative path
    * For example, where {{}} would return ""
    * this will return the relative version: "/2015/07/04/my-cool-post"
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1855
    public get_prev($in_same_term = false): TimberPost|boolean Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->get_prev($in_same_term = false)
    * Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return TimberPost|boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1866
    public get_parent(): bool|TimberPost Get the parent post of the post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->get_parent()
    * Get the parent post of the post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return bool|TimberPost
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1877
    public get_author(): User|null Gets a User object from the author of the post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->get_author()
    * Gets a User object from the author of the post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::author
    * @return User|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1889
    public get_modified_author(): User|null
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->get_modified_author()
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return User|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1899
    public get_thumbnail(): Image|null
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->get_thumbnail()
    * @internal
    * @see TimberPost::thumbnail
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return Image|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1910
    public get_permalink(): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->get_permalink()
    * @internal
    * @see TimberPost::link
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1921
    public get_link(): string get the permalink for a post object In your templates you should use link: <a hr...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->get_link()
    * get the permalink for a post object
    * In your templates you should use link:
    * <a href="{{}}">Read my post</a>
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1934
    public get_next($taxonomy = false): TimberPost|boolean Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->get_next($taxonomy = false)
    * Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param bool $taxonomy
    * @return TimberPost|boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1946
    public get_pagination(): array Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a pa...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->get_pagination()
    * Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a paginated post
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::pagination();
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1958
    public get_comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment'): array|mixed Get the comments for a post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->get_comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment')
    * Get the comments for a post
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::comments
    * @param int $count
    * @param string $order
    * @param string $type
    * @param string $status
    * @param string $CommentClass
    * @return array|mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1974
    public __isset($field): boolean
    * @return boolean
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:15
    public import($info, $force = false) Takes an array or object and adds the properties to the parent object
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->import($info, $force = false)
    * Takes an array or object and adds the properties to the parent object
    * @example
    * ```php
    * $data = array('airplane' => '757-200', 'flight' => '5316');
    * $post = new Timber\Post()
    * $post->import(data);
    * echo $post->airplane; //757-200
    * ```
    * @param array|object $info an object or array you want to grab data from to attach to the Timber object
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:59
    public can_edit(): bool Can you edit this post/term/user? Well good for you. You're no better than me.
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][3]->can_edit()
    * Can you edit this post/term/user? Well good for you. You're no better than me.
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {% if post.can_edit %}
    * <a href="{{ post.edit_link }}">Edit</a>
    * {% endif %}
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <a href="">Edit</a>
    * ```
    * @return bool
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:100
    protected determine_id($pid): int|null the numberic id we should be using for this post object, null when there's no ID (ex: 404 page) tries to figure out what post you want to get if not explictly defined (or if it...
    * tries to figure out what post you want to get if not explictly defined (or if it is, allows it to be passed through)
    * @internal
    * @param mixed a value to test against
    * @return int|null the numberic id we should be using for this post object, null when there's no ID (ex: 404 page)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:230
    protected get_post_preview_object()
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:273
    protected get_post_preview_id($query)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:281
    protected init($pid = false) Initializes a Post
    * Initializes a Post
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:317
    protected prepare_post_info($pid0): WP_Post on success takes a mix of integer (post ID), string (post slug), or object to return a Word...
    * takes a mix of integer (post ID), string (post slug),
    * or object to return a WordPress post object from WP's built-in get_post() function
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid
    * @return WP_Post on success
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:360
    protected check_post_id($pid): integer ID number of a post helps you find the post id regardless of whether you send a string or whatever
    * helps you find the post id regardless of whether you send a string or whatever
    * @param integer $pid ;
    * @internal
    * @return integer ID number of a post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:379
    protected get_post_custom($pid): array Used internally to fetch the metadata fields (wp_postmeta table) and attach them...
    * Used internally to fetch the metadata fields (wp_postmeta table)
    * and attach them to our TimberPost object
    * @internal
    * @param int $pid
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:533
    protected get_info($pid): null|object|WP_Post Used internally by init, etc. to build TimberPost object
    * Used internally by init, etc. to build TimberPost object
    * @internal
    * @param  int $pid
    * @return null|object|WP_Post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:606
    protected maybe_show_password_form(): string|void If the Password form is to be shown, show it!
    * If the Password form is to be shown, show it!
    * @return string|void
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1170
    protected get_revised_data_from_method($method, $args = false)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1183
    protected content_handle_no_teaser_block($content): string Handles for an circumstance with the Block editor where a "more" block has an op...
    * Handles for an circumstance with the Block editor where a "more" block has an option to
    * "Hide the excerpt on the full content page" which hides everything prior to the inserted
    * "more" block
    * @ticket #2218
    * @param string $content
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1243
    public static get_post_id_by_name($post_name): int get_post_id_by_name($post_name)
    * get_post_id_by_name($post_name)
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.5.0
    * @param string $post_name
    * @return int
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:402
    protected static is_previewing(): bool Determine whether or not an admin/editor is looking at the post in "preview mode...
    * Determine whether or not an admin/editor is looking at the post in "preview mode" via the
    * WordPress admin
    * @internal
    * @return bool
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:217
    protected static get_wp_link_page($i): string
    * @param int $i
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:591
  • public static $representation :: string (4) "post"
4 => Timber\Post (54)
$context['regions']['East Europe'][4]
  • Properties (54)
  • Available methods (95)
  • Static class properties
  • public ImageClass -> string (12) "Timber\Image"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->ImageClass
    public PostClass -> string (11) "Timber\Post"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->PostClass
    public TermClass -> string (11) "Timber\Term"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->TermClass
    public object_type -> string (4) "post"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->object_type
    public custom -> array (16)
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->custom
    web => string (39) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->custom['web']
    _web => string (19) "field_5d8b1524b29be"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->custom['_web']
    country => string (7) "Belarus"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->custom['country']
    _country => string (19) "field_5d8b13d6b29ba"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->custom['_country']
    logo => string (3) "974"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->custom['logo']
    _logo => string (19) "field_5d8b1571b29c0"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->custom['_logo']
    firm => string (4) "RIPO"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->custom['firm']
    _firm => string (19) "field_5d8b14e4b29bb"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->custom['_firm']
    info => string (148) "Prof. Arkady Shklyar Mrs. Olga Dehtarenko Mr. Andrei Dullkevich Karl Liebkne...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->custom['info']
    Prof. Arkady Shklyar
    Mrs. Olga Dehtarenko
    Mr. Andrei Dullkevich
    Karl Liebknecht Str. 32
    220004 Minsk
    Tel.: +375 17 2000066
    Fax:+375 17 2000992
    _info => string (19) "field_5d8b14f7b29bc"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->custom['_info']
    mail => string (30) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->custom['mail']
    _mail => string (19) "field_5d8b150fb29bd"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->custom['_mail']
    _wpml_media_duplicate => string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->custom['_wpml_media_duplicate']
    _edit_lock => string (12) "1723551761:5"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->custom['_edit_lock']
    _edit_last => string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->custom['_edit_last']
    _last_translation_edit_mode => string (13) "native-editor"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->custom['_last_translation_edit_mode']
    protected ___content -> null
    protected _permalink -> null
    protected _next -> array (0)
    protected _prev -> array (0)
    protected _css_class -> null
    public id -> integer 2405
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->id
    public ID -> integer 2405
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->ID
    public post_author -> string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->post_author
    public post_content -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->post_content
    public post_date -> string (19) "2019-09-25 10:35:36"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->post_date
    public post_excerpt -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->post_excerpt
    public post_parent -> integer 0
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->post_parent
    public post_status -> string (7) "publish"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->post_status
    public post_title -> string (4) "RIPO"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->post_title
    public post_type -> string (7) "partner"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->post_type
    public slug -> string (4) "ripo"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->slug
    protected __type -> null
    public web -> string (39) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->web
    public _web -> string (19) "field_5d8b1524b29be"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->_web
    public country -> string (7) "Belarus"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->country
    public _country -> string (19) "field_5d8b13d6b29ba"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->_country
    public logo -> string (3) "974"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->logo
    public _logo -> string (19) "field_5d8b1571b29c0"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->_logo
    public firm -> string (4) "RIPO"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->firm
    public _firm -> string (19) "field_5d8b14e4b29bb"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->_firm
    public info -> string (148) "Prof. Arkady Shklyar Mrs. Olga Dehtarenko Mr. Andrei Dullkevich Karl Liebkne...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->info
    Prof. Arkady Shklyar
    Mrs. Olga Dehtarenko
    Mr. Andrei Dullkevich
    Karl Liebknecht Str. 32
    220004 Minsk
    Tel.: +375 17 2000066
    Fax:+375 17 2000992
    public _info -> string (19) "field_5d8b14f7b29bc"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->_info
    public mail -> string (30) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->mail
    public _mail -> string (19) "field_5d8b150fb29bd"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->_mail
    public _wpml_media_duplicate -> string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->_wpml_media_duplicate
    public _edit_lock -> string (12) "1723551761:5"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->_edit_lock
    public _edit_last -> string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->_edit_last
    public _last_translation_edit_mode -> string (13) "native-editor"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->_last_translation_edit_mode
    public post_date_gmt -> string (19) "2019-09-25 08:35:36"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->post_date_gmt
    public comment_status -> string (6) "closed"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->comment_status
    public ping_status -> string (6) "closed"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->ping_status
    public post_password -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->post_password
    public post_name -> string (4) "ripo"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->post_name
    public to_ping -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->to_ping
    public pinged -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->pinged
    public post_modified -> string (19) "2020-05-29 12:06:49"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->post_modified
    public post_modified_gmt -> string (19) "2020-05-29 10:06:49"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->post_modified_gmt
    public post_content_filtered -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->post_content_filtered
    public guid -> string (45) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->guid
    public menu_order -> integer 0
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->menu_order
    public post_mime_type -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->post_mime_type
    public comment_count -> string (1) "0"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->comment_count
    public filter -> string (3) "raw"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->filter
    public status -> string (7) "publish"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->status
  • public __construct($pid = null) If you send the constructor nothing it will try to figure out the current post i...
    new \Timber\Post($pid = null)
    * If you send the constructor nothing it will try to figure out the current post id based on being inside The_Loop
    * @example
    * ```php
    * $post = new Timber\Post();
    * $other_post = new Timber\Post($random_post_id);
    * ```
    * @param mixed $pid
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:180
    public __get($field): mixed This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is also here to ensure that {{ post.class }} remains usable
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:190
    public __call($field, $args): mixed This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is also here to ensure that {{ post.class }} remains usable
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:202
    public __toString(): string Outputs the title of the post if you do something like `<h1>{{post}}</h1>`
    (string) $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]
    * Outputs the title of the post if you do something like `<h1>{{post}}</h1>`
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:269
    public get_edit_url(): bool|string Get the URL that will edit the current post/object
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->get_edit_url()
    * Get the URL that will edit the current post/object
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::edit_link
    * @return bool|string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:336
    public update($field, $value) updates the post_meta of the current object with the given value
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->update($field, $value)
    * updates the post_meta of the current object with the given value
    * @param string $field
    * @param mixed $value
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:345
    public preview(): \Timber\PostPreview Gets a preview/excerpt of your post.
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->preview()
    * Gets a preview/excerpt of your post.
    * If you have text defined in the excerpt textarea of your post, it will use that. Otherwise it
    * will pull from the post_content. If there's a `<!-- more -->` tag, it will use that to mark
    * where to pull through.
    * This method returns a `Timber\PostPreview` object, which is a **chainable object**. This
    * means that you can change the output of the preview by **adding more methods**. Refer to the
    * [documentation of the `Timber\PostPreview` class](
    * to get an overview of all the available methods.
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {# Use default preview #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview }}</p>
    * {# Change the post preview text #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview.read_more('Continue Reading') }}</p>
    * {# Additionally restrict the length to 50 words #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview.length(50).read_more('Continue Reading') }}</p>
    * ```
    * @see \Timber\PostPreview
    * @return \Timber\PostPreview
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:432
    public get_preview($len = 50, $force = false, $readmore = 'Read More', $strip = true, $end = '&hellip;'): string of the post preview get a preview of your post, if you have an excerpt it will use that, otherwise i...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->get_preview($len = 50, $force = false, $readmore = 'Read More', $strip = true, $end = '&hellip;')
    * get a preview of your post, if you have an excerpt it will use that,
    * otherwise it will pull from the post_content.
    * If there's a <!-- more --> tag it will use that to mark where to pull through.
    * @deprecated since 1.3.1, use {{ post.preview }} instead
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <p>{{post.get_preview(50)}}</p>
    * ```
    * @param int $len The number of words that WP should use to make the tease. (Isn't this better than [this mess]( If you've set a post_excerpt on a post, we'll use that for the preview text; otherwise the first X words of the post_content
    * @param bool $force What happens if your custom post excerpt is longer then the length requested? By default (`$force = false`) it will use the full `post_excerpt`. However, you can set this to true to *force* your excerpt to be of the desired length
    * @param string $readmore The text you want to use on the 'readmore' link
    * @param bool|string $strip true for default, false for none, string for list of custom attributes
    * @param string $end The text to end the preview with (defaults to ...)
    * @return string of the post preview
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:452
    public import_custom($pid) gets the post custom and attaches it to the current object
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->import_custom($pid)
    * gets the post custom and attaches it to the current object
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid a post ID number
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:521
    public comment_form($args = array()): string of HTML for the form Gets the comment form for use on a single article page
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->comment_form($args = array())
    * Gets the comment form for use on a single article page
    * @param array This $args array thing is a mess, [fix at some point](
    * @return string of HTML for the form
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:634
    public terms($args = array(), $merge = true, $term_class = ''): array An array of taxonomies. Gets the terms associated with the post.
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->terms($args = array(), $merge = true, $term_class = '')
    * Gets the terms associated with the post.
    * @api
    * @todo Remove deprecated parameters in 2.x
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <section id="job-feed">
    * {% for post in job %}
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>{{ post.title }}</h2>
    *         <p>{{ post.terms( {query:{taxonomy:'category', orderby:'name', order: 'ASC'}} )|join(', ') }}</p>
    *     </div>
    * {% endfor %}
    * </section>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <section id="job-feed">
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>Cheese Maker</h2>
    *         <p>Cheese, Food, Fromage</p>
    *     </div>
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>Mime</h2>
    *         <p>Performance, Silence</p>
    *     </div>
    * </section>
    * ```
    * ```php
    * // Get all terms of a taxonomy.
    * $terms = $post->terms( 'category' );
    * // Get terms of multiple taxonomies.
    * $terms = $post->terms( array( 'books', 'movies' ) );
    * // Use custom arguments for taxonomy query and options.
    * $terms = $post->terms( array(
    *     'query' => [
    *         'taxonomy' => 'custom_tax',
    *         'orderby'  => 'count',
    *     ],
    *     'merge'      => false,
    *     'term_class' => 'My_Term_Class'
    * ) );
    * ```
    * @param string|array $args {
    *     Optional. Name of the taxonomy or array of arguments.
    *     @type array $query       Any array of term query parameters for getting the terms. See
    *                              `WP_Term_Query::__construct()` for supported arguments. Use the
    *                              `taxonomy` argument to choose which taxonomies to get. Defaults
    *                              to querying all registered taxonomies for the post type. You can
    *                              use custom or built-in WordPress taxonomies (category, tag).
    *                              Timber plays nice and figures out that `tag`, `tags` or
    *                              `post_tag` are all the same (also for `categories` or
    *                              `category`). For custom taxonomies you need to define the
    *                              proper name.
    *     @type bool $merge        Whether the resulting array should be one big one (`true`) or
    *                              whether it should be an array of sub-arrays for each taxonomy
    *                              (`false`). Default `true`.
    *     @type string $term_class The Timber term class to use for the term objects.
    * }
    * @param bool   $merge      Deprecated. Optional. See `$merge` argument in `$args` parameter.
    * @param string $term_class Deprecated. Optional. See `$term_class` argument in `$args`
    *                           parameter.
    * @return array An array of taxonomies.
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:706
    public has_term($term_name_or_id, $taxonomy = 'all'): bool
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->has_term($term_name_or_id, $taxonomy = 'all')
    * @param string|int $term_name_or_id
    * @param string $taxonomy
    * @return bool
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:806
    public get_paged_content(): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->get_paged_content()
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:824
    public get_post_type(): PostType Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->get_post_type()
    * Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    * @deprecated since 1.0.4
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * This post is from <span>{{ post.get_post_type.labels.plural }}</span>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * This post is from <span>Recipes</span>
    * ```
    * @return PostType
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:844
    public get_comment_count(): int the number of comments on a post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->get_comment_count()
    * @return int the number of comments on a post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:852
    public has_field($field_name): boolean
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->has_field($field_name)
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:861
    public field_object($field_name): mixed Gets the field object data from Advanced Custom Fields. This includes metadata o...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->field_object($field_name)
    * Gets the field object data from Advanced Custom Fields.
    * This includes metadata on the field like whether it's conditional or not.
    * @since 1.6.0
    * @param string $field_name of the field you want to lookup.
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:873
    public get_field($field_name): mixed
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->get_field($field_name)
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:883
    public import_field($field_name)
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->import_field($field_name)
    * @param string $field_name
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:905
    public post_class($class = ''): string a space-seperated list of classes Get the CSS classes for a post without cache. For usage you should use `{{post.c...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->post_class($class = '')
    * Get the CSS classes for a post without cache. For usage you should use `{{post.class}}`
    * @internal
    * @param string $class additional classes you want to add
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <article class="{{ post.post_class }}">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <article class="post-2612 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-data tag-charleston-church-shooting tag-dylann-roof tag-gun-violence tag-hate-crimes tag-national-incident-based-reporting-system">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * @return string a space-seperated list of classes
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:927
    public css_class($class = ''): string a space-seperated list of classes Get the CSS classes for a post, but with caching css post classes. For usage you...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->css_class($class = '')
    * Get the CSS classes for a post, but with caching css post classes. For usage you should use `{{ post.class }}` instead of `{{post.css_class}}` or `{{post.post_class}}`
    * @internal
    * @param string $class additional classes you want to add
    * @see Timber\Post::$_css_class
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <article class="{{ post.class }}">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * @return string a space-seperated list of classes
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:956
    public get_method_values(): array
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->get_method_values()
    * @return array
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:970
    public author(): User|null A User object if found, false if not Return the author of a post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->author()
    * Return the author of a post
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{post.title}}</h1>
    * <p class="byline">
    *     <a href="{{}}">{{}}</a>
    * </p>
    * ```
    * @return User|null A User object if found, false if not
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1005
    public authors()
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->authors()
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1011
    public modified_author(): User|null A User object if found, false if not Get the author (WordPress user) who last modified the post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->modified_author()
    * Get the author (WordPress user) who last modified the post
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Last updated by {{ }}
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Last updated by Harper Lee
    * ```
    * @return User|null A User object if found, false if not
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1026
    public categories(): array of Timber\Terms Get the categoires on a particular post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->categories()
    * Get the categoires on a particular post
    * @api
    * @return array of Timber\Terms
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1036
    public category(): Timber\Term|null Returns a category attached to a post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->category()
    * Returns a category attached to a post
    * @api
    * If mulitpuile categories are set, it will return just the first one
    * @return Timber\Term|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1046
    public children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false): array Returns an array of children on the post as Timber\Posts (or other claass as you...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false)
    * Returns an array of children on the post as Timber\Posts
    * (or other claass as you define).
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {% if post.children %}
    *     Here are the child pages:
    *     {% for child in post.children %}
    *         <a href="{{ }}">{{ child.title }}</a>
    *     {% endfor %}
    * {% endif %}
    * ```
    * @param string|array $post_type _optional_ use to find children of a particular post type (attachment vs. page for example). You might want to restrict to certain types of children in case other stuff gets all mucked in there. You can use 'parent' to use the parent's post type or you can pass an array of post types.
    * @param string|bool $childPostClass _optional_ a custom post class (ex: 'MyTimber\Post') to return the objects as. By default (false) it will use Timber\Post::$post_class value.
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1067
    public comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment'): bool|\Timber\CommentThread Gets the comments on a `Timber\Post` and returns them as a `Timber\CommentThread...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment')
    * Gets the comments on a `Timber\Post` and returns them as a `Timber\CommentThread`: a PHP
    * ArrayObject of [`Timber\Comment`](
    * (or whatever comment class you set).
    * @api
    * @param int    $count        Set the number of comments you want to get. `0` is analogous to
    *                             "all".
    * @param string $order        Use ordering set in WordPress admin, or a different scheme.
    * @param string $type         For when other plugins use the comments table for their own
    *                             special purposes. Might be set to 'liveblog' or other, depending
    *                             on what’s stored in your comments table.
    * @param string $status       Could be 'pending', etc.
    * @param string $CommentClass What class to use when returning Comment objects. As you become a
    *                             Timber Pro, you might find yourself extending `Timber\Comment`
    *                             for your site or app (obviously, totally optional).
    * @see \Timber\CommentThread for an example with nested comments
    * @return bool|\Timber\CommentThread
    * @example
    * **single.twig**
    * ```twig
    * <div id="post-comments">
    *   <h4>Comments on {{ post.title }}</h4>
    *   <ul>
    *     {% for comment in post.comments() %}
    *       {% include 'comment.twig' %}
    *     {% endfor %}
    *   </ul>
    *   <div class="comment-form">
    *     {{ function('comment_form') }}
    *   </div>
    * </div>
    * ```
    * **comment.twig**
    * ```twig
    * {# comment.twig #}
    * <li>
    *   <p class="comment-author">{{ }} says:</p>
    *   <div>{{ comment.content }}</div>
    * </li>
    * ```
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1136
    public content($page0, $len = -1): string Gets the actual content of a WP Post, as opposed to post_content this will run t...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->content($page0, $len = -1)
    * Gets the actual content of a WP Post, as opposed to post_content this will run the hooks/filters attached to the_content. \This guy will return your posts content with WordPress filters run on it (like for shortcodes and wpautop).
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <div class="article">
    *     <h2>{{post.title}}</h2>
    *     <div class="content">{{ post.content }}</div>
    * </div>
    * ```
    * @param int $page
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1206
    public paged_content(): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->paged_content()
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1254
    public date($date_format = ''): string Get the date to use in your template!
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->date($date_format = '')
    * Get the date to use in your template!
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Published on {{ }} // Uses WP's formatting set in Admin
    * OR
    * Published on {{'F jS') }} // Jan 12th
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Published on January 12, 2015
    * OR
    * Published on Jan 12th
    * ```
    * @param string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1277
    public time($time_format = ''): string Get the time to use in your template
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->time($time_format = '')
    * Get the time to use in your template
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Published at {{ post.time }} // Uses WP's formatting set in Admin
    * OR
    * Published at {{ post.time | time('G:i') }} // 13:25
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Published at 1:25 pm
    * OR
    * Published at 13:25
    * ```
    * @param string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1301
    public type(): PostType Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->type()
    * Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    * @since 1.0.4
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * This post is from <span>{{ }}</span>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * This post is from <span>Recipes</span>
    * ```
    * @return PostType
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1323
    public edit_link(): bool|string the edit URL of a post in the WordPress admin Returns the edit URL of a post if the user has access to it
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->edit_link()
    * Returns the edit URL of a post if the user has access to it
    * @return bool|string the edit URL of a post in the WordPress admin
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1337
    public format(): mixed
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->format()
    * @api
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1347
    public password_required(): boolean whether post requires password and correct password has been provided
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->password_required()
    * whether post requires password and correct password has been provided
    * @api
    * @return boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1356
    public link(): string ex: get the permalink for a post object
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->link()
    * get the permalink for a post object
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <a href="{{}}">Read my post</a>
    * ```
    * @return string ex:
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1369
    public meta($field_name = null): mixed
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->meta($field_name = null)
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1381
    public name(): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->name()
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1392
    public modified_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->modified_date($date_format = '')
    * @param string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1400
    public modified_time($time_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->modified_time($time_format = '')
    * @param string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1410
    public next($in_same_term = false): mixed
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->next($in_same_term = false)
    * @api
    * @param bool $in_same_term
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1419
    public pagination(): array Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a pa...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->pagination()
    * Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a paginated post
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1445
    public convert($data) Finds any WP_Post objects and converts them to Timber\Posts
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->convert($data)
    * Finds any WP_Post objects and converts them to Timber\Posts
    * @param array|WP_Post $data
    * @param string $class
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1478
    public parent(): bool|Timber\Post Gets the parent (if one exists) from a post as a Timber\Post object (or whatever...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->parent()
    * Gets the parent (if one exists) from a post as a Timber\Post object (or whatever is set in Timber\Post::$PostClass)
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Parent page: <a href="{{ }}">{{ post.parent.title }}</a>
    * ```
    * @return bool|Timber\Post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1504
    public path(): string Gets the relative path of a WP Post, so while link() will return http://example....
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->path()
    * Gets the relative path of a WP Post, so while link() will return
    * this will return just /2015/07/my-cool-post
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <a href="{{post.path}}">{{post.title}}</a>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1522
    public prev($in_same_term = false): mixed Get the previous post in a set
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->prev($in_same_term = false)
    * Get the previous post in a set
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h4>Prior Entry:</h4>
    * <h3>{{post.prev.title}}</h3>
    * <p>{{post.prev.get_preview(25)}}</p>
    * ```
    * @param bool $in_same_term
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1539
    public tags(): array Gets the tags on a post, uses WP's post_tag taxonomy
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->tags()
    * Gets the tags on a post, uses WP's post_tag taxonomy
    * @api
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1562
    public thumbnail(): Image|null of your thumbnail get the featured image as a Timber/Image
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->thumbnail()
    * get the featured image as a Timber/Image
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <img src="{{ post.thumbnail.src }}" />
    * ```
    * @return Image|null of your thumbnail
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1575
    public title(): string Returns the processed title to be used in templates. This returns the title of t...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->title()
    * Returns the processed title to be used in templates. This returns the title of the post after WP's filters have run. This is analogous to `the_title()` in standard WP template tags.
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{ post.title }}</h1>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1593
    public gallery($html = true): html Returns the gallery
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->gallery($html = true)
    * Returns the gallery
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1609
    public audio(): html Returns the audio
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->audio()
    * Returns the audio
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1628
    public video(): html Returns the video
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->video()
    * Returns the video
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1651
    public get_categories(): array of Timber\Terms Get the categories for a post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->get_categories()
    * Get the categories for a post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::categories
    * @return array of Timber\Terms
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1682
    public get_category(): mixed
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->get_category()
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::category
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1693
    public get_image($field): Timber\Image
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->get_image($field)
    * @param string $field
    * @return Timber\Image
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1704
    public get_tags(): array Gets an array of tags for you to use
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->get_tags()
    * Gets an array of tags for you to use
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <ul class="tags">
    *     {% for tag in post.tags %}
    *         <li>{{}}</li>
    *     {% endfor %}
    * </ul>
    * ```
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1723
    public get_title(): string Outputs the title with filters applied
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->get_title()
    * Outputs the title with filters applied
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{post.get_title}}</h1>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <h1>Hello World!</h1>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1741
    public get_content($len = -1, $page0): string Displays the content of the post with filters, shortcodes and wpautop applied
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->get_content($len = -1, $page0)
    * Displays the content of the post with filters, shortcodes and wpautop applied
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <div class="article-text">{{post.get_content}}</div>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <div class="article-text"><p>Blah blah blah</p><p>More blah blah blah.</p></div>
    * ```
    * @param int $len
    * @param int $page
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1758
    public get_format(): mixed
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->get_format()
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1770
    public get_terms($tax = '', $merge = true, $TermClass = ''): array Get the terms associated with the post This goes across all taxonomies by defaul...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->get_terms($tax = '', $merge = true, $TermClass = '')
    * Get the terms associated with the post
    * This goes across all taxonomies by default
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param string|array $tax What taxonom(y|ies) to pull from. Defaults to all registered taxonomies for the post type. You can use custom ones, or built-in WordPress taxonomies (category, tag). Timber plays nice and figures out that tag/tags/post_tag are all the same (and categories/category), for custom taxonomies you're on your own.
    * @param bool $merge Should the resulting array be one big one (true)? Or should it be an array of sub-arrays for each taxonomy (false)?
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1784
    public permalink(): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->permalink()
    * @deprecated 0.20.0 use link() instead
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1793
    public get_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->get_date($date_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::date
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param  string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1806
    public get_modified_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->get_modified_date($date_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::modified_date
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param  string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1818
    public get_modified_time($time_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->get_modified_time($time_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @param  string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1827
    public get_children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false): array
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->get_children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false)
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::children
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param string 		$post_type
    * @param bool|string 	$childPostClass
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1842
    public get_path(): string Get the permalink for a post, but as a relative path For example, where {{post.l...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->get_path()
    * Get the permalink for a post, but as a relative path
    * For example, where {{}} would return ""
    * this will return the relative version: "/2015/07/04/my-cool-post"
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1855
    public get_prev($in_same_term = false): TimberPost|boolean Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->get_prev($in_same_term = false)
    * Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return TimberPost|boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1866
    public get_parent(): bool|TimberPost Get the parent post of the post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->get_parent()
    * Get the parent post of the post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return bool|TimberPost
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1877
    public get_author(): User|null Gets a User object from the author of the post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->get_author()
    * Gets a User object from the author of the post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::author
    * @return User|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1889
    public get_modified_author(): User|null
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->get_modified_author()
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return User|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1899
    public get_thumbnail(): Image|null
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->get_thumbnail()
    * @internal
    * @see TimberPost::thumbnail
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return Image|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1910
    public get_permalink(): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->get_permalink()
    * @internal
    * @see TimberPost::link
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1921
    public get_link(): string get the permalink for a post object In your templates you should use link: <a hr...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->get_link()
    * get the permalink for a post object
    * In your templates you should use link:
    * <a href="{{}}">Read my post</a>
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1934
    public get_next($taxonomy = false): TimberPost|boolean Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->get_next($taxonomy = false)
    * Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param bool $taxonomy
    * @return TimberPost|boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1946
    public get_pagination(): array Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a pa...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->get_pagination()
    * Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a paginated post
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::pagination();
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1958
    public get_comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment'): array|mixed Get the comments for a post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->get_comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment')
    * Get the comments for a post
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::comments
    * @param int $count
    * @param string $order
    * @param string $type
    * @param string $status
    * @param string $CommentClass
    * @return array|mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1974
    public __isset($field): boolean
    * @return boolean
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:15
    public import($info, $force = false) Takes an array or object and adds the properties to the parent object
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->import($info, $force = false)
    * Takes an array or object and adds the properties to the parent object
    * @example
    * ```php
    * $data = array('airplane' => '757-200', 'flight' => '5316');
    * $post = new Timber\Post()
    * $post->import(data);
    * echo $post->airplane; //757-200
    * ```
    * @param array|object $info an object or array you want to grab data from to attach to the Timber object
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:59
    public can_edit(): bool Can you edit this post/term/user? Well good for you. You're no better than me.
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][4]->can_edit()
    * Can you edit this post/term/user? Well good for you. You're no better than me.
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {% if post.can_edit %}
    * <a href="{{ post.edit_link }}">Edit</a>
    * {% endif %}
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <a href="">Edit</a>
    * ```
    * @return bool
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:100
    protected determine_id($pid): int|null the numberic id we should be using for this post object, null when there's no ID (ex: 404 page) tries to figure out what post you want to get if not explictly defined (or if it...
    * tries to figure out what post you want to get if not explictly defined (or if it is, allows it to be passed through)
    * @internal
    * @param mixed a value to test against
    * @return int|null the numberic id we should be using for this post object, null when there's no ID (ex: 404 page)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:230
    protected get_post_preview_object()
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:273
    protected get_post_preview_id($query)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:281
    protected init($pid = false) Initializes a Post
    * Initializes a Post
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:317
    protected prepare_post_info($pid0): WP_Post on success takes a mix of integer (post ID), string (post slug), or object to return a Word...
    * takes a mix of integer (post ID), string (post slug),
    * or object to return a WordPress post object from WP's built-in get_post() function
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid
    * @return WP_Post on success
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:360
    protected check_post_id($pid): integer ID number of a post helps you find the post id regardless of whether you send a string or whatever
    * helps you find the post id regardless of whether you send a string or whatever
    * @param integer $pid ;
    * @internal
    * @return integer ID number of a post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:379
    protected get_post_custom($pid): array Used internally to fetch the metadata fields (wp_postmeta table) and attach them...
    * Used internally to fetch the metadata fields (wp_postmeta table)
    * and attach them to our TimberPost object
    * @internal
    * @param int $pid
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:533
    protected get_info($pid): null|object|WP_Post Used internally by init, etc. to build TimberPost object
    * Used internally by init, etc. to build TimberPost object
    * @internal
    * @param  int $pid
    * @return null|object|WP_Post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:606
    protected maybe_show_password_form(): string|void If the Password form is to be shown, show it!
    * If the Password form is to be shown, show it!
    * @return string|void
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1170
    protected get_revised_data_from_method($method, $args = false)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1183
    protected content_handle_no_teaser_block($content): string Handles for an circumstance with the Block editor where a "more" block has an op...
    * Handles for an circumstance with the Block editor where a "more" block has an option to
    * "Hide the excerpt on the full content page" which hides everything prior to the inserted
    * "more" block
    * @ticket #2218
    * @param string $content
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1243
    public static get_post_id_by_name($post_name): int get_post_id_by_name($post_name)
    * get_post_id_by_name($post_name)
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.5.0
    * @param string $post_name
    * @return int
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:402
    protected static is_previewing(): bool Determine whether or not an admin/editor is looking at the post in "preview mode...
    * Determine whether or not an admin/editor is looking at the post in "preview mode" via the
    * WordPress admin
    * @internal
    * @return bool
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:217
    protected static get_wp_link_page($i): string
    * @param int $i
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:591
  • public static $representation :: string (4) "post"
5 => Timber\Post (54)
$context['regions']['East Europe'][5]
  • Properties (54)
  • Available methods (95)
  • Static class properties
  • public ImageClass -> string (12) "Timber\Image"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->ImageClass
    public PostClass -> string (11) "Timber\Post"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->PostClass
    public TermClass -> string (11) "Timber\Term"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->TermClass
    public object_type -> string (4) "post"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->object_type
    public custom -> array (16)
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->custom
    country => string (6) "Russia"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->custom['country']
    _country => string (19) "field_5d8b13d6b29ba"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->custom['_country']
    logo => string (3) "966"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->custom['logo']
    _logo => string (19) "field_5d8b1571b29c0"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->custom['_logo']
    firm => string (20) "ZAO Didactic Systems"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->custom['firm']
    _firm => string (19) "field_5d8b14e4b29bb"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->custom['_firm']
    info => string (106) "Mrs. Julia Tarkhova Leninsky prospect 95 119313 Moscow Tel.: ++7 4952291117 ...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->custom['info']
    Mrs. Julia Tarkhova 
    Leninsky prospect 95 
    119313 Moscow 
    Tel.:  ++7 4952291117 
    Fax:  ++7 4957601956 
    _info => string (19) "field_5d8b14f7b29bc"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->custom['_info']
    mail => string (11) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->custom['mail']
    _mail => string (19) "field_5d8b150fb29bd"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->custom['_mail']
    web => string (20) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->custom['web']
    _web => string (19) "field_5d8b1524b29be"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->custom['_web']
    _wpml_media_duplicate => string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->custom['_wpml_media_duplicate']
    _edit_lock => string (12) "1590746923:1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->custom['_edit_lock']
    _edit_last => string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->custom['_edit_last']
    _last_translation_edit_mode => string (13) "native-editor"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->custom['_last_translation_edit_mode']
    protected ___content -> null
    protected _permalink -> null
    protected _next -> array (0)
    protected _prev -> array (0)
    protected _css_class -> null
    public id -> integer 2407
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->id
    public ID -> integer 2407
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->ID
    public post_author -> string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->post_author
    public post_content -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->post_content
    public post_date -> string (19) "2019-09-25 09:41:45"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->post_date
    public post_excerpt -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->post_excerpt
    public post_parent -> integer 0
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->post_parent
    public post_status -> string (7) "publish"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->post_status
    public post_title -> string (20) "ZAO Didactic Systems"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->post_title
    public post_type -> string (7) "partner"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->post_type
    public slug -> string (20) "zao-didactic-systems"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->slug
    protected __type -> null
    public country -> string (6) "Russia"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->country
    public _country -> string (19) "field_5d8b13d6b29ba"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->_country
    public logo -> string (3) "966"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->logo
    public _logo -> string (19) "field_5d8b1571b29c0"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->_logo
    public firm -> string (20) "ZAO Didactic Systems"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->firm
    public _firm -> string (19) "field_5d8b14e4b29bb"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->_firm
    public info -> string (106) "Mrs. Julia Tarkhova Leninsky prospect 95 119313 Moscow Tel.: ++7 4952291117 ...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->info
    Mrs. Julia Tarkhova 
    Leninsky prospect 95 
    119313 Moscow 
    Tel.:  ++7 4952291117 
    Fax:  ++7 4957601956 
    public _info -> string (19) "field_5d8b14f7b29bc"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->_info
    public mail -> string (11) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->mail
    public _mail -> string (19) "field_5d8b150fb29bd"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->_mail
    public web -> string (20) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->web
    public _web -> string (19) "field_5d8b1524b29be"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->_web
    public _wpml_media_duplicate -> string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->_wpml_media_duplicate
    public _edit_lock -> string (12) "1590746923:1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->_edit_lock
    public _edit_last -> string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->_edit_last
    public _last_translation_edit_mode -> string (13) "native-editor"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->_last_translation_edit_mode
    public post_date_gmt -> string (19) "2019-09-25 07:41:45"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->post_date_gmt
    public comment_status -> string (6) "closed"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->comment_status
    public ping_status -> string (6) "closed"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->ping_status
    public post_password -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->post_password
    public post_name -> string (20) "zao-didactic-systems"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->post_name
    public to_ping -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->to_ping
    public pinged -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->pinged
    public post_modified -> string (19) "2020-05-29 12:07:13"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->post_modified
    public post_modified_gmt -> string (19) "2020-05-29 10:07:13"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->post_modified_gmt
    public post_content_filtered -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->post_content_filtered
    public guid -> string (61) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->guid
    public menu_order -> integer 0
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->menu_order
    public post_mime_type -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->post_mime_type
    public comment_count -> string (1) "0"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->comment_count
    public filter -> string (3) "raw"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->filter
    public status -> string (7) "publish"
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->status
  • public __construct($pid = null) If you send the constructor nothing it will try to figure out the current post i...
    new \Timber\Post($pid = null)
    * If you send the constructor nothing it will try to figure out the current post id based on being inside The_Loop
    * @example
    * ```php
    * $post = new Timber\Post();
    * $other_post = new Timber\Post($random_post_id);
    * ```
    * @param mixed $pid
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:180
    public __get($field): mixed This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is also here to ensure that {{ post.class }} remains usable
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:190
    public __call($field, $args): mixed This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is also here to ensure that {{ post.class }} remains usable
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:202
    public __toString(): string Outputs the title of the post if you do something like `<h1>{{post}}</h1>`
    (string) $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]
    * Outputs the title of the post if you do something like `<h1>{{post}}</h1>`
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:269
    public get_edit_url(): bool|string Get the URL that will edit the current post/object
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->get_edit_url()
    * Get the URL that will edit the current post/object
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::edit_link
    * @return bool|string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:336
    public update($field, $value) updates the post_meta of the current object with the given value
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->update($field, $value)
    * updates the post_meta of the current object with the given value
    * @param string $field
    * @param mixed $value
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:345
    public preview(): \Timber\PostPreview Gets a preview/excerpt of your post.
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->preview()
    * Gets a preview/excerpt of your post.
    * If you have text defined in the excerpt textarea of your post, it will use that. Otherwise it
    * will pull from the post_content. If there's a `<!-- more -->` tag, it will use that to mark
    * where to pull through.
    * This method returns a `Timber\PostPreview` object, which is a **chainable object**. This
    * means that you can change the output of the preview by **adding more methods**. Refer to the
    * [documentation of the `Timber\PostPreview` class](
    * to get an overview of all the available methods.
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {# Use default preview #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview }}</p>
    * {# Change the post preview text #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview.read_more('Continue Reading') }}</p>
    * {# Additionally restrict the length to 50 words #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview.length(50).read_more('Continue Reading') }}</p>
    * ```
    * @see \Timber\PostPreview
    * @return \Timber\PostPreview
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:432
    public get_preview($len = 50, $force = false, $readmore = 'Read More', $strip = true, $end = '&hellip;'): string of the post preview get a preview of your post, if you have an excerpt it will use that, otherwise i...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->get_preview($len = 50, $force = false, $readmore = 'Read More', $strip = true, $end = '&hellip;')
    * get a preview of your post, if you have an excerpt it will use that,
    * otherwise it will pull from the post_content.
    * If there's a <!-- more --> tag it will use that to mark where to pull through.
    * @deprecated since 1.3.1, use {{ post.preview }} instead
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <p>{{post.get_preview(50)}}</p>
    * ```
    * @param int $len The number of words that WP should use to make the tease. (Isn't this better than [this mess]( If you've set a post_excerpt on a post, we'll use that for the preview text; otherwise the first X words of the post_content
    * @param bool $force What happens if your custom post excerpt is longer then the length requested? By default (`$force = false`) it will use the full `post_excerpt`. However, you can set this to true to *force* your excerpt to be of the desired length
    * @param string $readmore The text you want to use on the 'readmore' link
    * @param bool|string $strip true for default, false for none, string for list of custom attributes
    * @param string $end The text to end the preview with (defaults to ...)
    * @return string of the post preview
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:452
    public import_custom($pid) gets the post custom and attaches it to the current object
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->import_custom($pid)
    * gets the post custom and attaches it to the current object
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid a post ID number
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:521
    public comment_form($args = array()): string of HTML for the form Gets the comment form for use on a single article page
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->comment_form($args = array())
    * Gets the comment form for use on a single article page
    * @param array This $args array thing is a mess, [fix at some point](
    * @return string of HTML for the form
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:634
    public terms($args = array(), $merge = true, $term_class = ''): array An array of taxonomies. Gets the terms associated with the post.
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->terms($args = array(), $merge = true, $term_class = '')
    * Gets the terms associated with the post.
    * @api
    * @todo Remove deprecated parameters in 2.x
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <section id="job-feed">
    * {% for post in job %}
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>{{ post.title }}</h2>
    *         <p>{{ post.terms( {query:{taxonomy:'category', orderby:'name', order: 'ASC'}} )|join(', ') }}</p>
    *     </div>
    * {% endfor %}
    * </section>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <section id="job-feed">
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>Cheese Maker</h2>
    *         <p>Cheese, Food, Fromage</p>
    *     </div>
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>Mime</h2>
    *         <p>Performance, Silence</p>
    *     </div>
    * </section>
    * ```
    * ```php
    * // Get all terms of a taxonomy.
    * $terms = $post->terms( 'category' );
    * // Get terms of multiple taxonomies.
    * $terms = $post->terms( array( 'books', 'movies' ) );
    * // Use custom arguments for taxonomy query and options.
    * $terms = $post->terms( array(
    *     'query' => [
    *         'taxonomy' => 'custom_tax',
    *         'orderby'  => 'count',
    *     ],
    *     'merge'      => false,
    *     'term_class' => 'My_Term_Class'
    * ) );
    * ```
    * @param string|array $args {
    *     Optional. Name of the taxonomy or array of arguments.
    *     @type array $query       Any array of term query parameters for getting the terms. See
    *                              `WP_Term_Query::__construct()` for supported arguments. Use the
    *                              `taxonomy` argument to choose which taxonomies to get. Defaults
    *                              to querying all registered taxonomies for the post type. You can
    *                              use custom or built-in WordPress taxonomies (category, tag).
    *                              Timber plays nice and figures out that `tag`, `tags` or
    *                              `post_tag` are all the same (also for `categories` or
    *                              `category`). For custom taxonomies you need to define the
    *                              proper name.
    *     @type bool $merge        Whether the resulting array should be one big one (`true`) or
    *                              whether it should be an array of sub-arrays for each taxonomy
    *                              (`false`). Default `true`.
    *     @type string $term_class The Timber term class to use for the term objects.
    * }
    * @param bool   $merge      Deprecated. Optional. See `$merge` argument in `$args` parameter.
    * @param string $term_class Deprecated. Optional. See `$term_class` argument in `$args`
    *                           parameter.
    * @return array An array of taxonomies.
