To all trainees we’re sending you the best wishes as you kick off your journey into the new training year!

To all trainees – whether you’re in your first, second, or third year – we’re sending you the best wishes as you kick off your journey into the new training year!

By the way, have you come across our SYMplus™ Student Version? It’s the one you can easily rent online for anywhere from 2 weeks up to 1 year! No subscriptions, just pay with PayPal or a similar method, and you’re ready to dive in!

The perfect learning software for all trainees, helping you dive into CNC basics as per DIN66025 and prepare effectively for the PAL exam:

  1. Interactive lessons with engaging images and videos
  2. PAL commands of CNC fundamentals
  3. Quiz mode to test under exam pressure
  4. A free CNC programming practice mode to fine-tune your skills

You can buy your license here:


Do you have any questions?

Our experts are at your disposal. We look forward to your inquiry!

Klaus Reckermann


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    Farewell trainee Jan Fiebich

    Today is a bittersweet day! We have to bid farewell to our trainee Jan Fiebich, who has enriched KELLER.Software for three years with his enthusiasm, kindness, and dedication.

    It’s hard to believe that his apprenticeship has come to an end – time has truly flown by. But here he stands, holding his certificate as a business management assistant, ready to embark on the next chapter of his career.

    Congratulations and best of luck in your future endeavors, Jan! Don’t be a stranger, keep in touch!

    – Your KELLER.Software Team

    Do you have any questions?

    Our experts are at your disposal. We look forward to your inquiry!

    Klaus Reckermann


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      Newsletter June 2023

      Unlocking New Horizons: Explore the PAL2020 Webinar Recording and IHK Exam Innovations

      If you have missed our webinars on the topic of “PAL2020: What’s changing in the cutting machine operator exam” or would like to review the content again at your leisure, then we have great news for you. As of now, the webinar recording is available to everyone free of charge!

      Please note: Webinar Recording is currently available only in German language.







      The Webinar covered the following topics:

      • Changes in past IHK exams
      • Innovations that are coming in the future and how they will be incorporated into the exam
      • How to transfer old programs to the changed coding
      • How your students can prepare for the fill in the blank tasks
      • “Debriefing” of the final exams for cutting machine operators in May

      How can you get the webinar recording?

      Type into your browser and register yourself on the page, and we will send you the link to the recording via email.

      Since the beginning of the year, we have hosted this webinar once or twice a month. With a total of 18 events, we received a great response. A participation rate of 80% is something we’re very pleased about.





      Your KELLER.Software team wishes you a relaxing vacation, sunny days and/or just a nice summer time!

        – Your KELLER.Software Team

      Much more from KELLER.Software …

      Next Appointments in the KELLER.Academy:

      Driven tools, level swivel and reform PAL2020

      • 13.-14. July 2023
      • 24.-25. August 2023

      Basics of graphical programming (CAD/CAM) with SYMplus™

      • 27.-28. July 2023
      • 07.-08. September 2023

      Basic DIN/PAL programming with SYMplus™

      • 10.-11. August 2023
      • 21.-22. September 2023

      Further Information >

      To subscribe to our monthly newsletter, please use the form below. Thank you.

      Do you have any questions?

      Our experts are at your disposal. We look forward to your inquiry!

      Klaus Reckermann


        This might also be of interest to you

        Do you have any questions?

        Our experts are at your disposal. We look forward to your inquiry!

        Klaus Reckermann


          This might also be of interest to you

          Newsletter March 2023

          PAL2020: How to rewrite old PAL programs.

          With the reform of the PAL norms in 2020, quite a few changes came our way. G17 is now G15, G86 and G88 remain, but many new or modified cycle addresses have been added, and so on and so forth.

          However, we found out through interesting exchanges with the participants in our new webinar series, “PAL2020: What’s Changing in Machinists’ Exams,” that the PAL2020 commands feel like deciphering hieroglyphics.

          But since we’re not all likely to be Indiana Jones, we’d like to give you a little overview of the changes in this newsletter – To decipher the hieroglyphics, so to speak.

