Entries by Vera Mues

The 3 most popular YouTube videos from KELLER (German Edition)

1000 YouTube Followers! Above are the videos that our German speaking followers liked. Here is a brief explanation: 1. Simulation of IHK Exam (conducted in Germany) for Cutting Machine Operators (Winter 2014, Milling) This is the most popular video on our channel with 17,874 Views. 2. Old CNC Machine (Boehringer VDT DUC 560, Built in: […]

1000 followers on YouTube – Milestone unlocked

Dear KELLER.Software Friends, we are thrilled beyond words! Thanks to all of you, we have reached the magical milestone of 1,000 followers on YouTube! We are overwhelmed by your support and want to express our heartfelt gratitude to each and everyone of you. As we celebrate this achievement, we had like to point out an […]

Throwback 2001 – EMO exhibition with VW trainees

Let’s rewind to #ThrowbackThursday in 2001 when VW trainees showcased their CNC prowess at the KELLER booth during the “EMO” exhibition. Live on stage, the three apprentices engineered workpieces from scratch – all, of course, with the assistance of our CNC software SYMplus™. The special aspect: The audience constructed the workpiece by shouting, nothing had […]

Throwback 1985 – Apple II with old KELLER software

The Apple II, built in 1977, was Apple’s first “Personal Computers”. With its Design and Color display, it set new standards. Powered by MOS Technology 6502 Processor and supported by 5.25-inch floppy disk drives, the Apple II was a Pioneer in terms of Expandability and Versatility. Another Pioneer was our first software developed in 1985, […]

Happy New Year 2024

Happy New Year and welcome to 2024!  The first working day has begun and the KELLER.Software team is ready for new challenges and successes! Have you had a good start to the new year?

Merry Christmas from the KELLER.Software team

The tree is milled, now all that’s missing is the decoration! Here is the “WS1” file for reprogramming: https://download.cnc-keller.de/KELLER_SYMplus_Weihnachtsbaum_WS1.zip Simply save the file for example in the directory USER.WS1 (“Own workpieces”) of SYMplus Milling. What should not be missing on your Christmas tree? A special Christmas bauble? Or the classic Christmas tree topper? Tell us […]

Christmas break – 23.12.2023 – 01.01.2024

Today is the last working day of the year for the KELLER.Software team! From December 23, 2023 to January 1, 2024, we are taking a well-deserved winter break. During this time, our office will be closed so that our team can recharge their batteries for the coming year. However, from January 2, 2024, we will […]

Throwback 2019 – Christmas Party

#ThrowbackThursday! 4 years ago, the sun was shining over our cozy Christmas party in the KELLER Lounge – mulled wine, bratwurst and lots of laughter! This year with us in Wuppertal: Fog and rain, but it can’t spoil the anticipation of Christmas. Discover more about our history on our website: https://cnc-keller.de/history/