1000 followers on YouTube – Milestone unlocked
Dear KELLER.Software Friends, we are thrilled beyond words! Thanks to all of you, we have reached the magical milestone of 1,000 followers on YouTube! We are overwhelmed by your support and want to express our heartfelt gratitude to each and everyone of you.
As we celebrate this achievement, we had like to point out an observation from our analysis. Unfortunately, 99% of the people watching our videos have not subscribed to our channel yet. Subscribing to our channel on YouTube will help to increase our reach and a wider reach allows us to come across more people which is beneficial to all.
- Click on the following link to subscribe to us now if you haven’t already (a subscription is free!): www.youtube.com/c/CNCKELLERGmbH?sub_confirmation=1
Here is to the next 1,000 Followers!
-Your KELLER.Software-Team
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