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:706
    public has_term($term_name_or_id, $taxonomy = 'all'): bool
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->has_term($term_name_or_id, $taxonomy = 'all')
    * @param string|int $term_name_or_id
    * @param string $taxonomy
    * @return bool
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:806
    public get_paged_content(): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->get_paged_content()
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:824
    public get_post_type(): PostType Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->get_post_type()
    * Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    * @deprecated since 1.0.4
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * This post is from <span>{{ post.get_post_type.labels.plural }}</span>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * This post is from <span>Recipes</span>
    * ```
    * @return PostType
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:844
    public get_comment_count(): int the number of comments on a post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->get_comment_count()
    * @return int the number of comments on a post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:852
    public has_field($field_name): boolean
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->has_field($field_name)
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:861
    public field_object($field_name): mixed Gets the field object data from Advanced Custom Fields. This includes metadata o...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->field_object($field_name)
    * Gets the field object data from Advanced Custom Fields.
    * This includes metadata on the field like whether it's conditional or not.
    * @since 1.6.0
    * @param string $field_name of the field you want to lookup.
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:873
    public get_field($field_name): mixed
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->get_field($field_name)
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:883
    public import_field($field_name)
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->import_field($field_name)
    * @param string $field_name
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:905
    public post_class($class = ''): string a space-seperated list of classes Get the CSS classes for a post without cache. For usage you should use `{{post.c...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->post_class($class = '')
    * Get the CSS classes for a post without cache. For usage you should use `{{post.class}}`
    * @internal
    * @param string $class additional classes you want to add
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <article class="{{ post.post_class }}">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <article class="post-2612 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-data tag-charleston-church-shooting tag-dylann-roof tag-gun-violence tag-hate-crimes tag-national-incident-based-reporting-system">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * @return string a space-seperated list of classes
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:927
    public css_class($class = ''): string a space-seperated list of classes Get the CSS classes for a post, but with caching css post classes. For usage you...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->css_class($class = '')
    * Get the CSS classes for a post, but with caching css post classes. For usage you should use `{{ post.class }}` instead of `{{post.css_class}}` or `{{post.post_class}}`
    * @internal
    * @param string $class additional classes you want to add
    * @see Timber\Post::$_css_class
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <article class="{{ post.class }}">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * @return string a space-seperated list of classes
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:956
    public get_method_values(): array
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->get_method_values()
    * @return array
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:970
    public author(): User|null A User object if found, false if not Return the author of a post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->author()
    * Return the author of a post
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{post.title}}</h1>
    * <p class="byline">
    *     <a href="{{}}">{{}}</a>
    * </p>
    * ```
    * @return User|null A User object if found, false if not
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1005
    public authors()
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->authors()
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1011
    public modified_author(): User|null A User object if found, false if not Get the author (WordPress user) who last modified the post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->modified_author()
    * Get the author (WordPress user) who last modified the post
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Last updated by {{ }}
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Last updated by Harper Lee
    * ```
    * @return User|null A User object if found, false if not
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1026
    public categories(): array of Timber\Terms Get the categoires on a particular post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->categories()
    * Get the categoires on a particular post
    * @api
    * @return array of Timber\Terms
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1036
    public category(): Timber\Term|null Returns a category attached to a post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->category()
    * Returns a category attached to a post
    * @api
    * If mulitpuile categories are set, it will return just the first one
    * @return Timber\Term|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1046
    public children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false): array Returns an array of children on the post as Timber\Posts (or other claass as you...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false)
    * Returns an array of children on the post as Timber\Posts
    * (or other claass as you define).
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {% if post.children %}
    *     Here are the child pages:
    *     {% for child in post.children %}
    *         <a href="{{ }}">{{ child.title }}</a>
    *     {% endfor %}
    * {% endif %}
    * ```
    * @param string|array $post_type _optional_ use to find children of a particular post type (attachment vs. page for example). You might want to restrict to certain types of children in case other stuff gets all mucked in there. You can use 'parent' to use the parent's post type or you can pass an array of post types.
    * @param string|bool $childPostClass _optional_ a custom post class (ex: 'MyTimber\Post') to return the objects as. By default (false) it will use Timber\Post::$post_class value.
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1067
    public comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment'): bool|\Timber\CommentThread Gets the comments on a `Timber\Post` and returns them as a `Timber\CommentThread...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment')
    * Gets the comments on a `Timber\Post` and returns them as a `Timber\CommentThread`: a PHP
    * ArrayObject of [`Timber\Comment`](
    * (or whatever comment class you set).
    * @api
    * @param int    $count        Set the number of comments you want to get. `0` is analogous to
    *                             "all".
    * @param string $order        Use ordering set in WordPress admin, or a different scheme.
    * @param string $type         For when other plugins use the comments table for their own
    *                             special purposes. Might be set to 'liveblog' or other, depending
    *                             on what’s stored in your comments table.
    * @param string $status       Could be 'pending', etc.
    * @param string $CommentClass What class to use when returning Comment objects. As you become a
    *                             Timber Pro, you might find yourself extending `Timber\Comment`
    *                             for your site or app (obviously, totally optional).
    * @see \Timber\CommentThread for an example with nested comments
    * @return bool|\Timber\CommentThread
    * @example
    * **single.twig**
    * ```twig
    * <div id="post-comments">
    *   <h4>Comments on {{ post.title }}</h4>
    *   <ul>
    *     {% for comment in post.comments() %}
    *       {% include 'comment.twig' %}
    *     {% endfor %}
    *   </ul>
    *   <div class="comment-form">
    *     {{ function('comment_form') }}
    *   </div>
    * </div>
    * ```
    * **comment.twig**
    * ```twig
    * {# comment.twig #}
    * <li>
    *   <p class="comment-author">{{ }} says:</p>
    *   <div>{{ comment.content }}</div>
    * </li>
    * ```
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1136
    public content($page0, $len = -1): string Gets the actual content of a WP Post, as opposed to post_content this will run t...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->content($page0, $len = -1)
    * Gets the actual content of a WP Post, as opposed to post_content this will run the hooks/filters attached to the_content. \This guy will return your posts content with WordPress filters run on it (like for shortcodes and wpautop).
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <div class="article">
    *     <h2>{{post.title}}</h2>
    *     <div class="content">{{ post.content }}</div>
    * </div>
    * ```
    * @param int $page
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1206
    public paged_content(): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->paged_content()
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1254
    public date($date_format = ''): string Get the date to use in your template!
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->date($date_format = '')
    * Get the date to use in your template!
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Published on {{ }} // Uses WP's formatting set in Admin
    * OR
    * Published on {{'F jS') }} // Jan 12th
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Published on January 12, 2015
    * OR
    * Published on Jan 12th
    * ```
    * @param string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1277
    public time($time_format = ''): string Get the time to use in your template
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->time($time_format = '')
    * Get the time to use in your template
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Published at {{ post.time }} // Uses WP's formatting set in Admin
    * OR
    * Published at {{ post.time | time('G:i') }} // 13:25
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Published at 1:25 pm
    * OR
    * Published at 13:25
    * ```
    * @param string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1301
    public type(): PostType Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->type()
    * Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    * @since 1.0.4
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * This post is from <span>{{ }}</span>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * This post is from <span>Recipes</span>
    * ```
    * @return PostType
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1323
    public edit_link(): bool|string the edit URL of a post in the WordPress admin Returns the edit URL of a post if the user has access to it
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->edit_link()
    * Returns the edit URL of a post if the user has access to it
    * @return bool|string the edit URL of a post in the WordPress admin
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1337
    public format(): mixed
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->format()
    * @api
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1347
    public password_required(): boolean whether post requires password and correct password has been provided
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->password_required()
    * whether post requires password and correct password has been provided
    * @api
    * @return boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1356
    public link(): string ex: get the permalink for a post object
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->link()
    * get the permalink for a post object
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <a href="{{}}">Read my post</a>
    * ```
    * @return string ex:
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1369
    public meta($field_name = null): mixed
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->meta($field_name = null)
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1381
    public name(): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->name()
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1392
    public modified_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->modified_date($date_format = '')
    * @param string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1400
    public modified_time($time_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->modified_time($time_format = '')
    * @param string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1410
    public next($in_same_term = false): mixed
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->next($in_same_term = false)
    * @api
    * @param bool $in_same_term
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1419
    public pagination(): array Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a pa...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->pagination()
    * Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a paginated post
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1445
    public convert($data) Finds any WP_Post objects and converts them to Timber\Posts
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->convert($data)
    * Finds any WP_Post objects and converts them to Timber\Posts
    * @param array|WP_Post $data
    * @param string $class
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1478
    public parent(): bool|Timber\Post Gets the parent (if one exists) from a post as a Timber\Post object (or whatever...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->parent()
    * Gets the parent (if one exists) from a post as a Timber\Post object (or whatever is set in Timber\Post::$PostClass)
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Parent page: <a href="{{ }}">{{ post.parent.title }}</a>
    * ```
    * @return bool|Timber\Post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1504
    public path(): string Gets the relative path of a WP Post, so while link() will return http://example....
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->path()
    * Gets the relative path of a WP Post, so while link() will return
    * this will return just /2015/07/my-cool-post
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <a href="{{post.path}}">{{post.title}}</a>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1522
    public prev($in_same_term = false): mixed Get the previous post in a set
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->prev($in_same_term = false)
    * Get the previous post in a set
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h4>Prior Entry:</h4>
    * <h3>{{post.prev.title}}</h3>
    * <p>{{post.prev.get_preview(25)}}</p>
    * ```
    * @param bool $in_same_term
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1539
    public tags(): array Gets the tags on a post, uses WP's post_tag taxonomy
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->tags()
    * Gets the tags on a post, uses WP's post_tag taxonomy
    * @api
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1562
    public thumbnail(): Image|null of your thumbnail get the featured image as a Timber/Image
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->thumbnail()
    * get the featured image as a Timber/Image
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <img src="{{ post.thumbnail.src }}" />
    * ```
    * @return Image|null of your thumbnail
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1575
    public title(): string Returns the processed title to be used in templates. This returns the title of t...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->title()
    * Returns the processed title to be used in templates. This returns the title of the post after WP's filters have run. This is analogous to `the_title()` in standard WP template tags.
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{ post.title }}</h1>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1593
    public gallery($html = true): html Returns the gallery
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->gallery($html = true)
    * Returns the gallery
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1609
    public audio(): html Returns the audio
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->audio()
    * Returns the audio
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1628
    public video(): html Returns the video
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->video()
    * Returns the video
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1651
    public get_categories(): array of Timber\Terms Get the categories for a post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->get_categories()
    * Get the categories for a post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::categories
    * @return array of Timber\Terms
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1682
    public get_category(): mixed
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->get_category()
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::category
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1693
    public get_image($field): Timber\Image
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->get_image($field)
    * @param string $field
    * @return Timber\Image
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1704
    public get_tags(): array Gets an array of tags for you to use
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->get_tags()
    * Gets an array of tags for you to use
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <ul class="tags">
    *     {% for tag in post.tags %}
    *         <li>{{}}</li>
    *     {% endfor %}
    * </ul>
    * ```
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1723
    public get_title(): string Outputs the title with filters applied
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->get_title()
    * Outputs the title with filters applied
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{post.get_title}}</h1>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <h1>Hello World!</h1>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1741
    public get_content($len = -1, $page0): string Displays the content of the post with filters, shortcodes and wpautop applied
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->get_content($len = -1, $page0)
    * Displays the content of the post with filters, shortcodes and wpautop applied
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <div class="article-text">{{post.get_content}}</div>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <div class="article-text"><p>Blah blah blah</p><p>More blah blah blah.</p></div>
    * ```
    * @param int $len
    * @param int $page
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1758
    public get_format(): mixed
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->get_format()
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1770
    public get_terms($tax = '', $merge = true, $TermClass = ''): array Get the terms associated with the post This goes across all taxonomies by defaul...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->get_terms($tax = '', $merge = true, $TermClass = '')
    * Get the terms associated with the post
    * This goes across all taxonomies by default
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param string|array $tax What taxonom(y|ies) to pull from. Defaults to all registered taxonomies for the post type. You can use custom ones, or built-in WordPress taxonomies (category, tag). Timber plays nice and figures out that tag/tags/post_tag are all the same (and categories/category), for custom taxonomies you're on your own.
    * @param bool $merge Should the resulting array be one big one (true)? Or should it be an array of sub-arrays for each taxonomy (false)?
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1784
    public permalink(): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->permalink()
    * @deprecated 0.20.0 use link() instead
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1793
    public get_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->get_date($date_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::date
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param  string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1806
    public get_modified_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->get_modified_date($date_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::modified_date
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param  string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1818
    public get_modified_time($time_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->get_modified_time($time_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @param  string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1827
    public get_children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false): array
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->get_children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false)
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::children
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param string 		$post_type
    * @param bool|string 	$childPostClass
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1842
    public get_path(): string Get the permalink for a post, but as a relative path For example, where {{post.l...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->get_path()
    * Get the permalink for a post, but as a relative path
    * For example, where {{}} would return ""
    * this will return the relative version: "/2015/07/04/my-cool-post"
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1855
    public get_prev($in_same_term = false): TimberPost|boolean Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->get_prev($in_same_term = false)
    * Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return TimberPost|boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1866
    public get_parent(): bool|TimberPost Get the parent post of the post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->get_parent()
    * Get the parent post of the post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return bool|TimberPost
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1877
    public get_author(): User|null Gets a User object from the author of the post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->get_author()
    * Gets a User object from the author of the post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::author
    * @return User|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1889
    public get_modified_author(): User|null
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->get_modified_author()
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return User|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1899
    public get_thumbnail(): Image|null
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->get_thumbnail()
    * @internal
    * @see TimberPost::thumbnail
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return Image|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1910
    public get_permalink(): string
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->get_permalink()
    * @internal
    * @see TimberPost::link
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1921
    public get_link(): string get the permalink for a post object In your templates you should use link: <a hr...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->get_link()
    * get the permalink for a post object
    * In your templates you should use link:
    * <a href="{{}}">Read my post</a>
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1934
    public get_next($taxonomy = false): TimberPost|boolean Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->get_next($taxonomy = false)
    * Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param bool $taxonomy
    * @return TimberPost|boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1946
    public get_pagination(): array Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a pa...
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->get_pagination()
    * Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a paginated post
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::pagination();
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1958
    public get_comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment'): array|mixed Get the comments for a post
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->get_comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment')
    * Get the comments for a post
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::comments
    * @param int $count
    * @param string $order
    * @param string $type
    * @param string $status
    * @param string $CommentClass
    * @return array|mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1974
    public __isset($field): boolean
    * @return boolean
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:15
    public import($info, $force = false) Takes an array or object and adds the properties to the parent object
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->import($info, $force = false)
    * Takes an array or object and adds the properties to the parent object
    * @example
    * ```php
    * $data = array('airplane' => '757-200', 'flight' => '5316');
    * $post = new Timber\Post()
    * $post->import(data);
    * echo $post->airplane; //757-200
    * ```
    * @param array|object $info an object or array you want to grab data from to attach to the Timber object
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:59
    public can_edit(): bool Can you edit this post/term/user? Well good for you. You're no better than me.
    $context['regions']['East Europe'][5]->can_edit()
    * Can you edit this post/term/user? Well good for you. You're no better than me.
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {% if post.can_edit %}
    * <a href="{{ post.edit_link }}">Edit</a>
    * {% endif %}
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <a href="">Edit</a>
    * ```
    * @return bool
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:100
    protected determine_id($pid): int|null the numberic id we should be using for this post object, null when there's no ID (ex: 404 page) tries to figure out what post you want to get if not explictly defined (or if it...
    * tries to figure out what post you want to get if not explictly defined (or if it is, allows it to be passed through)
    * @internal
    * @param mixed a value to test against
    * @return int|null the numberic id we should be using for this post object, null when there's no ID (ex: 404 page)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:230
    protected get_post_preview_object()
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:273
    protected get_post_preview_id($query)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:281
    protected init($pid = false) Initializes a Post
    * Initializes a Post
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:317
    protected prepare_post_info($pid0): WP_Post on success takes a mix of integer (post ID), string (post slug), or object to return a Word...
    * takes a mix of integer (post ID), string (post slug),
    * or object to return a WordPress post object from WP's built-in get_post() function
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid
    * @return WP_Post on success
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:360
    protected check_post_id($pid): integer ID number of a post helps you find the post id regardless of whether you send a string or whatever
    * helps you find the post id regardless of whether you send a string or whatever
    * @param integer $pid ;
    * @internal
    * @return integer ID number of a post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:379
    protected get_post_custom($pid): array Used internally to fetch the metadata fields (wp_postmeta table) and attach them...
    * Used internally to fetch the metadata fields (wp_postmeta table)
    * and attach them to our TimberPost object
    * @internal
    * @param int $pid
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:533
    protected get_info($pid): null|object|WP_Post Used internally by init, etc. to build TimberPost object
    * Used internally by init, etc. to build TimberPost object
    * @internal
    * @param  int $pid
    * @return null|object|WP_Post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:606
    protected maybe_show_password_form(): string|void If the Password form is to be shown, show it!
    * If the Password form is to be shown, show it!
    * @return string|void
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1170
    protected get_revised_data_from_method($method, $args = false)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1183
    protected content_handle_no_teaser_block($content): string Handles for an circumstance with the Block editor where a "more" block has an op...
    * Handles for an circumstance with the Block editor where a "more" block has an option to
    * "Hide the excerpt on the full content page" which hides everything prior to the inserted
    * "more" block
    * @ticket #2218
    * @param string $content
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1243
    public static get_post_id_by_name($post_name): int get_post_id_by_name($post_name)
    * get_post_id_by_name($post_name)
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.5.0
    * @param string $post_name
    * @return int
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:402
    protected static is_previewing(): bool Determine whether or not an admin/editor is looking at the post in "preview mode...
    * Determine whether or not an admin/editor is looking at the post in "preview mode" via the
    * WordPress admin
    * @internal
    * @return bool
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:217
    protected static get_wp_link_page($i): string
    * @param int $i
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:591
  • public static $representation :: string (4) "post"
Western Europe => array (6)
$context['regions']['Western Europe']
0 => Timber\Post (59)
$context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]
  • Properties (59)
  • Available methods (95)
  • Static class properties
  • public ImageClass -> string (12) "Timber\Image"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->ImageClass
    public PostClass -> string (11) "Timber\Post"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->PostClass
    public TermClass -> string (11) "Timber\Term"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->TermClass
    public object_type -> string (4) "post"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->object_type
    public custom -> array (21)
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->custom
    _wpml_word_count => string (35) "{"total":8,"to_translate":{"de":8}}"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->custom['_wpml_word_count']
    • Json (2)
    • total => integer 8
      json_decode($context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->custom['_wpml_word_count'], true)['total']
      to_translate => array (1) Depth Limit
      json_decode($context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->custom['_wpml_word_count'], true)['to_translate']
    _edit_lock => string (12) "1661861508:4"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->custom['_edit_lock']
    _edit_last => string (1) "4"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->custom['_edit_last']
    _wpml_media_featured => string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->custom['_wpml_media_featured']
    _wpml_media_duplicate => string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->custom['_wpml_media_duplicate']
    _wpml_location_migration_done => string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->custom['_wpml_location_migration_done']
    country => string (8) "Portugal"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->custom['country']
    _country => string (19) "field_5d8b13d6b29ba"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->custom['_country']
    logo => string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->custom['logo']
    _logo => string (19) "field_5d8b1571b29c0"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->custom['_logo']
    firm => string (28) "HAAS Factory Outlet Portugal"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->custom['firm']
    _firm => string (19) "field_5d8b14e4b29bb"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->custom['_firm']
    info => UTF-8 string (102) "Mr. Nuno Lopes Lugar do Outeiro Rua 1.º de Maio, n.º 60 Aveleda, Portugal Mo...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->custom['info']
    Mr. Nuno Lopes
    Lugar do Outeiro
    Rua 1.º de Maio, n.º 60
    Aveleda, Portugal
    Mobil:  +351 912 986 885
    _info => string (19) "field_5d8b14f7b29bc"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->custom['_info']
    mail => string (24) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->custom['mail']
    _mail => string (19) "field_5d8b150fb29bd"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->custom['_mail']
    web => string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->custom['web']
    _web => string (19) "field_5d8b1524b29be"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->custom['_web']
    _av_css_styles => array (0)
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->custom['_av_css_styles']
    _av_el_mgr_version => string (3) "1.0"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->custom['_av_el_mgr_version']
    _av_alb_posts_elements_state => array (0)
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->custom['_av_alb_posts_elements_state']
    protected ___content -> null
    protected _permalink -> null
    protected _next -> array (0)
    protected _prev -> array (0)
    protected _css_class -> null
    public id -> integer 9739
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->id
    public ID -> integer 9739
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->ID
    public post_author -> string (1) "4"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->post_author
    public post_content -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->post_content
    public post_date -> string (19) "2022-08-30 14:05:21"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->post_date
    public post_excerpt -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->post_excerpt
    public post_parent -> integer 0
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->post_parent
    public post_status -> string (7) "publish"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->post_status
    public post_title -> string (26) "HAAS Factory Outlet Lisbon"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->post_title
    public post_type -> string (7) "partner"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->post_type
    public slug -> string (26) "haas-factory-outlet-lisbon"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->slug
    protected __type -> null
    public _wpml_word_count -> string (35) "{"total":8,"to_translate":{"de":8}}"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->_wpml_word_count
    • Json (2)
    • total => integer 8
      json_decode($context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->_wpml_word_count, true)['total']
      to_translate => array (1)
      json_decode($context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->_wpml_word_count, true)['to_translate']
      de => integer 8
      json_decode($context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->_wpml_word_count, true)['to_translate']['de']
    public _edit_lock -> string (12) "1661861508:4"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->_edit_lock
    public _edit_last -> string (1) "4"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->_edit_last
    public _wpml_media_featured -> string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->_wpml_media_featured
    public _wpml_media_duplicate -> string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->_wpml_media_duplicate
    public _wpml_location_migration_done -> string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->_wpml_location_migration_done
    public country -> string (8) "Portugal"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->country
    public _country -> string (19) "field_5d8b13d6b29ba"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->_country
    public logo -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->logo
    public _logo -> string (19) "field_5d8b1571b29c0"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->_logo
    public firm -> string (28) "HAAS Factory Outlet Portugal"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->firm
    public _firm -> string (19) "field_5d8b14e4b29bb"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->_firm
    public info -> UTF-8 string (102) "Mr. Nuno Lopes Lugar do Outeiro Rua 1.º de Maio, n.º 60 Aveleda, Portugal Mo...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->info
    Mr. Nuno Lopes
    Lugar do Outeiro
    Rua 1.º de Maio, n.º 60
    Aveleda, Portugal
    Mobil:  +351 912 986 885
    public _info -> string (19) "field_5d8b14f7b29bc"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->_info
    public mail -> string (24) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->mail
    public _mail -> string (19) "field_5d8b150fb29bd"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->_mail
    public web -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->web
    public _web -> string (19) "field_5d8b1524b29be"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->_web
    public _av_css_styles -> array (0)
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->_av_css_styles
    public _av_el_mgr_version -> string (3) "1.0"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->_av_el_mgr_version
    public _av_alb_posts_elements_state -> array (0)
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->_av_alb_posts_elements_state
    public post_date_gmt -> string (19) "2022-08-30 12:05:21"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->post_date_gmt
    public comment_status -> string (6) "closed"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->comment_status
    public ping_status -> string (6) "closed"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->ping_status
    public post_password -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->post_password
    public post_name -> string (26) "haas-factory-outlet-lisbon"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->post_name
    public to_ping -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->to_ping
    public pinged -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->pinged
    public post_modified -> string (19) "2022-08-30 14:06:14"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->post_modified
    public post_modified_gmt -> string (19) "2022-08-30 12:06:14"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->post_modified_gmt
    public post_content_filtered -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->post_content_filtered
    public guid -> string (52) ";p=9739"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->guid
    public menu_order -> integer 0
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->menu_order
    public post_mime_type -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->post_mime_type
    public comment_count -> string (1) "0"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->comment_count
    public filter -> string (3) "raw"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->filter
    public status -> string (7) "publish"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->status
  • public __construct($pid = null) If you send the constructor nothing it will try to figure out the current post i...
    new \Timber\Post($pid = null)
    * If you send the constructor nothing it will try to figure out the current post id based on being inside The_Loop
    * @example
    * ```php
    * $post = new Timber\Post();
    * $other_post = new Timber\Post($random_post_id);
    * ```
    * @param mixed $pid
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:180
    public __get($field): mixed This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is also here to ensure that {{ post.class }} remains usable
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:190
    public __call($field, $args): mixed This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is also here to ensure that {{ post.class }} remains usable
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:202
    public __toString(): string Outputs the title of the post if you do something like `<h1>{{post}}</h1>`
    (string) $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]
    * Outputs the title of the post if you do something like `<h1>{{post}}</h1>`
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:269
    public get_edit_url(): bool|string Get the URL that will edit the current post/object
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->get_edit_url()
    * Get the URL that will edit the current post/object
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::edit_link
    * @return bool|string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:336
    public update($field, $value) updates the post_meta of the current object with the given value
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->update($field, $value)
    * updates the post_meta of the current object with the given value
    * @param string $field
    * @param mixed $value
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:345
    public preview(): \Timber\PostPreview Gets a preview/excerpt of your post.
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->preview()
    * Gets a preview/excerpt of your post.
    * If you have text defined in the excerpt textarea of your post, it will use that. Otherwise it
    * will pull from the post_content. If there's a `<!-- more -->` tag, it will use that to mark
    * where to pull through.
    * This method returns a `Timber\PostPreview` object, which is a **chainable object**. This
    * means that you can change the output of the preview by **adding more methods**. Refer to the
    * [documentation of the `Timber\PostPreview` class](
    * to get an overview of all the available methods.
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {# Use default preview #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview }}</p>
    * {# Change the post preview text #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview.read_more('Continue Reading') }}</p>
    * {# Additionally restrict the length to 50 words #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview.length(50).read_more('Continue Reading') }}</p>
    * ```
    * @see \Timber\PostPreview
    * @return \Timber\PostPreview
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:432
    public get_preview($len = 50, $force = false, $readmore = 'Read More', $strip = true, $end = '&hellip;'): string of the post preview get a preview of your post, if you have an excerpt it will use that, otherwise i...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->get_preview($len = 50, $force = false, $readmore = 'Read More', $strip = true, $end = '&hellip;')
    * get a preview of your post, if you have an excerpt it will use that,
    * otherwise it will pull from the post_content.
    * If there's a <!-- more --> tag it will use that to mark where to pull through.
    * @deprecated since 1.3.1, use {{ post.preview }} instead
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <p>{{post.get_preview(50)}}</p>
    * ```
    * @param int $len The number of words that WP should use to make the tease. (Isn't this better than [this mess]( If you've set a post_excerpt on a post, we'll use that for the preview text; otherwise the first X words of the post_content
    * @param bool $force What happens if your custom post excerpt is longer then the length requested? By default (`$force = false`) it will use the full `post_excerpt`. However, you can set this to true to *force* your excerpt to be of the desired length
    * @param string $readmore The text you want to use on the 'readmore' link
    * @param bool|string $strip true for default, false for none, string for list of custom attributes
    * @param string $end The text to end the preview with (defaults to ...)
    * @return string of the post preview
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:452
    public import_custom($pid) gets the post custom and attaches it to the current object
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->import_custom($pid)
    * gets the post custom and attaches it to the current object
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid a post ID number
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:521
    public comment_form($args = array()): string of HTML for the form Gets the comment form for use on a single article page
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->comment_form($args = array())
    * Gets the comment form for use on a single article page
    * @param array This $args array thing is a mess, [fix at some point](
    * @return string of HTML for the form
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:634
    public terms($args = array(), $merge = true, $term_class = ''): array An array of taxonomies. Gets the terms associated with the post.
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->terms($args = array(), $merge = true, $term_class = '')
    * Gets the terms associated with the post.
    * @api
    * @todo Remove deprecated parameters in 2.x
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <section id="job-feed">
    * {% for post in job %}
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>{{ post.title }}</h2>
    *         <p>{{ post.terms( {query:{taxonomy:'category', orderby:'name', order: 'ASC'}} )|join(', ') }}</p>
    *     </div>
    * {% endfor %}
    * </section>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <section id="job-feed">
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>Cheese Maker</h2>
    *         <p>Cheese, Food, Fromage</p>
    *     </div>
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>Mime</h2>
    *         <p>Performance, Silence</p>
    *     </div>
    * </section>
    * ```
    * ```php
    * // Get all terms of a taxonomy.
    * $terms = $post->terms( 'category' );
    * // Get terms of multiple taxonomies.
    * $terms = $post->terms( array( 'books', 'movies' ) );
    * // Use custom arguments for taxonomy query and options.
    * $terms = $post->terms( array(
    *     'query' => [
    *         'taxonomy' => 'custom_tax',
    *         'orderby'  => 'count',
    *     ],
    *     'merge'      => false,
    *     'term_class' => 'My_Term_Class'
    * ) );
    * ```
    * @param string|array $args {
    *     Optional. Name of the taxonomy or array of arguments.
    *     @type array $query       Any array of term query parameters for getting the terms. See
    *                              `WP_Term_Query::__construct()` for supported arguments. Use the
    *                              `taxonomy` argument to choose which taxonomies to get. Defaults
    *                              to querying all registered taxonomies for the post type. You can
    *                              use custom or built-in WordPress taxonomies (category, tag).
    *                              Timber plays nice and figures out that `tag`, `tags` or
    *                              `post_tag` are all the same (also for `categories` or
    *                              `category`). For custom taxonomies you need to define the
    *                              proper name.
    *     @type bool $merge        Whether the resulting array should be one big one (`true`) or
    *                              whether it should be an array of sub-arrays for each taxonomy
    *                              (`false`). Default `true`.
    *     @type string $term_class The Timber term class to use for the term objects.
    * }
    * @param bool   $merge      Deprecated. Optional. See `$merge` argument in `$args` parameter.
    * @param string $term_class Deprecated. Optional. See `$term_class` argument in `$args`
    *                           parameter.
    * @return array An array of taxonomies.
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:706
    public has_term($term_name_or_id, $taxonomy = 'all'): bool
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->has_term($term_name_or_id, $taxonomy = 'all')
    * @param string|int $term_name_or_id
    * @param string $taxonomy
    * @return bool
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:806
    public get_paged_content(): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->get_paged_content()
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:824
    public get_post_type(): PostType Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->get_post_type()
    * Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    * @deprecated since 1.0.4
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * This post is from <span>{{ post.get_post_type.labels.plural }}</span>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * This post is from <span>Recipes</span>
    * ```
    * @return PostType
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:844
    public get_comment_count(): int the number of comments on a post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->get_comment_count()
    * @return int the number of comments on a post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:852
    public has_field($field_name): boolean
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->has_field($field_name)
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:861
    public field_object($field_name): mixed Gets the field object data from Advanced Custom Fields. This includes metadata o...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->field_object($field_name)
    * Gets the field object data from Advanced Custom Fields.
    * This includes metadata on the field like whether it's conditional or not.
    * @since 1.6.0
    * @param string $field_name of the field you want to lookup.
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:873
    public get_field($field_name): mixed
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->get_field($field_name)
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:883
    public import_field($field_name)
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->import_field($field_name)
    * @param string $field_name
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:905
    public post_class($class = ''): string a space-seperated list of classes Get the CSS classes for a post without cache. For usage you should use `{{post.c...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->post_class($class = '')
    * Get the CSS classes for a post without cache. For usage you should use `{{post.class}}`
    * @internal
    * @param string $class additional classes you want to add
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <article class="{{ post.post_class }}">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <article class="post-2612 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-data tag-charleston-church-shooting tag-dylann-roof tag-gun-violence tag-hate-crimes tag-national-incident-based-reporting-system">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * @return string a space-seperated list of classes
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:927
    public css_class($class = ''): string a space-seperated list of classes Get the CSS classes for a post, but with caching css post classes. For usage you...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->css_class($class = '')
    * Get the CSS classes for a post, but with caching css post classes. For usage you should use `{{ post.class }}` instead of `{{post.css_class}}` or `{{post.post_class}}`
    * @internal
    * @param string $class additional classes you want to add
    * @see Timber\Post::$_css_class
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <article class="{{ post.class }}">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * @return string a space-seperated list of classes
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:956
    public get_method_values(): array
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->get_method_values()
    * @return array
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:970
    public author(): User|null A User object if found, false if not Return the author of a post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->author()
    * Return the author of a post
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{post.title}}</h1>
    * <p class="byline">
    *     <a href="{{}}">{{}}</a>
    * </p>
    * ```
    * @return User|null A User object if found, false if not
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1005
    public authors()
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->authors()
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1011
    public modified_author(): User|null A User object if found, false if not Get the author (WordPress user) who last modified the post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->modified_author()
    * Get the author (WordPress user) who last modified the post
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Last updated by {{ }}
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Last updated by Harper Lee
    * ```
    * @return User|null A User object if found, false if not
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1026
    public categories(): array of Timber\Terms Get the categoires on a particular post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->categories()
    * Get the categoires on a particular post
    * @api
    * @return array of Timber\Terms
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1036
    public category(): Timber\Term|null Returns a category attached to a post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->category()
    * Returns a category attached to a post
    * @api
    * If mulitpuile categories are set, it will return just the first one
    * @return Timber\Term|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1046
    public children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false): array Returns an array of children on the post as Timber\Posts (or other claass as you...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false)
    * Returns an array of children on the post as Timber\Posts
    * (or other claass as you define).
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {% if post.children %}
    *     Here are the child pages:
    *     {% for child in post.children %}
    *         <a href="{{ }}">{{ child.title }}</a>
    *     {% endfor %}
    * {% endif %}
    * ```
    * @param string|array $post_type _optional_ use to find children of a particular post type (attachment vs. page for example). You might want to restrict to certain types of children in case other stuff gets all mucked in there. You can use 'parent' to use the parent's post type or you can pass an array of post types.
    * @param string|bool $childPostClass _optional_ a custom post class (ex: 'MyTimber\Post') to return the objects as. By default (false) it will use Timber\Post::$post_class value.
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1067
    public comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment'): bool|\Timber\CommentThread Gets the comments on a `Timber\Post` and returns them as a `Timber\CommentThread...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment')
    * Gets the comments on a `Timber\Post` and returns them as a `Timber\CommentThread`: a PHP
    * ArrayObject of [`Timber\Comment`](
    * (or whatever comment class you set).
    * @api
    * @param int    $count        Set the number of comments you want to get. `0` is analogous to
    *                             "all".
    * @param string $order        Use ordering set in WordPress admin, or a different scheme.
    * @param string $type         For when other plugins use the comments table for their own
    *                             special purposes. Might be set to 'liveblog' or other, depending
    *                             on what’s stored in your comments table.
    * @param string $status       Could be 'pending', etc.
    * @param string $CommentClass What class to use when returning Comment objects. As you become a
    *                             Timber Pro, you might find yourself extending `Timber\Comment`
    *                             for your site or app (obviously, totally optional).
    * @see \Timber\CommentThread for an example with nested comments
    * @return bool|\Timber\CommentThread
    * @example
    * **single.twig**
    * ```twig
    * <div id="post-comments">
    *   <h4>Comments on {{ post.title }}</h4>
    *   <ul>
    *     {% for comment in post.comments() %}
    *       {% include 'comment.twig' %}
    *     {% endfor %}
    *   </ul>
    *   <div class="comment-form">
    *     {{ function('comment_form') }}
    *   </div>
    * </div>
    * ```
    * **comment.twig**
    * ```twig
    * {# comment.twig #}
    * <li>
    *   <p class="comment-author">{{ }} says:</p>
    *   <div>{{ comment.content }}</div>
    * </li>
    * ```
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1136
    public content($page0, $len = -1): string Gets the actual content of a WP Post, as opposed to post_content this will run t...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->content($page0, $len = -1)
    * Gets the actual content of a WP Post, as opposed to post_content this will run the hooks/filters attached to the_content. \This guy will return your posts content with WordPress filters run on it (like for shortcodes and wpautop).
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <div class="article">
    *     <h2>{{post.title}}</h2>
    *     <div class="content">{{ post.content }}</div>
    * </div>
    * ```
    * @param int $page
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1206
    public paged_content(): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->paged_content()
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1254
    public date($date_format = ''): string Get the date to use in your template!
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->date($date_format = '')
    * Get the date to use in your template!
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Published on {{ }} // Uses WP's formatting set in Admin
    * OR
    * Published on {{'F jS') }} // Jan 12th
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Published on January 12, 2015
    * OR
    * Published on Jan 12th
    * ```
    * @param string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1277
    public time($time_format = ''): string Get the time to use in your template
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->time($time_format = '')
    * Get the time to use in your template
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Published at {{ post.time }} // Uses WP's formatting set in Admin
    * OR
    * Published at {{ post.time | time('G:i') }} // 13:25
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Published at 1:25 pm
    * OR
    * Published at 13:25
    * ```
    * @param string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1301
    public type(): PostType Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->type()
    * Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    * @since 1.0.4
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * This post is from <span>{{ }}</span>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * This post is from <span>Recipes</span>
    * ```
    * @return PostType
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1323
    public edit_link(): bool|string the edit URL of a post in the WordPress admin Returns the edit URL of a post if the user has access to it
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->edit_link()
    * Returns the edit URL of a post if the user has access to it
    * @return bool|string the edit URL of a post in the WordPress admin
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1337
    public format(): mixed
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->format()
    * @api
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1347
    public password_required(): boolean whether post requires password and correct password has been provided
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->password_required()
    * whether post requires password and correct password has been provided
    * @api
    * @return boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1356
    public link(): string ex: get the permalink for a post object
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->link()
    * get the permalink for a post object
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <a href="{{}}">Read my post</a>
    * ```
    * @return string ex:
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1369
    public meta($field_name = null): mixed
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->meta($field_name = null)
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1381
    public name(): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->name()
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1392
    public modified_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->modified_date($date_format = '')
    * @param string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1400
    public modified_time($time_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->modified_time($time_format = '')
    * @param string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1410
    public next($in_same_term = false): mixed
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->next($in_same_term = false)
    * @api
    * @param bool $in_same_term
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1419
    public pagination(): array Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a pa...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->pagination()
    * Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a paginated post
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1445
    public convert($data) Finds any WP_Post objects and converts them to Timber\Posts
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->convert($data)
    * Finds any WP_Post objects and converts them to Timber\Posts
    * @param array|WP_Post $data
    * @param string $class
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1478
    public parent(): bool|Timber\Post Gets the parent (if one exists) from a post as a Timber\Post object (or whatever...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->parent()
    * Gets the parent (if one exists) from a post as a Timber\Post object (or whatever is set in Timber\Post::$PostClass)
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Parent page: <a href="{{ }}">{{ post.parent.title }}</a>
    * ```
    * @return bool|Timber\Post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1504
    public path(): string Gets the relative path of a WP Post, so while link() will return http://example....
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->path()
    * Gets the relative path of a WP Post, so while link() will return
    * this will return just /2015/07/my-cool-post
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <a href="{{post.path}}">{{post.title}}</a>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1522
    public prev($in_same_term = false): mixed Get the previous post in a set
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->prev($in_same_term = false)
    * Get the previous post in a set
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h4>Prior Entry:</h4>
    * <h3>{{post.prev.title}}</h3>
    * <p>{{post.prev.get_preview(25)}}</p>
    * ```
    * @param bool $in_same_term
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1539
    public tags(): array Gets the tags on a post, uses WP's post_tag taxonomy
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->tags()
    * Gets the tags on a post, uses WP's post_tag taxonomy
    * @api
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1562
    public thumbnail(): Image|null of your thumbnail get the featured image as a Timber/Image
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->thumbnail()
    * get the featured image as a Timber/Image
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <img src="{{ post.thumbnail.src }}" />
    * ```
    * @return Image|null of your thumbnail
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1575
    public title(): string Returns the processed title to be used in templates. This returns the title of t...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->title()
    * Returns the processed title to be used in templates. This returns the title of the post after WP's filters have run. This is analogous to `the_title()` in standard WP template tags.
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{ post.title }}</h1>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1593
    public gallery($html = true): html Returns the gallery
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->gallery($html = true)
    * Returns the gallery
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1609
    public audio(): html Returns the audio
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->audio()
    * Returns the audio
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1628
    public video(): html Returns the video
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->video()
    * Returns the video
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1651
    public get_categories(): array of Timber\Terms Get the categories for a post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->get_categories()
    * Get the categories for a post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::categories
    * @return array of Timber\Terms
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1682
    public get_category(): mixed
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->get_category()
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::category
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1693
    public get_image($field): Timber\Image
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->get_image($field)
    * @param string $field
    * @return Timber\Image
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1704
    public get_tags(): array Gets an array of tags for you to use
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->get_tags()
    * Gets an array of tags for you to use
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <ul class="tags">
    *     {% for tag in post.tags %}
    *         <li>{{}}</li>
    *     {% endfor %}
    * </ul>
    * ```
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1723
    public get_title(): string Outputs the title with filters applied
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->get_title()
    * Outputs the title with filters applied
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{post.get_title}}</h1>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <h1>Hello World!</h1>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1741
    public get_content($len = -1, $page0): string Displays the content of the post with filters, shortcodes and wpautop applied
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->get_content($len = -1, $page0)
    * Displays the content of the post with filters, shortcodes and wpautop applied
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <div class="article-text">{{post.get_content}}</div>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <div class="article-text"><p>Blah blah blah</p><p>More blah blah blah.</p></div>
    * ```
    * @param int $len
    * @param int $page
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1758
    public get_format(): mixed
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->get_format()
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1770
    public get_terms($tax = '', $merge = true, $TermClass = ''): array Get the terms associated with the post This goes across all taxonomies by defaul...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->get_terms($tax = '', $merge = true, $TermClass = '')
    * Get the terms associated with the post
    * This goes across all taxonomies by default
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param string|array $tax What taxonom(y|ies) to pull from. Defaults to all registered taxonomies for the post type. You can use custom ones, or built-in WordPress taxonomies (category, tag). Timber plays nice and figures out that tag/tags/post_tag are all the same (and categories/category), for custom taxonomies you're on your own.
    * @param bool $merge Should the resulting array be one big one (true)? Or should it be an array of sub-arrays for each taxonomy (false)?
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1784
    public permalink(): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->permalink()
    * @deprecated 0.20.0 use link() instead
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1793
    public get_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->get_date($date_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::date
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param  string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1806
    public get_modified_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->get_modified_date($date_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::modified_date
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param  string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1818
    public get_modified_time($time_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->get_modified_time($time_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @param  string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1827
    public get_children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false): array
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->get_children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false)
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::children
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param string 		$post_type
    * @param bool|string 	$childPostClass
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1842
    public get_path(): string Get the permalink for a post, but as a relative path For example, where {{post.l...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->get_path()
    * Get the permalink for a post, but as a relative path
    * For example, where {{}} would return ""
    * this will return the relative version: "/2015/07/04/my-cool-post"
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1855
    public get_prev($in_same_term = false): TimberPost|boolean Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->get_prev($in_same_term = false)
    * Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return TimberPost|boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1866
    public get_parent(): bool|TimberPost Get the parent post of the post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->get_parent()
    * Get the parent post of the post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return bool|TimberPost
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1877
    public get_author(): User|null Gets a User object from the author of the post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->get_author()
    * Gets a User object from the author of the post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::author
    * @return User|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1889
    public get_modified_author(): User|null
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->get_modified_author()
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return User|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1899
    public get_thumbnail(): Image|null
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->get_thumbnail()
    * @internal
    * @see TimberPost::thumbnail
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return Image|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1910
    public get_permalink(): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->get_permalink()
    * @internal
    * @see TimberPost::link
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1921
    public get_link(): string get the permalink for a post object In your templates you should use link: <a hr...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->get_link()
    * get the permalink for a post object
    * In your templates you should use link:
    * <a href="{{}}">Read my post</a>
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1934
    public get_next($taxonomy = false): TimberPost|boolean Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->get_next($taxonomy = false)
    * Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param bool $taxonomy
    * @return TimberPost|boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1946
    public get_pagination(): array Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a pa...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->get_pagination()
    * Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a paginated post
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::pagination();
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1958
    public get_comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment'): array|mixed Get the comments for a post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->get_comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment')
    * Get the comments for a post
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::comments
    * @param int $count
    * @param string $order
    * @param string $type
    * @param string $status
    * @param string $CommentClass
    * @return array|mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1974
    public __isset($field): boolean
    * @return boolean
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:15
    public import($info, $force = false) Takes an array or object and adds the properties to the parent object
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->import($info, $force = false)
    * Takes an array or object and adds the properties to the parent object
    * @example
    * ```php
    * $data = array('airplane' => '757-200', 'flight' => '5316');
    * $post = new Timber\Post()
    * $post->import(data);
    * echo $post->airplane; //757-200
    * ```
    * @param array|object $info an object or array you want to grab data from to attach to the Timber object
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:59
    public can_edit(): bool Can you edit this post/term/user? Well good for you. You're no better than me.
