SYMplus™ Update 64
With plusCARE™, there’s even more inside your SYMplus™ CNC software than there are gifts under the Christmas tree: Update 64 of SYMplus™ is now available.
The KELLER.Software team has already begun working on their good year resolutions and has put together a package full of innovations for you with Update 64:
- Bugfix regarding the selection of the machining strategy for roughing
- The HEIDENHAIN iTNC530 simulator supports the programming of a straight line defined by angle and one end point coordinate
- The SINUMERIK 810D/840D simulator supports the programming of circular arcs with center point and opening angle
- Improved error handling in case of wrong plunge strategy in PAL pockets (rectangle, circle, groove)
- Crash in case of incorrectly programmed retraction plane in PAL contour pocket is prevented