SYMplus™ Update 63

SYMplus™ Update 63 is now available to all customers with plusCARE™ and includes new features as well as great improvements.

  • Scale the font size in the editor of the simulators to 200% by default (e.g. for the beamer image of the teacher’s computer)
  • When creating PAL gap-filling tasks, store individual instructions for each gap in the text
  • Receive the new simulators for the SINUMERIK 808D control system
  • The exchange of revolver stations and individual allowance presettings for roughing, facing and grooving in turning operation was never so easy

In addition, many detailed improvements in the simulators for PAL2020, SIEMENS 810D/840D and HEIDENHAIN allow for more effective work. The use of mobile licenses and the sources for the creation of individual macro work steps (by customer order) have also been improved. Other sample programs have been revised according to PAL2020 (for new installation as part of the user data).

More details about the update >

Do you have any questions?

Our experts are at your disposal. We look forward to your inquiry!

Jürgen Wollny


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