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][0]->can_edit()
    * Can you edit this post/term/user? Well good for you. You're no better than me.
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {% if post.can_edit %}
    * <a href="{{ post.edit_link }}">Edit</a>
    * {% endif %}
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <a href="">Edit</a>
    * ```
    * @return bool
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:100
    protected determine_id($pid): int|null the numberic id we should be using for this post object, null when there's no ID (ex: 404 page) tries to figure out what post you want to get if not explictly defined (or if it...
    * tries to figure out what post you want to get if not explictly defined (or if it is, allows it to be passed through)
    * @internal
    * @param mixed a value to test against
    * @return int|null the numberic id we should be using for this post object, null when there's no ID (ex: 404 page)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:230
    protected get_post_preview_object()
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:273
    protected get_post_preview_id($query)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:281
    protected init($pid = false) Initializes a Post
    * Initializes a Post
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:317
    protected prepare_post_info($pid0): WP_Post on success takes a mix of integer (post ID), string (post slug), or object to return a Word...
    * takes a mix of integer (post ID), string (post slug),
    * or object to return a WordPress post object from WP's built-in get_post() function
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid
    * @return WP_Post on success
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:360
    protected check_post_id($pid): integer ID number of a post helps you find the post id regardless of whether you send a string or whatever
    * helps you find the post id regardless of whether you send a string or whatever
    * @param integer $pid ;
    * @internal
    * @return integer ID number of a post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:379
    protected get_post_custom($pid): array Used internally to fetch the metadata fields (wp_postmeta table) and attach them...
    * Used internally to fetch the metadata fields (wp_postmeta table)
    * and attach them to our TimberPost object
    * @internal
    * @param int $pid
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:533
    protected get_info($pid): null|object|WP_Post Used internally by init, etc. to build TimberPost object
    * Used internally by init, etc. to build TimberPost object
    * @internal
    * @param  int $pid
    * @return null|object|WP_Post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:606
    protected maybe_show_password_form(): string|void If the Password form is to be shown, show it!
    * If the Password form is to be shown, show it!
    * @return string|void
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1170
    protected get_revised_data_from_method($method, $args = false)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1183
    protected content_handle_no_teaser_block($content): string Handles for an circumstance with the Block editor where a "more" block has an op...
    * Handles for an circumstance with the Block editor where a "more" block has an option to
    * "Hide the excerpt on the full content page" which hides everything prior to the inserted
    * "more" block
    * @ticket #2218
    * @param string $content
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1243
    public static get_post_id_by_name($post_name): int get_post_id_by_name($post_name)
    * get_post_id_by_name($post_name)
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.5.0
    * @param string $post_name
    * @return int
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:402
    protected static is_previewing(): bool Determine whether or not an admin/editor is looking at the post in "preview mode...
    * Determine whether or not an admin/editor is looking at the post in "preview mode" via the
    * WordPress admin
    * @internal
    * @return bool
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:217
    protected static get_wp_link_page($i): string
    * @param int $i
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:591
  • public static $representation :: string (4) "post"
1 => Timber\Post (57)
$context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]
  • Properties (57)
  • Available methods (95)
  • Static class properties
  • public ImageClass -> string (12) "Timber\Image"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->ImageClass
    public PostClass -> string (11) "Timber\Post"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->PostClass
    public TermClass -> string (11) "Timber\Term"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->TermClass
    public object_type -> string (4) "post"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->object_type
    public custom -> array (19)
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->custom
    _wpml_word_count => string (35) "{"total":8,"to_translate":{"de":8}}"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->custom['_wpml_word_count']
    • Json (2)
    • total => integer 8
      json_decode($context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->custom['_wpml_word_count'], true)['total']
      to_translate => array (1) Depth Limit
      json_decode($context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->custom['_wpml_word_count'], true)['to_translate']
    _edit_lock => string (12) "1661860950:4"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->custom['_edit_lock']
    _edit_last => string (1) "4"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->custom['_edit_last']
    _wpml_media_featured => string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->custom['_wpml_media_featured']
    _wpml_media_duplicate => string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->custom['_wpml_media_duplicate']
    _wpml_location_migration_done => string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->custom['_wpml_location_migration_done']
    country => string (6) "France"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->custom['country']
    _country => string (19) "field_5d8b13d6b29ba"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->custom['_country']
    logo => string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->custom['logo']
    _logo => string (19) "field_5d8b1571b29c0"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->custom['_logo']
    firm => string (24) "HAAS Factory Outlet Lyon"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->custom['firm']
    _firm => string (19) "field_5d8b14e4b29bb"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->custom['_firm']
    info => UTF-8 string (65) "Mr. Samuel Gegout 825 Rue de la Peronnière 42320 La Grand Croix"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->custom['info']
    Mr. Samuel Gegout
    825 Rue de la Peronnière
    42320 La Grand Croix
    _info => string (19) "field_5d8b14f7b29bc"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->custom['_info']
    mail => string (21) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->custom['mail']
    _mail => string (19) "field_5d8b150fb29bd"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->custom['_mail']
    web => string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->custom['web']
    _web => string (19) "field_5d8b1524b29be"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->custom['_web']
    _av_css_styles => array (0)
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->custom['_av_css_styles']
    protected ___content -> null
    protected _permalink -> null
    protected _next -> array (0)
    protected _prev -> array (0)
    protected _css_class -> null
    public id -> integer 9740
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->id
    public ID -> integer 9740
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->ID
    public post_author -> string (1) "4"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->post_author
    public post_content -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->post_content
    public post_date -> string (19) "2022-08-30 14:04:26"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->post_date
    public post_excerpt -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->post_excerpt
    public post_parent -> integer 0
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->post_parent
    public post_status -> string (7) "publish"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->post_status
    public post_title -> string (24) "HAAS Factory Outlet Lyon"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->post_title
    public post_type -> string (7) "partner"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->post_type
    public slug -> string (24) "haas-factory-outlet-lyon"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->slug
    protected __type -> null
    public _wpml_word_count -> string (35) "{"total":8,"to_translate":{"de":8}}"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->_wpml_word_count
    • Json (2)
    • total => integer 8
      json_decode($context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->_wpml_word_count, true)['total']
      to_translate => array (1)
      json_decode($context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->_wpml_word_count, true)['to_translate']
      de => integer 8
      json_decode($context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->_wpml_word_count, true)['to_translate']['de']
    public _edit_lock -> string (12) "1661860950:4"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->_edit_lock
    public _edit_last -> string (1) "4"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->_edit_last
    public _wpml_media_featured -> string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->_wpml_media_featured
    public _wpml_media_duplicate -> string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->_wpml_media_duplicate
    public _wpml_location_migration_done -> string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->_wpml_location_migration_done
    public country -> string (6) "France"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->country
    public _country -> string (19) "field_5d8b13d6b29ba"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->_country
    public logo -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->logo
    public _logo -> string (19) "field_5d8b1571b29c0"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->_logo
    public firm -> string (24) "HAAS Factory Outlet Lyon"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->firm
    public _firm -> string (19) "field_5d8b14e4b29bb"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->_firm
    public info -> UTF-8 string (65) "Mr. Samuel Gegout 825 Rue de la Peronnière 42320 La Grand Croix"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->info
    Mr. Samuel Gegout
    825 Rue de la Peronnière
    42320 La Grand Croix
    public _info -> string (19) "field_5d8b14f7b29bc"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->_info
    public mail -> string (21) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->mail
    public _mail -> string (19) "field_5d8b150fb29bd"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->_mail
    public web -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->web
    public _web -> string (19) "field_5d8b1524b29be"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->_web
    public _av_css_styles -> array (0)
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->_av_css_styles
    public post_date_gmt -> string (19) "2022-08-30 12:04:26"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->post_date_gmt
    public comment_status -> string (6) "closed"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->comment_status
    public ping_status -> string (6) "closed"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->ping_status
    public post_password -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->post_password
    public post_name -> string (24) "haas-factory-outlet-lyon"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->post_name
    public to_ping -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->to_ping
    public pinged -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->pinged
    public post_modified -> string (19) "2022-08-30 14:04:46"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->post_modified
    public post_modified_gmt -> string (19) "2022-08-30 12:04:46"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->post_modified_gmt
    public post_content_filtered -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->post_content_filtered
    public guid -> string (52) ";p=9740"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->guid
    public menu_order -> integer 0
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->menu_order
    public post_mime_type -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->post_mime_type
    public comment_count -> string (1) "0"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->comment_count
    public filter -> string (3) "raw"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->filter
    public status -> string (7) "publish"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->status
  • public __construct($pid = null) If you send the constructor nothing it will try to figure out the current post i...
    new \Timber\Post($pid = null)
    * If you send the constructor nothing it will try to figure out the current post id based on being inside The_Loop
    * @example
    * ```php
    * $post = new Timber\Post();
    * $other_post = new Timber\Post($random_post_id);
    * ```
    * @param mixed $pid
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:180
    public __get($field): mixed This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is also here to ensure that {{ post.class }} remains usable
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:190
    public __call($field, $args): mixed This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is also here to ensure that {{ post.class }} remains usable
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:202
    public __toString(): string Outputs the title of the post if you do something like `<h1>{{post}}</h1>`
    (string) $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]
    * Outputs the title of the post if you do something like `<h1>{{post}}</h1>`
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:269
    public get_edit_url(): bool|string Get the URL that will edit the current post/object
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->get_edit_url()
    * Get the URL that will edit the current post/object
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::edit_link
    * @return bool|string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:336
    public update($field, $value) updates the post_meta of the current object with the given value
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->update($field, $value)
    * updates the post_meta of the current object with the given value
    * @param string $field
    * @param mixed $value
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:345
    public preview(): \Timber\PostPreview Gets a preview/excerpt of your post.
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->preview()
    * Gets a preview/excerpt of your post.
    * If you have text defined in the excerpt textarea of your post, it will use that. Otherwise it
    * will pull from the post_content. If there's a `<!-- more -->` tag, it will use that to mark
    * where to pull through.
    * This method returns a `Timber\PostPreview` object, which is a **chainable object**. This
    * means that you can change the output of the preview by **adding more methods**. Refer to the
    * [documentation of the `Timber\PostPreview` class](
    * to get an overview of all the available methods.
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {# Use default preview #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview }}</p>
    * {# Change the post preview text #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview.read_more('Continue Reading') }}</p>
    * {# Additionally restrict the length to 50 words #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview.length(50).read_more('Continue Reading') }}</p>
    * ```
    * @see \Timber\PostPreview
    * @return \Timber\PostPreview
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:432
    public get_preview($len = 50, $force = false, $readmore = 'Read More', $strip = true, $end = '&hellip;'): string of the post preview get a preview of your post, if you have an excerpt it will use that, otherwise i...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->get_preview($len = 50, $force = false, $readmore = 'Read More', $strip = true, $end = '&hellip;')
    * get a preview of your post, if you have an excerpt it will use that,
    * otherwise it will pull from the post_content.
    * If there's a <!-- more --> tag it will use that to mark where to pull through.
    * @deprecated since 1.3.1, use {{ post.preview }} instead
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <p>{{post.get_preview(50)}}</p>
    * ```
    * @param int $len The number of words that WP should use to make the tease. (Isn't this better than [this mess]( If you've set a post_excerpt on a post, we'll use that for the preview text; otherwise the first X words of the post_content
    * @param bool $force What happens if your custom post excerpt is longer then the length requested? By default (`$force = false`) it will use the full `post_excerpt`. However, you can set this to true to *force* your excerpt to be of the desired length
    * @param string $readmore The text you want to use on the 'readmore' link
    * @param bool|string $strip true for default, false for none, string for list of custom attributes
    * @param string $end The text to end the preview with (defaults to ...)
    * @return string of the post preview
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:452
    public import_custom($pid) gets the post custom and attaches it to the current object
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->import_custom($pid)
    * gets the post custom and attaches it to the current object
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid a post ID number
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:521
    public comment_form($args = array()): string of HTML for the form Gets the comment form for use on a single article page
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->comment_form($args = array())
    * Gets the comment form for use on a single article page
    * @param array This $args array thing is a mess, [fix at some point](
    * @return string of HTML for the form
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:634
    public terms($args = array(), $merge = true, $term_class = ''): array An array of taxonomies. Gets the terms associated with the post.
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->terms($args = array(), $merge = true, $term_class = '')
    * Gets the terms associated with the post.
    * @api
    * @todo Remove deprecated parameters in 2.x
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <section id="job-feed">
    * {% for post in job %}
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>{{ post.title }}</h2>
    *         <p>{{ post.terms( {query:{taxonomy:'category', orderby:'name', order: 'ASC'}} )|join(', ') }}</p>
    *     </div>
    * {% endfor %}
    * </section>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <section id="job-feed">
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>Cheese Maker</h2>
    *         <p>Cheese, Food, Fromage</p>
    *     </div>
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>Mime</h2>
    *         <p>Performance, Silence</p>
    *     </div>
    * </section>
    * ```
    * ```php
    * // Get all terms of a taxonomy.
    * $terms = $post->terms( 'category' );
    * // Get terms of multiple taxonomies.
    * $terms = $post->terms( array( 'books', 'movies' ) );
    * // Use custom arguments for taxonomy query and options.
    * $terms = $post->terms( array(
    *     'query' => [
    *         'taxonomy' => 'custom_tax',
    *         'orderby'  => 'count',
    *     ],
    *     'merge'      => false,
    *     'term_class' => 'My_Term_Class'
    * ) );
    * ```
    * @param string|array $args {
    *     Optional. Name of the taxonomy or array of arguments.
    *     @type array $query       Any array of term query parameters for getting the terms. See
    *                              `WP_Term_Query::__construct()` for supported arguments. Use the
    *                              `taxonomy` argument to choose which taxonomies to get. Defaults
    *                              to querying all registered taxonomies for the post type. You can
    *                              use custom or built-in WordPress taxonomies (category, tag).
    *                              Timber plays nice and figures out that `tag`, `tags` or
    *                              `post_tag` are all the same (also for `categories` or
    *                              `category`). For custom taxonomies you need to define the
    *                              proper name.
    *     @type bool $merge        Whether the resulting array should be one big one (`true`) or
    *                              whether it should be an array of sub-arrays for each taxonomy
    *                              (`false`). Default `true`.
    *     @type string $term_class The Timber term class to use for the term objects.
    * }
    * @param bool   $merge      Deprecated. Optional. See `$merge` argument in `$args` parameter.
    * @param string $term_class Deprecated. Optional. See `$term_class` argument in `$args`
    *                           parameter.
    * @return array An array of taxonomies.
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:706
    public has_term($term_name_or_id, $taxonomy = 'all'): bool
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->has_term($term_name_or_id, $taxonomy = 'all')
    * @param string|int $term_name_or_id
    * @param string $taxonomy
    * @return bool
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:806
    public get_paged_content(): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->get_paged_content()
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:824
    public get_post_type(): PostType Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->get_post_type()
    * Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    * @deprecated since 1.0.4
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * This post is from <span>{{ post.get_post_type.labels.plural }}</span>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * This post is from <span>Recipes</span>
    * ```
    * @return PostType
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:844
    public get_comment_count(): int the number of comments on a post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->get_comment_count()
    * @return int the number of comments on a post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:852
    public has_field($field_name): boolean
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->has_field($field_name)
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:861
    public field_object($field_name): mixed Gets the field object data from Advanced Custom Fields. This includes metadata o...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->field_object($field_name)
    * Gets the field object data from Advanced Custom Fields.
    * This includes metadata on the field like whether it's conditional or not.
    * @since 1.6.0
    * @param string $field_name of the field you want to lookup.
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:873
    public get_field($field_name): mixed
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->get_field($field_name)
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:883
    public import_field($field_name)
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->import_field($field_name)
    * @param string $field_name
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:905
    public post_class($class = ''): string a space-seperated list of classes Get the CSS classes for a post without cache. For usage you should use `{{post.c...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->post_class($class = '')
    * Get the CSS classes for a post without cache. For usage you should use `{{post.class}}`
    * @internal
    * @param string $class additional classes you want to add
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <article class="{{ post.post_class }}">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <article class="post-2612 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-data tag-charleston-church-shooting tag-dylann-roof tag-gun-violence tag-hate-crimes tag-national-incident-based-reporting-system">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * @return string a space-seperated list of classes
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:927
    public css_class($class = ''): string a space-seperated list of classes Get the CSS classes for a post, but with caching css post classes. For usage you...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->css_class($class = '')
    * Get the CSS classes for a post, but with caching css post classes. For usage you should use `{{ post.class }}` instead of `{{post.css_class}}` or `{{post.post_class}}`
    * @internal
    * @param string $class additional classes you want to add
    * @see Timber\Post::$_css_class
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <article class="{{ post.class }}">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * @return string a space-seperated list of classes
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:956
    public get_method_values(): array
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->get_method_values()
    * @return array
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:970
    public author(): User|null A User object if found, false if not Return the author of a post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->author()
    * Return the author of a post
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{post.title}}</h1>
    * <p class="byline">
    *     <a href="{{}}">{{}}</a>
    * </p>
    * ```
    * @return User|null A User object if found, false if not
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1005
    public authors()
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->authors()
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1011
    public modified_author(): User|null A User object if found, false if not Get the author (WordPress user) who last modified the post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->modified_author()
    * Get the author (WordPress user) who last modified the post
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Last updated by {{ }}
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Last updated by Harper Lee
    * ```
    * @return User|null A User object if found, false if not
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1026
    public categories(): array of Timber\Terms Get the categoires on a particular post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->categories()
    * Get the categoires on a particular post
    * @api
    * @return array of Timber\Terms
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1036
    public category(): Timber\Term|null Returns a category attached to a post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->category()
    * Returns a category attached to a post
    * @api
    * If mulitpuile categories are set, it will return just the first one
    * @return Timber\Term|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1046
    public children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false): array Returns an array of children on the post as Timber\Posts (or other claass as you...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false)
    * Returns an array of children on the post as Timber\Posts
    * (or other claass as you define).
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {% if post.children %}
    *     Here are the child pages:
    *     {% for child in post.children %}
    *         <a href="{{ }}">{{ child.title }}</a>
    *     {% endfor %}
    * {% endif %}
    * ```
    * @param string|array $post_type _optional_ use to find children of a particular post type (attachment vs. page for example). You might want to restrict to certain types of children in case other stuff gets all mucked in there. You can use 'parent' to use the parent's post type or you can pass an array of post types.
    * @param string|bool $childPostClass _optional_ a custom post class (ex: 'MyTimber\Post') to return the objects as. By default (false) it will use Timber\Post::$post_class value.
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1067
    public comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment'): bool|\Timber\CommentThread Gets the comments on a `Timber\Post` and returns them as a `Timber\CommentThread...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment')
    * Gets the comments on a `Timber\Post` and returns them as a `Timber\CommentThread`: a PHP
    * ArrayObject of [`Timber\Comment`](
    * (or whatever comment class you set).
    * @api
    * @param int    $count        Set the number of comments you want to get. `0` is analogous to
    *                             "all".
    * @param string $order        Use ordering set in WordPress admin, or a different scheme.
    * @param string $type         For when other plugins use the comments table for their own
    *                             special purposes. Might be set to 'liveblog' or other, depending
    *                             on what’s stored in your comments table.
    * @param string $status       Could be 'pending', etc.
    * @param string $CommentClass What class to use when returning Comment objects. As you become a
    *                             Timber Pro, you might find yourself extending `Timber\Comment`
    *                             for your site or app (obviously, totally optional).
    * @see \Timber\CommentThread for an example with nested comments
    * @return bool|\Timber\CommentThread
    * @example
    * **single.twig**
    * ```twig
    * <div id="post-comments">
    *   <h4>Comments on {{ post.title }}</h4>
    *   <ul>
    *     {% for comment in post.comments() %}
    *       {% include 'comment.twig' %}
    *     {% endfor %}
    *   </ul>
    *   <div class="comment-form">
    *     {{ function('comment_form') }}
    *   </div>
    * </div>
    * ```
    * **comment.twig**
    * ```twig
    * {# comment.twig #}
    * <li>
    *   <p class="comment-author">{{ }} says:</p>
    *   <div>{{ comment.content }}</div>
    * </li>
    * ```
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1136
    public content($page0, $len = -1): string Gets the actual content of a WP Post, as opposed to post_content this will run t...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->content($page0, $len = -1)
    * Gets the actual content of a WP Post, as opposed to post_content this will run the hooks/filters attached to the_content. \This guy will return your posts content with WordPress filters run on it (like for shortcodes and wpautop).
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <div class="article">
    *     <h2>{{post.title}}</h2>
    *     <div class="content">{{ post.content }}</div>
    * </div>
    * ```
    * @param int $page
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1206
    public paged_content(): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->paged_content()
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1254
    public date($date_format = ''): string Get the date to use in your template!
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->date($date_format = '')
    * Get the date to use in your template!
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Published on {{ }} // Uses WP's formatting set in Admin
    * OR
    * Published on {{'F jS') }} // Jan 12th
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Published on January 12, 2015
    * OR
    * Published on Jan 12th
    * ```
    * @param string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1277
    public time($time_format = ''): string Get the time to use in your template
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->time($time_format = '')
    * Get the time to use in your template
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Published at {{ post.time }} // Uses WP's formatting set in Admin
    * OR
    * Published at {{ post.time | time('G:i') }} // 13:25
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Published at 1:25 pm
    * OR
    * Published at 13:25
    * ```
    * @param string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1301
    public type(): PostType Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->type()
    * Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    * @since 1.0.4
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * This post is from <span>{{ }}</span>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * This post is from <span>Recipes</span>
    * ```
    * @return PostType
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1323
    public edit_link(): bool|string the edit URL of a post in the WordPress admin Returns the edit URL of a post if the user has access to it
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->edit_link()
    * Returns the edit URL of a post if the user has access to it
    * @return bool|string the edit URL of a post in the WordPress admin
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1337
    public format(): mixed
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->format()
    * @api
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1347
    public password_required(): boolean whether post requires password and correct password has been provided
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->password_required()
    * whether post requires password and correct password has been provided
    * @api
    * @return boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1356
    public link(): string ex: get the permalink for a post object
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->link()
    * get the permalink for a post object
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <a href="{{}}">Read my post</a>
    * ```
    * @return string ex:
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1369
    public meta($field_name = null): mixed
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->meta($field_name = null)
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1381
    public name(): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->name()
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1392
    public modified_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->modified_date($date_format = '')
    * @param string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1400
    public modified_time($time_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->modified_time($time_format = '')
    * @param string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1410
    public next($in_same_term = false): mixed
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->next($in_same_term = false)
    * @api
    * @param bool $in_same_term
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1419
    public pagination(): array Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a pa...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->pagination()
    * Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a paginated post
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1445
    public convert($data) Finds any WP_Post objects and converts them to Timber\Posts
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->convert($data)
    * Finds any WP_Post objects and converts them to Timber\Posts
    * @param array|WP_Post $data
    * @param string $class
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1478
    public parent(): bool|Timber\Post Gets the parent (if one exists) from a post as a Timber\Post object (or whatever...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->parent()
    * Gets the parent (if one exists) from a post as a Timber\Post object (or whatever is set in Timber\Post::$PostClass)
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Parent page: <a href="{{ }}">{{ post.parent.title }}</a>
    * ```
    * @return bool|Timber\Post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1504
    public path(): string Gets the relative path of a WP Post, so while link() will return http://example....
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->path()
    * Gets the relative path of a WP Post, so while link() will return
    * this will return just /2015/07/my-cool-post
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <a href="{{post.path}}">{{post.title}}</a>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1522
    public prev($in_same_term = false): mixed Get the previous post in a set
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->prev($in_same_term = false)
    * Get the previous post in a set
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h4>Prior Entry:</h4>
    * <h3>{{post.prev.title}}</h3>
    * <p>{{post.prev.get_preview(25)}}</p>
    * ```
    * @param bool $in_same_term
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1539
    public tags(): array Gets the tags on a post, uses WP's post_tag taxonomy
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->tags()
    * Gets the tags on a post, uses WP's post_tag taxonomy
    * @api
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1562
    public thumbnail(): Image|null of your thumbnail get the featured image as a Timber/Image
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->thumbnail()
    * get the featured image as a Timber/Image
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <img src="{{ post.thumbnail.src }}" />
    * ```
    * @return Image|null of your thumbnail
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1575
    public title(): string Returns the processed title to be used in templates. This returns the title of t...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->title()
    * Returns the processed title to be used in templates. This returns the title of the post after WP's filters have run. This is analogous to `the_title()` in standard WP template tags.
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{ post.title }}</h1>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1593
    public gallery($html = true): html Returns the gallery
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->gallery($html = true)
    * Returns the gallery
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1609
    public audio(): html Returns the audio
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->audio()
    * Returns the audio
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1628
    public video(): html Returns the video
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->video()
    * Returns the video
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1651
    public get_categories(): array of Timber\Terms Get the categories for a post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->get_categories()
    * Get the categories for a post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::categories
    * @return array of Timber\Terms
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1682
    public get_category(): mixed
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->get_category()
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::category
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1693
    public get_image($field): Timber\Image
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->get_image($field)
    * @param string $field
    * @return Timber\Image
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1704
    public get_tags(): array Gets an array of tags for you to use
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->get_tags()
    * Gets an array of tags for you to use
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <ul class="tags">
    *     {% for tag in post.tags %}
    *         <li>{{}}</li>
    *     {% endfor %}
    * </ul>
    * ```
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1723
    public get_title(): string Outputs the title with filters applied
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->get_title()
    * Outputs the title with filters applied
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{post.get_title}}</h1>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <h1>Hello World!</h1>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1741
    public get_content($len = -1, $page0): string Displays the content of the post with filters, shortcodes and wpautop applied
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->get_content($len = -1, $page0)
    * Displays the content of the post with filters, shortcodes and wpautop applied
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <div class="article-text">{{post.get_content}}</div>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <div class="article-text"><p>Blah blah blah</p><p>More blah blah blah.</p></div>
    * ```
    * @param int $len
    * @param int $page
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1758
    public get_format(): mixed
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->get_format()
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1770
    public get_terms($tax = '', $merge = true, $TermClass = ''): array Get the terms associated with the post This goes across all taxonomies by defaul...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->get_terms($tax = '', $merge = true, $TermClass = '')
    * Get the terms associated with the post
    * This goes across all taxonomies by default
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param string|array $tax What taxonom(y|ies) to pull from. Defaults to all registered taxonomies for the post type. You can use custom ones, or built-in WordPress taxonomies (category, tag). Timber plays nice and figures out that tag/tags/post_tag are all the same (and categories/category), for custom taxonomies you're on your own.
    * @param bool $merge Should the resulting array be one big one (true)? Or should it be an array of sub-arrays for each taxonomy (false)?
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1784
    public permalink(): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->permalink()
    * @deprecated 0.20.0 use link() instead
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1793
    public get_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->get_date($date_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::date
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param  string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1806
    public get_modified_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->get_modified_date($date_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::modified_date
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param  string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1818
    public get_modified_time($time_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->get_modified_time($time_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @param  string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1827
    public get_children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false): array
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->get_children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false)
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::children
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param string 		$post_type
    * @param bool|string 	$childPostClass
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1842
    public get_path(): string Get the permalink for a post, but as a relative path For example, where {{post.l...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->get_path()
    * Get the permalink for a post, but as a relative path
    * For example, where {{}} would return ""
    * this will return the relative version: "/2015/07/04/my-cool-post"
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1855
    public get_prev($in_same_term = false): TimberPost|boolean Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->get_prev($in_same_term = false)
    * Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return TimberPost|boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1866
    public get_parent(): bool|TimberPost Get the parent post of the post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->get_parent()
    * Get the parent post of the post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return bool|TimberPost
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1877
    public get_author(): User|null Gets a User object from the author of the post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->get_author()
    * Gets a User object from the author of the post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::author
    * @return User|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1889
    public get_modified_author(): User|null
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->get_modified_author()
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return User|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1899
    public get_thumbnail(): Image|null
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->get_thumbnail()
    * @internal
    * @see TimberPost::thumbnail
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return Image|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1910
    public get_permalink(): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->get_permalink()
    * @internal
    * @see TimberPost::link
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1921
    public get_link(): string get the permalink for a post object In your templates you should use link: <a hr...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->get_link()
    * get the permalink for a post object
    * In your templates you should use link:
    * <a href="{{}}">Read my post</a>
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1934
    public get_next($taxonomy = false): TimberPost|boolean Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->get_next($taxonomy = false)
    * Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param bool $taxonomy
    * @return TimberPost|boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1946
    public get_pagination(): array Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a pa...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->get_pagination()
    * Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a paginated post
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::pagination();
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1958
    public get_comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment'): array|mixed Get the comments for a post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->get_comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment')
    * Get the comments for a post
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::comments
    * @param int $count
    * @param string $order
    * @param string $type
    * @param string $status
    * @param string $CommentClass
    * @return array|mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1974
    public __isset($field): boolean
    * @return boolean
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:15
    public import($info, $force = false) Takes an array or object and adds the properties to the parent object
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->import($info, $force = false)
    * Takes an array or object and adds the properties to the parent object
    * @example
    * ```php
    * $data = array('airplane' => '757-200', 'flight' => '5316');
    * $post = new Timber\Post()
    * $post->import(data);
    * echo $post->airplane; //757-200
    * ```
    * @param array|object $info an object or array you want to grab data from to attach to the Timber object
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:59
    public can_edit(): bool Can you edit this post/term/user? Well good for you. You're no better than me.
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][1]->can_edit()
    * Can you edit this post/term/user? Well good for you. You're no better than me.
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {% if post.can_edit %}
    * <a href="{{ post.edit_link }}">Edit</a>
    * {% endif %}
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <a href="">Edit</a>
    * ```
    * @return bool
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:100
    protected determine_id($pid): int|null the numberic id we should be using for this post object, null when there's no ID (ex: 404 page) tries to figure out what post you want to get if not explictly defined (or if it...
    * tries to figure out what post you want to get if not explictly defined (or if it is, allows it to be passed through)
    * @internal
    * @param mixed a value to test against
    * @return int|null the numberic id we should be using for this post object, null when there's no ID (ex: 404 page)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:230
    protected get_post_preview_object()
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:273
    protected get_post_preview_id($query)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:281
    protected init($pid = false) Initializes a Post
    * Initializes a Post
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:317
    protected prepare_post_info($pid0): WP_Post on success takes a mix of integer (post ID), string (post slug), or object to return a Word...
    * takes a mix of integer (post ID), string (post slug),
    * or object to return a WordPress post object from WP's built-in get_post() function
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid
    * @return WP_Post on success
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:360
    protected check_post_id($pid): integer ID number of a post helps you find the post id regardless of whether you send a string or whatever
    * helps you find the post id regardless of whether you send a string or whatever
    * @param integer $pid ;
    * @internal
    * @return integer ID number of a post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:379
    protected get_post_custom($pid): array Used internally to fetch the metadata fields (wp_postmeta table) and attach them...
    * Used internally to fetch the metadata fields (wp_postmeta table)
    * and attach them to our TimberPost object
    * @internal
    * @param int $pid
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:533
    protected get_info($pid): null|object|WP_Post Used internally by init, etc. to build TimberPost object
    * Used internally by init, etc. to build TimberPost object
    * @internal
    * @param  int $pid
    * @return null|object|WP_Post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:606
    protected maybe_show_password_form(): string|void If the Password form is to be shown, show it!
    * If the Password form is to be shown, show it!
    * @return string|void
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1170
    protected get_revised_data_from_method($method, $args = false)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1183
    protected content_handle_no_teaser_block($content): string Handles for an circumstance with the Block editor where a "more" block has an op...
    * Handles for an circumstance with the Block editor where a "more" block has an option to
    * "Hide the excerpt on the full content page" which hides everything prior to the inserted
    * "more" block
    * @ticket #2218
    * @param string $content
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1243
    public static get_post_id_by_name($post_name): int get_post_id_by_name($post_name)
    * get_post_id_by_name($post_name)
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.5.0
    * @param string $post_name
    * @return int
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:402
    protected static is_previewing(): bool Determine whether or not an admin/editor is looking at the post in "preview mode...
    * Determine whether or not an admin/editor is looking at the post in "preview mode" via the
    * WordPress admin
    * @internal
    * @return bool
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:217
    protected static get_wp_link_page($i): string
    * @param int $i
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:591
  • public static $representation :: string (4) "post"
2 => Timber\Post (58)
$context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]
  • Properties (58)
  • Available methods (95)
  • Static class properties
  • public ImageClass -> string (12) "Timber\Image"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->ImageClass
    public PostClass -> string (11) "Timber\Post"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->PostClass
    public TermClass -> string (11) "Timber\Term"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->TermClass
    public object_type -> string (4) "post"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->object_type
    public custom -> array (20)
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->custom
    _av_el_mgr_version => string (3) "1.0"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->custom['_av_el_mgr_version']
    _av_alb_posts_elements_state => array (0)
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->custom['_av_alb_posts_elements_state']
    country => string (6) "Sweden"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->custom['country']
    _country => string (19) "field_5d8b13d6b29ba"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->custom['_country']
    logo => string (4) "1295"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->custom['logo']
    _logo => string (19) "field_5d8b1571b29c0"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->custom['_logo']
    firm => UTF-8 string (17) "Edström Maskin AB"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->custom['firm']
    _firm => string (19) "field_5d8b14e4b29bb"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->custom['_firm']
    info => UTF-8 string (142) "Mr. Fredrik Salomonsson Mr. Jan Frideskog Mr. Tobias Svensson Solasvägen 14 ...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->custom['info']
    Mr. Fredrik Salomonsson
    Mr. Jan Frideskog
    Mr. Tobias Svensson
    Solasvägen 14 
    55199 Jönköping 
    Tel:  ++46 36 392000 
    Fax:  ++46 36 165452
    _info => string (19) "field_5d8b14f7b29bc"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->custom['_info']
    mail => string (32) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->custom['mail']
    _mail => string (19) "field_5d8b150fb29bd"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->custom['_mail']
    web => string (25) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->custom['web']
    _web => string (19) "field_5d8b1524b29be"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->custom['_web']
    _wpml_media_duplicate => string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->custom['_wpml_media_duplicate']
    _wpml_location_migration_done => string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->custom['_wpml_location_migration_done']
    _edit_lock => string (12) "1661848834:4"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->custom['_edit_lock']
    _edit_last => string (1) "4"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->custom['_edit_last']
    _last_translation_edit_mode => string (13) "native-editor"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->custom['_last_translation_edit_mode']
    _av_css_styles => array (0)
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->custom['_av_css_styles']
    protected ___content -> null
    protected _permalink -> null
    protected _next -> array (0)
    protected _prev -> array (0)
    protected _css_class -> null
    public id -> integer 2400
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->id
    public ID -> integer 2400
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->ID
    public post_author -> string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->post_author
    public post_content -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->post_content
    public post_date -> string (19) "2019-09-25 10:41:18"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->post_date
    public post_excerpt -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->post_excerpt
    public post_parent -> integer 0
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->post_parent
    public post_status -> string (7) "publish"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->post_status
    public post_title -> UTF-8 string (17) "Edström Maskin AB"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->post_title
    public post_type -> string (7) "partner"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->post_type
    public slug -> string (18) "edstroem-maskin-ab"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->slug
    protected __type -> null
    public _av_el_mgr_version -> string (3) "1.0"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->_av_el_mgr_version
    public _av_alb_posts_elements_state -> array (0)
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->_av_alb_posts_elements_state
    public country -> string (6) "Sweden"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->country
    public _country -> string (19) "field_5d8b13d6b29ba"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->_country
    public logo -> string (4) "1295"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->logo
    public _logo -> string (19) "field_5d8b1571b29c0"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->_logo
    public firm -> UTF-8 string (17) "Edström Maskin AB"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->firm
    public _firm -> string (19) "field_5d8b14e4b29bb"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->_firm
    public info -> UTF-8 string (142) "Mr. Fredrik Salomonsson Mr. Jan Frideskog Mr. Tobias Svensson Solasvägen 14 ...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->info
    Mr. Fredrik Salomonsson
    Mr. Jan Frideskog
    Mr. Tobias Svensson
    Solasvägen 14 
    55199 Jönköping 
    Tel:  ++46 36 392000 
    Fax:  ++46 36 165452
    public _info -> string (19) "field_5d8b14f7b29bc"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->_info
    public mail -> string (32) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->mail
    public _mail -> string (19) "field_5d8b150fb29bd"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->_mail
    public web -> string (25) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->web
    public _web -> string (19) "field_5d8b1524b29be"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->_web
    public _wpml_media_duplicate -> string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->_wpml_media_duplicate
    public _wpml_location_migration_done -> string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->_wpml_location_migration_done
    public _edit_lock -> string (12) "1661848834:4"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->_edit_lock
    public _edit_last -> string (1) "4"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->_edit_last
    public _last_translation_edit_mode -> string (13) "native-editor"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->_last_translation_edit_mode
    public _av_css_styles -> array (0)
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->_av_css_styles
    public post_date_gmt -> string (19) "2019-09-25 08:41:18"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->post_date_gmt
    public comment_status -> string (6) "closed"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->comment_status
    public ping_status -> string (6) "closed"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->ping_status
    public post_password -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->post_password
    public post_name -> string (18) "edstroem-maskin-ab"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->post_name
    public to_ping -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->to_ping
    public pinged -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->pinged
    public post_modified -> string (19) "2022-08-30 10:40:30"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->post_modified
    public post_modified_gmt -> string (19) "2022-08-30 08:40:30"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->post_modified_gmt
    public post_content_filtered -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->post_content_filtered
    public guid -> string (59) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->guid
    public menu_order -> integer 0
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->menu_order
    public post_mime_type -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->post_mime_type
    public comment_count -> string (1) "0"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->comment_count
    public filter -> string (3) "raw"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->filter
    public status -> string (7) "publish"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->status
  • public __construct($pid = null) If you send the constructor nothing it will try to figure out the current post i...
    new \Timber\Post($pid = null)
    * If you send the constructor nothing it will try to figure out the current post id based on being inside The_Loop
    * @example
    * ```php
    * $post = new Timber\Post();
    * $other_post = new Timber\Post($random_post_id);
    * ```
    * @param mixed $pid
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:180
    public __get($field): mixed This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is also here to ensure that {{ post.class }} remains usable
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:190
    public __call($field, $args): mixed This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is also here to ensure that {{ post.class }} remains usable
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:202
    public __toString(): string Outputs the title of the post if you do something like `<h1>{{post}}</h1>`
    (string) $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]
    * Outputs the title of the post if you do something like `<h1>{{post}}</h1>`
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:269
    public get_edit_url(): bool|string Get the URL that will edit the current post/object
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->get_edit_url()
    * Get the URL that will edit the current post/object
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::edit_link
    * @return bool|string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:336
    public update($field, $value) updates the post_meta of the current object with the given value
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->update($field, $value)
    * updates the post_meta of the current object with the given value
    * @param string $field
    * @param mixed $value
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:345
    public preview(): \Timber\PostPreview Gets a preview/excerpt of your post.
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->preview()
    * Gets a preview/excerpt of your post.
    * If you have text defined in the excerpt textarea of your post, it will use that. Otherwise it
    * will pull from the post_content. If there's a `<!-- more -->` tag, it will use that to mark
    * where to pull through.
    * This method returns a `Timber\PostPreview` object, which is a **chainable object**. This
    * means that you can change the output of the preview by **adding more methods**. Refer to the
    * [documentation of the `Timber\PostPreview` class](
    * to get an overview of all the available methods.
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {# Use default preview #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview }}</p>
    * {# Change the post preview text #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview.read_more('Continue Reading') }}</p>
    * {# Additionally restrict the length to 50 words #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview.length(50).read_more('Continue Reading') }}</p>
    * ```
    * @see \Timber\PostPreview
    * @return \Timber\PostPreview
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:432
    public get_preview($len = 50, $force = false, $readmore = 'Read More', $strip = true, $end = '&hellip;'): string of the post preview get a preview of your post, if you have an excerpt it will use that, otherwise i...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->get_preview($len = 50, $force = false, $readmore = 'Read More', $strip = true, $end = '&hellip;')
    * get a preview of your post, if you have an excerpt it will use that,
    * otherwise it will pull from the post_content.
    * If there's a <!-- more --> tag it will use that to mark where to pull through.
    * @deprecated since 1.3.1, use {{ post.preview }} instead
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <p>{{post.get_preview(50)}}</p>
    * ```
    * @param int $len The number of words that WP should use to make the tease. (Isn't this better than [this mess]( If you've set a post_excerpt on a post, we'll use that for the preview text; otherwise the first X words of the post_content
    * @param bool $force What happens if your custom post excerpt is longer then the length requested? By default (`$force = false`) it will use the full `post_excerpt`. However, you can set this to true to *force* your excerpt to be of the desired length
    * @param string $readmore The text you want to use on the 'readmore' link
    * @param bool|string $strip true for default, false for none, string for list of custom attributes
    * @param string $end The text to end the preview with (defaults to ...)
    * @return string of the post preview
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:452
    public import_custom($pid) gets the post custom and attaches it to the current object
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->import_custom($pid)
    * gets the post custom and attaches it to the current object
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid a post ID number
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:521
    public comment_form($args = array()): string of HTML for the form Gets the comment form for use on a single article page
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->comment_form($args = array())
    * Gets the comment form for use on a single article page
    * @param array This $args array thing is a mess, [fix at some point](
    * @return string of HTML for the form
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:634
    public terms($args = array(), $merge = true, $term_class = ''): array An array of taxonomies. Gets the terms associated with the post.
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->terms($args = array(), $merge = true, $term_class = '')
    * Gets the terms associated with the post.
    * @api
    * @todo Remove deprecated parameters in 2.x
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <section id="job-feed">
    * {% for post in job %}
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>{{ post.title }}</h2>
    *         <p>{{ post.terms( {query:{taxonomy:'category', orderby:'name', order: 'ASC'}} )|join(', ') }}</p>
    *     </div>
    * {% endfor %}
    * </section>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <section id="job-feed">
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>Cheese Maker</h2>
    *         <p>Cheese, Food, Fromage</p>
    *     </div>
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>Mime</h2>
    *         <p>Performance, Silence</p>
    *     </div>
    * </section>
    * ```
    * ```php
    * // Get all terms of a taxonomy.
    * $terms = $post->terms( 'category' );
    * // Get terms of multiple taxonomies.
    * $terms = $post->terms( array( 'books', 'movies' ) );
    * // Use custom arguments for taxonomy query and options.
    * $terms = $post->terms( array(
    *     'query' => [
    *         'taxonomy' => 'custom_tax',
    *         'orderby'  => 'count',
    *     ],
    *     'merge'      => false,
    *     'term_class' => 'My_Term_Class'
    * ) );
    * ```
    * @param string|array $args {
    *     Optional. Name of the taxonomy or array of arguments.
    *     @type array $query       Any array of term query parameters for getting the terms. See
    *                              `WP_Term_Query::__construct()` for supported arguments. Use the
    *                              `taxonomy` argument to choose which taxonomies to get. Defaults
    *                              to querying all registered taxonomies for the post type. You can
    *                              use custom or built-in WordPress taxonomies (category, tag).
    *                              Timber plays nice and figures out that `tag`, `tags` or
    *                              `post_tag` are all the same (also for `categories` or
    *                              `category`). For custom taxonomies you need to define the
    *                              proper name.
    *     @type bool $merge        Whether the resulting array should be one big one (`true`) or
    *                              whether it should be an array of sub-arrays for each taxonomy
    *                              (`false`). Default `true`.
    *     @type string $term_class The Timber term class to use for the term objects.
    * }
    * @param bool   $merge      Deprecated. Optional. See `$merge` argument in `$args` parameter.
    * @param string $term_class Deprecated. Optional. See `$term_class` argument in `$args`
    *                           parameter.
    * @return array An array of taxonomies.
