two dolphins in blue water

SYMplus™ CNC-Software.

Intuitive and smart -

Postprocessors in SYMplus™–
for optimal solutions

Individual adjustments according to your wishes

For your respective machine control system

The executable and reliable postprocessors of SYMplus™ automatically generate a tailor-made program for a specific control system from your graphically created work plan (CAD/CAM). The postprocessor thus “translates” a control-neutral format into the format of SIEMENS, FANUC, HEIDENHAIN, HAAS etc.

SYMplus™- Postprocessors – CNC programs tailored to your needs

The CNC programs developed by the SYMplus™ postprocessors are individually and precisely tailored to your requirements and wishes.
For each system or requirement the suitable solution is available – even for very special controls or machines.

SYMplus™ Turning

SYMplus™ Turning supports a large number of controls as standard and is also well equipped for special controls or machines. A detailed overview of all supported controls is enclosed.

symplus turning

SYMplus™ Milling

SYMplus™ Milling supports a large number of control systems as standard and is also well equipped for special applications and machines. A detailed overview of all supported controllers can be found enclosed.

milling machine

Tailor-made SYMplus™-Postprocessors –
for more efficiency

Powerful and intelligent

Since the introduction of plusCARE™, a post-processor “complete package” has always been included in the scope of delivery of the software. Postprocessors from SYMplus™ CNC software is usually available as a package for a whole range of controllers from one manufacturer. The “DECKEL postprocessors” include, for example, those for the controllers Contour 2, Dialog 3, Dialog 4, Dialog 11. In addition, postprocessors for any other DIN-based controller are available on request.

For a calculation, please send us extracts from the manual and/or sample programs. We can also offer milling postprocessors on request, with which programs for driven tools on the lathe can be generated (face and lateral surface). You do not know the difference between postprocessor and simulator? No problem! Here is a detailed explanation of this topic.

New here? Then become a part of the KELLER family now.


Our experts are at your disposal. We look forward to your inquiry!

Jürgen Mues

    Details about your company / school
    Details for your personal offer
    How many users should work simultaneously with SYMplus™?
    For which technologies do you need SYMplus™?
    Which modules of SYMplus™ interest you?
    SYMplus Turning
    SYMplus Milling