Entries by Vera Mues

Basics of graphical programming (CAD/CAM) with SYMplus™ (KELLLER.Academy)

The KELLER.Academy was back in full swing! In this course, “Basics of graphical programming (CAD/CAM) with SYMplus™” was on the agenda. Many thanks to all participants for a great time! We look forward to welcoming you back to Wuppertal soon. Congratulations to Mr. Mönninghoff and Mr. Callar from BZI Remscheid, Mr. Schäfer from Becker Dreh- […]

New video on YouTube: Complete CNC turning: drilling, roughing, thread cutting

Take a look: https://youtu.be/8fthYa9h1T4 Using the 3D simulation of our SYMplus™ CNC software, we will show you how task 14 from Christiani’s “Collection of tasks in CNC turning technology according to PAL2020” could look like in reality. This task includes: Facing G1 Drilling according to PAL with cycle G84 Roughing and internal roughing with cycle […]

digita Prize at the didacta (Throwback 2002)

In year 2002, KELLER received the “Digita Prize” for the products, “ShopMill Multimedia” and “ShopTurn Multimedia” which were developed in cooperation with SIEMENS. This Educational Technology Award is presented annually at the didacta (education trade fair) exhibition and honors outstanding digital teaching and training services in German-speaking countries. In the photo (from left to right): […]

SYMplus™ Update 66

Good News for all SYMplus™ users! Update 66 of our SYMplus™ CNC software is now available for you to install. With a variety of improvements and optimised functions, we want to ensure that you can work with the software more smoothly than ever before. Find out more about the new features here: symplus-support/new-features-optimizations/ And for […]

SYMplus™ Software Update 66

Update 66 is now available! We’re thrilled to announce that Update 66 for SYMplus™ is now available for installation for all customers with plusCARE™! What is plusCARE™? With plusCARE™, you gain access to the latest enhancements and features designed to elevate your experience. Additionally, you also receive priority support from our experienced support team with […]

New video on YouTube: Steep Cone Tool Holder with integrated Pull Stud (CNC Turning)

Take a look: https://youtu.be/ao6tjuqGYbM Using the 3D simulation of our SYMplus™ CNC software, we will show you how task 12 from Christiani’s “Collection of tasks in CNC turning technology according to PAL2020” could look like in reality. This task includes: Radial Grooving Cycle G86 Circumferential Groove   Interested to see it? Click on this link […]

KELLER at the NORTEC Tradefair (Throwback 2008)

In the year 2008, KELLER was present at the NORTEC Tradefair for production in Hamburg, North Germany along with HAAS and presented latest innovations and solutions to trade fair visitors. The photo shows our head of sales, Mr. Reckermann talking to a HAAS employee near one of the CNC machines. Discover more about our history […]

Newsletter June 2024

Milling: There were no major surprises in the milling exam. Of course, it was necessary to master the functions for switching the radius correction on and off and to apply the commands for soft approach and departure that have been changed since 2020.   You can view the Milling test task as a 3D simulation […]

Long weekend (Corpus Christi 2024)

Thanks to the Corpus Christi holiday in NRW (as well as all federal states in southern and western Germany), we in the KELLER.Software team are treating ourselves to another long weekend. Summer officially begins next month, and we want to make sure we’re here for you with recharged batteries when you need us. To all […]

New video: Final Exam Part 2 for Machinists, Summer 2024 (Milling)

Simulation of the IHK Final Exam (Exam conducted by Chamber of Industry & Commerce, Germany) Part 2 for Machinists, Summer 2024, CNC Milling is now available on YouTube: Watch the video: https://youtu.be/qdoeAGjywiE The milling exam task had no major surprises: Switching on and off functions of the radius correction and the commands for soft approach […]