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:706
    public has_term($term_name_or_id, $taxonomy = 'all'): bool
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->has_term($term_name_or_id, $taxonomy = 'all')
    * @param string|int $term_name_or_id
    * @param string $taxonomy
    * @return bool
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:806
    public get_paged_content(): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->get_paged_content()
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:824
    public get_post_type(): PostType Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->get_post_type()
    * Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    * @deprecated since 1.0.4
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * This post is from <span>{{ post.get_post_type.labels.plural }}</span>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * This post is from <span>Recipes</span>
    * ```
    * @return PostType
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:844
    public get_comment_count(): int the number of comments on a post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->get_comment_count()
    * @return int the number of comments on a post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:852
    public has_field($field_name): boolean
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->has_field($field_name)
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:861
    public field_object($field_name): mixed Gets the field object data from Advanced Custom Fields. This includes metadata o...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->field_object($field_name)
    * Gets the field object data from Advanced Custom Fields.
    * This includes metadata on the field like whether it's conditional or not.
    * @since 1.6.0
    * @param string $field_name of the field you want to lookup.
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:873
    public get_field($field_name): mixed
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->get_field($field_name)
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:883
    public import_field($field_name)
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->import_field($field_name)
    * @param string $field_name
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:905
    public post_class($class = ''): string a space-seperated list of classes Get the CSS classes for a post without cache. For usage you should use `{{post.c...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->post_class($class = '')
    * Get the CSS classes for a post without cache. For usage you should use `{{post.class}}`
    * @internal
    * @param string $class additional classes you want to add
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <article class="{{ post.post_class }}">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <article class="post-2612 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-data tag-charleston-church-shooting tag-dylann-roof tag-gun-violence tag-hate-crimes tag-national-incident-based-reporting-system">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * @return string a space-seperated list of classes
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:927
    public css_class($class = ''): string a space-seperated list of classes Get the CSS classes for a post, but with caching css post classes. For usage you...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->css_class($class = '')
    * Get the CSS classes for a post, but with caching css post classes. For usage you should use `{{ post.class }}` instead of `{{post.css_class}}` or `{{post.post_class}}`
    * @internal
    * @param string $class additional classes you want to add
    * @see Timber\Post::$_css_class
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <article class="{{ post.class }}">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * @return string a space-seperated list of classes
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:956
    public get_method_values(): array
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->get_method_values()
    * @return array
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:970
    public author(): User|null A User object if found, false if not Return the author of a post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->author()
    * Return the author of a post
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{post.title}}</h1>
    * <p class="byline">
    *     <a href="{{}}">{{}}</a>
    * </p>
    * ```
    * @return User|null A User object if found, false if not
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1005
    public authors()
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->authors()
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1011
    public modified_author(): User|null A User object if found, false if not Get the author (WordPress user) who last modified the post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->modified_author()
    * Get the author (WordPress user) who last modified the post
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Last updated by {{ }}
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Last updated by Harper Lee
    * ```
    * @return User|null A User object if found, false if not
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1026
    public categories(): array of Timber\Terms Get the categoires on a particular post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->categories()
    * Get the categoires on a particular post
    * @api
    * @return array of Timber\Terms
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1036
    public category(): Timber\Term|null Returns a category attached to a post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->category()
    * Returns a category attached to a post
    * @api
    * If mulitpuile categories are set, it will return just the first one
    * @return Timber\Term|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1046
    public children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false): array Returns an array of children on the post as Timber\Posts (or other claass as you...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false)
    * Returns an array of children on the post as Timber\Posts
    * (or other claass as you define).
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {% if post.children %}
    *     Here are the child pages:
    *     {% for child in post.children %}
    *         <a href="{{ }}">{{ child.title }}</a>
    *     {% endfor %}
    * {% endif %}
    * ```
    * @param string|array $post_type _optional_ use to find children of a particular post type (attachment vs. page for example). You might want to restrict to certain types of children in case other stuff gets all mucked in there. You can use 'parent' to use the parent's post type or you can pass an array of post types.
    * @param string|bool $childPostClass _optional_ a custom post class (ex: 'MyTimber\Post') to return the objects as. By default (false) it will use Timber\Post::$post_class value.
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1067
    public comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment'): bool|\Timber\CommentThread Gets the comments on a `Timber\Post` and returns them as a `Timber\CommentThread...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment')
    * Gets the comments on a `Timber\Post` and returns them as a `Timber\CommentThread`: a PHP
    * ArrayObject of [`Timber\Comment`](
    * (or whatever comment class you set).
    * @api
    * @param int    $count        Set the number of comments you want to get. `0` is analogous to
    *                             "all".
    * @param string $order        Use ordering set in WordPress admin, or a different scheme.
    * @param string $type         For when other plugins use the comments table for their own
    *                             special purposes. Might be set to 'liveblog' or other, depending
    *                             on what’s stored in your comments table.
    * @param string $status       Could be 'pending', etc.
    * @param string $CommentClass What class to use when returning Comment objects. As you become a
    *                             Timber Pro, you might find yourself extending `Timber\Comment`
    *                             for your site or app (obviously, totally optional).
    * @see \Timber\CommentThread for an example with nested comments
    * @return bool|\Timber\CommentThread
    * @example
    * **single.twig**
    * ```twig
    * <div id="post-comments">
    *   <h4>Comments on {{ post.title }}</h4>
    *   <ul>
    *     {% for comment in post.comments() %}
    *       {% include 'comment.twig' %}
    *     {% endfor %}
    *   </ul>
    *   <div class="comment-form">
    *     {{ function('comment_form') }}
    *   </div>
    * </div>
    * ```
    * **comment.twig**
    * ```twig
    * {# comment.twig #}
    * <li>
    *   <p class="comment-author">{{ }} says:</p>
    *   <div>{{ comment.content }}</div>
    * </li>
    * ```
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1136
    public content($page0, $len = -1): string Gets the actual content of a WP Post, as opposed to post_content this will run t...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->content($page0, $len = -1)
    * Gets the actual content of a WP Post, as opposed to post_content this will run the hooks/filters attached to the_content. \This guy will return your posts content with WordPress filters run on it (like for shortcodes and wpautop).
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <div class="article">
    *     <h2>{{post.title}}</h2>
    *     <div class="content">{{ post.content }}</div>
    * </div>
    * ```
    * @param int $page
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1206
    public paged_content(): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->paged_content()
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1254
    public date($date_format = ''): string Get the date to use in your template!
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->date($date_format = '')
    * Get the date to use in your template!
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Published on {{ }} // Uses WP's formatting set in Admin
    * OR
    * Published on {{'F jS') }} // Jan 12th
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Published on January 12, 2015
    * OR
    * Published on Jan 12th
    * ```
    * @param string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1277
    public time($time_format = ''): string Get the time to use in your template
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->time($time_format = '')
    * Get the time to use in your template
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Published at {{ post.time }} // Uses WP's formatting set in Admin
    * OR
    * Published at {{ post.time | time('G:i') }} // 13:25
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Published at 1:25 pm
    * OR
    * Published at 13:25
    * ```
    * @param string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1301
    public type(): PostType Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->type()
    * Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    * @since 1.0.4
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * This post is from <span>{{ }}</span>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * This post is from <span>Recipes</span>
    * ```
    * @return PostType
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1323
    public edit_link(): bool|string the edit URL of a post in the WordPress admin Returns the edit URL of a post if the user has access to it
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->edit_link()
    * Returns the edit URL of a post if the user has access to it
    * @return bool|string the edit URL of a post in the WordPress admin
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1337
    public format(): mixed
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->format()
    * @api
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1347
    public password_required(): boolean whether post requires password and correct password has been provided
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->password_required()
    * whether post requires password and correct password has been provided
    * @api
    * @return boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1356
    public link(): string ex: get the permalink for a post object
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->link()
    * get the permalink for a post object
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <a href="{{}}">Read my post</a>
    * ```
    * @return string ex:
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1369
    public meta($field_name = null): mixed
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->meta($field_name = null)
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1381
    public name(): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->name()
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1392
    public modified_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->modified_date($date_format = '')
    * @param string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1400
    public modified_time($time_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->modified_time($time_format = '')
    * @param string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1410
    public next($in_same_term = false): mixed
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->next($in_same_term = false)
    * @api
    * @param bool $in_same_term
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1419
    public pagination(): array Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a pa...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->pagination()
    * Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a paginated post
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1445
    public convert($data) Finds any WP_Post objects and converts them to Timber\Posts
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->convert($data)
    * Finds any WP_Post objects and converts them to Timber\Posts
    * @param array|WP_Post $data
    * @param string $class
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1478
    public parent(): bool|Timber\Post Gets the parent (if one exists) from a post as a Timber\Post object (or whatever...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->parent()
    * Gets the parent (if one exists) from a post as a Timber\Post object (or whatever is set in Timber\Post::$PostClass)
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Parent page: <a href="{{ }}">{{ post.parent.title }}</a>
    * ```
    * @return bool|Timber\Post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1504
    public path(): string Gets the relative path of a WP Post, so while link() will return http://example....
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->path()
    * Gets the relative path of a WP Post, so while link() will return
    * this will return just /2015/07/my-cool-post
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <a href="{{post.path}}">{{post.title}}</a>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1522
    public prev($in_same_term = false): mixed Get the previous post in a set
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->prev($in_same_term = false)
    * Get the previous post in a set
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h4>Prior Entry:</h4>
    * <h3>{{post.prev.title}}</h3>
    * <p>{{post.prev.get_preview(25)}}</p>
    * ```
    * @param bool $in_same_term
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1539
    public tags(): array Gets the tags on a post, uses WP's post_tag taxonomy
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->tags()
    * Gets the tags on a post, uses WP's post_tag taxonomy
    * @api
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1562
    public thumbnail(): Image|null of your thumbnail get the featured image as a Timber/Image
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->thumbnail()
    * get the featured image as a Timber/Image
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <img src="{{ post.thumbnail.src }}" />
    * ```
    * @return Image|null of your thumbnail
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1575
    public title(): string Returns the processed title to be used in templates. This returns the title of t...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->title()
    * Returns the processed title to be used in templates. This returns the title of the post after WP's filters have run. This is analogous to `the_title()` in standard WP template tags.
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{ post.title }}</h1>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1593
    public gallery($html = true): html Returns the gallery
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->gallery($html = true)
    * Returns the gallery
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1609
    public audio(): html Returns the audio
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->audio()
    * Returns the audio
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1628
    public video(): html Returns the video
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->video()
    * Returns the video
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1651
    public get_categories(): array of Timber\Terms Get the categories for a post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->get_categories()
    * Get the categories for a post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::categories
    * @return array of Timber\Terms
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1682
    public get_category(): mixed
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->get_category()
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::category
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1693
    public get_image($field): Timber\Image
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->get_image($field)
    * @param string $field
    * @return Timber\Image
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1704
    public get_tags(): array Gets an array of tags for you to use
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->get_tags()
    * Gets an array of tags for you to use
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <ul class="tags">
    *     {% for tag in post.tags %}
    *         <li>{{}}</li>
    *     {% endfor %}
    * </ul>
    * ```
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1723
    public get_title(): string Outputs the title with filters applied
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->get_title()
    * Outputs the title with filters applied
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{post.get_title}}</h1>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <h1>Hello World!</h1>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1741
    public get_content($len = -1, $page0): string Displays the content of the post with filters, shortcodes and wpautop applied
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->get_content($len = -1, $page0)
    * Displays the content of the post with filters, shortcodes and wpautop applied
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <div class="article-text">{{post.get_content}}</div>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <div class="article-text"><p>Blah blah blah</p><p>More blah blah blah.</p></div>
    * ```
    * @param int $len
    * @param int $page
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1758
    public get_format(): mixed
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->get_format()
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1770
    public get_terms($tax = '', $merge = true, $TermClass = ''): array Get the terms associated with the post This goes across all taxonomies by defaul...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->get_terms($tax = '', $merge = true, $TermClass = '')
    * Get the terms associated with the post
    * This goes across all taxonomies by default
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param string|array $tax What taxonom(y|ies) to pull from. Defaults to all registered taxonomies for the post type. You can use custom ones, or built-in WordPress taxonomies (category, tag). Timber plays nice and figures out that tag/tags/post_tag are all the same (and categories/category), for custom taxonomies you're on your own.
    * @param bool $merge Should the resulting array be one big one (true)? Or should it be an array of sub-arrays for each taxonomy (false)?
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1784
    public permalink(): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->permalink()
    * @deprecated 0.20.0 use link() instead
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1793
    public get_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->get_date($date_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::date
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param  string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1806
    public get_modified_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->get_modified_date($date_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::modified_date
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param  string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1818
    public get_modified_time($time_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->get_modified_time($time_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @param  string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1827
    public get_children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false): array
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->get_children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false)
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::children
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param string 		$post_type
    * @param bool|string 	$childPostClass
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1842
    public get_path(): string Get the permalink for a post, but as a relative path For example, where {{post.l...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->get_path()
    * Get the permalink for a post, but as a relative path
    * For example, where {{}} would return ""
    * this will return the relative version: "/2015/07/04/my-cool-post"
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1855
    public get_prev($in_same_term = false): TimberPost|boolean Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->get_prev($in_same_term = false)
    * Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return TimberPost|boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1866
    public get_parent(): bool|TimberPost Get the parent post of the post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->get_parent()
    * Get the parent post of the post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return bool|TimberPost
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1877
    public get_author(): User|null Gets a User object from the author of the post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->get_author()
    * Gets a User object from the author of the post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::author
    * @return User|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1889
    public get_modified_author(): User|null
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->get_modified_author()
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return User|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1899
    public get_thumbnail(): Image|null
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->get_thumbnail()
    * @internal
    * @see TimberPost::thumbnail
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return Image|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1910
    public get_permalink(): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->get_permalink()
    * @internal
    * @see TimberPost::link
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1921
    public get_link(): string get the permalink for a post object In your templates you should use link: <a hr...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->get_link()
    * get the permalink for a post object
    * In your templates you should use link:
    * <a href="{{}}">Read my post</a>
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1934
    public get_next($taxonomy = false): TimberPost|boolean Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->get_next($taxonomy = false)
    * Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param bool $taxonomy
    * @return TimberPost|boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1946
    public get_pagination(): array Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a pa...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->get_pagination()
    * Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a paginated post
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::pagination();
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1958
    public get_comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment'): array|mixed Get the comments for a post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->get_comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment')
    * Get the comments for a post
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::comments
    * @param int $count
    * @param string $order
    * @param string $type
    * @param string $status
    * @param string $CommentClass
    * @return array|mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1974
    public __isset($field): boolean
    * @return boolean
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:15
    public import($info, $force = false) Takes an array or object and adds the properties to the parent object
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->import($info, $force = false)
    * Takes an array or object and adds the properties to the parent object
    * @example
    * ```php
    * $data = array('airplane' => '757-200', 'flight' => '5316');
    * $post = new Timber\Post()
    * $post->import(data);
    * echo $post->airplane; //757-200
    * ```
    * @param array|object $info an object or array you want to grab data from to attach to the Timber object
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:59
    public can_edit(): bool Can you edit this post/term/user? Well good for you. You're no better than me.
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][2]->can_edit()
    * Can you edit this post/term/user? Well good for you. You're no better than me.
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {% if post.can_edit %}
    * <a href="{{ post.edit_link }}">Edit</a>
    * {% endif %}
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <a href="">Edit</a>
    * ```
    * @return bool
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:100
    protected determine_id($pid): int|null the numberic id we should be using for this post object, null when there's no ID (ex: 404 page) tries to figure out what post you want to get if not explictly defined (or if it...
    * tries to figure out what post you want to get if not explictly defined (or if it is, allows it to be passed through)
    * @internal
    * @param mixed a value to test against
    * @return int|null the numberic id we should be using for this post object, null when there's no ID (ex: 404 page)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:230
    protected get_post_preview_object()
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:273
    protected get_post_preview_id($query)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:281
    protected init($pid = false) Initializes a Post
    * Initializes a Post
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:317
    protected prepare_post_info($pid0): WP_Post on success takes a mix of integer (post ID), string (post slug), or object to return a Word...
    * takes a mix of integer (post ID), string (post slug),
    * or object to return a WordPress post object from WP's built-in get_post() function
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid
    * @return WP_Post on success
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:360
    protected check_post_id($pid): integer ID number of a post helps you find the post id regardless of whether you send a string or whatever
    * helps you find the post id regardless of whether you send a string or whatever
    * @param integer $pid ;
    * @internal
    * @return integer ID number of a post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:379
    protected get_post_custom($pid): array Used internally to fetch the metadata fields (wp_postmeta table) and attach them...
    * Used internally to fetch the metadata fields (wp_postmeta table)
    * and attach them to our TimberPost object
    * @internal
    * @param int $pid
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:533
    protected get_info($pid): null|object|WP_Post Used internally by init, etc. to build TimberPost object
    * Used internally by init, etc. to build TimberPost object
    * @internal
    * @param  int $pid
    * @return null|object|WP_Post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:606
    protected maybe_show_password_form(): string|void If the Password form is to be shown, show it!
    * If the Password form is to be shown, show it!
    * @return string|void
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1170
    protected get_revised_data_from_method($method, $args = false)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1183
    protected content_handle_no_teaser_block($content): string Handles for an circumstance with the Block editor where a "more" block has an op...
    * Handles for an circumstance with the Block editor where a "more" block has an option to
    * "Hide the excerpt on the full content page" which hides everything prior to the inserted
    * "more" block
    * @ticket #2218
    * @param string $content
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1243
    public static get_post_id_by_name($post_name): int get_post_id_by_name($post_name)
    * get_post_id_by_name($post_name)
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.5.0
    * @param string $post_name
    * @return int
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:402
    protected static is_previewing(): bool Determine whether or not an admin/editor is looking at the post in "preview mode...
    * Determine whether or not an admin/editor is looking at the post in "preview mode" via the
    * WordPress admin
    * @internal
    * @return bool
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:217
    protected static get_wp_link_page($i): string
    * @param int $i
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:591
  • public static $representation :: string (4) "post"
3 => Timber\Post (55)
$context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]
  • Properties (55)
  • Available methods (95)
  • Static class properties
  • public ImageClass -> string (12) "Timber\Image"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->ImageClass
    public PostClass -> string (11) "Timber\Post"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->PostClass
    public TermClass -> string (11) "Timber\Term"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->TermClass
    public object_type -> string (4) "post"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->object_type
    public custom -> array (17)
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->custom
    country => string (11) "Netherlands"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->custom['country']
    _country => string (19) "field_5d8b13d6b29ba"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->custom['_country']
    logo => string (3) "980"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->custom['logo']
    _logo => string (19) "field_5d8b1571b29c0"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->custom['_logo']
    firm => string (11) "Techno Mind"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->custom['firm']
    _firm => string (19) "field_5d8b14e4b29bb"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->custom['_firm']
    info => string (92) "Mr. David van der Heijden 5527 HW Hapert Tel.: ++31 497 841287 Fax: ++31 847...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->custom['info']
    Mr. David van der Heijden 
    5527 HW Hapert 
    Tel.:  ++31 497 841287 
    Fax:  ++31 847 164461 
    _info => string (19) "field_5d8b14f7b29bc"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->custom['_info']
    mail => string (18) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->custom['mail']
    _mail => string (19) "field_5d8b150fb29bd"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->custom['_mail']
    web => string (26) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->custom['web']
    _web => string (19) "field_5d8b1524b29be"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->custom['_web']
    _wpml_media_duplicate => string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->custom['_wpml_media_duplicate']
    _wpml_location_migration_done => string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->custom['_wpml_location_migration_done']
    _edit_lock => string (12) "1590746787:1"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->custom['_edit_lock']
    _edit_last => string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->custom['_edit_last']
    _last_translation_edit_mode => string (13) "native-editor"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->custom['_last_translation_edit_mode']
    protected ___content -> null
    protected _permalink -> null
    protected _next -> array (0)
    protected _prev -> array (0)
    protected _css_class -> null
    public id -> integer 2401
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->id
    public ID -> integer 2401
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->ID
    public post_author -> string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->post_author
    public post_content -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->post_content
    public post_date -> string (19) "2019-09-25 10:40:06"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->post_date
    public post_excerpt -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->post_excerpt
    public post_parent -> integer 0
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->post_parent
    public post_status -> string (7) "publish"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->post_status
    public post_title -> string (11) "Techno Mind"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->post_title
    public post_type -> string (7) "partner"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->post_type
    public slug -> string (11) "techno-mind"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->slug
    protected __type -> null
    public country -> string (11) "Netherlands"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->country
    public _country -> string (19) "field_5d8b13d6b29ba"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->_country
    public logo -> string (3) "980"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->logo
    public _logo -> string (19) "field_5d8b1571b29c0"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->_logo
    public firm -> string (11) "Techno Mind"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->firm
    public _firm -> string (19) "field_5d8b14e4b29bb"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->_firm
    public info -> string (92) "Mr. David van der Heijden 5527 HW Hapert Tel.: ++31 497 841287 Fax: ++31 847...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->info
    Mr. David van der Heijden 
    5527 HW Hapert 
    Tel.:  ++31 497 841287 
    Fax:  ++31 847 164461 
    public _info -> string (19) "field_5d8b14f7b29bc"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->_info
    public mail -> string (18) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->mail
    public _mail -> string (19) "field_5d8b150fb29bd"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->_mail
    public web -> string (26) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->web
    public _web -> string (19) "field_5d8b1524b29be"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->_web
    public _wpml_media_duplicate -> string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->_wpml_media_duplicate
    public _wpml_location_migration_done -> string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->_wpml_location_migration_done
    public _edit_lock -> string (12) "1590746787:1"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->_edit_lock
    public _edit_last -> string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->_edit_last
    public _last_translation_edit_mode -> string (13) "native-editor"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->_last_translation_edit_mode
    public post_date_gmt -> string (19) "2019-09-25 08:40:06"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->post_date_gmt
    public comment_status -> string (6) "closed"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->comment_status
    public ping_status -> string (6) "closed"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->ping_status
    public post_password -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->post_password
    public post_name -> string (11) "techno-mind"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->post_name
    public to_ping -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->to_ping
    public pinged -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->pinged
    public post_modified -> string (19) "2020-05-29 12:06:08"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->post_modified
    public post_modified_gmt -> string (19) "2020-05-29 10:06:08"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->post_modified_gmt
    public post_content_filtered -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->post_content_filtered
    public guid -> string (52) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->guid
    public menu_order -> integer 0
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->menu_order
    public post_mime_type -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->post_mime_type
    public comment_count -> string (1) "0"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->comment_count
    public filter -> string (3) "raw"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->filter
    public status -> string (7) "publish"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->status
  • public __construct($pid = null) If you send the constructor nothing it will try to figure out the current post i...
    new \Timber\Post($pid = null)
    * If you send the constructor nothing it will try to figure out the current post id based on being inside The_Loop
    * @example
    * ```php
    * $post = new Timber\Post();
    * $other_post = new Timber\Post($random_post_id);
    * ```
    * @param mixed $pid
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:180
    public __get($field): mixed This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is also here to ensure that {{ post.class }} remains usable
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:190
    public __call($field, $args): mixed This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is also here to ensure that {{ post.class }} remains usable
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:202
    public __toString(): string Outputs the title of the post if you do something like `<h1>{{post}}</h1>`
    (string) $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]
    * Outputs the title of the post if you do something like `<h1>{{post}}</h1>`
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:269
    public get_edit_url(): bool|string Get the URL that will edit the current post/object
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->get_edit_url()
    * Get the URL that will edit the current post/object
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::edit_link
    * @return bool|string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:336
    public update($field, $value) updates the post_meta of the current object with the given value
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->update($field, $value)
    * updates the post_meta of the current object with the given value
    * @param string $field
    * @param mixed $value
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:345
    public preview(): \Timber\PostPreview Gets a preview/excerpt of your post.
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->preview()
    * Gets a preview/excerpt of your post.
    * If you have text defined in the excerpt textarea of your post, it will use that. Otherwise it
    * will pull from the post_content. If there's a `<!-- more -->` tag, it will use that to mark
    * where to pull through.
    * This method returns a `Timber\PostPreview` object, which is a **chainable object**. This
    * means that you can change the output of the preview by **adding more methods**. Refer to the
    * [documentation of the `Timber\PostPreview` class](
    * to get an overview of all the available methods.
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {# Use default preview #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview }}</p>
    * {# Change the post preview text #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview.read_more('Continue Reading') }}</p>
    * {# Additionally restrict the length to 50 words #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview.length(50).read_more('Continue Reading') }}</p>
    * ```
    * @see \Timber\PostPreview
    * @return \Timber\PostPreview
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:432
    public get_preview($len = 50, $force = false, $readmore = 'Read More', $strip = true, $end = '&hellip;'): string of the post preview get a preview of your post, if you have an excerpt it will use that, otherwise i...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->get_preview($len = 50, $force = false, $readmore = 'Read More', $strip = true, $end = '&hellip;')
    * get a preview of your post, if you have an excerpt it will use that,
    * otherwise it will pull from the post_content.
    * If there's a <!-- more --> tag it will use that to mark where to pull through.
    * @deprecated since 1.3.1, use {{ post.preview }} instead
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <p>{{post.get_preview(50)}}</p>
    * ```
    * @param int $len The number of words that WP should use to make the tease. (Isn't this better than [this mess]( If you've set a post_excerpt on a post, we'll use that for the preview text; otherwise the first X words of the post_content
    * @param bool $force What happens if your custom post excerpt is longer then the length requested? By default (`$force = false`) it will use the full `post_excerpt`. However, you can set this to true to *force* your excerpt to be of the desired length
    * @param string $readmore The text you want to use on the 'readmore' link
    * @param bool|string $strip true for default, false for none, string for list of custom attributes
    * @param string $end The text to end the preview with (defaults to ...)
    * @return string of the post preview
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:452
    public import_custom($pid) gets the post custom and attaches it to the current object
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->import_custom($pid)
    * gets the post custom and attaches it to the current object
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid a post ID number
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:521
    public comment_form($args = array()): string of HTML for the form Gets the comment form for use on a single article page
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->comment_form($args = array())
    * Gets the comment form for use on a single article page
    * @param array This $args array thing is a mess, [fix at some point](
    * @return string of HTML for the form
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:634
    public terms($args = array(), $merge = true, $term_class = ''): array An array of taxonomies. Gets the terms associated with the post.
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->terms($args = array(), $merge = true, $term_class = '')
    * Gets the terms associated with the post.
    * @api
    * @todo Remove deprecated parameters in 2.x
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <section id="job-feed">
    * {% for post in job %}
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>{{ post.title }}</h2>
    *         <p>{{ post.terms( {query:{taxonomy:'category', orderby:'name', order: 'ASC'}} )|join(', ') }}</p>
    *     </div>
    * {% endfor %}
    * </section>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <section id="job-feed">
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>Cheese Maker</h2>
    *         <p>Cheese, Food, Fromage</p>
    *     </div>
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>Mime</h2>
    *         <p>Performance, Silence</p>
    *     </div>
    * </section>
    * ```
    * ```php
    * // Get all terms of a taxonomy.
    * $terms = $post->terms( 'category' );
    * // Get terms of multiple taxonomies.
    * $terms = $post->terms( array( 'books', 'movies' ) );
    * // Use custom arguments for taxonomy query and options.
    * $terms = $post->terms( array(
    *     'query' => [
    *         'taxonomy' => 'custom_tax',
    *         'orderby'  => 'count',
    *     ],
    *     'merge'      => false,
    *     'term_class' => 'My_Term_Class'
    * ) );
    * ```
    * @param string|array $args {
    *     Optional. Name of the taxonomy or array of arguments.
    *     @type array $query       Any array of term query parameters for getting the terms. See
    *                              `WP_Term_Query::__construct()` for supported arguments. Use the
    *                              `taxonomy` argument to choose which taxonomies to get. Defaults
    *                              to querying all registered taxonomies for the post type. You can
    *                              use custom or built-in WordPress taxonomies (category, tag).
    *                              Timber plays nice and figures out that `tag`, `tags` or
    *                              `post_tag` are all the same (also for `categories` or
    *                              `category`). For custom taxonomies you need to define the
    *                              proper name.
    *     @type bool $merge        Whether the resulting array should be one big one (`true`) or
    *                              whether it should be an array of sub-arrays for each taxonomy
    *                              (`false`). Default `true`.
    *     @type string $term_class The Timber term class to use for the term objects.
    * }
    * @param bool   $merge      Deprecated. Optional. See `$merge` argument in `$args` parameter.
    * @param string $term_class Deprecated. Optional. See `$term_class` argument in `$args`
    *                           parameter.
    * @return array An array of taxonomies.
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:706
    public has_term($term_name_or_id, $taxonomy = 'all'): bool
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->has_term($term_name_or_id, $taxonomy = 'all')
    * @param string|int $term_name_or_id
    * @param string $taxonomy
    * @return bool
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:806
    public get_paged_content(): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->get_paged_content()
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:824
    public get_post_type(): PostType Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->get_post_type()
    * Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    * @deprecated since 1.0.4
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * This post is from <span>{{ post.get_post_type.labels.plural }}</span>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * This post is from <span>Recipes</span>
    * ```
    * @return PostType
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:844
    public get_comment_count(): int the number of comments on a post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->get_comment_count()
    * @return int the number of comments on a post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:852
    public has_field($field_name): boolean
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->has_field($field_name)
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:861
    public field_object($field_name): mixed Gets the field object data from Advanced Custom Fields. This includes metadata o...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->field_object($field_name)
    * Gets the field object data from Advanced Custom Fields.
    * This includes metadata on the field like whether it's conditional or not.
    * @since 1.6.0
    * @param string $field_name of the field you want to lookup.
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:873
    public get_field($field_name): mixed
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->get_field($field_name)
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:883
    public import_field($field_name)
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->import_field($field_name)
    * @param string $field_name
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:905
    public post_class($class = ''): string a space-seperated list of classes Get the CSS classes for a post without cache. For usage you should use `{{post.c...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->post_class($class = '')
    * Get the CSS classes for a post without cache. For usage you should use `{{post.class}}`
    * @internal
    * @param string $class additional classes you want to add
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <article class="{{ post.post_class }}">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <article class="post-2612 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-data tag-charleston-church-shooting tag-dylann-roof tag-gun-violence tag-hate-crimes tag-national-incident-based-reporting-system">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * @return string a space-seperated list of classes
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:927
    public css_class($class = ''): string a space-seperated list of classes Get the CSS classes for a post, but with caching css post classes. For usage you...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->css_class($class = '')
    * Get the CSS classes for a post, but with caching css post classes. For usage you should use `{{ post.class }}` instead of `{{post.css_class}}` or `{{post.post_class}}`
    * @internal
    * @param string $class additional classes you want to add
    * @see Timber\Post::$_css_class
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <article class="{{ post.class }}">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * @return string a space-seperated list of classes
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:956
    public get_method_values(): array
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->get_method_values()
    * @return array
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:970
    public author(): User|null A User object if found, false if not Return the author of a post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->author()
    * Return the author of a post
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{post.title}}</h1>
    * <p class="byline">
    *     <a href="{{}}">{{}}</a>
    * </p>
    * ```
    * @return User|null A User object if found, false if not
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1005
    public authors()
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->authors()
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1011
    public modified_author(): User|null A User object if found, false if not Get the author (WordPress user) who last modified the post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->modified_author()
    * Get the author (WordPress user) who last modified the post
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Last updated by {{ }}
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Last updated by Harper Lee
    * ```
    * @return User|null A User object if found, false if not
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1026
    public categories(): array of Timber\Terms Get the categoires on a particular post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->categories()
    * Get the categoires on a particular post
    * @api
    * @return array of Timber\Terms
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1036
    public category(): Timber\Term|null Returns a category attached to a post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->category()
    * Returns a category attached to a post
    * @api
    * If mulitpuile categories are set, it will return just the first one
    * @return Timber\Term|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1046
    public children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false): array Returns an array of children on the post as Timber\Posts (or other claass as you...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false)
    * Returns an array of children on the post as Timber\Posts
    * (or other claass as you define).
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {% if post.children %}
    *     Here are the child pages:
    *     {% for child in post.children %}
    *         <a href="{{ }}">{{ child.title }}</a>
    *     {% endfor %}
    * {% endif %}
    * ```
    * @param string|array $post_type _optional_ use to find children of a particular post type (attachment vs. page for example). You might want to restrict to certain types of children in case other stuff gets all mucked in there. You can use 'parent' to use the parent's post type or you can pass an array of post types.
    * @param string|bool $childPostClass _optional_ a custom post class (ex: 'MyTimber\Post') to return the objects as. By default (false) it will use Timber\Post::$post_class value.
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1067
    public comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment'): bool|\Timber\CommentThread Gets the comments on a `Timber\Post` and returns them as a `Timber\CommentThread...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment')
    * Gets the comments on a `Timber\Post` and returns them as a `Timber\CommentThread`: a PHP
    * ArrayObject of [`Timber\Comment`](
    * (or whatever comment class you set).
    * @api
    * @param int    $count        Set the number of comments you want to get. `0` is analogous to
    *                             "all".
    * @param string $order        Use ordering set in WordPress admin, or a different scheme.
    * @param string $type         For when other plugins use the comments table for their own
    *                             special purposes. Might be set to 'liveblog' or other, depending
    *                             on what’s stored in your comments table.
    * @param string $status       Could be 'pending', etc.
    * @param string $CommentClass What class to use when returning Comment objects. As you become a
    *                             Timber Pro, you might find yourself extending `Timber\Comment`
    *                             for your site or app (obviously, totally optional).
    * @see \Timber\CommentThread for an example with nested comments
    * @return bool|\Timber\CommentThread
    * @example
    * **single.twig**
    * ```twig
    * <div id="post-comments">
    *   <h4>Comments on {{ post.title }}</h4>
    *   <ul>
    *     {% for comment in post.comments() %}
    *       {% include 'comment.twig' %}
    *     {% endfor %}
    *   </ul>
    *   <div class="comment-form">
    *     {{ function('comment_form') }}
    *   </div>
    * </div>
    * ```
    * **comment.twig**
    * ```twig
    * {# comment.twig #}
    * <li>
    *   <p class="comment-author">{{ }} says:</p>
    *   <div>{{ comment.content }}</div>
    * </li>
    * ```
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1136
    public content($page0, $len = -1): string Gets the actual content of a WP Post, as opposed to post_content this will run t...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->content($page0, $len = -1)
    * Gets the actual content of a WP Post, as opposed to post_content this will run the hooks/filters attached to the_content. \This guy will return your posts content with WordPress filters run on it (like for shortcodes and wpautop).
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <div class="article">
    *     <h2>{{post.title}}</h2>
    *     <div class="content">{{ post.content }}</div>
    * </div>
    * ```
    * @param int $page
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1206
    public paged_content(): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->paged_content()
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1254
    public date($date_format = ''): string Get the date to use in your template!
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->date($date_format = '')
    * Get the date to use in your template!
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Published on {{ }} // Uses WP's formatting set in Admin
    * OR
    * Published on {{'F jS') }} // Jan 12th
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Published on January 12, 2015
    * OR
    * Published on Jan 12th
    * ```
    * @param string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1277
    public time($time_format = ''): string Get the time to use in your template
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->time($time_format = '')
    * Get the time to use in your template
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Published at {{ post.time }} // Uses WP's formatting set in Admin
    * OR
    * Published at {{ post.time | time('G:i') }} // 13:25
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Published at 1:25 pm
    * OR
    * Published at 13:25
    * ```
    * @param string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1301
    public type(): PostType Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->type()
    * Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    * @since 1.0.4
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * This post is from <span>{{ }}</span>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * This post is from <span>Recipes</span>
    * ```
    * @return PostType
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1323
    public edit_link(): bool|string the edit URL of a post in the WordPress admin Returns the edit URL of a post if the user has access to it
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->edit_link()
    * Returns the edit URL of a post if the user has access to it
    * @return bool|string the edit URL of a post in the WordPress admin
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1337
    public format(): mixed
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->format()
    * @api
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1347
    public password_required(): boolean whether post requires password and correct password has been provided
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->password_required()
    * whether post requires password and correct password has been provided
    * @api
    * @return boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1356
    public link(): string ex: get the permalink for a post object
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->link()
    * get the permalink for a post object
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <a href="{{}}">Read my post</a>
    * ```
    * @return string ex:
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1369
    public meta($field_name = null): mixed
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->meta($field_name = null)
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1381
    public name(): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->name()
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1392
    public modified_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->modified_date($date_format = '')
    * @param string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1400
    public modified_time($time_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->modified_time($time_format = '')
    * @param string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1410
    public next($in_same_term = false): mixed
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->next($in_same_term = false)
    * @api
    * @param bool $in_same_term
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1419
    public pagination(): array Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a pa...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->pagination()
    * Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a paginated post
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1445
    public convert($data) Finds any WP_Post objects and converts them to Timber\Posts
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->convert($data)
    * Finds any WP_Post objects and converts them to Timber\Posts
    * @param array|WP_Post $data
    * @param string $class
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1478
    public parent(): bool|Timber\Post Gets the parent (if one exists) from a post as a Timber\Post object (or whatever...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->parent()
    * Gets the parent (if one exists) from a post as a Timber\Post object (or whatever is set in Timber\Post::$PostClass)
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Parent page: <a href="{{ }}">{{ post.parent.title }}</a>
    * ```
    * @return bool|Timber\Post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1504
    public path(): string Gets the relative path of a WP Post, so while link() will return http://example....
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->path()
    * Gets the relative path of a WP Post, so while link() will return
    * this will return just /2015/07/my-cool-post
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <a href="{{post.path}}">{{post.title}}</a>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1522
    public prev($in_same_term = false): mixed Get the previous post in a set
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->prev($in_same_term = false)
    * Get the previous post in a set
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h4>Prior Entry:</h4>
    * <h3>{{post.prev.title}}</h3>
    * <p>{{post.prev.get_preview(25)}}</p>
    * ```
    * @param bool $in_same_term
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1539
    public tags(): array Gets the tags on a post, uses WP's post_tag taxonomy
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->tags()
    * Gets the tags on a post, uses WP's post_tag taxonomy
    * @api
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1562
    public thumbnail(): Image|null of your thumbnail get the featured image as a Timber/Image
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->thumbnail()
    * get the featured image as a Timber/Image
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <img src="{{ post.thumbnail.src }}" />
    * ```
    * @return Image|null of your thumbnail
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1575
    public title(): string Returns the processed title to be used in templates. This returns the title of t...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->title()
    * Returns the processed title to be used in templates. This returns the title of the post after WP's filters have run. This is analogous to `the_title()` in standard WP template tags.
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{ post.title }}</h1>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1593
    public gallery($html = true): html Returns the gallery
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->gallery($html = true)
    * Returns the gallery
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1609
    public audio(): html Returns the audio
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->audio()
    * Returns the audio
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1628
    public video(): html Returns the video
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->video()
    * Returns the video
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1651
    public get_categories(): array of Timber\Terms Get the categories for a post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->get_categories()
    * Get the categories for a post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::categories
    * @return array of Timber\Terms
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1682
    public get_category(): mixed
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->get_category()
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::category
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1693
    public get_image($field): Timber\Image
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->get_image($field)
    * @param string $field
    * @return Timber\Image
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1704
    public get_tags(): array Gets an array of tags for you to use
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->get_tags()
    * Gets an array of tags for you to use
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <ul class="tags">
    *     {% for tag in post.tags %}
    *         <li>{{}}</li>
    *     {% endfor %}
    * </ul>
    * ```
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1723
    public get_title(): string Outputs the title with filters applied
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->get_title()
    * Outputs the title with filters applied
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{post.get_title}}</h1>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <h1>Hello World!</h1>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1741
    public get_content($len = -1, $page0): string Displays the content of the post with filters, shortcodes and wpautop applied
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->get_content($len = -1, $page0)
    * Displays the content of the post with filters, shortcodes and wpautop applied
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <div class="article-text">{{post.get_content}}</div>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <div class="article-text"><p>Blah blah blah</p><p>More blah blah blah.</p></div>
    * ```
    * @param int $len
    * @param int $page
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1758
    public get_format(): mixed
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->get_format()
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1770
    public get_terms($tax = '', $merge = true, $TermClass = ''): array Get the terms associated with the post This goes across all taxonomies by defaul...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->get_terms($tax = '', $merge = true, $TermClass = '')
    * Get the terms associated with the post
    * This goes across all taxonomies by default
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param string|array $tax What taxonom(y|ies) to pull from. Defaults to all registered taxonomies for the post type. You can use custom ones, or built-in WordPress taxonomies (category, tag). Timber plays nice and figures out that tag/tags/post_tag are all the same (and categories/category), for custom taxonomies you're on your own.
    * @param bool $merge Should the resulting array be one big one (true)? Or should it be an array of sub-arrays for each taxonomy (false)?
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1784
    public permalink(): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->permalink()
    * @deprecated 0.20.0 use link() instead
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1793
    public get_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->get_date($date_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::date
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param  string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1806
    public get_modified_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->get_modified_date($date_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::modified_date
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param  string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1818
    public get_modified_time($time_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->get_modified_time($time_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @param  string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1827
    public get_children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false): array
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->get_children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false)
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::children
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param string 		$post_type
    * @param bool|string 	$childPostClass
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1842
    public get_path(): string Get the permalink for a post, but as a relative path For example, where {{post.l...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->get_path()
    * Get the permalink for a post, but as a relative path
    * For example, where {{}} would return ""
    * this will return the relative version: "/2015/07/04/my-cool-post"
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1855
    public get_prev($in_same_term = false): TimberPost|boolean Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->get_prev($in_same_term = false)
    * Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return TimberPost|boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1866
    public get_parent(): bool|TimberPost Get the parent post of the post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->get_parent()
    * Get the parent post of the post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return bool|TimberPost
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1877
    public get_author(): User|null Gets a User object from the author of the post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->get_author()
    * Gets a User object from the author of the post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::author
    * @return User|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1889
    public get_modified_author(): User|null
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->get_modified_author()
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return User|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1899
    public get_thumbnail(): Image|null
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->get_thumbnail()
    * @internal
    * @see TimberPost::thumbnail
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return Image|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1910
    public get_permalink(): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->get_permalink()
    * @internal
    * @see TimberPost::link
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1921
    public get_link(): string get the permalink for a post object In your templates you should use link: <a hr...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->get_link()
    * get the permalink for a post object
    * In your templates you should use link:
    * <a href="{{}}">Read my post</a>
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1934
    public get_next($taxonomy = false): TimberPost|boolean Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->get_next($taxonomy = false)
    * Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param bool $taxonomy
    * @return TimberPost|boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1946
    public get_pagination(): array Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a pa...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->get_pagination()
    * Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a paginated post
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::pagination();
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1958
    public get_comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment'): array|mixed Get the comments for a post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->get_comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment')
    * Get the comments for a post
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::comments
    * @param int $count
    * @param string $order
    * @param string $type
    * @param string $status
    * @param string $CommentClass
    * @return array|mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1974
    public __isset($field): boolean
    * @return boolean
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:15
    public import($info, $force = false) Takes an array or object and adds the properties to the parent object
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->import($info, $force = false)
    * Takes an array or object and adds the properties to the parent object
    * @example
    * ```php
    * $data = array('airplane' => '757-200', 'flight' => '5316');
    * $post = new Timber\Post()
    * $post->import(data);
    * echo $post->airplane; //757-200
    * ```
    * @param array|object $info an object or array you want to grab data from to attach to the Timber object
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:59
    public can_edit(): bool Can you edit this post/term/user? Well good for you. You're no better than me.
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][3]->can_edit()
    * Can you edit this post/term/user? Well good for you. You're no better than me.
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {% if post.can_edit %}
    * <a href="{{ post.edit_link }}">Edit</a>
    * {% endif %}
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <a href="">Edit</a>
    * ```
    * @return bool
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:100
    protected determine_id($pid): int|null the numberic id we should be using for this post object, null when there's no ID (ex: 404 page) tries to figure out what post you want to get if not explictly defined (or if it...
    * tries to figure out what post you want to get if not explictly defined (or if it is, allows it to be passed through)
    * @internal
    * @param mixed a value to test against
    * @return int|null the numberic id we should be using for this post object, null when there's no ID (ex: 404 page)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:230
    protected get_post_preview_object()
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:273
    protected get_post_preview_id($query)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:281
    protected init($pid = false) Initializes a Post
    * Initializes a Post
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:317
    protected prepare_post_info($pid0): WP_Post on success takes a mix of integer (post ID), string (post slug), or object to return a Word...
