Into the Space with KELLER.Software – Training with Airbus Defense and Space GmbH

“Thank you for the excellent training and outstanding support”

is what the guestbook entry reads after an individual training in our KELLER.Academy.

Mr. Kutsch from Airbus Defense and Space GmbH in Taufkirchen (Bavaria) visited our Academy in Wuppertal for a 2-day CAD/CAM training course (milling).

The company uses CATIA as its design tool, and Mr. Kutsch brought DXF data of practical parts with him for his KELLER.Academy course, which will ultimately be sent into space with satellites, although not by him – his workshop colleague and he “only” mill the models etc.. They work with a DECKEL FP2 with Dialog4 control. By the way, the production of the “real” parts – i.e. those that are sent into space – is carried out exclusively by certified companies.

Click on the following link to learn more about the courses offered at the KELLER.Academy:

Do you have any questions?

Our experts are at your disposal. We look forward to your inquiry!

Klaus Reckermann


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