Entries by Vera Mues

German and Chinese Foreign Ministers visited KELLER (Throwback 1986)

In the early days of R. & S. KELLER GmbH (now KELLER.Software), nearly 40 years ago (1986), the German and Chinese Foreign Ministers visited our company in Wuppertal. The focus: the future of CNC! In the photo: The man with the red tie is Mr. Keller, our founder. To his left stands the then German […]

Student License “DIN” or “PAL”?

Student License “DIN” or “PAL”? A question we hear from time to time. This graphic might help you make the right choice! To acquire SYMplus license: https://cnc-keller.com/buy-symplus/ What is the latest version of SYMplus? https://cnc-keller.com/symplus-support/new-features-optimizations/ What is plusCARE? https://cnc-keller.com/symplus-support/pluscare/

Training Course in India, TECHNICplus (Throwback 2002)

In 2002, KELLER launched the ‘TECHNICplus’ mathematics software for basic vocational training. This learning software covered everything from advanced calculations and CNC mathematics to the basics of NC programming (and is still available from us today!). ‘TECHNICplus’, although primarily developed for the German training market, has also gained international recognition, as you can see from […]

Kick-start your CNC career with the “DIN” student license from SYMplus

Would you like to learn the CNC basics and prepare yourself for a career as a machinist? Then the “DIN” student license of our CNC training software “SYMplus” is just made for you: The “DIN” student license from SYMplus lays the foundation for your successful career as a machinist. It expands your knowledge and prepares […]

Olympia, Paris 2024

Happy Olympics to our neighbouring country France! Did you know that the famous Olympic flag first flew in Antwerp (Belgium) in 1920? Pierre de Coubertin, an important initiator of the modern Olympic Games and the inventor of the flag, once said of its significance: “The flag is white, with five intertwined rings in blue, yellow, […]

KELLER and HAAS on European Tour (Throwback 2005)

“I have seen the future – the best for our shared future,” wrote Mr. Peter Hall from HAAS in our guestbook on December 1, 2004. These words marked the beginning of a wonderful partnership and a joint “European Tour” from 2005 to 2006. During this period, KELLER and HAAS travelled to Hungary, Poland, Turkey, and […]

KELLER workbooks for CNC milling and CNC turning

Let’s say you are convinced that our SYMplus™ CNC software can effectively train your trainees. But what happens next? Start the software and simply put the trainees in front of the PCs? That’s one option, but we have a better suggestion: The KELLER Workbooks! The KELLER Workbooks are the ideal supplement for an independent CNC […]

Basics of programming CNC machine tools (Throwback 1982)

It all began in 1982 with this “notebook” titled “Basics of programming CNC machine tools”. Our company founder, Mr. Keller, prepared it during his time as a vocational school teacher in the field of metal technology. But the major publishers refused to publish it – “CNC is not in the curriculum”, they said. However, Keller […]