    * takes a mix of integer (post ID), string (post slug),
    * or object to return a WordPress post object from WP's built-in get_post() function
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid
    * @return WP_Post on success
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:360
    protected check_post_id($pid): integer ID number of a post helps you find the post id regardless of whether you send a string or whatever
    * helps you find the post id regardless of whether you send a string or whatever
    * @param integer $pid ;
    * @internal
    * @return integer ID number of a post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:379
    protected get_post_custom($pid): array Used internally to fetch the metadata fields (wp_postmeta table) and attach them...
    * Used internally to fetch the metadata fields (wp_postmeta table)
    * and attach them to our TimberPost object
    * @internal
    * @param int $pid
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:533
    protected get_info($pid): null|object|WP_Post Used internally by init, etc. to build TimberPost object
    * Used internally by init, etc. to build TimberPost object
    * @internal
    * @param  int $pid
    * @return null|object|WP_Post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:606
    protected maybe_show_password_form(): string|void If the Password form is to be shown, show it!
    * If the Password form is to be shown, show it!
    * @return string|void
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1170
    protected get_revised_data_from_method($method, $args = false)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1183
    protected content_handle_no_teaser_block($content): string Handles for an circumstance with the Block editor where a "more" block has an op...
    * Handles for an circumstance with the Block editor where a "more" block has an option to
    * "Hide the excerpt on the full content page" which hides everything prior to the inserted
    * "more" block
    * @ticket #2218
    * @param string $content
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1243
    public static get_post_id_by_name($post_name): int get_post_id_by_name($post_name)
    * get_post_id_by_name($post_name)
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.5.0
    * @param string $post_name
    * @return int
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:402
    protected static is_previewing(): bool Determine whether or not an admin/editor is looking at the post in "preview mode...
    * Determine whether or not an admin/editor is looking at the post in "preview mode" via the
    * WordPress admin
    * @internal
    * @return bool
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:217
    protected static get_wp_link_page($i): string
    * @param int $i
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:591
  • public static $representation :: string (4) "post"
4 => Timber\Post (55)
$context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]
  • Properties (55)
  • Available methods (95)
  • Static class properties
  • public ImageClass -> string (12) "Timber\Image"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->ImageClass
    public PostClass -> string (11) "Timber\Post"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->PostClass
    public TermClass -> string (11) "Timber\Term"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->TermClass
    public object_type -> string (4) "post"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->object_type
    public custom -> array (17)
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->custom
    country => string (7) "Belgium"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->custom['country']
    _country => string (19) "field_5d8b13d6b29ba"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->custom['_country']
    logo => string (4) "1292"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->custom['logo']
    _logo => string (19) "field_5d8b1571b29c0"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->custom['_logo']
    firm => string (15) "Spectrumcollege"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->custom['firm']
    _firm => string (19) "field_5d8b14e4b29bb"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->custom['_firm']
    info => string (115) "Mr. Erik Vranken Mr. Jaak Nouwen Bogaarsveldstraat 13 3580 Beringen Tel.: ++...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->custom['info']
    Mr. Erik Vranken 
    Mr. Jaak Nouwen 
    Bogaarsveldstraat 13
    3580 Beringen
    Tel.: ++32 11 4934-00
    Fax: ++32 425 800 
    _info => string (19) "field_5d8b14f7b29bc"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->custom['_info']
    mail => string (31) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->custom['mail']
    _mail => string (19) "field_5d8b150fb29bd"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->custom['_mail']
    web => string (31) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->custom['web']
    _web => string (19) "field_5d8b1524b29be"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->custom['_web']
    _wpml_media_duplicate => string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->custom['_wpml_media_duplicate']
    _edit_lock => string (12) "1661848221:4"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->custom['_edit_lock']
    _edit_last => string (1) "4"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->custom['_edit_last']
    _last_translation_edit_mode => string (13) "native-editor"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->custom['_last_translation_edit_mode']
    _av_css_styles => array (0)
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->custom['_av_css_styles']
    protected ___content -> null
    protected _permalink -> null
    protected _next -> array (0)
    protected _prev -> array (0)
    protected _css_class -> null
    public id -> integer 2403
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->id
    public ID -> integer 2403
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->ID
    public post_author -> string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->post_author
    public post_content -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->post_content
    public post_date -> string (19) "2019-09-25 10:37:13"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->post_date
    public post_excerpt -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->post_excerpt
    public post_parent -> integer 0
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->post_parent
    public post_status -> string (7) "publish"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->post_status
    public post_title -> string (15) "Spectrumcollege"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->post_title
    public post_type -> string (7) "partner"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->post_type
    public slug -> string (15) "spectrumcollege"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->slug
    protected __type -> null
    public country -> string (7) "Belgium"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->country
    public _country -> string (19) "field_5d8b13d6b29ba"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->_country
    public logo -> string (4) "1292"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->logo
    public _logo -> string (19) "field_5d8b1571b29c0"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->_logo
    public firm -> string (15) "Spectrumcollege"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->firm
    public _firm -> string (19) "field_5d8b14e4b29bb"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->_firm
    public info -> string (115) "Mr. Erik Vranken Mr. Jaak Nouwen Bogaarsveldstraat 13 3580 Beringen Tel.: ++...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->info
    Mr. Erik Vranken 
    Mr. Jaak Nouwen 
    Bogaarsveldstraat 13
    3580 Beringen
    Tel.: ++32 11 4934-00
    Fax: ++32 425 800 
    public _info -> string (19) "field_5d8b14f7b29bc"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->_info
    public mail -> string (31) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->mail
    public _mail -> string (19) "field_5d8b150fb29bd"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->_mail
    public web -> string (31) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->web
    public _web -> string (19) "field_5d8b1524b29be"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->_web
    public _wpml_media_duplicate -> string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->_wpml_media_duplicate
    public _edit_lock -> string (12) "1661848221:4"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->_edit_lock
    public _edit_last -> string (1) "4"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->_edit_last
    public _last_translation_edit_mode -> string (13) "native-editor"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->_last_translation_edit_mode
    public _av_css_styles -> array (0)
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->_av_css_styles
    public post_date_gmt -> string (19) "2019-09-25 08:37:13"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->post_date_gmt
    public comment_status -> string (6) "closed"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->comment_status
    public ping_status -> string (6) "closed"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->ping_status
    public post_password -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->post_password
    public post_name -> string (15) "spectrumcollege"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->post_name
    public to_ping -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->to_ping
    public pinged -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->pinged
    public post_modified -> string (19) "2022-08-30 10:32:16"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->post_modified
    public post_modified_gmt -> string (19) "2022-08-30 08:32:16"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->post_modified_gmt
    public post_content_filtered -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->post_content_filtered
    public guid -> string (56) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->guid
    public menu_order -> integer 0
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->menu_order
    public post_mime_type -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->post_mime_type
    public comment_count -> string (1) "0"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->comment_count
    public filter -> string (3) "raw"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->filter
    public status -> string (7) "publish"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->status
  • public __construct($pid = null) If you send the constructor nothing it will try to figure out the current post i...
    new \Timber\Post($pid = null)
    * If you send the constructor nothing it will try to figure out the current post id based on being inside The_Loop
    * @example
    * ```php
    * $post = new Timber\Post();
    * $other_post = new Timber\Post($random_post_id);
    * ```
    * @param mixed $pid
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:180
    public __get($field): mixed This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is also here to ensure that {{ post.class }} remains usable
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:190
    public __call($field, $args): mixed This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is also here to ensure that {{ post.class }} remains usable
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:202
    public __toString(): string Outputs the title of the post if you do something like `<h1>{{post}}</h1>`
    (string) $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]
    * Outputs the title of the post if you do something like `<h1>{{post}}</h1>`
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:269
    public get_edit_url(): bool|string Get the URL that will edit the current post/object
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->get_edit_url()
    * Get the URL that will edit the current post/object
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::edit_link
    * @return bool|string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:336
    public update($field, $value) updates the post_meta of the current object with the given value
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->update($field, $value)
    * updates the post_meta of the current object with the given value
    * @param string $field
    * @param mixed $value
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:345
    public preview(): \Timber\PostPreview Gets a preview/excerpt of your post.
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->preview()
    * Gets a preview/excerpt of your post.
    * If you have text defined in the excerpt textarea of your post, it will use that. Otherwise it
    * will pull from the post_content. If there's a `<!-- more -->` tag, it will use that to mark
    * where to pull through.
    * This method returns a `Timber\PostPreview` object, which is a **chainable object**. This
    * means that you can change the output of the preview by **adding more methods**. Refer to the
    * [documentation of the `Timber\PostPreview` class](
    * to get an overview of all the available methods.
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {# Use default preview #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview }}</p>
    * {# Change the post preview text #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview.read_more('Continue Reading') }}</p>
    * {# Additionally restrict the length to 50 words #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview.length(50).read_more('Continue Reading') }}</p>
    * ```
    * @see \Timber\PostPreview
    * @return \Timber\PostPreview
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:432
    public get_preview($len = 50, $force = false, $readmore = 'Read More', $strip = true, $end = '&hellip;'): string of the post preview get a preview of your post, if you have an excerpt it will use that, otherwise i...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->get_preview($len = 50, $force = false, $readmore = 'Read More', $strip = true, $end = '&hellip;')
    * get a preview of your post, if you have an excerpt it will use that,
    * otherwise it will pull from the post_content.
    * If there's a <!-- more --> tag it will use that to mark where to pull through.
    * @deprecated since 1.3.1, use {{ post.preview }} instead
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <p>{{post.get_preview(50)}}</p>
    * ```
    * @param int $len The number of words that WP should use to make the tease. (Isn't this better than [this mess]( If you've set a post_excerpt on a post, we'll use that for the preview text; otherwise the first X words of the post_content
    * @param bool $force What happens if your custom post excerpt is longer then the length requested? By default (`$force = false`) it will use the full `post_excerpt`. However, you can set this to true to *force* your excerpt to be of the desired length
    * @param string $readmore The text you want to use on the 'readmore' link
    * @param bool|string $strip true for default, false for none, string for list of custom attributes
    * @param string $end The text to end the preview with (defaults to ...)
    * @return string of the post preview
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:452
    public import_custom($pid) gets the post custom and attaches it to the current object
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->import_custom($pid)
    * gets the post custom and attaches it to the current object
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid a post ID number
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:521
    public comment_form($args = array()): string of HTML for the form Gets the comment form for use on a single article page
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->comment_form($args = array())
    * Gets the comment form for use on a single article page
    * @param array This $args array thing is a mess, [fix at some point](
    * @return string of HTML for the form
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:634
    public terms($args = array(), $merge = true, $term_class = ''): array An array of taxonomies. Gets the terms associated with the post.
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->terms($args = array(), $merge = true, $term_class = '')
    * Gets the terms associated with the post.
    * @api
    * @todo Remove deprecated parameters in 2.x
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <section id="job-feed">
    * {% for post in job %}
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>{{ post.title }}</h2>
    *         <p>{{ post.terms( {query:{taxonomy:'category', orderby:'name', order: 'ASC'}} )|join(', ') }}</p>
    *     </div>
    * {% endfor %}
    * </section>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <section id="job-feed">
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>Cheese Maker</h2>
    *         <p>Cheese, Food, Fromage</p>
    *     </div>
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>Mime</h2>
    *         <p>Performance, Silence</p>
    *     </div>
    * </section>
    * ```
    * ```php
    * // Get all terms of a taxonomy.
    * $terms = $post->terms( 'category' );
    * // Get terms of multiple taxonomies.
    * $terms = $post->terms( array( 'books', 'movies' ) );
    * // Use custom arguments for taxonomy query and options.
    * $terms = $post->terms( array(
    *     'query' => [
    *         'taxonomy' => 'custom_tax',
    *         'orderby'  => 'count',
    *     ],
    *     'merge'      => false,
    *     'term_class' => 'My_Term_Class'
    * ) );
    * ```
    * @param string|array $args {
    *     Optional. Name of the taxonomy or array of arguments.
    *     @type array $query       Any array of term query parameters for getting the terms. See
    *                              `WP_Term_Query::__construct()` for supported arguments. Use the
    *                              `taxonomy` argument to choose which taxonomies to get. Defaults
    *                              to querying all registered taxonomies for the post type. You can
    *                              use custom or built-in WordPress taxonomies (category, tag).
    *                              Timber plays nice and figures out that `tag`, `tags` or
    *                              `post_tag` are all the same (also for `categories` or
    *                              `category`). For custom taxonomies you need to define the
    *                              proper name.
    *     @type bool $merge        Whether the resulting array should be one big one (`true`) or
    *                              whether it should be an array of sub-arrays for each taxonomy
    *                              (`false`). Default `true`.
    *     @type string $term_class The Timber term class to use for the term objects.
    * }
    * @param bool   $merge      Deprecated. Optional. See `$merge` argument in `$args` parameter.
    * @param string $term_class Deprecated. Optional. See `$term_class` argument in `$args`
    *                           parameter.
    * @return array An array of taxonomies.
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:706
    public has_term($term_name_or_id, $taxonomy = 'all'): bool
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->has_term($term_name_or_id, $taxonomy = 'all')
    * @param string|int $term_name_or_id
    * @param string $taxonomy
    * @return bool
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:806
    public get_paged_content(): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->get_paged_content()
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:824
    public get_post_type(): PostType Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->get_post_type()
    * Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    * @deprecated since 1.0.4
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * This post is from <span>{{ post.get_post_type.labels.plural }}</span>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * This post is from <span>Recipes</span>
    * ```
    * @return PostType
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:844
    public get_comment_count(): int the number of comments on a post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->get_comment_count()
    * @return int the number of comments on a post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:852
    public has_field($field_name): boolean
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->has_field($field_name)
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:861
    public field_object($field_name): mixed Gets the field object data from Advanced Custom Fields. This includes metadata o...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->field_object($field_name)
    * Gets the field object data from Advanced Custom Fields.
    * This includes metadata on the field like whether it's conditional or not.
    * @since 1.6.0
    * @param string $field_name of the field you want to lookup.
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:873
    public get_field($field_name): mixed
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->get_field($field_name)
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:883
    public import_field($field_name)
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->import_field($field_name)
    * @param string $field_name
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:905
    public post_class($class = ''): string a space-seperated list of classes Get the CSS classes for a post without cache. For usage you should use `{{post.c...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->post_class($class = '')
    * Get the CSS classes for a post without cache. For usage you should use `{{post.class}}`
    * @internal
    * @param string $class additional classes you want to add
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <article class="{{ post.post_class }}">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <article class="post-2612 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-data tag-charleston-church-shooting tag-dylann-roof tag-gun-violence tag-hate-crimes tag-national-incident-based-reporting-system">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * @return string a space-seperated list of classes
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:927
    public css_class($class = ''): string a space-seperated list of classes Get the CSS classes for a post, but with caching css post classes. For usage you...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->css_class($class = '')
    * Get the CSS classes for a post, but with caching css post classes. For usage you should use `{{ post.class }}` instead of `{{post.css_class}}` or `{{post.post_class}}`
    * @internal
    * @param string $class additional classes you want to add
    * @see Timber\Post::$_css_class
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <article class="{{ post.class }}">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * @return string a space-seperated list of classes
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:956
    public get_method_values(): array
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->get_method_values()
    * @return array
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:970
    public author(): User|null A User object if found, false if not Return the author of a post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->author()
    * Return the author of a post
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{post.title}}</h1>
    * <p class="byline">
    *     <a href="{{}}">{{}}</a>
    * </p>
    * ```
    * @return User|null A User object if found, false if not
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1005
    public authors()
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->authors()
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1011
    public modified_author(): User|null A User object if found, false if not Get the author (WordPress user) who last modified the post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->modified_author()
    * Get the author (WordPress user) who last modified the post
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Last updated by {{ }}
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Last updated by Harper Lee
    * ```
    * @return User|null A User object if found, false if not
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1026
    public categories(): array of Timber\Terms Get the categoires on a particular post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->categories()
    * Get the categoires on a particular post
    * @api
    * @return array of Timber\Terms
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1036
    public category(): Timber\Term|null Returns a category attached to a post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->category()
    * Returns a category attached to a post
    * @api
    * If mulitpuile categories are set, it will return just the first one
    * @return Timber\Term|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1046
    public children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false): array Returns an array of children on the post as Timber\Posts (or other claass as you...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false)
    * Returns an array of children on the post as Timber\Posts
    * (or other claass as you define).
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {% if post.children %}
    *     Here are the child pages:
    *     {% for child in post.children %}
    *         <a href="{{ }}">{{ child.title }}</a>
    *     {% endfor %}
    * {% endif %}
    * ```
    * @param string|array $post_type _optional_ use to find children of a particular post type (attachment vs. page for example). You might want to restrict to certain types of children in case other stuff gets all mucked in there. You can use 'parent' to use the parent's post type or you can pass an array of post types.
    * @param string|bool $childPostClass _optional_ a custom post class (ex: 'MyTimber\Post') to return the objects as. By default (false) it will use Timber\Post::$post_class value.
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1067
    public comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment'): bool|\Timber\CommentThread Gets the comments on a `Timber\Post` and returns them as a `Timber\CommentThread...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment')
    * Gets the comments on a `Timber\Post` and returns them as a `Timber\CommentThread`: a PHP
    * ArrayObject of [`Timber\Comment`](
    * (or whatever comment class you set).
    * @api
    * @param int    $count        Set the number of comments you want to get. `0` is analogous to
    *                             "all".
    * @param string $order        Use ordering set in WordPress admin, or a different scheme.
    * @param string $type         For when other plugins use the comments table for their own
    *                             special purposes. Might be set to 'liveblog' or other, depending
    *                             on what’s stored in your comments table.
    * @param string $status       Could be 'pending', etc.
    * @param string $CommentClass What class to use when returning Comment objects. As you become a
    *                             Timber Pro, you might find yourself extending `Timber\Comment`
    *                             for your site or app (obviously, totally optional).
    * @see \Timber\CommentThread for an example with nested comments
    * @return bool|\Timber\CommentThread
    * @example
    * **single.twig**
    * ```twig
    * <div id="post-comments">
    *   <h4>Comments on {{ post.title }}</h4>
    *   <ul>
    *     {% for comment in post.comments() %}
    *       {% include 'comment.twig' %}
    *     {% endfor %}
    *   </ul>
    *   <div class="comment-form">
    *     {{ function('comment_form') }}
    *   </div>
    * </div>
    * ```
    * **comment.twig**
    * ```twig
    * {# comment.twig #}
    * <li>
    *   <p class="comment-author">{{ }} says:</p>
    *   <div>{{ comment.content }}</div>
    * </li>
    * ```
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1136
    public content($page0, $len = -1): string Gets the actual content of a WP Post, as opposed to post_content this will run t...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->content($page0, $len = -1)
    * Gets the actual content of a WP Post, as opposed to post_content this will run the hooks/filters attached to the_content. \This guy will return your posts content with WordPress filters run on it (like for shortcodes and wpautop).
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <div class="article">
    *     <h2>{{post.title}}</h2>
    *     <div class="content">{{ post.content }}</div>
    * </div>
    * ```
    * @param int $page
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1206
    public paged_content(): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->paged_content()
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1254
    public date($date_format = ''): string Get the date to use in your template!
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->date($date_format = '')
    * Get the date to use in your template!
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Published on {{ }} // Uses WP's formatting set in Admin
    * OR
    * Published on {{'F jS') }} // Jan 12th
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Published on January 12, 2015
    * OR
    * Published on Jan 12th
    * ```
    * @param string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1277
    public time($time_format = ''): string Get the time to use in your template
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->time($time_format = '')
    * Get the time to use in your template
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Published at {{ post.time }} // Uses WP's formatting set in Admin
    * OR
    * Published at {{ post.time | time('G:i') }} // 13:25
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Published at 1:25 pm
    * OR
    * Published at 13:25
    * ```
    * @param string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1301
    public type(): PostType Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->type()
    * Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    * @since 1.0.4
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * This post is from <span>{{ }}</span>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * This post is from <span>Recipes</span>
    * ```
    * @return PostType
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1323
    public edit_link(): bool|string the edit URL of a post in the WordPress admin Returns the edit URL of a post if the user has access to it
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->edit_link()
    * Returns the edit URL of a post if the user has access to it
    * @return bool|string the edit URL of a post in the WordPress admin
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1337
    public format(): mixed
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->format()
    * @api
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1347
    public password_required(): boolean whether post requires password and correct password has been provided
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->password_required()
    * whether post requires password and correct password has been provided
    * @api
    * @return boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1356
    public link(): string ex: get the permalink for a post object
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->link()
    * get the permalink for a post object
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <a href="{{}}">Read my post</a>
    * ```
    * @return string ex:
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1369
    public meta($field_name = null): mixed
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->meta($field_name = null)
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1381
    public name(): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->name()
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1392
    public modified_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->modified_date($date_format = '')
    * @param string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1400
    public modified_time($time_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->modified_time($time_format = '')
    * @param string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1410
    public next($in_same_term = false): mixed
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->next($in_same_term = false)
    * @api
    * @param bool $in_same_term
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1419
    public pagination(): array Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a pa...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->pagination()
    * Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a paginated post
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1445
    public convert($data) Finds any WP_Post objects and converts them to Timber\Posts
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->convert($data)
    * Finds any WP_Post objects and converts them to Timber\Posts
    * @param array|WP_Post $data
    * @param string $class
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1478
    public parent(): bool|Timber\Post Gets the parent (if one exists) from a post as a Timber\Post object (or whatever...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->parent()
    * Gets the parent (if one exists) from a post as a Timber\Post object (or whatever is set in Timber\Post::$PostClass)
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Parent page: <a href="{{ }}">{{ post.parent.title }}</a>
    * ```
    * @return bool|Timber\Post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1504
    public path(): string Gets the relative path of a WP Post, so while link() will return http://example....
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->path()
    * Gets the relative path of a WP Post, so while link() will return
    * this will return just /2015/07/my-cool-post
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <a href="{{post.path}}">{{post.title}}</a>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1522
    public prev($in_same_term = false): mixed Get the previous post in a set
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->prev($in_same_term = false)
    * Get the previous post in a set
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h4>Prior Entry:</h4>
    * <h3>{{post.prev.title}}</h3>
    * <p>{{post.prev.get_preview(25)}}</p>
    * ```
    * @param bool $in_same_term
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1539
    public tags(): array Gets the tags on a post, uses WP's post_tag taxonomy
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->tags()
    * Gets the tags on a post, uses WP's post_tag taxonomy
    * @api
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1562
    public thumbnail(): Image|null of your thumbnail get the featured image as a Timber/Image
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->thumbnail()
    * get the featured image as a Timber/Image
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <img src="{{ post.thumbnail.src }}" />
    * ```
    * @return Image|null of your thumbnail
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1575
    public title(): string Returns the processed title to be used in templates. This returns the title of t...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->title()
    * Returns the processed title to be used in templates. This returns the title of the post after WP's filters have run. This is analogous to `the_title()` in standard WP template tags.
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{ post.title }}</h1>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1593
    public gallery($html = true): html Returns the gallery
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->gallery($html = true)
    * Returns the gallery
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1609
    public audio(): html Returns the audio
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->audio()
    * Returns the audio
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1628
    public video(): html Returns the video
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->video()
    * Returns the video
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1651
    public get_categories(): array of Timber\Terms Get the categories for a post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->get_categories()
    * Get the categories for a post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::categories
    * @return array of Timber\Terms
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1682
    public get_category(): mixed
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->get_category()
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::category
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1693
    public get_image($field): Timber\Image
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->get_image($field)
    * @param string $field
    * @return Timber\Image
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1704
    public get_tags(): array Gets an array of tags for you to use
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->get_tags()
    * Gets an array of tags for you to use
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <ul class="tags">
    *     {% for tag in post.tags %}
    *         <li>{{}}</li>
    *     {% endfor %}
    * </ul>
    * ```
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1723
    public get_title(): string Outputs the title with filters applied
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->get_title()
    * Outputs the title with filters applied
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{post.get_title}}</h1>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <h1>Hello World!</h1>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1741
    public get_content($len = -1, $page0): string Displays the content of the post with filters, shortcodes and wpautop applied
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->get_content($len = -1, $page0)
    * Displays the content of the post with filters, shortcodes and wpautop applied
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <div class="article-text">{{post.get_content}}</div>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <div class="article-text"><p>Blah blah blah</p><p>More blah blah blah.</p></div>
    * ```
    * @param int $len
    * @param int $page
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1758
    public get_format(): mixed
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->get_format()
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1770
    public get_terms($tax = '', $merge = true, $TermClass = ''): array Get the terms associated with the post This goes across all taxonomies by defaul...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->get_terms($tax = '', $merge = true, $TermClass = '')
    * Get the terms associated with the post
    * This goes across all taxonomies by default
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param string|array $tax What taxonom(y|ies) to pull from. Defaults to all registered taxonomies for the post type. You can use custom ones, or built-in WordPress taxonomies (category, tag). Timber plays nice and figures out that tag/tags/post_tag are all the same (and categories/category), for custom taxonomies you're on your own.
    * @param bool $merge Should the resulting array be one big one (true)? Or should it be an array of sub-arrays for each taxonomy (false)?
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1784
    public permalink(): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->permalink()
    * @deprecated 0.20.0 use link() instead
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1793
    public get_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->get_date($date_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::date
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param  string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1806
    public get_modified_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->get_modified_date($date_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::modified_date
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param  string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1818
    public get_modified_time($time_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->get_modified_time($time_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @param  string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1827
    public get_children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false): array
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->get_children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false)
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::children
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param string 		$post_type
    * @param bool|string 	$childPostClass
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1842
    public get_path(): string Get the permalink for a post, but as a relative path For example, where {{post.l...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->get_path()
    * Get the permalink for a post, but as a relative path
    * For example, where {{}} would return ""
    * this will return the relative version: "/2015/07/04/my-cool-post"
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1855
    public get_prev($in_same_term = false): TimberPost|boolean Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->get_prev($in_same_term = false)
    * Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return TimberPost|boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1866
    public get_parent(): bool|TimberPost Get the parent post of the post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->get_parent()
    * Get the parent post of the post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return bool|TimberPost
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1877
    public get_author(): User|null Gets a User object from the author of the post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->get_author()
    * Gets a User object from the author of the post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::author
    * @return User|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1889
    public get_modified_author(): User|null
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->get_modified_author()
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return User|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1899
    public get_thumbnail(): Image|null
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->get_thumbnail()
    * @internal
    * @see TimberPost::thumbnail
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return Image|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1910
    public get_permalink(): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->get_permalink()
    * @internal
    * @see TimberPost::link
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1921
    public get_link(): string get the permalink for a post object In your templates you should use link: <a hr...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->get_link()
    * get the permalink for a post object
    * In your templates you should use link:
    * <a href="{{}}">Read my post</a>
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1934
    public get_next($taxonomy = false): TimberPost|boolean Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->get_next($taxonomy = false)
    * Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param bool $taxonomy
    * @return TimberPost|boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1946
    public get_pagination(): array Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a pa...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->get_pagination()
    * Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a paginated post
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::pagination();
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1958
    public get_comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment'): array|mixed Get the comments for a post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->get_comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment')
    * Get the comments for a post
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::comments
    * @param int $count
    * @param string $order
    * @param string $type
    * @param string $status
    * @param string $CommentClass
    * @return array|mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1974
    public __isset($field): boolean
    * @return boolean
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:15
    public import($info, $force = false) Takes an array or object and adds the properties to the parent object
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->import($info, $force = false)
    * Takes an array or object and adds the properties to the parent object
    * @example
    * ```php
    * $data = array('airplane' => '757-200', 'flight' => '5316');
    * $post = new Timber\Post()
    * $post->import(data);
    * echo $post->airplane; //757-200
    * ```
    * @param array|object $info an object or array you want to grab data from to attach to the Timber object
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:59
    public can_edit(): bool Can you edit this post/term/user? Well good for you. You're no better than me.
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][4]->can_edit()
    * Can you edit this post/term/user? Well good for you. You're no better than me.
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {% if post.can_edit %}
    * <a href="{{ post.edit_link }}">Edit</a>
    * {% endif %}
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <a href="">Edit</a>
    * ```
    * @return bool
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:100
    protected determine_id($pid): int|null the numberic id we should be using for this post object, null when there's no ID (ex: 404 page) tries to figure out what post you want to get if not explictly defined (or if it...
    * tries to figure out what post you want to get if not explictly defined (or if it is, allows it to be passed through)
    * @internal
    * @param mixed a value to test against
    * @return int|null the numberic id we should be using for this post object, null when there's no ID (ex: 404 page)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:230
    protected get_post_preview_object()
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:273
    protected get_post_preview_id($query)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:281
    protected init($pid = false) Initializes a Post
    * Initializes a Post
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:317
    protected prepare_post_info($pid0): WP_Post on success takes a mix of integer (post ID), string (post slug), or object to return a Word...
    * takes a mix of integer (post ID), string (post slug),
    * or object to return a WordPress post object from WP's built-in get_post() function
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid
    * @return WP_Post on success
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:360
    protected check_post_id($pid): integer ID number of a post helps you find the post id regardless of whether you send a string or whatever
    * helps you find the post id regardless of whether you send a string or whatever
    * @param integer $pid ;
    * @internal
    * @return integer ID number of a post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:379
    protected get_post_custom($pid): array Used internally to fetch the metadata fields (wp_postmeta table) and attach them...
    * Used internally to fetch the metadata fields (wp_postmeta table)
    * and attach them to our TimberPost object
    * @internal
    * @param int $pid
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:533
    protected get_info($pid): null|object|WP_Post Used internally by init, etc. to build TimberPost object
    * Used internally by init, etc. to build TimberPost object
    * @internal
    * @param  int $pid
    * @return null|object|WP_Post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:606
    protected maybe_show_password_form(): string|void If the Password form is to be shown, show it!
    * If the Password form is to be shown, show it!
    * @return string|void
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1170
    protected get_revised_data_from_method($method, $args = false)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1183
    protected content_handle_no_teaser_block($content): string Handles for an circumstance with the Block editor where a "more" block has an op...
    * Handles for an circumstance with the Block editor where a "more" block has an option to
    * "Hide the excerpt on the full content page" which hides everything prior to the inserted
    * "more" block
    * @ticket #2218
    * @param string $content
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1243
    public static get_post_id_by_name($post_name): int get_post_id_by_name($post_name)
    * get_post_id_by_name($post_name)
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.5.0
    * @param string $post_name
    * @return int
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:402
    protected static is_previewing(): bool Determine whether or not an admin/editor is looking at the post in "preview mode...
    * Determine whether or not an admin/editor is looking at the post in "preview mode" via the
    * WordPress admin
    * @internal
    * @return bool
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:217
    protected static get_wp_link_page($i): string
    * @param int $i
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:591
  • public static $representation :: string (4) "post"
5 => Timber\Post (59)
$context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]
  • Properties (59)
  • Available methods (95)
  • Static class properties
  • public ImageClass -> string (12) "Timber\Image"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->ImageClass
    public PostClass -> string (11) "Timber\Post"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->PostClass
    public TermClass -> string (11) "Timber\Term"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->TermClass
    public object_type -> string (4) "post"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->object_type
    public custom -> array (21)
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->custom
    country => string (7) "Austria"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->custom['country']
    _country => string (19) "field_5d8b13d6b29ba"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->custom['_country']
    logo => string (5) "13115"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->custom['logo']
    _logo => string (19) "field_5d8b1571b29c0"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->custom['_logo']
    firm => string (27) "MY ACADEMY Greifenburg GmbH"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->custom['firm']
    _firm => string (19) "field_5d8b14e4b29bb"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->custom['_firm']
    info => string (76) "Mr. Andreas Otmischi Gries 1 9761 Greifenburg Tel.: 0043 (0)664 8408084"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->custom['info']
    Mr. Andreas Otmischi
    Gries 1 
    9761 Greifenburg 
    Tel.: 0043 (0)664 8408084
    _info => string (19) "field_5d8b14f7b29bc"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->custom['_info']
    mail => string (32) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->custom['mail']
    _mail => string (19) "field_5d8b150fb29bd"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->custom['_mail']
    web => string (27) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->custom['web']
    _web => string (19) "field_5d8b1524b29be"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->custom['_web']
    _wpml_media_duplicate => string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->custom['_wpml_media_duplicate']
    _av_el_mgr_version => string (3) "1.0"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->custom['_av_el_mgr_version']
    _av_alb_posts_elements_state => array (0)
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->custom['_av_alb_posts_elements_state']
    _edit_lock => string (12) "1704787120:4"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->custom['_edit_lock']
    _edit_last => string (1) "4"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->custom['_edit_last']
    _last_translation_edit_mode => string (13) "native-editor"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->custom['_last_translation_edit_mode']
    _pys_head_footer => array (7)
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->custom['_pys_head_footer']
    disable_global => boolean false
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->custom['_pys_head_footer']['disable_global']
    head_any => string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->custom['_pys_head_footer']['head_any']
    head_desktop => string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->custom['_pys_head_footer']['head_desktop']
    head_mobile => string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->custom['_pys_head_footer']['head_mobile']
    footer_any => string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->custom['_pys_head_footer']['footer_any']
    footer_desktop => string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->custom['_pys_head_footer']['footer_desktop']
    footer_mobile => string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->custom['_pys_head_footer']['footer_mobile']
    _av_css_styles => array (0)
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->custom['_av_css_styles']
    _wpml_media_featured => string (1) "0"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->custom['_wpml_media_featured']
    protected ___content -> null
    protected _permalink -> null
    protected _next -> array (0)
    protected _prev -> array (0)
    protected _css_class -> null
    public id -> integer 2408
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->id
    public ID -> integer 2408
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->ID
    public post_author -> string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->post_author
    public post_content -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->post_content
    public post_date -> string (19) "2019-09-25 09:24:50"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->post_date
    public post_excerpt -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->post_excerpt
    public post_parent -> integer 0
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->post_parent
    public post_status -> string (7) "publish"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->post_status
    public post_title -> string (11) "CNC Academy"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->post_title
    public post_type -> string (7) "partner"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->post_type
    public slug -> string (11) "cnc-academy"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->slug
    protected __type -> null
    public country -> string (7) "Austria"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->country
    public _country -> string (19) "field_5d8b13d6b29ba"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->_country
    public logo -> string (5) "13115"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->logo
    public _logo -> string (19) "field_5d8b1571b29c0"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->_logo
    public firm -> string (27) "MY ACADEMY Greifenburg GmbH"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->firm
    public _firm -> string (19) "field_5d8b14e4b29bb"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->_firm
    public info -> string (76) "Mr. Andreas Otmischi Gries 1 9761 Greifenburg Tel.: 0043 (0)664 8408084"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->info
    Mr. Andreas Otmischi
    Gries 1 
    9761 Greifenburg 
    Tel.: 0043 (0)664 8408084
    public _info -> string (19) "field_5d8b14f7b29bc"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->_info
    public mail -> string (32) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->mail
    public _mail -> string (19) "field_5d8b150fb29bd"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->_mail
    public web -> string (27) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->web
    public _web -> string (19) "field_5d8b1524b29be"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->_web
    public _wpml_media_duplicate -> string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->_wpml_media_duplicate
    public _av_el_mgr_version -> string (3) "1.0"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->_av_el_mgr_version
    public _av_alb_posts_elements_state -> array (0)
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->_av_alb_posts_elements_state
    public _edit_lock -> string (12) "1704787120:4"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->_edit_lock
    public _edit_last -> string (1) "4"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->_edit_last
    public _last_translation_edit_mode -> string (13) "native-editor"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->_last_translation_edit_mode
    public _pys_head_footer -> array (7)
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->_pys_head_footer
    disable_global => boolean false
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->_pys_head_footer['disable_global']
    head_any => string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->_pys_head_footer['head_any']
    head_desktop => string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->_pys_head_footer['head_desktop']
    head_mobile => string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->_pys_head_footer['head_mobile']
    footer_any => string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->_pys_head_footer['footer_any']
    footer_desktop => string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->_pys_head_footer['footer_desktop']
    footer_mobile => string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->_pys_head_footer['footer_mobile']
    public _av_css_styles -> array (0)
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->_av_css_styles
    public _wpml_media_featured -> string (1) "0"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->_wpml_media_featured
    public post_date_gmt -> string (19) "2019-09-25 07:24:50"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->post_date_gmt
    public comment_status -> string (6) "closed"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->comment_status
    public ping_status -> string (6) "closed"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->ping_status
    public post_password -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->post_password
    public post_name -> string (11) "cnc-academy"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->post_name
    public to_ping -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->to_ping
    public pinged -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->pinged
    public post_modified -> string (19) "2024-01-09 09:00:50"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->post_modified
    public post_modified_gmt -> string (19) "2024-01-09 08:00:50"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->post_modified_gmt
    public post_content_filtered -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->post_content_filtered
    public guid -> string (52) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->guid
    public menu_order -> integer 0
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->menu_order
    public post_mime_type -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->post_mime_type
    public comment_count -> string (1) "0"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->comment_count
    public filter -> string (3) "raw"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->filter
    public status -> string (7) "publish"
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->status
  • public __construct($pid = null) If you send the constructor nothing it will try to figure out the current post i...
    new \Timber\Post($pid = null)
    * If you send the constructor nothing it will try to figure out the current post id based on being inside The_Loop
    * @example
    * ```php
    * $post = new Timber\Post();
    * $other_post = new Timber\Post($random_post_id);
    * ```
    * @param mixed $pid
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:180
    public __get($field): mixed This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is also here to ensure that {{ post.class }} remains usable
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:190
    public __call($field, $args): mixed This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is also here to ensure that {{ post.class }} remains usable
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:202
    public __toString(): string Outputs the title of the post if you do something like `<h1>{{post}}</h1>`
    (string) $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]
    * Outputs the title of the post if you do something like `<h1>{{post}}</h1>`
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:269
    public get_edit_url(): bool|string Get the URL that will edit the current post/object
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->get_edit_url()
    * Get the URL that will edit the current post/object
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::edit_link
    * @return bool|string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:336
    public update($field, $value) updates the post_meta of the current object with the given value
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->update($field, $value)
    * updates the post_meta of the current object with the given value
    * @param string $field
    * @param mixed $value
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:345
    public preview(): \Timber\PostPreview Gets a preview/excerpt of your post.
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->preview()
    * Gets a preview/excerpt of your post.
    * If you have text defined in the excerpt textarea of your post, it will use that. Otherwise it
    * will pull from the post_content. If there's a `<!-- more -->` tag, it will use that to mark
    * where to pull through.
    * This method returns a `Timber\PostPreview` object, which is a **chainable object**. This
    * means that you can change the output of the preview by **adding more methods**. Refer to the
    * [documentation of the `Timber\PostPreview` class](
    * to get an overview of all the available methods.
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {# Use default preview #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview }}</p>
    * {# Change the post preview text #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview.read_more('Continue Reading') }}</p>
    * {# Additionally restrict the length to 50 words #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview.length(50).read_more('Continue Reading') }}</p>
    * ```
    * @see \Timber\PostPreview
    * @return \Timber\PostPreview
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:432
    public get_preview($len = 50, $force = false, $readmore = 'Read More', $strip = true, $end = '&hellip;'): string of the post preview get a preview of your post, if you have an excerpt it will use that, otherwise i...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->get_preview($len = 50, $force = false, $readmore = 'Read More', $strip = true, $end = '&hellip;')
    * get a preview of your post, if you have an excerpt it will use that,
    * otherwise it will pull from the post_content.
    * If there's a <!-- more --> tag it will use that to mark where to pull through.
    * @deprecated since 1.3.1, use {{ post.preview }} instead
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <p>{{post.get_preview(50)}}</p>
    * ```
    * @param int $len The number of words that WP should use to make the tease. (Isn't this better than [this mess]( If you've set a post_excerpt on a post, we'll use that for the preview text; otherwise the first X words of the post_content
    * @param bool $force What happens if your custom post excerpt is longer then the length requested? By default (`$force = false`) it will use the full `post_excerpt`. However, you can set this to true to *force* your excerpt to be of the desired length
    * @param string $readmore The text you want to use on the 'readmore' link
    * @param bool|string $strip true for default, false for none, string for list of custom attributes
    * @param string $end The text to end the preview with (defaults to ...)
    * @return string of the post preview
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:452
    public import_custom($pid) gets the post custom and attaches it to the current object
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->import_custom($pid)
    * gets the post custom and attaches it to the current object
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid a post ID number
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:521
    public comment_form($args = array()): string of HTML for the form Gets the comment form for use on a single article page
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->comment_form($args = array())
    * Gets the comment form for use on a single article page
    * @param array This $args array thing is a mess, [fix at some point](
    * @return string of HTML for the form
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:634
    public terms($args = array(), $merge = true, $term_class = ''): array An array of taxonomies. Gets the terms associated with the post.
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->terms($args = array(), $merge = true, $term_class = '')
    * Gets the terms associated with the post.
    * @api
    * @todo Remove deprecated parameters in 2.x
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <section id="job-feed">
    * {% for post in job %}
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>{{ post.title }}</h2>
    *         <p>{{ post.terms( {query:{taxonomy:'category', orderby:'name', order: 'ASC'}} )|join(', ') }}</p>
    *     </div>
    * {% endfor %}
    * </section>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <section id="job-feed">
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>Cheese Maker</h2>
    *         <p>Cheese, Food, Fromage</p>
    *     </div>
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>Mime</h2>
    *         <p>Performance, Silence</p>
    *     </div>
    * </section>
    * ```
    * ```php
    * // Get all terms of a taxonomy.
    * $terms = $post->terms( 'category' );
    * // Get terms of multiple taxonomies.
    * $terms = $post->terms( array( 'books', 'movies' ) );
    * // Use custom arguments for taxonomy query and options.
    * $terms = $post->terms( array(
    *     'query' => [
    *         'taxonomy' => 'custom_tax',
    *         'orderby'  => 'count',
    *     ],
    *     'merge'      => false,
    *     'term_class' => 'My_Term_Class'
    * ) );
    * ```
    * @param string|array $args {
    *     Optional. Name of the taxonomy or array of arguments.
    *     @type array $query       Any array of term query parameters for getting the terms. See
    *                              `WP_Term_Query::__construct()` for supported arguments. Use the
    *                              `taxonomy` argument to choose which taxonomies to get. Defaults
    *                              to querying all registered taxonomies for the post type. You can
    *                              use custom or built-in WordPress taxonomies (category, tag).
    *                              Timber plays nice and figures out that `tag`, `tags` or
    *                              `post_tag` are all the same (also for `categories` or
    *                              `category`). For custom taxonomies you need to define the
    *                              proper name.
    *     @type bool $merge        Whether the resulting array should be one big one (`true`) or
    *                              whether it should be an array of sub-arrays for each taxonomy
    *                              (`false`). Default `true`.
    *     @type string $term_class The Timber term class to use for the term objects.
    * }
    * @param bool   $merge      Deprecated. Optional. See `$merge` argument in `$args` parameter.
    * @param string $term_class Deprecated. Optional. See `$term_class` argument in `$args`
    *                           parameter.
    * @return array An array of taxonomies.
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:706
    public has_term($term_name_or_id, $taxonomy = 'all'): bool
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->has_term($term_name_or_id, $taxonomy = 'all')
    * @param string|int $term_name_or_id
    * @param string $taxonomy
    * @return bool
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:806
    public get_paged_content(): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->get_paged_content()
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:824
    public get_post_type(): PostType Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->get_post_type()
    * Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    * @deprecated since 1.0.4
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * This post is from <span>{{ post.get_post_type.labels.plural }}</span>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * This post is from <span>Recipes</span>
    * ```
    * @return PostType
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:844
    public get_comment_count(): int the number of comments on a post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->get_comment_count()
    * @return int the number of comments on a post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:852
    public has_field($field_name): boolean
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->has_field($field_name)
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:861
    public field_object($field_name): mixed Gets the field object data from Advanced Custom Fields. This includes metadata o...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->field_object($field_name)
    * Gets the field object data from Advanced Custom Fields.
    * This includes metadata on the field like whether it's conditional or not.
    * @since 1.6.0
    * @param string $field_name of the field you want to lookup.
