Newsletter June 2024

Bye-bye exam stress, Hello summer!

The exams are finally over and the summer vacation is just around the corner. But before you go fully into vacation mode, let’s take a look back at the exams – especially at the tasks given. What content was covered? What tricky challenges had to be mastered this year?


There were no major surprises in the milling exam. Of course, it was necessary to master the functions for switching the radius correction on and off and to apply the commands for soft approach and departure that have been changed since 2020.

In addition, contour points had to be read from the drawing and starting point coordinates had to be subtracted from the centre point coordinates, which were always dimensioned absolutely, to calculate I and J.

Two fitting dimensions had to be determined, a rotational speed had to be calculated and some gaps in the cycle for thread milling (G88) and tapping (G84) had to be filled – similar to the previous winter exam.


You can view the Milling test task as a 3D simulation here:


In the Turning examination task this time, all machining operations had to be carried out with driven tools on chordal surfaces (G19 IP5). In particular, gaps in the cycle calls (G7x) had to be filled, where the candidates needed to understand the axes in the G19 plane (YZ).

In contrast to milling, however, it was not necessary to program entire contour trains. Instead, they were required to determine individual coordinates for the “center tolerance” and ISO fits. There were further gaps for recesses, an internal recess and jump addresses in program part repetitions.


You can view the Turning test task as a 3D simulation here:

When will the next Software-Update be released?

We know that many schools use the summer vacation to update their IT infrastructure, so we’re working hard behind the scenes to get the latest SYMplus update ready for you to download before the summer vacation! As soon as it is available, you will be informed via this newsletter, our social media channels (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram) or on our website.

As soon as the update has been released, you can read about all the new features here:


Wish you a relaxing Summer.

  – Your KELLER.Software Team

Next Appointments in the KELLER.Academy:

Basics of graphical programming (CAD/CAM) with SYMplus™

  • 25.-26. July 2024
  • 05.-06. September 2024

Basic DIN/PAL programming with SYMplus™

  • 08.-09. August 2024
  • 19.-20. September 2024

Driven tools, level swivel and reform PAL2020

  • 11.-12. July 2024
  • 22.-23. August 2024

Further Information >

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Do you have any questions?

Our experts are at your disposal. We look forward to your inquiry!

Klaus Reckermann


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