Entries by Vera Mues

Practical Tip: Clever Cutting and Reclamping – In Video format

Cut a turned part to be machined on both sides from the bar and at the same time programme the second machining side. If the length of the blank is defined to such an extent that at the end, there is enough material to “cut” out of the protective zone for the chuck or the […]

KELLER.Academy Training

Congratulations to the trainees of “Hager Electro GmbH und Co. KG” on the successful completion of their 2-day KELLER.Academy course “Exam Preparation PAL”.  KELLER.Software team is keeping our fingers crossed for a successful exam. Click on the following link to learn more about the courses offered at the KELLER.Academy: https://cnc-keller.de/keller-academy/ 

SYMplus™ Update 62

SYMplus™ Update 62 is now available to all customers with plusCARE™ and includes new features as well as great improvements. Would you like to know what is new in this update?  You can find out via this link: https://cnc-keller.com/symplus-support/new-features-optimizations/  Don’t have plusCARE™ yet? Visit the link below to find out all the information and advantages […]

Newsletter March 2022

Innovations and the future of learning. We have good news: The next SYMplus™ update will be available in the next few weeks for all customers with a plusCARE™ contract. You can expect improvements to PAL2020, optimisations to the software performance and much more in Update 62 of your SYMplus™ CNC software. As soon as it […]

PRACTICAL TIP – From PAL Programming to chips

The phrase “From PAL programming to chips” refers to the fact that with SYMplus™ you can not only learn the theory, but you can also build a bridge to practical application. Please note that whether you have a new machine with SIEMENS, HEIDENHAIN or HAAS or one from the 80s with a Dialog 4, EPL […]

Bett UK 2022 Education Exhibition

What is Bett UK? Bett is the global community for education technology. Bett UK (British Educational Training and Technology Show) is an educational exhibition organized by Hyve Group to market information technology in education. Across the year, Bett hosts webinars, CPD(Continuing Professional Development) sessions and publishes articles from the leaders in education in their Community […]

Training on Site at Steinmeyer company

Another interesting training in Albstadt. This time at the Steinmeyer company, which specializes in precision ball screws for machine tool manufacturing, medical technology, as well as specially designed ball screws for aerospace and heavy-duty applications. As you can see on the photo, the work plan CAM1 (the corresponding workpiece is covered in the workbook) was […]


The KELLER.Academy had visitors recently. The Hager Group’s graduating class of machine tool specialists successfully passed their courses and received their certificates. The only thing now missing is their graduation certificate, for which the entire KELLER team is keeping its fingers crossed. After a year’s break due to the pandemic, they were guests in Wuppertal […]

Customer review KNIPEX (Part 1)

Training more than 70 apprentices with different levels of knowledge is a big task. Hear from Mr.Herkert, the head of technical training at the firm Knipex as he explains how KELLER has helped him through this challenge for many years as well as in times of Homeschooling since 2020.