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:873
    public get_field($field_name): mixed
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->get_field($field_name)
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:883
    public import_field($field_name)
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->import_field($field_name)
    * @param string $field_name
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:905
    public post_class($class = ''): string a space-seperated list of classes Get the CSS classes for a post without cache. For usage you should use `{{post.c...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->post_class($class = '')
    * Get the CSS classes for a post without cache. For usage you should use `{{post.class}}`
    * @internal
    * @param string $class additional classes you want to add
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <article class="{{ post.post_class }}">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <article class="post-2612 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-data tag-charleston-church-shooting tag-dylann-roof tag-gun-violence tag-hate-crimes tag-national-incident-based-reporting-system">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * @return string a space-seperated list of classes
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:927
    public css_class($class = ''): string a space-seperated list of classes Get the CSS classes for a post, but with caching css post classes. For usage you...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->css_class($class = '')
    * Get the CSS classes for a post, but with caching css post classes. For usage you should use `{{ post.class }}` instead of `{{post.css_class}}` or `{{post.post_class}}`
    * @internal
    * @param string $class additional classes you want to add
    * @see Timber\Post::$_css_class
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <article class="{{ post.class }}">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * @return string a space-seperated list of classes
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:956
    public get_method_values(): array
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->get_method_values()
    * @return array
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:970
    public author(): User|null A User object if found, false if not Return the author of a post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->author()
    * Return the author of a post
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{post.title}}</h1>
    * <p class="byline">
    *     <a href="{{}}">{{}}</a>
    * </p>
    * ```
    * @return User|null A User object if found, false if not
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1005
    public authors()
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->authors()
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1011
    public modified_author(): User|null A User object if found, false if not Get the author (WordPress user) who last modified the post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->modified_author()
    * Get the author (WordPress user) who last modified the post
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Last updated by {{ }}
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Last updated by Harper Lee
    * ```
    * @return User|null A User object if found, false if not
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1026
    public categories(): array of Timber\Terms Get the categoires on a particular post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->categories()
    * Get the categoires on a particular post
    * @api
    * @return array of Timber\Terms
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1036
    public category(): Timber\Term|null Returns a category attached to a post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->category()
    * Returns a category attached to a post
    * @api
    * If mulitpuile categories are set, it will return just the first one
    * @return Timber\Term|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1046
    public children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false): array Returns an array of children on the post as Timber\Posts (or other claass as you...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false)
    * Returns an array of children on the post as Timber\Posts
    * (or other claass as you define).
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {% if post.children %}
    *     Here are the child pages:
    *     {% for child in post.children %}
    *         <a href="{{ }}">{{ child.title }}</a>
    *     {% endfor %}
    * {% endif %}
    * ```
    * @param string|array $post_type _optional_ use to find children of a particular post type (attachment vs. page for example). You might want to restrict to certain types of children in case other stuff gets all mucked in there. You can use 'parent' to use the parent's post type or you can pass an array of post types.
    * @param string|bool $childPostClass _optional_ a custom post class (ex: 'MyTimber\Post') to return the objects as. By default (false) it will use Timber\Post::$post_class value.
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1067
    public comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment'): bool|\Timber\CommentThread Gets the comments on a `Timber\Post` and returns them as a `Timber\CommentThread...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment')
    * Gets the comments on a `Timber\Post` and returns them as a `Timber\CommentThread`: a PHP
    * ArrayObject of [`Timber\Comment`](
    * (or whatever comment class you set).
    * @api
    * @param int    $count        Set the number of comments you want to get. `0` is analogous to
    *                             "all".
    * @param string $order        Use ordering set in WordPress admin, or a different scheme.
    * @param string $type         For when other plugins use the comments table for their own
    *                             special purposes. Might be set to 'liveblog' or other, depending
    *                             on what’s stored in your comments table.
    * @param string $status       Could be 'pending', etc.
    * @param string $CommentClass What class to use when returning Comment objects. As you become a
    *                             Timber Pro, you might find yourself extending `Timber\Comment`
    *                             for your site or app (obviously, totally optional).
    * @see \Timber\CommentThread for an example with nested comments
    * @return bool|\Timber\CommentThread
    * @example
    * **single.twig**
    * ```twig
    * <div id="post-comments">
    *   <h4>Comments on {{ post.title }}</h4>
    *   <ul>
    *     {% for comment in post.comments() %}
    *       {% include 'comment.twig' %}
    *     {% endfor %}
    *   </ul>
    *   <div class="comment-form">
    *     {{ function('comment_form') }}
    *   </div>
    * </div>
    * ```
    * **comment.twig**
    * ```twig
    * {# comment.twig #}
    * <li>
    *   <p class="comment-author">{{ }} says:</p>
    *   <div>{{ comment.content }}</div>
    * </li>
    * ```
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1136
    public content($page0, $len = -1): string Gets the actual content of a WP Post, as opposed to post_content this will run t...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->content($page0, $len = -1)
    * Gets the actual content of a WP Post, as opposed to post_content this will run the hooks/filters attached to the_content. \This guy will return your posts content with WordPress filters run on it (like for shortcodes and wpautop).
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <div class="article">
    *     <h2>{{post.title}}</h2>
    *     <div class="content">{{ post.content }}</div>
    * </div>
    * ```
    * @param int $page
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1206
    public paged_content(): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->paged_content()
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1254
    public date($date_format = ''): string Get the date to use in your template!
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->date($date_format = '')
    * Get the date to use in your template!
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Published on {{ }} // Uses WP's formatting set in Admin
    * OR
    * Published on {{'F jS') }} // Jan 12th
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Published on January 12, 2015
    * OR
    * Published on Jan 12th
    * ```
    * @param string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1277
    public time($time_format = ''): string Get the time to use in your template
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->time($time_format = '')
    * Get the time to use in your template
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Published at {{ post.time }} // Uses WP's formatting set in Admin
    * OR
    * Published at {{ post.time | time('G:i') }} // 13:25
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Published at 1:25 pm
    * OR
    * Published at 13:25
    * ```
    * @param string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1301
    public type(): PostType Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->type()
    * Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    * @since 1.0.4
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * This post is from <span>{{ }}</span>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * This post is from <span>Recipes</span>
    * ```
    * @return PostType
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1323
    public edit_link(): bool|string the edit URL of a post in the WordPress admin Returns the edit URL of a post if the user has access to it
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->edit_link()
    * Returns the edit URL of a post if the user has access to it
    * @return bool|string the edit URL of a post in the WordPress admin
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1337
    public format(): mixed
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->format()
    * @api
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1347
    public password_required(): boolean whether post requires password and correct password has been provided
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->password_required()
    * whether post requires password and correct password has been provided
    * @api
    * @return boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1356
    public link(): string ex: get the permalink for a post object
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->link()
    * get the permalink for a post object
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <a href="{{}}">Read my post</a>
    * ```
    * @return string ex:
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1369
    public meta($field_name = null): mixed
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->meta($field_name = null)
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1381
    public name(): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->name()
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1392
    public modified_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->modified_date($date_format = '')
    * @param string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1400
    public modified_time($time_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->modified_time($time_format = '')
    * @param string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1410
    public next($in_same_term = false): mixed
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->next($in_same_term = false)
    * @api
    * @param bool $in_same_term
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1419
    public pagination(): array Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a pa...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->pagination()
    * Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a paginated post
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1445
    public convert($data) Finds any WP_Post objects and converts them to Timber\Posts
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->convert($data)
    * Finds any WP_Post objects and converts them to Timber\Posts
    * @param array|WP_Post $data
    * @param string $class
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1478
    public parent(): bool|Timber\Post Gets the parent (if one exists) from a post as a Timber\Post object (or whatever...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->parent()
    * Gets the parent (if one exists) from a post as a Timber\Post object (or whatever is set in Timber\Post::$PostClass)
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Parent page: <a href="{{ }}">{{ post.parent.title }}</a>
    * ```
    * @return bool|Timber\Post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1504
    public path(): string Gets the relative path of a WP Post, so while link() will return http://example....
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->path()
    * Gets the relative path of a WP Post, so while link() will return
    * this will return just /2015/07/my-cool-post
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <a href="{{post.path}}">{{post.title}}</a>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1522
    public prev($in_same_term = false): mixed Get the previous post in a set
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->prev($in_same_term = false)
    * Get the previous post in a set
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h4>Prior Entry:</h4>
    * <h3>{{post.prev.title}}</h3>
    * <p>{{post.prev.get_preview(25)}}</p>
    * ```
    * @param bool $in_same_term
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1539
    public tags(): array Gets the tags on a post, uses WP's post_tag taxonomy
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->tags()
    * Gets the tags on a post, uses WP's post_tag taxonomy
    * @api
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1562
    public thumbnail(): Image|null of your thumbnail get the featured image as a Timber/Image
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->thumbnail()
    * get the featured image as a Timber/Image
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <img src="{{ post.thumbnail.src }}" />
    * ```
    * @return Image|null of your thumbnail
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1575
    public title(): string Returns the processed title to be used in templates. This returns the title of t...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->title()
    * Returns the processed title to be used in templates. This returns the title of the post after WP's filters have run. This is analogous to `the_title()` in standard WP template tags.
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{ post.title }}</h1>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1593
    public gallery($html = true): html Returns the gallery
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->gallery($html = true)
    * Returns the gallery
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1609
    public audio(): html Returns the audio
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->audio()
    * Returns the audio
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1628
    public video(): html Returns the video
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->video()
    * Returns the video
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1651
    public get_categories(): array of Timber\Terms Get the categories for a post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->get_categories()
    * Get the categories for a post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::categories
    * @return array of Timber\Terms
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1682
    public get_category(): mixed
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->get_category()
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::category
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1693
    public get_image($field): Timber\Image
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->get_image($field)
    * @param string $field
    * @return Timber\Image
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1704
    public get_tags(): array Gets an array of tags for you to use
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->get_tags()
    * Gets an array of tags for you to use
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <ul class="tags">
    *     {% for tag in post.tags %}
    *         <li>{{}}</li>
    *     {% endfor %}
    * </ul>
    * ```
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1723
    public get_title(): string Outputs the title with filters applied
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->get_title()
    * Outputs the title with filters applied
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{post.get_title}}</h1>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <h1>Hello World!</h1>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1741
    public get_content($len = -1, $page0): string Displays the content of the post with filters, shortcodes and wpautop applied
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->get_content($len = -1, $page0)
    * Displays the content of the post with filters, shortcodes and wpautop applied
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <div class="article-text">{{post.get_content}}</div>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <div class="article-text"><p>Blah blah blah</p><p>More blah blah blah.</p></div>
    * ```
    * @param int $len
    * @param int $page
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1758
    public get_format(): mixed
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->get_format()
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1770
    public get_terms($tax = '', $merge = true, $TermClass = ''): array Get the terms associated with the post This goes across all taxonomies by defaul...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->get_terms($tax = '', $merge = true, $TermClass = '')
    * Get the terms associated with the post
    * This goes across all taxonomies by default
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param string|array $tax What taxonom(y|ies) to pull from. Defaults to all registered taxonomies for the post type. You can use custom ones, or built-in WordPress taxonomies (category, tag). Timber plays nice and figures out that tag/tags/post_tag are all the same (and categories/category), for custom taxonomies you're on your own.
    * @param bool $merge Should the resulting array be one big one (true)? Or should it be an array of sub-arrays for each taxonomy (false)?
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1784
    public permalink(): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->permalink()
    * @deprecated 0.20.0 use link() instead
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1793
    public get_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->get_date($date_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::date
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param  string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1806
    public get_modified_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->get_modified_date($date_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::modified_date
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param  string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1818
    public get_modified_time($time_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->get_modified_time($time_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @param  string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1827
    public get_children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false): array
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->get_children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false)
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::children
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param string 		$post_type
    * @param bool|string 	$childPostClass
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1842
    public get_path(): string Get the permalink for a post, but as a relative path For example, where {{post.l...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->get_path()
    * Get the permalink for a post, but as a relative path
    * For example, where {{}} would return ""
    * this will return the relative version: "/2015/07/04/my-cool-post"
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1855
    public get_prev($in_same_term = false): TimberPost|boolean Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->get_prev($in_same_term = false)
    * Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return TimberPost|boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1866
    public get_parent(): bool|TimberPost Get the parent post of the post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->get_parent()
    * Get the parent post of the post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return bool|TimberPost
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1877
    public get_author(): User|null Gets a User object from the author of the post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->get_author()
    * Gets a User object from the author of the post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::author
    * @return User|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1889
    public get_modified_author(): User|null
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->get_modified_author()
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return User|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1899
    public get_thumbnail(): Image|null
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->get_thumbnail()
    * @internal
    * @see TimberPost::thumbnail
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return Image|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1910
    public get_permalink(): string
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->get_permalink()
    * @internal
    * @see TimberPost::link
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1921
    public get_link(): string get the permalink for a post object In your templates you should use link: <a hr...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->get_link()
    * get the permalink for a post object
    * In your templates you should use link:
    * <a href="{{}}">Read my post</a>
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1934
    public get_next($taxonomy = false): TimberPost|boolean Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->get_next($taxonomy = false)
    * Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param bool $taxonomy
    * @return TimberPost|boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1946
    public get_pagination(): array Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a pa...
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->get_pagination()
    * Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a paginated post
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::pagination();
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1958
    public get_comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment'): array|mixed Get the comments for a post
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->get_comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment')
    * Get the comments for a post
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::comments
    * @param int $count
    * @param string $order
    * @param string $type
    * @param string $status
    * @param string $CommentClass
    * @return array|mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1974
    public __isset($field): boolean
    * @return boolean
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:15
    public import($info, $force = false) Takes an array or object and adds the properties to the parent object
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->import($info, $force = false)
    * Takes an array or object and adds the properties to the parent object
    * @example
    * ```php
    * $data = array('airplane' => '757-200', 'flight' => '5316');
    * $post = new Timber\Post()
    * $post->import(data);
    * echo $post->airplane; //757-200
    * ```
    * @param array|object $info an object or array you want to grab data from to attach to the Timber object
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:59
    public can_edit(): bool Can you edit this post/term/user? Well good for you. You're no better than me.
    $context['regions']['Western Europe'][5]->can_edit()
    * Can you edit this post/term/user? Well good for you. You're no better than me.
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {% if post.can_edit %}
    * <a href="{{ post.edit_link }}">Edit</a>
    * {% endif %}
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <a href="">Edit</a>
    * ```
    * @return bool
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:100
    protected determine_id($pid): int|null the numberic id we should be using for this post object, null when there's no ID (ex: 404 page) tries to figure out what post you want to get if not explictly defined (or if it...
    * tries to figure out what post you want to get if not explictly defined (or if it is, allows it to be passed through)
    * @internal
    * @param mixed a value to test against
    * @return int|null the numberic id we should be using for this post object, null when there's no ID (ex: 404 page)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:230
    protected get_post_preview_object()
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:273
    protected get_post_preview_id($query)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:281
    protected init($pid = false) Initializes a Post
    * Initializes a Post
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:317
    protected prepare_post_info($pid0): WP_Post on success takes a mix of integer (post ID), string (post slug), or object to return a Word...
    * takes a mix of integer (post ID), string (post slug),
    * or object to return a WordPress post object from WP's built-in get_post() function
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid
    * @return WP_Post on success
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:360
    protected check_post_id($pid): integer ID number of a post helps you find the post id regardless of whether you send a string or whatever
    * helps you find the post id regardless of whether you send a string or whatever
    * @param integer $pid ;
    * @internal
    * @return integer ID number of a post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:379
    protected get_post_custom($pid): array Used internally to fetch the metadata fields (wp_postmeta table) and attach them...
    * Used internally to fetch the metadata fields (wp_postmeta table)
    * and attach them to our TimberPost object
    * @internal
    * @param int $pid
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:533
    protected get_info($pid): null|object|WP_Post Used internally by init, etc. to build TimberPost object
    * Used internally by init, etc. to build TimberPost object
    * @internal
    * @param  int $pid
    * @return null|object|WP_Post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:606
    protected maybe_show_password_form(): string|void If the Password form is to be shown, show it!
    * If the Password form is to be shown, show it!
    * @return string|void
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1170
    protected get_revised_data_from_method($method, $args = false)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1183
    protected content_handle_no_teaser_block($content): string Handles for an circumstance with the Block editor where a "more" block has an op...
    * Handles for an circumstance with the Block editor where a "more" block has an option to
    * "Hide the excerpt on the full content page" which hides everything prior to the inserted
    * "more" block
    * @ticket #2218
    * @param string $content
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1243
    public static get_post_id_by_name($post_name): int get_post_id_by_name($post_name)
    * get_post_id_by_name($post_name)
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.5.0
    * @param string $post_name
    * @return int
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:402
    protected static is_previewing(): bool Determine whether or not an admin/editor is looking at the post in "preview mode...
    * Determine whether or not an admin/editor is looking at the post in "preview mode" via the
    * WordPress admin
    * @internal
    * @return bool
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:217
    protected static get_wp_link_page($i): string
    * @param int $i
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:591
  • public static $representation :: string (4) "post"
Asia => array (3)
0 => Timber\Post (58)
  • Properties (58)
  • Available methods (95)
  • Static class properties
  • public ImageClass -> string (12) "Timber\Image"
    public PostClass -> string (11) "Timber\Post"
    public TermClass -> string (11) "Timber\Term"
    public object_type -> string (4) "post"
    public custom -> array (20)
    _edit_lock => string (12) "1661860331:4"
    _edit_last => string (1) "4"
    _av_el_mgr_version => string (3) "1.0"
    _av_alb_posts_elements_state => array (0)
    _wpml_media_featured => string (1) "1"
    _wpml_media_duplicate => string (1) "1"
    _last_translation_edit_mode => string (13) "native-editor"
    country => string (8) "Malaysia"
    _country => string (19) "field_5d8b13d6b29ba"
    logo => string (4) "9735"
    _logo => string (19) "field_5d8b1571b29c0"
    firm => string (22) "AKUSTIKA JAYA SDN. BHD"
    _firm => string (19) "field_5d8b14e4b29bb"
    info => string (153) "Mr. Izan Rusli NO. 42A, (Tingkat 1) Jalan Perda Selatan Bandar Perda 14000 B...
    Mr. Izan Rusli
    NO. 42A, (Tingkat 1)
    Jalan Perda Selatan
    Bandar Perda
    14000 Bukit Mertajam
    Penang, Malaysia
    Tel: ++604 538 7707
    Fax: ++604 537 7709
    _info => string (19) "field_5d8b14f7b29bc"
    mail => string (19) ""
    _mail => string (19) "field_5d8b150fb29bd"
    web => string (0) ""
    _web => string (19) "field_5d8b1524b29be"
    _av_css_styles => array (0)
    protected ___content -> null
    protected _permalink -> null
    protected _next -> array (0)
    protected _prev -> array (0)
    protected _css_class -> null
    public id -> integer 2436
    public ID -> integer 2436
    public post_author -> string (1) "1"
    public post_content -> string (0) ""
    public post_date -> string (19) "2022-08-30 13:51:55"
    public post_excerpt -> string (0) ""
    public post_parent -> integer 0
    public post_status -> string (7) "publish"
    public post_title -> string (22) "AKUSTIKA JAYA SDN. BHD"
    public post_type -> string (7) "partner"
    public slug -> string (21) "akustika-jaya-sdn-bhd"
    protected __type -> null
    public _edit_lock -> string (12) "1661860331:4"
    public _edit_last -> string (1) "4"
    public _av_el_mgr_version -> string (3) "1.0"
    public _av_alb_posts_elements_state -> array (0)
    public _wpml_media_featured -> string (1) "1"
    public _wpml_media_duplicate -> string (1) "1"
    public _last_translation_edit_mode -> string (13) "native-editor"
    public country -> string (8) "Malaysia"
    public _country -> string (19) "field_5d8b13d6b29ba"
    public logo -> string (4) "9735"
    public _logo -> string (19) "field_5d8b1571b29c0"
    public firm -> string (22) "AKUSTIKA JAYA SDN. BHD"
    public _firm -> string (19) "field_5d8b14e4b29bb"
    public info -> string (153) "Mr. Izan Rusli NO. 42A, (Tingkat 1) Jalan Perda Selatan Bandar Perda 14000 B...
    Mr. Izan Rusli
    NO. 42A, (Tingkat 1)
    Jalan Perda Selatan
    Bandar Perda
    14000 Bukit Mertajam
    Penang, Malaysia
    Tel: ++604 538 7707
    Fax: ++604 537 7709
    public _info -> string (19) "field_5d8b14f7b29bc"
    public mail -> string (19) ""
    public _mail -> string (19) "field_5d8b150fb29bd"
    public web -> string (0) ""
    public _web -> string (19) "field_5d8b1524b29be"
    public _av_css_styles -> array (0)
    public post_date_gmt -> string (19) "2022-08-30 11:51:55"
    public comment_status -> string (6) "closed"
    public ping_status -> string (6) "closed"
    public post_password -> string (0) ""
    public post_name -> string (21) "akustika-jaya-sdn-bhd"
    public to_ping -> string (0) ""
    public pinged -> string (0) ""
    public post_modified -> string (19) "2022-08-30 13:51:55"
    public post_modified_gmt -> string (19) "2022-08-30 11:51:55"
    public post_content_filtered -> string (0) ""
    public guid -> string (52) ";p=2436"
    public menu_order -> integer 0
    public post_mime_type -> string (0) ""
    public comment_count -> string (1) "0"
    public filter -> string (3) "raw"
    public status -> string (7) "publish"
  • public __construct($pid = null) If you send the constructor nothing it will try to figure out the current post i...
    new \Timber\Post($pid = null)
    * If you send the constructor nothing it will try to figure out the current post id based on being inside The_Loop
    * @example
    * ```php
    * $post = new Timber\Post();
    * $other_post = new Timber\Post($random_post_id);
    * ```
    * @param mixed $pid
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:180
    public __get($field): mixed This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is also here to ensure that {{ post.class }} remains usable
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:190
    public __call($field, $args): mixed This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is also here to ensure that {{ post.class }} remains usable
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:202
    public __toString(): string Outputs the title of the post if you do something like `<h1>{{post}}</h1>`
    (string) $context['regions']['Asia'][0]
    * Outputs the title of the post if you do something like `<h1>{{post}}</h1>`
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:269
    public get_edit_url(): bool|string Get the URL that will edit the current post/object
    * Get the URL that will edit the current post/object
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::edit_link
    * @return bool|string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:336
    public update($field, $value) updates the post_meta of the current object with the given value
    $context['regions']['Asia'][0]->update($field, $value)
    * updates the post_meta of the current object with the given value
    * @param string $field
    * @param mixed $value
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:345
    public preview(): \Timber\PostPreview Gets a preview/excerpt of your post.
    * Gets a preview/excerpt of your post.
    * If you have text defined in the excerpt textarea of your post, it will use that. Otherwise it
    * will pull from the post_content. If there's a `<!-- more -->` tag, it will use that to mark
    * where to pull through.
    * This method returns a `Timber\PostPreview` object, which is a **chainable object**. This
    * means that you can change the output of the preview by **adding more methods**. Refer to the
    * [documentation of the `Timber\PostPreview` class](
    * to get an overview of all the available methods.
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {# Use default preview #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview }}</p>
    * {# Change the post preview text #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview.read_more('Continue Reading') }}</p>
    * {# Additionally restrict the length to 50 words #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview.length(50).read_more('Continue Reading') }}</p>
    * ```
    * @see \Timber\PostPreview
    * @return \Timber\PostPreview
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:432
    public get_preview($len = 50, $force = false, $readmore = 'Read More', $strip = true, $end = '&hellip;'): string of the post preview get a preview of your post, if you have an excerpt it will use that, otherwise i...
    $context['regions']['Asia'][0]->get_preview($len = 50, $force = false, $readmore = 'Read More', $strip = true, $end = '&hellip;')
    * get a preview of your post, if you have an excerpt it will use that,
    * otherwise it will pull from the post_content.
    * If there's a <!-- more --> tag it will use that to mark where to pull through.
    * @deprecated since 1.3.1, use {{ post.preview }} instead
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <p>{{post.get_preview(50)}}</p>
    * ```
    * @param int $len The number of words that WP should use to make the tease. (Isn't this better than [this mess]( If you've set a post_excerpt on a post, we'll use that for the preview text; otherwise the first X words of the post_content
    * @param bool $force What happens if your custom post excerpt is longer then the length requested? By default (`$force = false`) it will use the full `post_excerpt`. However, you can set this to true to *force* your excerpt to be of the desired length
    * @param string $readmore The text you want to use on the 'readmore' link
    * @param bool|string $strip true for default, false for none, string for list of custom attributes
    * @param string $end The text to end the preview with (defaults to ...)
    * @return string of the post preview
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:452
    public import_custom($pid) gets the post custom and attaches it to the current object
    * gets the post custom and attaches it to the current object
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid a post ID number
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:521
    public comment_form($args = array()): string of HTML for the form Gets the comment form for use on a single article page
    $context['regions']['Asia'][0]->comment_form($args = array())
    * Gets the comment form for use on a single article page
    * @param array This $args array thing is a mess, [fix at some point](
    * @return string of HTML for the form
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:634
    public terms($args = array(), $merge = true, $term_class = ''): array An array of taxonomies. Gets the terms associated with the post.
    $context['regions']['Asia'][0]->terms($args = array(), $merge = true, $term_class = '')
    * Gets the terms associated with the post.
    * @api
    * @todo Remove deprecated parameters in 2.x
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <section id="job-feed">
    * {% for post in job %}
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>{{ post.title }}</h2>
    *         <p>{{ post.terms( {query:{taxonomy:'category', orderby:'name', order: 'ASC'}} )|join(', ') }}</p>
    *     </div>
    * {% endfor %}
    * </section>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <section id="job-feed">
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>Cheese Maker</h2>
    *         <p>Cheese, Food, Fromage</p>
    *     </div>
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>Mime</h2>
    *         <p>Performance, Silence</p>
    *     </div>
    * </section>
    * ```
    * ```php
    * // Get all terms of a taxonomy.
    * $terms = $post->terms( 'category' );
    * // Get terms of multiple taxonomies.
    * $terms = $post->terms( array( 'books', 'movies' ) );
    * // Use custom arguments for taxonomy query and options.
    * $terms = $post->terms( array(
    *     'query' => [
    *         'taxonomy' => 'custom_tax',
    *         'orderby'  => 'count',
    *     ],
    *     'merge'      => false,
    *     'term_class' => 'My_Term_Class'
    * ) );
    * ```
    * @param string|array $args {
    *     Optional. Name of the taxonomy or array of arguments.
    *     @type array $query       Any array of term query parameters for getting the terms. See
    *                              `WP_Term_Query::__construct()` for supported arguments. Use the
    *                              `taxonomy` argument to choose which taxonomies to get. Defaults
    *                              to querying all registered taxonomies for the post type. You can
    *                              use custom or built-in WordPress taxonomies (category, tag).
    *                              Timber plays nice and figures out that `tag`, `tags` or
    *                              `post_tag` are all the same (also for `categories` or
    *                              `category`). For custom taxonomies you need to define the
    *                              proper name.
    *     @type bool $merge        Whether the resulting array should be one big one (`true`) or
    *                              whether it should be an array of sub-arrays for each taxonomy
    *                              (`false`). Default `true`.
    *     @type string $term_class The Timber term class to use for the term objects.
    * }
    * @param bool   $merge      Deprecated. Optional. See `$merge` argument in `$args` parameter.
    * @param string $term_class Deprecated. Optional. See `$term_class` argument in `$args`
    *                           parameter.
    * @return array An array of taxonomies.
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:706
    public has_term($term_name_or_id, $taxonomy = 'all'): bool
    $context['regions']['Asia'][0]->has_term($term_name_or_id, $taxonomy = 'all')
    * @param string|int $term_name_or_id
    * @param string $taxonomy
    * @return bool
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:806
    public get_paged_content(): string
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:824
    public get_post_type(): PostType Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    * Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    * @deprecated since 1.0.4
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * This post is from <span>{{ post.get_post_type.labels.plural }}</span>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * This post is from <span>Recipes</span>
    * ```
    * @return PostType
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:844
    public get_comment_count(): int the number of comments on a post
    * @return int the number of comments on a post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:852
    public has_field($field_name): boolean
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:861
    public field_object($field_name): mixed Gets the field object data from Advanced Custom Fields. This includes metadata o...
    * Gets the field object data from Advanced Custom Fields.
    * This includes metadata on the field like whether it's conditional or not.
    * @since 1.6.0
    * @param string $field_name of the field you want to lookup.
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:873
    public get_field($field_name): mixed
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:883
    public import_field($field_name)
    * @param string $field_name
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:905
    public post_class($class = ''): string a space-seperated list of classes Get the CSS classes for a post without cache. For usage you should use `{{post.c...
    $context['regions']['Asia'][0]->post_class($class = '')
    * Get the CSS classes for a post without cache. For usage you should use `{{post.class}}`
    * @internal
    * @param string $class additional classes you want to add
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <article class="{{ post.post_class }}">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <article class="post-2612 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-data tag-charleston-church-shooting tag-dylann-roof tag-gun-violence tag-hate-crimes tag-national-incident-based-reporting-system">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * @return string a space-seperated list of classes
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:927
    public css_class($class = ''): string a space-seperated list of classes Get the CSS classes for a post, but with caching css post classes. For usage you...
    $context['regions']['Asia'][0]->css_class($class = '')
    * Get the CSS classes for a post, but with caching css post classes. For usage you should use `{{ post.class }}` instead of `{{post.css_class}}` or `{{post.post_class}}`
    * @internal
    * @param string $class additional classes you want to add
    * @see Timber\Post::$_css_class
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <article class="{{ post.class }}">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * @return string a space-seperated list of classes
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:956
    public get_method_values(): array
    * @return array
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:970
    public author(): User|null A User object if found, false if not Return the author of a post
    * Return the author of a post
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{post.title}}</h1>
    * <p class="byline">
    *     <a href="{{}}">{{}}</a>
    * </p>
    * ```
    * @return User|null A User object if found, false if not
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1005
    public authors()
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1011
    public modified_author(): User|null A User object if found, false if not Get the author (WordPress user) who last modified the post
    * Get the author (WordPress user) who last modified the post
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Last updated by {{ }}
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Last updated by Harper Lee
    * ```
    * @return User|null A User object if found, false if not
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1026
    public categories(): array of Timber\Terms Get the categoires on a particular post
    * Get the categoires on a particular post
    * @api
    * @return array of Timber\Terms
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1036
    public category(): Timber\Term|null Returns a category attached to a post
    * Returns a category attached to a post
    * @api
    * If mulitpuile categories are set, it will return just the first one
    * @return Timber\Term|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1046
    public children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false): array Returns an array of children on the post as Timber\Posts (or other claass as you...
    $context['regions']['Asia'][0]->children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false)
    * Returns an array of children on the post as Timber\Posts
    * (or other claass as you define).
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {% if post.children %}
    *     Here are the child pages:
    *     {% for child in post.children %}
    *         <a href="{{ }}">{{ child.title }}</a>
    *     {% endfor %}
    * {% endif %}
    * ```
    * @param string|array $post_type _optional_ use to find children of a particular post type (attachment vs. page for example). You might want to restrict to certain types of children in case other stuff gets all mucked in there. You can use 'parent' to use the parent's post type or you can pass an array of post types.
    * @param string|bool $childPostClass _optional_ a custom post class (ex: 'MyTimber\Post') to return the objects as. By default (false) it will use Timber\Post::$post_class value.
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1067
    public comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment'): bool|\Timber\CommentThread Gets the comments on a `Timber\Post` and returns them as a `Timber\CommentThread...
    $context['regions']['Asia'][0]->comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment')
    * Gets the comments on a `Timber\Post` and returns them as a `Timber\CommentThread`: a PHP
    * ArrayObject of [`Timber\Comment`](
    * (or whatever comment class you set).
    * @api
    * @param int    $count        Set the number of comments you want to get. `0` is analogous to
    *                             "all".
    * @param string $order        Use ordering set in WordPress admin, or a different scheme.
    * @param string $type         For when other plugins use the comments table for their own
    *                             special purposes. Might be set to 'liveblog' or other, depending
    *                             on what’s stored in your comments table.
    * @param string $status       Could be 'pending', etc.
    * @param string $CommentClass What class to use when returning Comment objects. As you become a
    *                             Timber Pro, you might find yourself extending `Timber\Comment`
    *                             for your site or app (obviously, totally optional).
    * @see \Timber\CommentThread for an example with nested comments
    * @return bool|\Timber\CommentThread
    * @example
    * **single.twig**
    * ```twig
    * <div id="post-comments">
    *   <h4>Comments on {{ post.title }}</h4>
    *   <ul>
    *     {% for comment in post.comments() %}
    *       {% include 'comment.twig' %}
    *     {% endfor %}
    *   </ul>
    *   <div class="comment-form">
    *     {{ function('comment_form') }}
    *   </div>
    * </div>
    * ```
    * **comment.twig**
    * ```twig
    * {# comment.twig #}
    * <li>
    *   <p class="comment-author">{{ }} says:</p>
    *   <div>{{ comment.content }}</div>
    * </li>
    * ```
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1136
    public content($page0, $len = -1): string Gets the actual content of a WP Post, as opposed to post_content this will run t...
    $context['regions']['Asia'][0]->content($page0, $len = -1)
    * Gets the actual content of a WP Post, as opposed to post_content this will run the hooks/filters attached to the_content. \This guy will return your posts content with WordPress filters run on it (like for shortcodes and wpautop).
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <div class="article">
    *     <h2>{{post.title}}</h2>
    *     <div class="content">{{ post.content }}</div>
    * </div>
    * ```
    * @param int $page
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1206
    public paged_content(): string
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1254
    public date($date_format = ''): string Get the date to use in your template!
    $context['regions']['Asia'][0]->date($date_format = '')
    * Get the date to use in your template!
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Published on {{ }} // Uses WP's formatting set in Admin
    * OR
    * Published on {{'F jS') }} // Jan 12th
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Published on January 12, 2015
    * OR
    * Published on Jan 12th
    * ```
    * @param string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1277
    public time($time_format = ''): string Get the time to use in your template
    $context['regions']['Asia'][0]->time($time_format = '')
    * Get the time to use in your template
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Published at {{ post.time }} // Uses WP's formatting set in Admin
    * OR
    * Published at {{ post.time | time('G:i') }} // 13:25
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Published at 1:25 pm
    * OR
    * Published at 13:25
    * ```
    * @param string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1301
    public type(): PostType Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    * Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    * @since 1.0.4
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * This post is from <span>{{ }}</span>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * This post is from <span>Recipes</span>
    * ```
    * @return PostType
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1323
    public edit_link(): bool|string the edit URL of a post in the WordPress admin Returns the edit URL of a post if the user has access to it
    * Returns the edit URL of a post if the user has access to it
    * @return bool|string the edit URL of a post in the WordPress admin
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1337
    public format(): mixed
    * @api
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1347
    public password_required(): boolean whether post requires password and correct password has been provided
    * whether post requires password and correct password has been provided
    * @api
    * @return boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1356
    public link(): string ex: get the permalink for a post object
    * get the permalink for a post object
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <a href="{{}}">Read my post</a>
    * ```
    * @return string ex:
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1369
    public meta($field_name = null): mixed
    $context['regions']['Asia'][0]->meta($field_name = null)
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1381
    public name(): string
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1392
    public modified_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Asia'][0]->modified_date($date_format = '')
    * @param string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1400
    public modified_time($time_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Asia'][0]->modified_time($time_format = '')
    * @param string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1410
    public next($in_same_term = false): mixed
    $context['regions']['Asia'][0]->next($in_same_term = false)
    * @api
    * @param bool $in_same_term
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1419
    public pagination(): array Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a pa...
    * Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a paginated post
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1445
    public convert($data) Finds any WP_Post objects and converts them to Timber\Posts
    * Finds any WP_Post objects and converts them to Timber\Posts
    * @param array|WP_Post $data
    * @param string $class
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1478
    public parent(): bool|Timber\Post Gets the parent (if one exists) from a post as a Timber\Post object (or whatever...
    * Gets the parent (if one exists) from a post as a Timber\Post object (or whatever is set in Timber\Post::$PostClass)
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Parent page: <a href="{{ }}">{{ post.parent.title }}</a>
    * ```
    * @return bool|Timber\Post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1504
    public path(): string Gets the relative path of a WP Post, so while link() will return http://example....
    * Gets the relative path of a WP Post, so while link() will return
    * this will return just /2015/07/my-cool-post
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <a href="{{post.path}}">{{post.title}}</a>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1522
    public prev($in_same_term = false): mixed Get the previous post in a set
    $context['regions']['Asia'][0]->prev($in_same_term = false)
    * Get the previous post in a set
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h4>Prior Entry:</h4>
    * <h3>{{post.prev.title}}</h3>
    * <p>{{post.prev.get_preview(25)}}</p>
    * ```
    * @param bool $in_same_term
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1539
    public tags(): array Gets the tags on a post, uses WP's post_tag taxonomy
    * Gets the tags on a post, uses WP's post_tag taxonomy
    * @api
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1562
    public thumbnail(): Image|null of your thumbnail get the featured image as a Timber/Image
    * get the featured image as a Timber/Image
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <img src="{{ post.thumbnail.src }}" />
    * ```
    * @return Image|null of your thumbnail
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1575
    public title(): string Returns the processed title to be used in templates. This returns the title of t...
    * Returns the processed title to be used in templates. This returns the title of the post after WP's filters have run. This is analogous to `the_title()` in standard WP template tags.
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{ post.title }}</h1>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1593
    public gallery($html = true): html Returns the gallery
    $context['regions']['Asia'][0]->gallery($html = true)
    * Returns the gallery
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1609
    public audio(): html Returns the audio
    * Returns the audio
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1628
    public video(): html Returns the video
    * Returns the video
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1651
    public get_categories(): array of Timber\Terms Get the categories for a post
    * Get the categories for a post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::categories
    * @return array of Timber\Terms
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1682
    public get_category(): mixed
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::category
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1693
    public get_image($field): Timber\Image
    * @param string $field
    * @return Timber\Image
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1704
    public get_tags(): array Gets an array of tags for you to use
    * Gets an array of tags for you to use
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <ul class="tags">
    *     {% for tag in post.tags %}
    *         <li>{{}}</li>
    *     {% endfor %}
    * </ul>
    * ```
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1723
    public get_title(): string Outputs the title with filters applied
    * Outputs the title with filters applied
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{post.get_title}}</h1>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <h1>Hello World!</h1>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1741
    public get_content($len = -1, $page0): string Displays the content of the post with filters, shortcodes and wpautop applied
    $context['regions']['Asia'][0]->get_content($len = -1, $page0)
    * Displays the content of the post with filters, shortcodes and wpautop applied
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <div class="article-text">{{post.get_content}}</div>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <div class="article-text"><p>Blah blah blah</p><p>More blah blah blah.</p></div>
    * ```
    * @param int $len
    * @param int $page
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1758
    public get_format(): mixed
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1770
    public get_terms($tax = '', $merge = true, $TermClass = ''): array Get the terms associated with the post This goes across all taxonomies by defaul...
    $context['regions']['Asia'][0]->get_terms($tax = '', $merge = true, $TermClass = '')
    * Get the terms associated with the post
    * This goes across all taxonomies by default
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param string|array $tax What taxonom(y|ies) to pull from. Defaults to all registered taxonomies for the post type. You can use custom ones, or built-in WordPress taxonomies (category, tag). Timber plays nice and figures out that tag/tags/post_tag are all the same (and categories/category), for custom taxonomies you're on your own.
    * @param bool $merge Should the resulting array be one big one (true)? Or should it be an array of sub-arrays for each taxonomy (false)?
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1784
    public permalink(): string
    * @deprecated 0.20.0 use link() instead
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1793
    public get_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Asia'][0]->get_date($date_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::date
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param  string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1806
    public get_modified_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Asia'][0]->get_modified_date($date_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::modified_date
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param  string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1818
    public get_modified_time($time_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Asia'][0]->get_modified_time($time_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @param  string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1827
    public get_children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false): array
    $context['regions']['Asia'][0]->get_children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false)
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::children
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param string 		$post_type
    * @param bool|string 	$childPostClass
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1842
    public get_path(): string Get the permalink for a post, but as a relative path For example, where {{post.l...
    * Get the permalink for a post, but as a relative path
    * For example, where {{}} would return ""
    * this will return the relative version: "/2015/07/04/my-cool-post"
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1855
    public get_prev($in_same_term = false): TimberPost|boolean Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    $context['regions']['Asia'][0]->get_prev($in_same_term = false)
    * Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return TimberPost|boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1866
    public get_parent(): bool|TimberPost Get the parent post of the post
    * Get the parent post of the post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return bool|TimberPost
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1877
    public get_author(): User|null Gets a User object from the author of the post
    * Gets a User object from the author of the post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::author
    * @return User|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1889
    public get_modified_author(): User|null
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return User|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1899
    public get_thumbnail(): Image|null
    * @internal
    * @see TimberPost::thumbnail
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return Image|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1910
    public get_permalink(): string
    * @internal
    * @see TimberPost::link
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1921
    public get_link(): string get the permalink for a post object In your templates you should use link: <a hr...
    * get the permalink for a post object
    * In your templates you should use link:
    * <a href="{{}}">Read my post</a>
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1934
    public get_next($taxonomy = false): TimberPost|boolean Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    $context['regions']['Asia'][0]->get_next($taxonomy = false)
    * Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param bool $taxonomy
    * @return TimberPost|boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1946
    public get_pagination(): array Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a pa...
    * Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a paginated post
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::pagination();
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1958
    public get_comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment'): array|mixed Get the comments for a post
    $context['regions']['Asia'][0]->get_comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment')
    * Get the comments for a post
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::comments
    * @param int $count
    * @param string $order
    * @param string $type
    * @param string $status
    * @param string $CommentClass
    * @return array|mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1974
    public __isset($field): boolean
    * @return boolean
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:15
    public import($info, $force = false) Takes an array or object and adds the properties to the parent object
    $context['regions']['Asia'][0]->import($info, $force = false)
    * Takes an array or object and adds the properties to the parent object
    * @example
    * ```php
    * $data = array('airplane' => '757-200', 'flight' => '5316');
    * $post = new Timber\Post()
    * $post->import(data);
    * echo $post->airplane; //757-200
    * ```
    * @param array|object $info an object or array you want to grab data from to attach to the Timber object
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:59
    public can_edit(): bool Can you edit this post/term/user? Well good for you. You're no better than me.
    * Can you edit this post/term/user? Well good for you. You're no better than me.
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {% if post.can_edit %}
    * <a href="{{ post.edit_link }}">Edit</a>
    * {% endif %}
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <a href="">Edit</a>
    * ```
    * @return bool
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:100
    protected determine_id($pid): int|null the numberic id we should be using for this post object, null when there's no ID (ex: 404 page) tries to figure out what post you want to get if not explictly defined (or if it...
    * tries to figure out what post you want to get if not explictly defined (or if it is, allows it to be passed through)
    * @internal
    * @param mixed a value to test against
    * @return int|null the numberic id we should be using for this post object, null when there's no ID (ex: 404 page)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:230
    protected get_post_preview_object()
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:273
    protected get_post_preview_id($query)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:281
    protected init($pid = false) Initializes a Post
    * Initializes a Post
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:317
    protected prepare_post_info($pid0): WP_Post on success takes a mix of integer (post ID), string (post slug), or object to return a Word...
    * takes a mix of integer (post ID), string (post slug),
    * or object to return a WordPress post object from WP's built-in get_post() function
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid
    * @return WP_Post on success
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:360
    protected check_post_id($pid): integer ID number of a post helps you find the post id regardless of whether you send a string or whatever
    * helps you find the post id regardless of whether you send a string or whatever
    * @param integer $pid ;
    * @internal
    * @return integer ID number of a post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:379
    protected get_post_custom($pid): array Used internally to fetch the metadata fields (wp_postmeta table) and attach them...
    * Used internally to fetch the metadata fields (wp_postmeta table)
    * and attach them to our TimberPost object
    * @internal
    * @param int $pid
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:533
    protected get_info($pid): null|object|WP_Post Used internally by init, etc. to build TimberPost object
    * Used internally by init, etc. to build TimberPost object
    * @internal
    * @param  int $pid
    * @return null|object|WP_Post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:606
    protected maybe_show_password_form(): string|void If the Password form is to be shown, show it!
    * If the Password form is to be shown, show it!
    * @return string|void
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1170
    protected get_revised_data_from_method($method, $args = false)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1183
    protected content_handle_no_teaser_block($content): string Handles for an circumstance with the Block editor where a "more" block has an op...
    * Handles for an circumstance with the Block editor where a "more" block has an option to
    * "Hide the excerpt on the full content page" which hides everything prior to the inserted
    * "more" block
    * @ticket #2218
    * @param string $content
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1243
    public static get_post_id_by_name($post_name): int get_post_id_by_name($post_name)
    * get_post_id_by_name($post_name)
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.5.0
    * @param string $post_name
    * @return int
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:402
    protected static is_previewing(): bool Determine whether or not an admin/editor is looking at the post in "preview mode...
    * Determine whether or not an admin/editor is looking at the post in "preview mode" via the
    * WordPress admin
    * @internal
    * @return bool
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:217
    protected static get_wp_link_page($i): string
    * @param int $i
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:591
  • public static $representation :: string (4) "post"
1 => Timber\Post (56)
  • Properties (56)
  • Available methods (95)
  • Static class properties
  • public ImageClass -> string (12) "Timber\Image"
    public PostClass -> string (11) "Timber\Post"
    public TermClass -> string (11) "Timber\Term"
    public object_type -> string (4) "post"
    public custom -> array (18)
    country => string (5) "China"
    _country => string (19) "field_5d8b13d6b29ba"
    logo => string (3) "990"
    _logo => string (19) "field_5d8b1571b29c0"
    firm => string (70) "China -- Guangzhou Keller German Sino Information Technology Ca., Ltd."
    _firm => string (19) "field_5d8b14e4b29bb"
    info => UTF-8 string (132) "Dr. Gao Peng 广州凯勒德中信息科技有限公司 邮箱: Regional sales p...
    Dr. Gao Peng
    Regional sales partners in Guangdong, Wuhan/Hubei, Tianjin, Beijing
    _info => string (19) "field_5d8b14f7b29bc"
    mail => string (27) ""
    _mail => string (19) "field_5d8b150fb29bd"
    web => string (34) ""
    _web => string (19) "field_5d8b1524b29be"
    _wpml_media_duplicate => string (1) "1"
    _wpml_location_migration_done => string (1) "1"
    _wpml_media_featured => string (1) "1"
    _edit_lock => string (12) "1590751229:1"
    _edit_last => string (1) "1"
    _last_translation_edit_mode => string (13) "native-editor"
    protected ___content -> null
    protected _permalink -> null
    protected _next -> array (0)
    protected _prev -> array (0)
    protected _css_class -> null
    public id -> integer 2441
    public ID -> integer 2441
    public post_author -> string (1) "1"
    public post_content -> string (0) ""
    public post_date -> string (19) "2019-09-25 10:49:26"
    public post_excerpt -> string (0) ""
    public post_parent -> integer 0
    public post_status -> string (7) "publish"
    public post_title -> string (16) "Guangzhou Keller"
    public post_type -> string (7) "partner"
    public slug -> string (16) "guangzhou-keller"
    protected __type -> null
    public country -> string (5) "China"
    public _country -> string (19) "field_5d8b13d6b29ba"
    public logo -> string (3) "990"
    public _logo -> string (19) "field_5d8b1571b29c0"
    public firm -> string (70) "China -- Guangzhou Keller German Sino Information Technology Ca., Ltd."
    public _firm -> string (19) "field_5d8b14e4b29bb"
    public info -> UTF-8 string (132) "Dr. Gao Peng 广州凯勒德中信息科技有限公司 邮箱: Regional sales p...
    Dr. Gao Peng
    Regional sales partners in Guangdong, Wuhan/Hubei, Tianjin, Beijing
    public _info -> string (19) "field_5d8b14f7b29bc"
    public mail -> string (27) ""
    public _mail -> string (19) "field_5d8b150fb29bd"
    public web -> string (34) ""
    public _web -> string (19) "field_5d8b1524b29be"
    public _wpml_media_duplicate -> string (1) "1"
    public _wpml_location_migration_done -> string (1) "1"
    public _wpml_media_featured -> string (1) "1"
    public _edit_lock -> string (12) "1590751229:1"
    public _edit_last -> string (1) "1"
    public _last_translation_edit_mode -> string (13) "native-editor"
    public post_date_gmt -> string (19) "2019-09-25 08:49:26"
    public comment_status -> string (6) "closed"
    public ping_status -> string (6) "closed"
    public post_password -> string (0) ""
    public post_name -> string (16) "guangzhou-keller"
    public to_ping -> string (0) ""
    public pinged -> string (0) ""
    public post_modified -> string (19) "2020-05-29 13:18:33"
    public post_modified_gmt -> string (19) "2020-05-29 11:18:33"
    public post_content_filtered -> string (0) ""
    public guid -> string (57) ""
    public menu_order -> integer 0
    public post_mime_type -> string (0) ""
    public comment_count -> string (1) "0"
    public filter -> string (3) "raw"
    public status -> string (7) "publish"
  • public __construct($pid = null) If you send the constructor nothing it will try to figure out the current post i...
    new \Timber\Post($pid = null)
    * If you send the constructor nothing it will try to figure out the current post id based on being inside The_Loop
    * @example
    * ```php
    * $post = new Timber\Post();
    * $other_post = new Timber\Post($random_post_id);
    * ```
    * @param mixed $pid
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:180
    public __get($field): mixed This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is also here to ensure that {{ post.class }} remains usable
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:190
    public __call($field, $args): mixed This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is also here to ensure that {{ post.class }} remains usable
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:202
    public __toString(): string Outputs the title of the post if you do something like `<h1>{{post}}</h1>`
    (string) $context['regions']['Asia'][1]
    * Outputs the title of the post if you do something like `<h1>{{post}}</h1>`
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:269
    public get_edit_url(): bool|string Get the URL that will edit the current post/object
    * Get the URL that will edit the current post/object
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::edit_link
    * @return bool|string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:336
    public update($field, $value) updates the post_meta of the current object with the given value
    $context['regions']['Asia'][1]->update($field, $value)
    * updates the post_meta of the current object with the given value
    * @param string $field
    * @param mixed $value
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:345
    public preview(): \Timber\PostPreview Gets a preview/excerpt of your post.
    * Gets a preview/excerpt of your post.
    * If you have text defined in the excerpt textarea of your post, it will use that. Otherwise it
    * will pull from the post_content. If there's a `<!-- more -->` tag, it will use that to mark
    * where to pull through.
    * This method returns a `Timber\PostPreview` object, which is a **chainable object**. This
    * means that you can change the output of the preview by **adding more methods**. Refer to the
    * [documentation of the `Timber\PostPreview` class](
    * to get an overview of all the available methods.
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {# Use default preview #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview }}</p>
    * {# Change the post preview text #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview.read_more('Continue Reading') }}</p>
    * {# Additionally restrict the length to 50 words #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview.length(50).read_more('Continue Reading') }}</p>
    * ```
    * @see \Timber\PostPreview
    * @return \Timber\PostPreview
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:432
    public get_preview($len = 50, $force = false, $readmore = 'Read More', $strip = true, $end = '&hellip;'): string of the post preview get a preview of your post, if you have an excerpt it will use that, otherwise i...
    $context['regions']['Asia'][1]->get_preview($len = 50, $force = false, $readmore = 'Read More', $strip = true, $end = '&hellip;')
    * get a preview of your post, if you have an excerpt it will use that,
    * otherwise it will pull from the post_content.
    * If there's a <!-- more --> tag it will use that to mark where to pull through.
    * @deprecated since 1.3.1, use {{ post.preview }} instead
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <p>{{post.get_preview(50)}}</p>
    * ```
    * @param int $len The number of words that WP should use to make the tease. (Isn't this better than [this mess]( If you've set a post_excerpt on a post, we'll use that for the preview text; otherwise the first X words of the post_content
    * @param bool $force What happens if your custom post excerpt is longer then the length requested? By default (`$force = false`) it will use the full `post_excerpt`. However, you can set this to true to *force* your excerpt to be of the desired length
    * @param string $readmore The text you want to use on the 'readmore' link
    * @param bool|string $strip true for default, false for none, string for list of custom attributes
    * @param string $end The text to end the preview with (defaults to ...)
    * @return string of the post preview
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:452
    public import_custom($pid) gets the post custom and attaches it to the current object
    * gets the post custom and attaches it to the current object
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid a post ID number
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:521
    public comment_form($args = array()): string of HTML for the form Gets the comment form for use on a single article page
    $context['regions']['Asia'][1]->comment_form($args = array())
    * Gets the comment form for use on a single article page
    * @param array This $args array thing is a mess, [fix at some point](
    * @return string of HTML for the form
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:634
    public terms($args = array(), $merge = true, $term_class = ''): array An array of taxonomies. Gets the terms associated with the post.
    $context['regions']['Asia'][1]->terms($args = array(), $merge = true, $term_class = '')
    * Gets the terms associated with the post.
    * @api
    * @todo Remove deprecated parameters in 2.x
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <section id="job-feed">
    * {% for post in job %}
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>{{ post.title }}</h2>
    *         <p>{{ post.terms( {query:{taxonomy:'category', orderby:'name', order: 'ASC'}} )|join(', ') }}</p>
    *     </div>
    * {% endfor %}
    * </section>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <section id="job-feed">
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>Cheese Maker</h2>
    *         <p>Cheese, Food, Fromage</p>
    *     </div>
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>Mime</h2>
    *         <p>Performance, Silence</p>
    *     </div>
    * </section>
    * ```
    * ```php
    * // Get all terms of a taxonomy.
    * $terms = $post->terms( 'category' );
    * // Get terms of multiple taxonomies.
    * $terms = $post->terms( array( 'books', 'movies' ) );
    * // Use custom arguments for taxonomy query and options.
    * $terms = $post->terms( array(
    *     'query' => [
    *         'taxonomy' => 'custom_tax',
    *         'orderby'  => 'count',
    *     ],
    *     'merge'      => false,
    *     'term_class' => 'My_Term_Class'
    * ) );
    * ```
    * @param string|array $args {
    *     Optional. Name of the taxonomy or array of arguments.
    *     @type array $query       Any array of term query parameters for getting the terms. See
    *                              `WP_Term_Query::__construct()` for supported arguments. Use the
    *                              `taxonomy` argument to choose which taxonomies to get. Defaults
    *                              to querying all registered taxonomies for the post type. You can
    *                              use custom or built-in WordPress taxonomies (category, tag).
    *                              Timber plays nice and figures out that `tag`, `tags` or
    *                              `post_tag` are all the same (also for `categories` or
    *                              `category`). For custom taxonomies you need to define the
    *                              proper name.
    *     @type bool $merge        Whether the resulting array should be one big one (`true`) or
    *                              whether it should be an array of sub-arrays for each taxonomy
    *                              (`false`). Default `true`.
    *     @type string $term_class The Timber term class to use for the term objects.
    * }
    * @param bool   $merge      Deprecated. Optional. See `$merge` argument in `$args` parameter.
    * @param string $term_class Deprecated. Optional. See `$term_class` argument in `$args`
    *                           parameter.
    * @return array An array of taxonomies.
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:706
    public has_term($term_name_or_id, $taxonomy = 'all'): bool
    $context['regions']['Asia'][1]->has_term($term_name_or_id, $taxonomy = 'all')
    * @param string|int $term_name_or_id
    * @param string $taxonomy
    * @return bool
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:806
    public get_paged_content(): string
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:824
    public get_post_type(): PostType Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    * Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    * @deprecated since 1.0.4
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * This post is from <span>{{ post.get_post_type.labels.plural }}</span>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * This post is from <span>Recipes</span>
    * ```
    * @return PostType
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:844
    public get_comment_count(): int the number of comments on a post
    * @return int the number of comments on a post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:852
    public has_field($field_name): boolean
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:861
    public field_object($field_name): mixed Gets the field object data from Advanced Custom Fields. This includes metadata o...
    * Gets the field object data from Advanced Custom Fields.
    * This includes metadata on the field like whether it's conditional or not.
    * @since 1.6.0
    * @param string $field_name of the field you want to lookup.
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:873
    public get_field($field_name): mixed
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:883
    public import_field($field_name)
    * @param string $field_name
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:905
    public post_class($class = ''): string a space-seperated list of classes Get the CSS classes for a post without cache. For usage you should use `{{post.c...
    $context['regions']['Asia'][1]->post_class($class = '')
    * Get the CSS classes for a post without cache. For usage you should use `{{post.class}}`
    * @internal
    * @param string $class additional classes you want to add
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <article class="{{ post.post_class }}">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <article class="post-2612 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-data tag-charleston-church-shooting tag-dylann-roof tag-gun-violence tag-hate-crimes tag-national-incident-based-reporting-system">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * @return string a space-seperated list of classes
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:927
    public css_class($class = ''): string a space-seperated list of classes Get the CSS classes for a post, but with caching css post classes. For usage you...
    $context['regions']['Asia'][1]->css_class($class = '')
    * Get the CSS classes for a post, but with caching css post classes. For usage you should use `{{ post.class }}` instead of `{{post.css_class}}` or `{{post.post_class}}`
    * @internal
    * @param string $class additional classes you want to add
    * @see Timber\Post::$_css_class
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <article class="{{ post.class }}">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * @return string a space-seperated list of classes
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:956
    public get_method_values(): array
    * @return array
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:970
    public author(): User|null A User object if found, false if not Return the author of a post
    * Return the author of a post
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{post.title}}</h1>
    * <p class="byline">
    *     <a href="{{}}">{{}}</a>
    * </p>
    * ```
    * @return User|null A User object if found, false if not
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1005
    public authors()
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1011
    public modified_author(): User|null A User object if found, false if not Get the author (WordPress user) who last modified the post
    * Get the author (WordPress user) who last modified the post
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Last updated by {{ }}
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Last updated by Harper Lee
    * ```
    * @return User|null A User object if found, false if not
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1026
    public categories(): array of Timber\Terms Get the categoires on a particular post
    * Get the categoires on a particular post
    * @api
    * @return array of Timber\Terms
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1036
    public category(): Timber\Term|null Returns a category attached to a post
    * Returns a category attached to a post
    * @api
    * If mulitpuile categories are set, it will return just the first one
    * @return Timber\Term|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1046
    public children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false): array Returns an array of children on the post as Timber\Posts (or other claass as you...
    $context['regions']['Asia'][1]->children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false)
    * Returns an array of children on the post as Timber\Posts
    * (or other claass as you define).
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {% if post.children %}
    *     Here are the child pages:
    *     {% for child in post.children %}
    *         <a href="{{ }}">{{ child.title }}</a>
    *     {% endfor %}
    * {% endif %}
    * ```
    * @param string|array $post_type _optional_ use to find children of a particular post type (attachment vs. page for example). You might want to restrict to certain types of children in case other stuff gets all mucked in there. You can use 'parent' to use the parent's post type or you can pass an array of post types.
    * @param string|bool $childPostClass _optional_ a custom post class (ex: 'MyTimber\Post') to return the objects as. By default (false) it will use Timber\Post::$post_class value.
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1067
    public comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment'): bool|\Timber\CommentThread Gets the comments on a `Timber\Post` and returns them as a `Timber\CommentThread...
    $context['regions']['Asia'][1]->comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment')
    * Gets the comments on a `Timber\Post` and returns them as a `Timber\CommentThread`: a PHP
    * ArrayObject of [`Timber\Comment`](
    * (or whatever comment class you set).
    * @api
    * @param int    $count        Set the number of comments you want to get. `0` is analogous to
    *                             "all".
    * @param string $order        Use ordering set in WordPress admin, or a different scheme.
    * @param string $type         For when other plugins use the comments table for their own
    *                             special purposes. Might be set to 'liveblog' or other, depending
    *                             on what’s stored in your comments table.
    * @param string $status       Could be 'pending', etc.
    * @param string $CommentClass What class to use when returning Comment objects. As you become a
    *                             Timber Pro, you might find yourself extending `Timber\Comment`
    *                             for your site or app (obviously, totally optional).
    * @see \Timber\CommentThread for an example with nested comments
    * @return bool|\Timber\CommentThread
    * @example
    * **single.twig**
    * ```twig
    * <div id="post-comments">
    *   <h4>Comments on {{ post.title }}</h4>
    *   <ul>
    *     {% for comment in post.comments() %}
    *       {% include 'comment.twig' %}
    *     {% endfor %}
    *   </ul>
    *   <div class="comment-form">
    *     {{ function('comment_form') }}
    *   </div>
    * </div>
    * ```
    * **comment.twig**
    * ```twig
    * {# comment.twig #}
    * <li>
    *   <p class="comment-author">{{ }} says:</p>
    *   <div>{{ comment.content }}</div>
    * </li>
    * ```
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1136
    public content($page0, $len = -1): string Gets the actual content of a WP Post, as opposed to post_content this will run t...
    $context['regions']['Asia'][1]->content($page0, $len = -1)
    * Gets the actual content of a WP Post, as opposed to post_content this will run the hooks/filters attached to the_content. \This guy will return your posts content with WordPress filters run on it (like for shortcodes and wpautop).
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <div class="article">
    *     <h2>{{post.title}}</h2>
    *     <div class="content">{{ post.content }}</div>
    * </div>
    * ```
    * @param int $page
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1206
    public paged_content(): string
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1254
    public date($date_format = ''): string Get the date to use in your template!
    $context['regions']['Asia'][1]->date($date_format = '')
    * Get the date to use in your template!
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Published on {{ }} // Uses WP's formatting set in Admin
    * OR
    * Published on {{'F jS') }} // Jan 12th
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Published on January 12, 2015
    * OR
    * Published on Jan 12th
    * ```
    * @param string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1277
    public time($time_format = ''): string Get the time to use in your template
    $context['regions']['Asia'][1]->time($time_format = '')
    * Get the time to use in your template
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Published at {{ post.time }} // Uses WP's formatting set in Admin
    * OR
    * Published at {{ post.time | time('G:i') }} // 13:25
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Published at 1:25 pm
    * OR
    * Published at 13:25
    * ```
    * @param string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1301
    public type(): PostType Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    * Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    * @since 1.0.4
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * This post is from <span>{{ }}</span>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * This post is from <span>Recipes</span>
    * ```
    * @return PostType
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1323
    public edit_link(): bool|string the edit URL of a post in the WordPress admin Returns the edit URL of a post if the user has access to it
    * Returns the edit URL of a post if the user has access to it
    * @return bool|string the edit URL of a post in the WordPress admin
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1337
    public format(): mixed
    * @api
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1347
    public password_required(): boolean whether post requires password and correct password has been provided
    * whether post requires password and correct password has been provided
    * @api
    * @return boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1356
    public link(): string ex: get the permalink for a post object
    * get the permalink for a post object
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <a href="{{}}">Read my post</a>
    * ```
    * @return string ex:
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1369
    public meta($field_name = null): mixed
    $context['regions']['Asia'][1]->meta($field_name = null)
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1381
    public name(): string
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1392
    public modified_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Asia'][1]->modified_date($date_format = '')
    * @param string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1400
    public modified_time($time_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Asia'][1]->modified_time($time_format = '')
    * @param string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1410
    public next($in_same_term = false): mixed
    $context['regions']['Asia'][1]->next($in_same_term = false)
    * @api
    * @param bool $in_same_term
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1419
    public pagination(): array Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a pa...
    * Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a paginated post
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1445
    public convert($data) Finds any WP_Post objects and converts them to Timber\Posts
    * Finds any WP_Post objects and converts them to Timber\Posts
    * @param array|WP_Post $data
    * @param string $class
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1478
    public parent(): bool|Timber\Post Gets the parent (if one exists) from a post as a Timber\Post object (or whatever...
    * Gets the parent (if one exists) from a post as a Timber\Post object (or whatever is set in Timber\Post::$PostClass)
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Parent page: <a href="{{ }}">{{ post.parent.title }}</a>
    * ```
    * @return bool|Timber\Post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1504
    public path(): string Gets the relative path of a WP Post, so while link() will return http://example....
    * Gets the relative path of a WP Post, so while link() will return
    * this will return just /2015/07/my-cool-post
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <a href="{{post.path}}">{{post.title}}</a>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1522
    public prev($in_same_term = false): mixed Get the previous post in a set
    $context['regions']['Asia'][1]->prev($in_same_term = false)
    * Get the previous post in a set
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h4>Prior Entry:</h4>
    * <h3>{{post.prev.title}}</h3>
    * <p>{{post.prev.get_preview(25)}}</p>
    * ```
    * @param bool $in_same_term
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1539
    public tags(): array Gets the tags on a post, uses WP's post_tag taxonomy
    * Gets the tags on a post, uses WP's post_tag taxonomy
    * @api
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1562
    public thumbnail(): Image|null of your thumbnail get the featured image as a Timber/Image
    * get the featured image as a Timber/Image
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <img src="{{ post.thumbnail.src }}" />
    * ```
    * @return Image|null of your thumbnail
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1575
    public title(): string Returns the processed title to be used in templates. This returns the title of t...
    * Returns the processed title to be used in templates. This returns the title of the post after WP's filters have run. This is analogous to `the_title()` in standard WP template tags.
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{ post.title }}</h1>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1593
    public gallery($html = true): html Returns the gallery
    $context['regions']['Asia'][1]->gallery($html = true)
    * Returns the gallery
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1609
    public audio(): html Returns the audio
    * Returns the audio
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1628
    public video(): html Returns the video
    * Returns the video
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1651
    public get_categories(): array of Timber\Terms Get the categories for a post
    * Get the categories for a post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::categories
    * @return array of Timber\Terms
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1682
    public get_category(): mixed
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::category
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1693
    public get_image($field): Timber\Image
    * @param string $field
    * @return Timber\Image
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1704
    public get_tags(): array Gets an array of tags for you to use
    * Gets an array of tags for you to use
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <ul class="tags">
    *     {% for tag in post.tags %}
    *         <li>{{}}</li>
    *     {% endfor %}
    * </ul>
    * ```
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1723
    public get_title(): string Outputs the title with filters applied
    * Outputs the title with filters applied
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{post.get_title}}</h1>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <h1>Hello World!</h1>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1741
    public get_content($len = -1, $page0): string Displays the content of the post with filters, shortcodes and wpautop applied
    $context['regions']['Asia'][1]->get_content($len = -1, $page0)
    * Displays the content of the post with filters, shortcodes and wpautop applied
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <div class="article-text">{{post.get_content}}</div>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <div class="article-text"><p>Blah blah blah</p><p>More blah blah blah.</p></div>
    * ```
    * @param int $len
    * @param int $page
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1758
    public get_format(): mixed
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1770
    public get_terms($tax = '', $merge = true, $TermClass = ''): array Get the terms associated with the post This goes across all taxonomies by defaul...
    $context['regions']['Asia'][1]->get_terms($tax = '', $merge = true, $TermClass = '')
    * Get the terms associated with the post
    * This goes across all taxonomies by default
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param string|array $tax What taxonom(y|ies) to pull from. Defaults to all registered taxonomies for the post type. You can use custom ones, or built-in WordPress taxonomies (category, tag). Timber plays nice and figures out that tag/tags/post_tag are all the same (and categories/category), for custom taxonomies you're on your own.
    * @param bool $merge Should the resulting array be one big one (true)? Or should it be an array of sub-arrays for each taxonomy (false)?
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1784
    public permalink(): string
    * @deprecated 0.20.0 use link() instead
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1793
    public get_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Asia'][1]->get_date($date_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::date
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param  string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1806
    public get_modified_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Asia'][1]->get_modified_date($date_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::modified_date
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param  string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1818
    public get_modified_time($time_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Asia'][1]->get_modified_time($time_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @param  string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1827
    public get_children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false): array
    $context['regions']['Asia'][1]->get_children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false)
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::children
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param string 		$post_type
    * @param bool|string 	$childPostClass
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1842
    public get_path(): string Get the permalink for a post, but as a relative path For example, where {{post.l...
    * Get the permalink for a post, but as a relative path
    * For example, where {{}} would return ""
    * this will return the relative version: "/2015/07/04/my-cool-post"
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1855
    public get_prev($in_same_term = false): TimberPost|boolean Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    $context['regions']['Asia'][1]->get_prev($in_same_term = false)
    * Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return TimberPost|boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1866
    public get_parent(): bool|TimberPost Get the parent post of the post
    * Get the parent post of the post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return bool|TimberPost
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1877
    public get_author(): User|null Gets a User object from the author of the post
    * Gets a User object from the author of the post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::author
    * @return User|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1889
    public get_modified_author(): User|null
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return User|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1899
    public get_thumbnail(): Image|null
    * @internal
    * @see TimberPost::thumbnail
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return Image|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1910
    public get_permalink(): string
    * @internal
    * @see TimberPost::link
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1921
    public get_link(): string get the permalink for a post object In your templates you should use link: <a hr...
    * get the permalink for a post object
    * In your templates you should use link:
    * <a href="{{}}">Read my post</a>
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1934
    public get_next($taxonomy = false): TimberPost|boolean Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    $context['regions']['Asia'][1]->get_next($taxonomy = false)
    * Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param bool $taxonomy
    * @return TimberPost|boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1946
    public get_pagination(): array Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a pa...
    * Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a paginated post
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::pagination();
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1958
    public get_comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment'): array|mixed Get the comments for a post
    $context['regions']['Asia'][1]->get_comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment')
    * Get the comments for a post
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::comments
    * @param int $count
    * @param string $order
    * @param string $type
    * @param string $status
    * @param string $CommentClass
    * @return array|mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1974
    public __isset($field): boolean
    * @return boolean
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:15
    public import($info, $force = false) Takes an array or object and adds the properties to the parent object
    $context['regions']['Asia'][1]->import($info, $force = false)
    * Takes an array or object and adds the properties to the parent object
    * @example
    * ```php
    * $data = array('airplane' => '757-200', 'flight' => '5316');
    * $post = new Timber\Post()
    * $post->import(data);
    * echo $post->airplane; //757-200
    * ```
    * @param array|object $info an object or array you want to grab data from to attach to the Timber object
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:59
    public can_edit(): bool Can you edit this post/term/user? Well good for you. You're no better than me.
    * Can you edit this post/term/user? Well good for you. You're no better than me.
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {% if post.can_edit %}
    * <a href="{{ post.edit_link }}">Edit</a>
    * {% endif %}
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <a href="">Edit</a>
    * ```
    * @return bool
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:100
    protected determine_id($pid): int|null the numberic id we should be using for this post object, null when there's no ID (ex: 404 page) tries to figure out what post you want to get if not explictly defined (or if it...
    * tries to figure out what post you want to get if not explictly defined (or if it is, allows it to be passed through)
    * @internal
    * @param mixed a value to test against
    * @return int|null the numberic id we should be using for this post object, null when there's no ID (ex: 404 page)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:230
    protected get_post_preview_object()
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:273
    protected get_post_preview_id($query)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:281
    protected init($pid = false) Initializes a Post
    * Initializes a Post
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:317
    protected prepare_post_info($pid0): WP_Post on success takes a mix of integer (post ID), string (post slug), or object to return a Word...
    * takes a mix of integer (post ID), string (post slug),
    * or object to return a WordPress post object from WP's built-in get_post() function
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid
    * @return WP_Post on success
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:360
    protected check_post_id($pid): integer ID number of a post helps you find the post id regardless of whether you send a string or whatever
    * helps you find the post id regardless of whether you send a string or whatever
    * @param integer $pid ;
    * @internal
    * @return integer ID number of a post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:379
    protected get_post_custom($pid): array Used internally to fetch the metadata fields (wp_postmeta table) and attach them...
    * Used internally to fetch the metadata fields (wp_postmeta table)
    * and attach them to our TimberPost object
    * @internal
    * @param int $pid
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:533
    protected get_info($pid): null|object|WP_Post Used internally by init, etc. to build TimberPost object
    * Used internally by init, etc. to build TimberPost object
    * @internal
    * @param  int $pid
    * @return null|object|WP_Post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:606
    protected maybe_show_password_form(): string|void If the Password form is to be shown, show it!
    * If the Password form is to be shown, show it!
    * @return string|void
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1170
    protected get_revised_data_from_method($method, $args = false)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1183
    protected content_handle_no_teaser_block($content): string Handles for an circumstance with the Block editor where a "more" block has an op...
    * Handles for an circumstance with the Block editor where a "more" block has an option to
    * "Hide the excerpt on the full content page" which hides everything prior to the inserted
    * "more" block
    * @ticket #2218
    * @param string $content
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1243
    public static get_post_id_by_name($post_name): int get_post_id_by_name($post_name)
    * get_post_id_by_name($post_name)
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.5.0
    * @param string $post_name
    * @return int
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:402
    protected static is_previewing(): bool Determine whether or not an admin/editor is looking at the post in "preview mode...
    * Determine whether or not an admin/editor is looking at the post in "preview mode" via the
    * WordPress admin
    * @internal
    * @return bool
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:217
    protected static get_wp_link_page($i): string
    * @param int $i
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:591
  • public static $representation :: string (4) "post"
2 => Timber\Post (55)
  • Properties (55)
  • Available methods (95)
  • Static class properties
  • public ImageClass -> string (12) "Timber\Image"
    public PostClass -> string (11) "Timber\Post"
    public TermClass -> string (11) "Timber\Term"
    public object_type -> string (4) "post"
    public custom -> array (17)
    country => string (5) "India"
    _country => string (19) "field_5d8b13d6b29ba"
    logo => string (4) "1290"
    _logo => string (19) "field_5d8b1571b29c0"
    firm => string (21) "GEDEE WEILER Pvt Ltd."
    _firm => string (19) "field_5d8b14e4b29bb"
    info => string (298) "Mr. G. D. Rajkumar Mr. Anjay Goliya - Mr. P. Durkai...
    Mr. G. D. Rajkumar 
    Mr. Anjay Goliya -
    Mr. P. Durkairaj -
    Vellalore Road 
    Podanur P. O. 
    641 023 Coimbatore 
    Tel.:  ++91 422 2413908 / 2413947 
    Tel.:  ++91 9994579160 (A. Goliya)
    Tel.:  ++91 73974 62666 (P. Durkairaj)
    Fax:  ++91 422 2413528 
    _info => string (19) "field_5d8b14f7b29bc"
    mail => string (22) ""
    _mail => string (19) "field_5d8b150fb29bd"
    web => string (24) ""
    _web => string (19) "field_5d8b1524b29be"
    _wpml_media_duplicate => string (1) "1"
    _edit_lock => string (12) "1664280111:4"
    _edit_last => string (1) "4"
    _last_translation_edit_mode => string (13) "native-editor"
    _av_css_styles => array (0)
    protected ___content -> null
    protected _permalink -> null
    protected _next -> array (0)
    protected _prev -> array (0)
    protected _css_class -> null
    public id -> integer 2404
    public ID -> integer 2404
    public post_author -> string (1) "1"
    public post_content -> string (0) ""
    public post_date -> string (19) "2019-09-25 09:47:13"
    public post_excerpt -> string (0) ""
    public post_parent -> integer 0
    public post_status -> string (7) "publish"
    public post_title -> string (21) "GEDEE WEILER Pvt Ltd."
    public post_type -> string (7) "partner"
    public slug -> string (20) "gedee-weiler-pvt-ltd"
    protected __type -> null
    public country -> string (5) "India"
    public _country -> string (19) "field_5d8b13d6b29ba"
    public logo -> string (4) "1290"
    public _logo -> string (19) "field_5d8b1571b29c0"
    public firm -> string (21) "GEDEE WEILER Pvt Ltd."
    public _firm -> string (19) "field_5d8b14e4b29bb"
    public info -> string (298) "Mr. G. D. Rajkumar Mr. Anjay Goliya - Mr. P. Durkai...
    Mr. G. D. Rajkumar 
    Mr. Anjay Goliya -
    Mr. P. Durkairaj -
    Vellalore Road 
    Podanur P. O. 
    641 023 Coimbatore 
    Tel.:  ++91 422 2413908 / 2413947 
    Tel.:  ++91 9994579160 (A. Goliya)
    Tel.:  ++91 73974 62666 (P. Durkairaj)
    Fax:  ++91 422 2413528 
    public _info -> string (19) "field_5d8b14f7b29bc"
    public mail -> string (22) ""
    public _mail -> string (19) "field_5d8b150fb29bd"
    public web -> string (24) ""
    public _web -> string (19) "field_5d8b1524b29be"
    public _wpml_media_duplicate -> string (1) "1"
    public _edit_lock -> string (12) "1664280111:4"
    public _edit_last -> string (1) "4"
    public _last_translation_edit_mode -> string (13) "native-editor"
    public _av_css_styles -> array (0)
    public post_date_gmt -> string (19) "2019-09-25 07:47:13"
    public comment_status -> string (6) "closed"
    public ping_status -> string (6) "closed"
    public post_password -> string (0) ""
    public post_name -> string (20) "gedee-weiler-pvt-ltd"
    public to_ping -> string (0) ""
    public pinged -> string (0) ""
    public post_modified -> string (19) "2022-09-27 14:01:48"
    public post_modified_gmt -> string (19) "2022-09-27 12:01:48"
    public post_content_filtered -> string (0) ""
    public guid -> string (61) ""
    public menu_order -> integer 0
    public post_mime_type -> string (0) ""
    public comment_count -> string (1) "0"
    public filter -> string (3) "raw"
    public status -> string (7) "publish"
  • public __construct($pid = null) If you send the constructor nothing it will try to figure out the current post i...
    new \Timber\Post($pid = null)
    * If you send the constructor nothing it will try to figure out the current post id based on being inside The_Loop
    * @example
    * ```php
    * $post = new Timber\Post();
    * $other_post = new Timber\Post($random_post_id);
    * ```
    * @param mixed $pid
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:180
    public __get($field): mixed This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is also here to ensure that {{ post.class }} remains usable
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:190
    public __call($field, $args): mixed This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is also here to ensure that {{ post.class }} remains usable
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:202
    public __toString(): string Outputs the title of the post if you do something like `<h1>{{post}}</h1>`
    (string) $context['regions']['Asia'][2]
    * Outputs the title of the post if you do something like `<h1>{{post}}</h1>`
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:269
    public get_edit_url(): bool|string Get the URL that will edit the current post/object
    * Get the URL that will edit the current post/object
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::edit_link
    * @return bool|string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:336
    public update($field, $value) updates the post_meta of the current object with the given value
    $context['regions']['Asia'][2]->update($field, $value)
    * updates the post_meta of the current object with the given value
    * @param string $field
    * @param mixed $value
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:345
    public preview(): \Timber\PostPreview Gets a preview/excerpt of your post.
    * Gets a preview/excerpt of your post.
    * If you have text defined in the excerpt textarea of your post, it will use that. Otherwise it
    * will pull from the post_content. If there's a `<!-- more -->` tag, it will use that to mark
    * where to pull through.
    * This method returns a `Timber\PostPreview` object, which is a **chainable object**. This
    * means that you can change the output of the preview by **adding more methods**. Refer to the
    * [documentation of the `Timber\PostPreview` class](
    * to get an overview of all the available methods.
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {# Use default preview #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview }}</p>
    * {# Change the post preview text #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview.read_more('Continue Reading') }}</p>
    * {# Additionally restrict the length to 50 words #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview.length(50).read_more('Continue Reading') }}</p>
    * ```
    * @see \Timber\PostPreview
    * @return \Timber\PostPreview
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:432
    public get_preview($len = 50, $force = false, $readmore = 'Read More', $strip = true, $end = '&hellip;'): string of the post preview get a preview of your post, if you have an excerpt it will use that, otherwise i...
    $context['regions']['Asia'][2]->get_preview($len = 50, $force = false, $readmore = 'Read More', $strip = true, $end = '&hellip;')
    * get a preview of your post, if you have an excerpt it will use that,
    * otherwise it will pull from the post_content.
    * If there's a <!-- more --> tag it will use that to mark where to pull through.
    * @deprecated since 1.3.1, use {{ post.preview }} instead
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <p>{{post.get_preview(50)}}</p>
    * ```
    * @param int $len The number of words that WP should use to make the tease. (Isn't this better than [this mess]( If you've set a post_excerpt on a post, we'll use that for the preview text; otherwise the first X words of the post_content
    * @param bool $force What happens if your custom post excerpt is longer then the length requested? By default (`$force = false`) it will use the full `post_excerpt`. However, you can set this to true to *force* your excerpt to be of the desired length
    * @param string $readmore The text you want to use on the 'readmore' link
    * @param bool|string $strip true for default, false for none, string for list of custom attributes
    * @param string $end The text to end the preview with (defaults to ...)
    * @return string of the post preview
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:452
    public import_custom($pid) gets the post custom and attaches it to the current object
    * gets the post custom and attaches it to the current object
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid a post ID number
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:521
    public comment_form($args = array()): string of HTML for the form Gets the comment form for use on a single article page
    $context['regions']['Asia'][2]->comment_form($args = array())
    * Gets the comment form for use on a single article page
    * @param array This $args array thing is a mess, [fix at some point](
    * @return string of HTML for the form
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:634
    public terms($args = array(), $merge = true, $term_class = ''): array An array of taxonomies. Gets the terms associated with the post.
    $context['regions']['Asia'][2]->terms($args = array(), $merge = true, $term_class = '')
    * Gets the terms associated with the post.
    * @api
    * @todo Remove deprecated parameters in 2.x
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <section id="job-feed">
    * {% for post in job %}
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>{{ post.title }}</h2>
    *         <p>{{ post.terms( {query:{taxonomy:'category', orderby:'name', order: 'ASC'}} )|join(', ') }}</p>
    *     </div>
    * {% endfor %}
    * </section>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <section id="job-feed">
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>Cheese Maker</h2>
    *         <p>Cheese, Food, Fromage</p>
    *     </div>
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>Mime</h2>
    *         <p>Performance, Silence</p>
    *     </div>
    * </section>
    * ```
    * ```php
    * // Get all terms of a taxonomy.
    * $terms = $post->terms( 'category' );
    * // Get terms of multiple taxonomies.
    * $terms = $post->terms( array( 'books', 'movies' ) );
    * // Use custom arguments for taxonomy query and options.
    * $terms = $post->terms( array(
    *     'query' => [
    *         'taxonomy' => 'custom_tax',
    *         'orderby'  => 'count',
    *     ],
    *     'merge'      => false,
    *     'term_class' => 'My_Term_Class'
    * ) );
    * ```
    * @param string|array $args {
    *     Optional. Name of the taxonomy or array of arguments.
    *     @type array $query       Any array of term query parameters for getting the terms. See
    *                              `WP_Term_Query::__construct()` for supported arguments. Use the
    *                              `taxonomy` argument to choose which taxonomies to get. Defaults
    *                              to querying all registered taxonomies for the post type. You can
    *                              use custom or built-in WordPress taxonomies (category, tag).
    *                              Timber plays nice and figures out that `tag`, `tags` or
    *                              `post_tag` are all the same (also for `categories` or
    *                              `category`). For custom taxonomies you need to define the
    *                              proper name.
    *     @type bool $merge        Whether the resulting array should be one big one (`true`) or
    *                              whether it should be an array of sub-arrays for each taxonomy
    *                              (`false`). Default `true`.
    *     @type string $term_class The Timber term class to use for the term objects.
    * }
    * @param bool   $merge      Deprecated. Optional. See `$merge` argument in `$args` parameter.
    * @param string $term_class Deprecated. Optional. See `$term_class` argument in `$args`
    *                           parameter.
    * @return array An array of taxonomies.
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:706
    public has_term($term_name_or_id, $taxonomy = 'all'): bool
    $context['regions']['Asia'][2]->has_term($term_name_or_id, $taxonomy = 'all')
    * @param string|int $term_name_or_id
    * @param string $taxonomy
    * @return bool
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:806
    public get_paged_content(): string
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:824
    public get_post_type(): PostType Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    * Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    * @deprecated since 1.0.4
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * This post is from <span>{{ post.get_post_type.labels.plural }}</span>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * This post is from <span>Recipes</span>
    * ```
    * @return PostType
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:844
    public get_comment_count(): int the number of comments on a post
    * @return int the number of comments on a post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:852
    public has_field($field_name): boolean
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:861
    public field_object($field_name): mixed Gets the field object data from Advanced Custom Fields. This includes metadata o...
    * Gets the field object data from Advanced Custom Fields.
    * This includes metadata on the field like whether it's conditional or not.
    * @since 1.6.0
    * @param string $field_name of the field you want to lookup.
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:873
    public get_field($field_name): mixed
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:883
    public import_field($field_name)
    * @param string $field_name
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:905
    public post_class($class = ''): string a space-seperated list of classes Get the CSS classes for a post without cache. For usage you should use `{{post.c...
    $context['regions']['Asia'][2]->post_class($class = '')
    * Get the CSS classes for a post without cache. For usage you should use `{{post.class}}`
    * @internal
    * @param string $class additional classes you want to add
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <article class="{{ post.post_class }}">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <article class="post-2612 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-data tag-charleston-church-shooting tag-dylann-roof tag-gun-violence tag-hate-crimes tag-national-incident-based-reporting-system">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * @return string a space-seperated list of classes
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:927
    public css_class($class = ''): string a space-seperated list of classes Get the CSS classes for a post, but with caching css post classes. For usage you...
    $context['regions']['Asia'][2]->css_class($class = '')
    * Get the CSS classes for a post, but with caching css post classes. For usage you should use `{{ post.class }}` instead of `{{post.css_class}}` or `{{post.post_class}}`
    * @internal
    * @param string $class additional classes you want to add
    * @see Timber\Post::$_css_class
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <article class="{{ post.class }}">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * @return string a space-seperated list of classes
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:956
    public get_method_values(): array
    * @return array
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:970
    public author(): User|null A User object if found, false if not Return the author of a post
    * Return the author of a post
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{post.title}}</h1>
    * <p class="byline">
    *     <a href="{{}}">{{}}</a>
    * </p>
    * ```
    * @return User|null A User object if found, false if not
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1005
    public authors()
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1011
    public modified_author(): User|null A User object if found, false if not Get the author (WordPress user) who last modified the post
    * Get the author (WordPress user) who last modified the post
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Last updated by {{ }}
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Last updated by Harper Lee
    * ```
    * @return User|null A User object if found, false if not
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1026
    public categories(): array of Timber\Terms Get the categoires on a particular post
    * Get the categoires on a particular post
    * @api
    * @return array of Timber\Terms
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1036
    public category(): Timber\Term|null Returns a category attached to a post
    * Returns a category attached to a post
    * @api
    * If mulitpuile categories are set, it will return just the first one
    * @return Timber\Term|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1046
    public children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false): array Returns an array of children on the post as Timber\Posts (or other claass as you...
    $context['regions']['Asia'][2]->children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false)
    * Returns an array of children on the post as Timber\Posts
    * (or other claass as you define).
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {% if post.children %}
    *     Here are the child pages:
    *     {% for child in post.children %}
    *         <a href="{{ }}">{{ child.title }}</a>
    *     {% endfor %}
    * {% endif %}
    * ```
    * @param string|array $post_type _optional_ use to find children of a particular post type (attachment vs. page for example). You might want to restrict to certain types of children in case other stuff gets all mucked in there. You can use 'parent' to use the parent's post type or you can pass an array of post types.
    * @param string|bool $childPostClass _optional_ a custom post class (ex: 'MyTimber\Post') to return the objects as. By default (false) it will use Timber\Post::$post_class value.
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1067
    public comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment'): bool|\Timber\CommentThread Gets the comments on a `Timber\Post` and returns them as a `Timber\CommentThread...
    $context['regions']['Asia'][2]->comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment')
    * Gets the comments on a `Timber\Post` and returns them as a `Timber\CommentThread`: a PHP
    * ArrayObject of [`Timber\Comment`](
    * (or whatever comment class you set).
    * @api
    * @param int    $count        Set the number of comments you want to get. `0` is analogous to
    *                             "all".
    * @param string $order        Use ordering set in WordPress admin, or a different scheme.
    * @param string $type         For when other plugins use the comments table for their own
    *                             special purposes. Might be set to 'liveblog' or other, depending
    *                             on what’s stored in your comments table.
    * @param string $status       Could be 'pending', etc.
    * @param string $CommentClass What class to use when returning Comment objects. As you become a
    *                             Timber Pro, you might find yourself extending `Timber\Comment`
    *                             for your site or app (obviously, totally optional).
    * @see \Timber\CommentThread for an example with nested comments
    * @return bool|\Timber\CommentThread
    * @example
    * **single.twig**
    * ```twig
    * <div id="post-comments">
    *   <h4>Comments on {{ post.title }}</h4>
    *   <ul>
    *     {% for comment in post.comments() %}
    *       {% include 'comment.twig' %}
    *     {% endfor %}
    *   </ul>
    *   <div class="comment-form">
    *     {{ function('comment_form') }}
    *   </div>
    * </div>
    * ```
    * **comment.twig**
    * ```twig
    * {# comment.twig #}
    * <li>
    *   <p class="comment-author">{{ }} says:</p>
    *   <div>{{ comment.content }}</div>
    * </li>
    * ```
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1136
    public content($page0, $len = -1): string Gets the actual content of a WP Post, as opposed to post_content this will run t...
    $context['regions']['Asia'][2]->content($page0, $len = -1)
    * Gets the actual content of a WP Post, as opposed to post_content this will run the hooks/filters attached to the_content. \This guy will return your posts content with WordPress filters run on it (like for shortcodes and wpautop).
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <div class="article">
    *     <h2>{{post.title}}</h2>
    *     <div class="content">{{ post.content }}</div>
    * </div>
    * ```
    * @param int $page
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1206
    public paged_content(): string
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1254
    public date($date_format = ''): string Get the date to use in your template!
    $context['regions']['Asia'][2]->date($date_format = '')
    * Get the date to use in your template!
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Published on {{ }} // Uses WP's formatting set in Admin
    * OR
    * Published on {{'F jS') }} // Jan 12th
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Published on January 12, 2015
    * OR
    * Published on Jan 12th
    * ```
    * @param string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1277
    public time($time_format = ''): string Get the time to use in your template
    $context['regions']['Asia'][2]->time($time_format = '')
    * Get the time to use in your template
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Published at {{ post.time }} // Uses WP's formatting set in Admin
    * OR
    * Published at {{ post.time | time('G:i') }} // 13:25
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Published at 1:25 pm
    * OR
    * Published at 13:25
    * ```
    * @param string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1301
    public type(): PostType Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    * Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    * @since 1.0.4
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * This post is from <span>{{ }}</span>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * This post is from <span>Recipes</span>
    * ```
    * @return PostType
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1323
    public edit_link(): bool|string the edit URL of a post in the WordPress admin Returns the edit URL of a post if the user has access to it
    * Returns the edit URL of a post if the user has access to it
    * @return bool|string the edit URL of a post in the WordPress admin
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1337
    public format(): mixed
    * @api
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1347
    public password_required(): boolean whether post requires password and correct password has been provided
    * whether post requires password and correct password has been provided
    * @api
    * @return boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1356
    public link(): string ex: get the permalink for a post object
    * get the permalink for a post object
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <a href="{{}}">Read my post</a>
    * ```
    * @return string ex:
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1369
    public meta($field_name = null): mixed
    $context['regions']['Asia'][2]->meta($field_name = null)
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1381
    public name(): string
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1392
    public modified_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Asia'][2]->modified_date($date_format = '')
    * @param string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1400
    public modified_time($time_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Asia'][2]->modified_time($time_format = '')
    * @param string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1410
    public next($in_same_term = false): mixed
    $context['regions']['Asia'][2]->next($in_same_term = false)
    * @api
    * @param bool $in_same_term
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1419
    public pagination(): array Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a pa...
    * Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a paginated post
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1445
    public convert($data) Finds any WP_Post objects and converts them to Timber\Posts
    * Finds any WP_Post objects and converts them to Timber\Posts
    * @param array|WP_Post $data
    * @param string $class
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1478
    public parent(): bool|Timber\Post Gets the parent (if one exists) from a post as a Timber\Post object (or whatever...
    * Gets the parent (if one exists) from a post as a Timber\Post object (or whatever is set in Timber\Post::$PostClass)
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Parent page: <a href="{{ }}">{{ post.parent.title }}</a>
    * ```
    * @return bool|Timber\Post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1504
    public path(): string Gets the relative path of a WP Post, so while link() will return http://example....
    * Gets the relative path of a WP Post, so while link() will return
    * this will return just /2015/07/my-cool-post
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <a href="{{post.path}}">{{post.title}}</a>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1522
    public prev($in_same_term = false): mixed Get the previous post in a set
    $context['regions']['Asia'][2]->prev($in_same_term = false)
    * Get the previous post in a set
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h4>Prior Entry:</h4>
    * <h3>{{post.prev.title}}</h3>
    * <p>{{post.prev.get_preview(25)}}</p>
    * ```
    * @param bool $in_same_term
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1539
    public tags(): array Gets the tags on a post, uses WP's post_tag taxonomy
    * Gets the tags on a post, uses WP's post_tag taxonomy
    * @api
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1562
    public thumbnail(): Image|null of your thumbnail get the featured image as a Timber/Image
    * get the featured image as a Timber/Image
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <img src="{{ post.thumbnail.src }}" />
    * ```
    * @return Image|null of your thumbnail
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1575
    public title(): string Returns the processed title to be used in templates. This returns the title of t...
    * Returns the processed title to be used in templates. This returns the title of the post after WP's filters have run. This is analogous to `the_title()` in standard WP template tags.
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{ post.title }}</h1>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1593
    public gallery($html = true): html Returns the gallery
    $context['regions']['Asia'][2]->gallery($html = true)
    * Returns the gallery
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1609
    public audio(): html Returns the audio
    * Returns the audio
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1628
    public video(): html Returns the video
    * Returns the video
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1651
    public get_categories(): array of Timber\Terms Get the categories for a post
    * Get the categories for a post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::categories
    * @return array of Timber\Terms
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1682
    public get_category(): mixed
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::category
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1693
    public get_image($field): Timber\Image
    * @param string $field
    * @return Timber\Image
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1704
    public get_tags(): array Gets an array of tags for you to use
    * Gets an array of tags for you to use
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <ul class="tags">
    *     {% for tag in post.tags %}
    *         <li>{{}}</li>
    *     {% endfor %}
    * </ul>
    * ```
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1723
    public get_title(): string Outputs the title with filters applied
    * Outputs the title with filters applied
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{post.get_title}}</h1>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <h1>Hello World!</h1>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1741
    public get_content($len = -1, $page0): string Displays the content of the post with filters, shortcodes and wpautop applied
    $context['regions']['Asia'][2]->get_content($len = -1, $page0)
    * Displays the content of the post with filters, shortcodes and wpautop applied
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <div class="article-text">{{post.get_content}}</div>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <div class="article-text"><p>Blah blah blah</p><p>More blah blah blah.</p></div>
    * ```
    * @param int $len
    * @param int $page
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1758
    public get_format(): mixed
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1770
    public get_terms($tax = '', $merge = true, $TermClass = ''): array Get the terms associated with the post This goes across all taxonomies by defaul...
    $context['regions']['Asia'][2]->get_terms($tax = '', $merge = true, $TermClass = '')
    * Get the terms associated with the post
    * This goes across all taxonomies by default
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param string|array $tax What taxonom(y|ies) to pull from. Defaults to all registered taxonomies for the post type. You can use custom ones, or built-in WordPress taxonomies (category, tag). Timber plays nice and figures out that tag/tags/post_tag are all the same (and categories/category), for custom taxonomies you're on your own.
    * @param bool $merge Should the resulting array be one big one (true)? Or should it be an array of sub-arrays for each taxonomy (false)?
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1784
    public permalink(): string
    * @deprecated 0.20.0 use link() instead
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1793
    public get_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Asia'][2]->get_date($date_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::date
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param  string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1806
    public get_modified_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Asia'][2]->get_modified_date($date_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::modified_date
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param  string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1818
    public get_modified_time($time_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['Asia'][2]->get_modified_time($time_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @param  string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1827
    public get_children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false): array
    $context['regions']['Asia'][2]->get_children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false)
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::children
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param string 		$post_type
    * @param bool|string 	$childPostClass
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1842
    public get_path(): string Get the permalink for a post, but as a relative path For example, where {{post.l...
    * Get the permalink for a post, but as a relative path
    * For example, where {{}} would return ""
    * this will return the relative version: "/2015/07/04/my-cool-post"
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1855
    public get_prev($in_same_term = false): TimberPost|boolean Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    $context['regions']['Asia'][2]->get_prev($in_same_term = false)
    * Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return TimberPost|boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1866
    public get_parent(): bool|TimberPost Get the parent post of the post
    * Get the parent post of the post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return bool|TimberPost
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1877
    public get_author(): User|null Gets a User object from the author of the post
    * Gets a User object from the author of the post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::author
    * @return User|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1889
    public get_modified_author(): User|null
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return User|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1899
    public get_thumbnail(): Image|null
    * @internal
    * @see TimberPost::thumbnail
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return Image|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1910
    public get_permalink(): string
    * @internal
    * @see TimberPost::link
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1921
    public get_link(): string get the permalink for a post object In your templates you should use link: <a hr...
    * get the permalink for a post object
    * In your templates you should use link:
    * <a href="{{}}">Read my post</a>
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1934
    public get_next($taxonomy = false): TimberPost|boolean Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    $context['regions']['Asia'][2]->get_next($taxonomy = false)
    * Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param bool $taxonomy
    * @return TimberPost|boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1946
    public get_pagination(): array Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a pa...
    * Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a paginated post
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::pagination();
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1958
    public get_comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment'): array|mixed Get the comments for a post
    $context['regions']['Asia'][2]->get_comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment')
    * Get the comments for a post
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::comments
    * @param int $count
    * @param string $order
    * @param string $type
    * @param string $status
    * @param string $CommentClass
    * @return array|mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1974
    public __isset($field): boolean
    * @return boolean
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:15
    public import($info, $force = false) Takes an array or object and adds the properties to the parent object
    $context['regions']['Asia'][2]->import($info, $force = false)
    * Takes an array or object and adds the properties to the parent object
    * @example
    * ```php
    * $data = array('airplane' => '757-200', 'flight' => '5316');
    * $post = new Timber\Post()
    * $post->import(data);
    * echo $post->airplane; //757-200
    * ```
    * @param array|object $info an object or array you want to grab data from to attach to the Timber object
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:59
    public can_edit(): bool Can you edit this post/term/user? Well good for you. You're no better than me.
    * Can you edit this post/term/user? Well good for you. You're no better than me.
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {% if post.can_edit %}
    * <a href="{{ post.edit_link }}">Edit</a>
    * {% endif %}
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <a href="">Edit</a>
    * ```
    * @return bool
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:100
    protected determine_id($pid): int|null the numberic id we should be using for this post object, null when there's no ID (ex: 404 page) tries to figure out what post you want to get if not explictly defined (or if it...
    * tries to figure out what post you want to get if not explictly defined (or if it is, allows it to be passed through)
    * @internal
    * @param mixed a value to test against
    * @return int|null the numberic id we should be using for this post object, null when there's no ID (ex: 404 page)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:230
    protected get_post_preview_object()
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:273
    protected get_post_preview_id($query)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:281
    protected init($pid = false) Initializes a Post
    * Initializes a Post
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:317
    protected prepare_post_info($pid0): WP_Post on success takes a mix of integer (post ID), string (post slug), or object to return a Word...
    * takes a mix of integer (post ID), string (post slug),
    * or object to return a WordPress post object from WP's built-in get_post() function
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid
    * @return WP_Post on success
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:360
    protected check_post_id($pid): integer ID number of a post helps you find the post id regardless of whether you send a string or whatever
    * helps you find the post id regardless of whether you send a string or whatever
    * @param integer $pid ;
    * @internal
    * @return integer ID number of a post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:379
    protected get_post_custom($pid): array Used internally to fetch the metadata fields (wp_postmeta table) and attach them...
    * Used internally to fetch the metadata fields (wp_postmeta table)
    * and attach them to our TimberPost object
    * @internal
    * @param int $pid
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:533
    protected get_info($pid): null|object|WP_Post Used internally by init, etc. to build TimberPost object
    * Used internally by init, etc. to build TimberPost object
    * @internal
    * @param  int $pid
    * @return null|object|WP_Post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:606
    protected maybe_show_password_form(): string|void If the Password form is to be shown, show it!
    * If the Password form is to be shown, show it!
    * @return string|void
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1170
    protected get_revised_data_from_method($method, $args = false)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1183
    protected content_handle_no_teaser_block($content): string Handles for an circumstance with the Block editor where a "more" block has an op...
    * Handles for an circumstance with the Block editor where a "more" block has an option to
    * "Hide the excerpt on the full content page" which hides everything prior to the inserted
    * "more" block
    * @ticket #2218
    * @param string $content
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1243
    public static get_post_id_by_name($post_name): int get_post_id_by_name($post_name)
    * get_post_id_by_name($post_name)
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.5.0
    * @param string $post_name
    * @return int
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:402
    protected static is_previewing(): bool Determine whether or not an admin/editor is looking at the post in "preview mode...
    * Determine whether or not an admin/editor is looking at the post in "preview mode" via the
    * WordPress admin
    * @internal
    * @return bool
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:217
    protected static get_wp_link_page($i): string
    * @param int $i
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:591
  • public static $representation :: string (4) "post"
North &amp; South America => array (1)
$context['regions']['North &amp; South America']
0 => Timber\Post (57)
$context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]
  • Properties (57)
  • Available methods (95)
  • Static class properties
  • public ImageClass -> string (12) "Timber\Image"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->ImageClass
    public PostClass -> string (11) "Timber\Post"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->PostClass
    public TermClass -> string (11) "Timber\Term"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->TermClass
    public object_type -> string (4) "post"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->object_type
    public custom -> array (19)
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->custom
    country => string (6) "Brazil"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->custom['country']
    _country => string (19) "field_5d8b13d6b29ba"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->custom['_country']
    logo => string (4) "1289"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->custom['logo']
    _logo => string (19) "field_5d8b1571b29c0"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->custom['_logo']
    firm => string (12) "NOVA DIDACTA"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->custom['firm']
    _firm => string (19) "field_5d8b14e4b29bb"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->custom['_firm']
    info => UTF-8 string (154) "Comércio de Equipamentos Industriais e Didáticos Ltda. Mr. Flávio Augusto Lu...
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->custom['info']
    Comércio de Equipamentos 
    Industriais e Didáticos Ltda. 
    Mr. Flávio Augusto Luiz 
    R. São Francisco, 506
    São Caetano do Sul-SP
    Tel.:  +55 11 4226-8980
    _info => string (19) "field_5d8b14f7b29bc"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->custom['_info']
    mail => string (18) ""
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->custom['mail']
    _mail => string (19) "field_5d8b150fb29bd"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->custom['_mail']
    web => string (26) ""
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->custom['web']
    _web => string (19) "field_5d8b1524b29be"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->custom['_web']
    _wpml_media_duplicate => string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->custom['_wpml_media_duplicate']
    _edit_lock => string (12) "1661864114:4"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->custom['_edit_lock']
    _edit_last => string (1) "4"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->custom['_edit_last']
    _last_translation_edit_mode => string (13) "native-editor"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->custom['_last_translation_edit_mode']
    _av_css_styles => array (0)
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->custom['_av_css_styles']
    _av_el_mgr_version => string (3) "1.0"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->custom['_av_el_mgr_version']
    _av_alb_posts_elements_state => array (0)
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->custom['_av_alb_posts_elements_state']
    protected ___content -> null
    protected _permalink -> null
    protected _next -> array (0)
    protected _prev -> array (0)
    protected _css_class -> null
    public id -> integer 2406
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->id
    public ID -> integer 2406
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->ID
    public post_author -> string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->post_author
    public post_content -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->post_content
    public post_date -> string (19) "2019-09-25 09:44:37"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->post_date
    public post_excerpt -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->post_excerpt
    public post_parent -> integer 0
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->post_parent
    public post_status -> string (7) "publish"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->post_status
    public post_title -> string (12) "NOVA DIDACTA"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->post_title
    public post_type -> string (7) "partner"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->post_type
    public slug -> string (12) "nova-didacta"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->slug
    protected __type -> null
    public country -> string (6) "Brazil"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->country
    public _country -> string (19) "field_5d8b13d6b29ba"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->_country
    public logo -> string (4) "1289"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->logo
    public _logo -> string (19) "field_5d8b1571b29c0"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->_logo
    public firm -> string (12) "NOVA DIDACTA"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->firm
    public _firm -> string (19) "field_5d8b14e4b29bb"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->_firm
    public info -> UTF-8 string (154) "Comércio de Equipamentos Industriais e Didáticos Ltda. Mr. Flávio Augusto Lu...
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->info
    Comércio de Equipamentos 
    Industriais e Didáticos Ltda. 
    Mr. Flávio Augusto Luiz 
    R. São Francisco, 506
    São Caetano do Sul-SP
    Tel.:  +55 11 4226-8980
    public _info -> string (19) "field_5d8b14f7b29bc"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->_info
    public mail -> string (18) ""
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->mail
    public _mail -> string (19) "field_5d8b150fb29bd"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->_mail
    public web -> string (26) ""
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->web
    public _web -> string (19) "field_5d8b1524b29be"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->_web
    public _wpml_media_duplicate -> string (1) "1"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->_wpml_media_duplicate
    public _edit_lock -> string (12) "1661864114:4"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->_edit_lock
    public _edit_last -> string (1) "4"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->_edit_last
    public _last_translation_edit_mode -> string (13) "native-editor"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->_last_translation_edit_mode
    public _av_css_styles -> array (0)
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->_av_css_styles
    public _av_el_mgr_version -> string (3) "1.0"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->_av_el_mgr_version
    public _av_alb_posts_elements_state -> array (0)
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->_av_alb_posts_elements_state
    public post_date_gmt -> string (19) "2019-09-25 07:44:37"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->post_date_gmt
    public comment_status -> string (6) "closed"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->comment_status
    public ping_status -> string (6) "closed"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->ping_status
    public post_password -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->post_password
    public post_name -> string (12) "nova-didacta"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->post_name
    public to_ping -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->to_ping
    public pinged -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->pinged
    public post_modified -> string (19) "2022-08-30 14:57:31"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->post_modified
    public post_modified_gmt -> string (19) "2022-08-30 12:57:31"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->post_modified_gmt
    public post_content_filtered -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->post_content_filtered
    public guid -> string (53) ""
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->guid
    public menu_order -> integer 0
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->menu_order
    public post_mime_type -> string (0) ""
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->post_mime_type
    public comment_count -> string (1) "0"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->comment_count
    public filter -> string (3) "raw"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->filter
    public status -> string (7) "publish"
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->status
  • public __construct($pid = null) If you send the constructor nothing it will try to figure out the current post i...
    new \Timber\Post($pid = null)
    * If you send the constructor nothing it will try to figure out the current post id based on being inside The_Loop
    * @example
    * ```php
    * $post = new Timber\Post();
    * $other_post = new Timber\Post($random_post_id);
    * ```
    * @param mixed $pid
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:180
    public __get($field): mixed This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is also here to ensure that {{ post.class }} remains usable
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:190
    public __call($field, $args): mixed This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see:
    * This is also here to ensure that {{ post.class }} remains usable
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:202
    public __toString(): string Outputs the title of the post if you do something like `<h1>{{post}}</h1>`
    (string) $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]
    * Outputs the title of the post if you do something like `<h1>{{post}}</h1>`
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:269
    public get_edit_url(): bool|string Get the URL that will edit the current post/object
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->get_edit_url()
    * Get the URL that will edit the current post/object
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::edit_link
    * @return bool|string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:336
    public update($field, $value) updates the post_meta of the current object with the given value
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->update($field, $value)
    * updates the post_meta of the current object with the given value
    * @param string $field
    * @param mixed $value
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:345
    public preview(): \Timber\PostPreview Gets a preview/excerpt of your post.
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->preview()
    * Gets a preview/excerpt of your post.
    * If you have text defined in the excerpt textarea of your post, it will use that. Otherwise it
    * will pull from the post_content. If there's a `<!-- more -->` tag, it will use that to mark
    * where to pull through.
    * This method returns a `Timber\PostPreview` object, which is a **chainable object**. This
    * means that you can change the output of the preview by **adding more methods**. Refer to the
    * [documentation of the `Timber\PostPreview` class](
    * to get an overview of all the available methods.
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {# Use default preview #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview }}</p>
    * {# Change the post preview text #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview.read_more('Continue Reading') }}</p>
    * {# Additionally restrict the length to 50 words #}
    * <p>{{ post.preview.length(50).read_more('Continue Reading') }}</p>
    * ```
    * @see \Timber\PostPreview
    * @return \Timber\PostPreview
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:432
    public get_preview($len = 50, $force = false, $readmore = 'Read More', $strip = true, $end = '&hellip;'): string of the post preview get a preview of your post, if you have an excerpt it will use that, otherwise i...
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->get_preview($len = 50, $force = false, $readmore = 'Read More', $strip = true, $end = '&hellip;')
    * get a preview of your post, if you have an excerpt it will use that,
    * otherwise it will pull from the post_content.
    * If there's a <!-- more --> tag it will use that to mark where to pull through.
    * @deprecated since 1.3.1, use {{ post.preview }} instead
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <p>{{post.get_preview(50)}}</p>
    * ```
    * @param int $len The number of words that WP should use to make the tease. (Isn't this better than [this mess]( If you've set a post_excerpt on a post, we'll use that for the preview text; otherwise the first X words of the post_content
    * @param bool $force What happens if your custom post excerpt is longer then the length requested? By default (`$force = false`) it will use the full `post_excerpt`. However, you can set this to true to *force* your excerpt to be of the desired length
    * @param string $readmore The text you want to use on the 'readmore' link
    * @param bool|string $strip true for default, false for none, string for list of custom attributes
    * @param string $end The text to end the preview with (defaults to ...)
    * @return string of the post preview
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:452
    public import_custom($pid) gets the post custom and attaches it to the current object
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->import_custom($pid)
    * gets the post custom and attaches it to the current object
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid a post ID number
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:521
    public comment_form($args = array()): string of HTML for the form Gets the comment form for use on a single article page
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->comment_form($args = array())
    * Gets the comment form for use on a single article page
    * @param array This $args array thing is a mess, [fix at some point](
    * @return string of HTML for the form
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:634
    public terms($args = array(), $merge = true, $term_class = ''): array An array of taxonomies. Gets the terms associated with the post.
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->terms($args = array(), $merge = true, $term_class = '')
    * Gets the terms associated with the post.
    * @api
    * @todo Remove deprecated parameters in 2.x
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <section id="job-feed">
    * {% for post in job %}
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>{{ post.title }}</h2>
    *         <p>{{ post.terms( {query:{taxonomy:'category', orderby:'name', order: 'ASC'}} )|join(', ') }}</p>
    *     </div>
    * {% endfor %}
    * </section>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <section id="job-feed">
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>Cheese Maker</h2>
    *         <p>Cheese, Food, Fromage</p>
    *     </div>
    *     <div class="job">
    *         <h2>Mime</h2>
    *         <p>Performance, Silence</p>
    *     </div>
    * </section>
    * ```
    * ```php
    * // Get all terms of a taxonomy.
    * $terms = $post->terms( 'category' );
    * // Get terms of multiple taxonomies.
    * $terms = $post->terms( array( 'books', 'movies' ) );
    * // Use custom arguments for taxonomy query and options.
    * $terms = $post->terms( array(
    *     'query' => [
    *         'taxonomy' => 'custom_tax',
    *         'orderby'  => 'count',
    *     ],
    *     'merge'      => false,
    *     'term_class' => 'My_Term_Class'
    * ) );
    * ```
    * @param string|array $args {
    *     Optional. Name of the taxonomy or array of arguments.
    *     @type array $query       Any array of term query parameters for getting the terms. See
    *                              `WP_Term_Query::__construct()` for supported arguments. Use the
    *                              `taxonomy` argument to choose which taxonomies to get. Defaults
    *                              to querying all registered taxonomies for the post type. You can
    *                              use custom or built-in WordPress taxonomies (category, tag).
    *                              Timber plays nice and figures out that `tag`, `tags` or
    *                              `post_tag` are all the same (also for `categories` or
    *                              `category`). For custom taxonomies you need to define the
    *                              proper name.
    *     @type bool $merge        Whether the resulting array should be one big one (`true`) or
    *                              whether it should be an array of sub-arrays for each taxonomy
    *                              (`false`). Default `true`.
    *     @type string $term_class The Timber term class to use for the term objects.
    * }
    * @param bool   $merge      Deprecated. Optional. See `$merge` argument in `$args` parameter.
    * @param string $term_class Deprecated. Optional. See `$term_class` argument in `$args`
    *                           parameter.
    * @return array An array of taxonomies.
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:706
    public has_term($term_name_or_id, $taxonomy = 'all'): bool
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->has_term($term_name_or_id, $taxonomy = 'all')
    * @param string|int $term_name_or_id
    * @param string $taxonomy
    * @return bool
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:806
    public get_paged_content(): string
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->get_paged_content()
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:824
    public get_post_type(): PostType Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->get_post_type()
    * Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    * @deprecated since 1.0.4
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * This post is from <span>{{ post.get_post_type.labels.plural }}</span>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * This post is from <span>Recipes</span>
    * ```
    * @return PostType
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:844
    public get_comment_count(): int the number of comments on a post
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->get_comment_count()
    * @return int the number of comments on a post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:852
    public has_field($field_name): boolean
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->has_field($field_name)
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:861
    public field_object($field_name): mixed Gets the field object data from Advanced Custom Fields. This includes metadata o...
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->field_object($field_name)
    * Gets the field object data from Advanced Custom Fields.
    * This includes metadata on the field like whether it's conditional or not.
    * @since 1.6.0
    * @param string $field_name of the field you want to lookup.
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:873
    public get_field($field_name): mixed
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->get_field($field_name)
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:883
    public import_field($field_name)
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->import_field($field_name)
    * @param string $field_name
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:905
    public post_class($class = ''): string a space-seperated list of classes Get the CSS classes for a post without cache. For usage you should use `{{post.c...
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->post_class($class = '')
    * Get the CSS classes for a post without cache. For usage you should use `{{post.class}}`
    * @internal
    * @param string $class additional classes you want to add
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <article class="{{ post.post_class }}">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <article class="post-2612 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-data tag-charleston-church-shooting tag-dylann-roof tag-gun-violence tag-hate-crimes tag-national-incident-based-reporting-system">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * @return string a space-seperated list of classes
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:927
    public css_class($class = ''): string a space-seperated list of classes Get the CSS classes for a post, but with caching css post classes. For usage you...
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->css_class($class = '')
    * Get the CSS classes for a post, but with caching css post classes. For usage you should use `{{ post.class }}` instead of `{{post.css_class}}` or `{{post.post_class}}`
    * @internal
    * @param string $class additional classes you want to add
    * @see Timber\Post::$_css_class
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <article class="{{ post.class }}">
    *    {# Some stuff here #}
    * </article>
    * ```
    * @return string a space-seperated list of classes
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:956
    public get_method_values(): array
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->get_method_values()
    * @return array
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:970
    public author(): User|null A User object if found, false if not Return the author of a post
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->author()
    * Return the author of a post
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{post.title}}</h1>
    * <p class="byline">
    *     <a href="{{}}">{{}}</a>
    * </p>
    * ```
    * @return User|null A User object if found, false if not
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1005
    public authors()
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->authors()
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1011
    public modified_author(): User|null A User object if found, false if not Get the author (WordPress user) who last modified the post
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->modified_author()
    * Get the author (WordPress user) who last modified the post
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Last updated by {{ }}
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Last updated by Harper Lee
    * ```
    * @return User|null A User object if found, false if not
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1026
    public categories(): array of Timber\Terms Get the categoires on a particular post
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->categories()
    * Get the categoires on a particular post
    * @api
    * @return array of Timber\Terms
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1036
    public category(): Timber\Term|null Returns a category attached to a post
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->category()
    * Returns a category attached to a post
    * @api
    * If mulitpuile categories are set, it will return just the first one
    * @return Timber\Term|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1046
    public children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false): array Returns an array of children on the post as Timber\Posts (or other claass as you...
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false)
    * Returns an array of children on the post as Timber\Posts
    * (or other claass as you define).
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {% if post.children %}
    *     Here are the child pages:
    *     {% for child in post.children %}
    *         <a href="{{ }}">{{ child.title }}</a>
    *     {% endfor %}
    * {% endif %}
    * ```
    * @param string|array $post_type _optional_ use to find children of a particular post type (attachment vs. page for example). You might want to restrict to certain types of children in case other stuff gets all mucked in there. You can use 'parent' to use the parent's post type or you can pass an array of post types.
    * @param string|bool $childPostClass _optional_ a custom post class (ex: 'MyTimber\Post') to return the objects as. By default (false) it will use Timber\Post::$post_class value.
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1067
    public comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment'): bool|\Timber\CommentThread Gets the comments on a `Timber\Post` and returns them as a `Timber\CommentThread...
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment')
    * Gets the comments on a `Timber\Post` and returns them as a `Timber\CommentThread`: a PHP
    * ArrayObject of [`Timber\Comment`](
    * (or whatever comment class you set).
    * @api
    * @param int    $count        Set the number of comments you want to get. `0` is analogous to
    *                             "all".
    * @param string $order        Use ordering set in WordPress admin, or a different scheme.
    * @param string $type         For when other plugins use the comments table for their own
    *                             special purposes. Might be set to 'liveblog' or other, depending
    *                             on what’s stored in your comments table.
    * @param string $status       Could be 'pending', etc.
    * @param string $CommentClass What class to use when returning Comment objects. As you become a
    *                             Timber Pro, you might find yourself extending `Timber\Comment`
    *                             for your site or app (obviously, totally optional).
    * @see \Timber\CommentThread for an example with nested comments
    * @return bool|\Timber\CommentThread
    * @example
    * **single.twig**
    * ```twig
    * <div id="post-comments">
    *   <h4>Comments on {{ post.title }}</h4>
    *   <ul>
    *     {% for comment in post.comments() %}
    *       {% include 'comment.twig' %}
    *     {% endfor %}
    *   </ul>
    *   <div class="comment-form">
    *     {{ function('comment_form') }}
    *   </div>
    * </div>
    * ```
    * **comment.twig**
    * ```twig
    * {# comment.twig #}
    * <li>
    *   <p class="comment-author">{{ }} says:</p>
    *   <div>{{ comment.content }}</div>
    * </li>
    * ```
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1136
    public content($page0, $len = -1): string Gets the actual content of a WP Post, as opposed to post_content this will run t...
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->content($page0, $len = -1)
    * Gets the actual content of a WP Post, as opposed to post_content this will run the hooks/filters attached to the_content. \This guy will return your posts content with WordPress filters run on it (like for shortcodes and wpautop).
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <div class="article">
    *     <h2>{{post.title}}</h2>
    *     <div class="content">{{ post.content }}</div>
    * </div>
    * ```
    * @param int $page
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1206
    public paged_content(): string
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->paged_content()
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1254
    public date($date_format = ''): string Get the date to use in your template!
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->date($date_format = '')
    * Get the date to use in your template!
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Published on {{ }} // Uses WP's formatting set in Admin
    * OR
    * Published on {{'F jS') }} // Jan 12th
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Published on January 12, 2015
    * OR
    * Published on Jan 12th
    * ```
    * @param string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1277
    public time($time_format = ''): string Get the time to use in your template
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->time($time_format = '')
    * Get the time to use in your template
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Published at {{ post.time }} // Uses WP's formatting set in Admin
    * OR
    * Published at {{ post.time | time('G:i') }} // 13:25
    * ```
    * ```html
    * Published at 1:25 pm
    * OR
    * Published at 13:25
    * ```
    * @param string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1301
    public type(): PostType Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->type()
    * Returns the post_type object with labels and other info
    * @since 1.0.4
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * This post is from <span>{{ }}</span>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * This post is from <span>Recipes</span>
    * ```
    * @return PostType
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1323
    public edit_link(): bool|string the edit URL of a post in the WordPress admin Returns the edit URL of a post if the user has access to it
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->edit_link()
    * Returns the edit URL of a post if the user has access to it
    * @return bool|string the edit URL of a post in the WordPress admin
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1337
    public format(): mixed
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->format()
    * @api
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1347
    public password_required(): boolean whether post requires password and correct password has been provided
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->password_required()
    * whether post requires password and correct password has been provided
    * @api
    * @return boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1356
    public link(): string ex: get the permalink for a post object
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->link()
    * get the permalink for a post object
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <a href="{{}}">Read my post</a>
    * ```
    * @return string ex:
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1369
    public meta($field_name = null): mixed
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->meta($field_name = null)
    * @param string $field_name
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1381
    public name(): string
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->name()
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1392
    public modified_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->modified_date($date_format = '')
    * @param string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1400
    public modified_time($time_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->modified_time($time_format = '')
    * @param string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1410
    public next($in_same_term = false): mixed
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->next($in_same_term = false)
    * @api
    * @param bool $in_same_term
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1419
    public pagination(): array Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a pa...
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->pagination()
    * Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a paginated post
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1445
    public convert($data) Finds any WP_Post objects and converts them to Timber\Posts
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->convert($data)
    * Finds any WP_Post objects and converts them to Timber\Posts
    * @param array|WP_Post $data
    * @param string $class
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1478
    public parent(): bool|Timber\Post Gets the parent (if one exists) from a post as a Timber\Post object (or whatever...
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->parent()
    * Gets the parent (if one exists) from a post as a Timber\Post object (or whatever is set in Timber\Post::$PostClass)
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * Parent page: <a href="{{ }}">{{ post.parent.title }}</a>
    * ```
    * @return bool|Timber\Post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1504
    public path(): string Gets the relative path of a WP Post, so while link() will return http://example....
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->path()
    * Gets the relative path of a WP Post, so while link() will return
    * this will return just /2015/07/my-cool-post
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <a href="{{post.path}}">{{post.title}}</a>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1522
    public prev($in_same_term = false): mixed Get the previous post in a set
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->prev($in_same_term = false)
    * Get the previous post in a set
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h4>Prior Entry:</h4>
    * <h3>{{post.prev.title}}</h3>
    * <p>{{post.prev.get_preview(25)}}</p>
    * ```
    * @param bool $in_same_term
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1539
    public tags(): array Gets the tags on a post, uses WP's post_tag taxonomy
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->tags()
    * Gets the tags on a post, uses WP's post_tag taxonomy
    * @api
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1562
    public thumbnail(): Image|null of your thumbnail get the featured image as a Timber/Image
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->thumbnail()
    * get the featured image as a Timber/Image
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <img src="{{ post.thumbnail.src }}" />
    * ```
    * @return Image|null of your thumbnail
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1575
    public title(): string Returns the processed title to be used in templates. This returns the title of t...
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->title()
    * Returns the processed title to be used in templates. This returns the title of the post after WP's filters have run. This is analogous to `the_title()` in standard WP template tags.
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{ post.title }}</h1>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1593
    public gallery($html = true): html Returns the gallery
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->gallery($html = true)
    * Returns the gallery
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1609
    public audio(): html Returns the audio
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->audio()
    * Returns the audio
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1628
    public video(): html Returns the video
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->video()
    * Returns the video
    * @api
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {{ }}
    * ```
    * @return html
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1651
    public get_categories(): array of Timber\Terms Get the categories for a post
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->get_categories()
    * Get the categories for a post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::categories
    * @return array of Timber\Terms
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1682
    public get_category(): mixed
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->get_category()
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::category
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1693
    public get_image($field): Timber\Image
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->get_image($field)
    * @param string $field
    * @return Timber\Image
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1704
    public get_tags(): array Gets an array of tags for you to use
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->get_tags()
    * Gets an array of tags for you to use
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <ul class="tags">
    *     {% for tag in post.tags %}
    *         <li>{{}}</li>
    *     {% endfor %}
    * </ul>
    * ```
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1723
    public get_title(): string Outputs the title with filters applied
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->get_title()
    * Outputs the title with filters applied
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <h1>{{post.get_title}}</h1>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <h1>Hello World!</h1>
    * ```
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1741
    public get_content($len = -1, $page0): string Displays the content of the post with filters, shortcodes and wpautop applied
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->get_content($len = -1, $page0)
    * Displays the content of the post with filters, shortcodes and wpautop applied
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * <div class="article-text">{{post.get_content}}</div>
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <div class="article-text"><p>Blah blah blah</p><p>More blah blah blah.</p></div>
    * ```
    * @param int $len
    * @param int $page
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1758
    public get_format(): mixed
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->get_format()
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @return mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1770
    public get_terms($tax = '', $merge = true, $TermClass = ''): array Get the terms associated with the post This goes across all taxonomies by defaul...
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->get_terms($tax = '', $merge = true, $TermClass = '')
    * Get the terms associated with the post
    * This goes across all taxonomies by default
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param string|array $tax What taxonom(y|ies) to pull from. Defaults to all registered taxonomies for the post type. You can use custom ones, or built-in WordPress taxonomies (category, tag). Timber plays nice and figures out that tag/tags/post_tag are all the same (and categories/category), for custom taxonomies you're on your own.
    * @param bool $merge Should the resulting array be one big one (true)? Or should it be an array of sub-arrays for each taxonomy (false)?
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1784
    public permalink(): string
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->permalink()
    * @deprecated 0.20.0 use link() instead
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1793
    public get_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->get_date($date_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::date
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param  string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1806
    public get_modified_date($date_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->get_modified_date($date_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::modified_date
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param  string $date_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1818
    public get_modified_time($time_format = ''): string
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->get_modified_time($time_format = '')
    * @internal
    * @param  string $time_format
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1827
    public get_children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false): array
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->get_children($post_type = 'any', $childPostClass = false)
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::children
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param string 		$post_type
    * @param bool|string 	$childPostClass
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1842
    public get_path(): string Get the permalink for a post, but as a relative path For example, where {{post.l...
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->get_path()
    * Get the permalink for a post, but as a relative path
    * For example, where {{}} would return ""
    * this will return the relative version: "/2015/07/04/my-cool-post"
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1855
    public get_prev($in_same_term = false): TimberPost|boolean Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->get_prev($in_same_term = false)
    * Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return TimberPost|boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1866
    public get_parent(): bool|TimberPost Get the parent post of the post
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->get_parent()
    * Get the parent post of the post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return bool|TimberPost
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1877
    public get_author(): User|null Gets a User object from the author of the post
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->get_author()
    * Gets a User object from the author of the post
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @see Timber\Post::author
    * @return User|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1889
    public get_modified_author(): User|null
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->get_modified_author()
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return User|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1899
    public get_thumbnail(): Image|null
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->get_thumbnail()
    * @internal
    * @see TimberPost::thumbnail
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return Image|null
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1910
    public get_permalink(): string
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->get_permalink()
    * @internal
    * @see TimberPost::link
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1921
    public get_link(): string get the permalink for a post object In your templates you should use link: <a hr...
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->get_link()
    * get the permalink for a post object
    * In your templates you should use link:
    * <a href="{{}}">Read my post</a>
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1934
    public get_next($taxonomy = false): TimberPost|boolean Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->get_next($taxonomy = false)
    * Get the next post in WordPress's ordering
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @param bool $taxonomy
    * @return TimberPost|boolean
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1946
    public get_pagination(): array Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a pa...
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->get_pagination()
    * Get a data array of pagination so you can navigate to the previous/next for a paginated post
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::pagination();
    * @deprecated since 1.0
    * @codeCoverageIgnore
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1958
    public get_comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment'): array|mixed Get the comments for a post
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->get_comments($count = null, $order = 'wp', $type = 'comment', $status = 'approve', $CommentClass = 'Timber\\Comment')
    * Get the comments for a post
    * @internal
    * @see Timber\Post::comments
    * @param int $count
    * @param string $order
    * @param string $type
    * @param string $status
    * @param string $CommentClass
    * @return array|mixed
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1974
    public __isset($field): boolean
    * @return boolean
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:15
    public import($info, $force = false) Takes an array or object and adds the properties to the parent object
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->import($info, $force = false)
    * Takes an array or object and adds the properties to the parent object
    * @example
    * ```php
    * $data = array('airplane' => '757-200', 'flight' => '5316');
    * $post = new Timber\Post()
    * $post->import(data);
    * echo $post->airplane; //757-200
    * ```
    * @param array|object $info an object or array you want to grab data from to attach to the Timber object
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:59
    public can_edit(): bool Can you edit this post/term/user? Well good for you. You're no better than me.
    $context['regions']['North &amp; South America'][0]->can_edit()
    * Can you edit this post/term/user? Well good for you. You're no better than me.
    * @example
    * ```twig
    * {% if post.can_edit %}
    * <a href="{{ post.edit_link }}">Edit</a>
    * {% endif %}
    * ```
    * ```html
    * <a href="">Edit</a>
    * ```
    * @return bool
    Inherited from Timber\Core
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Core.php:100
    protected determine_id($pid): int|null the numberic id we should be using for this post object, null when there's no ID (ex: 404 page) tries to figure out what post you want to get if not explictly defined (or if it...
    * tries to figure out what post you want to get if not explictly defined (or if it is, allows it to be passed through)
    * @internal
    * @param mixed a value to test against
    * @return int|null the numberic id we should be using for this post object, null when there's no ID (ex: 404 page)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:230
    protected get_post_preview_object()
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:273
    protected get_post_preview_id($query)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:281
    protected init($pid = false) Initializes a Post
    * Initializes a Post
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:317
    protected prepare_post_info($pid0): WP_Post on success takes a mix of integer (post ID), string (post slug), or object to return a Word...
    * takes a mix of integer (post ID), string (post slug),
    * or object to return a WordPress post object from WP's built-in get_post() function
    * @internal
    * @param integer $pid
    * @return WP_Post on success
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:360
    protected check_post_id($pid): integer ID number of a post helps you find the post id regardless of whether you send a string or whatever
    * helps you find the post id regardless of whether you send a string or whatever
    * @param integer $pid ;
    * @internal
    * @return integer ID number of a post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:379
    protected get_post_custom($pid): array Used internally to fetch the metadata fields (wp_postmeta table) and attach them...
    * Used internally to fetch the metadata fields (wp_postmeta table)
    * and attach them to our TimberPost object
    * @internal
    * @param int $pid
    * @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:533
    protected get_info($pid): null|object|WP_Post Used internally by init, etc. to build TimberPost object
    * Used internally by init, etc. to build TimberPost object
    * @internal
    * @param  int $pid
    * @return null|object|WP_Post
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:606
    protected maybe_show_password_form(): string|void If the Password form is to be shown, show it!
    * If the Password form is to be shown, show it!
    * @return string|void
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1170
    protected get_revised_data_from_method($method, $args = false)
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1183
    protected content_handle_no_teaser_block($content): string Handles for an circumstance with the Block editor where a "more" block has an op...
    * Handles for an circumstance with the Block editor where a "more" block has an option to
    * "Hide the excerpt on the full content page" which hides everything prior to the inserted
    * "more" block
    * @ticket #2218
    * @param string $content
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:1243
    public static get_post_id_by_name($post_name): int get_post_id_by_name($post_name)
    * get_post_id_by_name($post_name)
    * @internal
    * @deprecated since 1.5.0
    * @param string $post_name
    * @return int
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:402
    protected static is_previewing(): bool Determine whether or not an admin/editor is looking at the post in "preview mode...
    * Determine whether or not an admin/editor is looking at the post in "preview mode" via the
    * WordPress admin
    * @internal
    * @return bool
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:217
    protected static get_wp_link_page($i): string
    * @param int $i
    * @return string
    Defined in <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/timber-library/lib/Post.php:591
  • public static $representation :: string (4) "post"
Called from <ROOT>/wp-content/themes/enfold-child/shortcodes/partnergrid.php:157 [d()]
  1. <ROOT>/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/php/class-shortcode-template.php:1329 [pixel_sc_partnergrid->shortcode_handler()]
  2. <ROOT>/wp-includes/shortcodes.php:434 [aviaShortcodeTemplate->shortcode_handler_prepare()]
  3. <ROOT>/wp-includes/shortcodes.php:273 [preg_replace_callback()]
  4. <ROOT>/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/php/class-shortcode-helper.php:559 [do_shortcode()]
  5. <ROOT>/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/section/section.php:1562 [ShortcodeHelper::avia_remove_autop()]
  6. <ROOT>/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/php/class-shortcode-template.php:1329 [avia_sc_section->shortcode_handler()]
  7. <ROOT>/wp-includes/shortcodes.php:434 [aviaShortcodeTemplate->shortcode_handler_prepare()]
  8. <ROOT>/wp-includes/shortcodes.php:273 [preg_replace_callback()]
  9. <ROOT>/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php:324 [do_shortcode()]
  10. <ROOT>/wp-includes/plugin.php:205 [WP_Hook->apply_filters()]
  11. <ROOT>/wp-content/themes/enfold-child/template-builder.php:112 [apply_filters()]
  12. <ROOT>/wp-includes/template-loader.php:106
  13. <ROOT>/wp-blog-header.php:19
  14. <ROOT>/index.php:17
turquoise butterfly on daisies

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