          Here you can find a table with the comparison “PAL2008/PAL2012” and “PAL2020” (status spring 2023):

          To the comparison: “PAL2008/2012 ↔ PAL2020” >


          Well, now you can understand the hieroglyphs a bit better, but you still have a lot of programs that run with the old PAL standard, or more precisely, don’t run anymore. What about that?

          One trick that is so easy and old that you might not even think of it is the search-and-replace function in SYMplus™. You can use it to rewrite anything that can be replaced one-to-one, like G17 with G15. And this is how you proceed:



          Open the program, which you have programmed in an older PAL coding, in the mode “PAL2020”. You will then get the message, “The NC program is faulty!” This is exactly what we want to change, so just click it away with “F10”. In your editor, the last block that does not correspond to the coding according to PAL2020 will now be marked. Here in our example, the exercise program “LAGER3” from the workbook “Plane Swing”, is the line “N65 G17 CR180 AR90”.


          Press the “F1” key to select “Search/Replace” and enter “G17” in the “Search for” field and “G15” in the “Replace with” field:

          Then click “Replace All” to replace “G17” with “G15” throughout the document. Finally, apply this edit by pressing the “F10” key.


          Next, in our example, the line “N45 G48 G40 R10 Z0” is marked as incorrect, because after PAL2020 the commands for tangential approach and departure have also changed:

          Replace them according to the same principle: “G48 G40 R” becomes “G40 G46 RR”. And then “G41 G45 D” = “G41 G45 DL”.


          And already you have done quite a lot of work without having to trudge through the lines piece by piece.

          Everything else (like changing cycle addresses) is explained on our support page:


          Have a nice day and best regards.

            – Your KELLER.Software Team

          Much more from KELLER.Software …

          Reach your learning goal quickly and efficiently: it’s not easy to successfully pass the IHK final exam for machinist turning or machinist milling.

          To support you in this endeavor, we have developed SYMplus™, a special PAL software. Here, the focus is on practical exercises to achieve the greatest possible learning success.
          Learn more >


          Next Appointments in the KELLER.Academy:

          Basics of graphical programming (CAD/CAM) with SYMplus™

          • 13.-14. April 2023
          • 25.-26. June 2023

          Exam preparation PAL

          • 20.-21. April 2023

          Basic DIN/PAL programming with SYMplus™

          • 11.-12. May 2023
          • 29.-30. June 2023

          Driven tools, level swivel and reform PAL2020

          • 25.-26. May 2023

          Further Information >

          To subscribe to our monthly newsletter, please use the form below. Thank you.

          Do you have any questions?

          Our experts are at your disposal. We look forward to your inquiry!

          Klaus Reckermann


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            Intern and trainee from KELLER.Software visit BZI Remscheid

            Our trainee Edvin Catic and our intern Jan Fiebich visited the Berufsbildungszentrum der Industrie in Remscheid last week. There they were able to get an idea of real CNC machines and see the fantastic premises of the BZI. Many thanks to Mr. Callar (trainer and CNC expert from the BZI), who made this visit possible.

            Do you have any questions?

            Our experts are at your disposal. We look forward to your inquiry!

            Klaus Reckermann


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              Training with SYMplus™ for South Korean scholarship holders

              The SYMplus™ enabled South Korean scholarship holders to get to know the basics of CNC turning as well as milling.

              As part of the “Global Internship Program” project, the total of 8 young people from South Korea visited the electrical training centre in Mühlacker (Baden-Württemberg) for 6 weeks. They had already been able to gain initial CAD/CAM experience at school. However, DIN/PAL programming and some of the basic knowledge associated with it were new to them.

              “Before their training, they completed a crash course in German (also lasting 6 weeks) at Frankfurt am Main. An interpreter was present the whole time, who was committed to translating the many technical terms. After a short period of getting used to each other between trainer, trainees and translator, everything worked great,” reports the trainer Matthias Krämer. “Thanks to the help built into SYMplus™, the learners were able to acquire a lot of knowledge on their own.”

              Mr Krämer and the young people from South Korea had a great time, technically-didactically and also in cultural exchange.

              Do you have any questions?

              Our experts are at your disposal. We look forward to your inquiry!

              Klaus Reckermann


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                Training in the KELLER.Academy – Exam preparation PAL

                It is that time of the year: Every year, we welcome trainees from the Hager Group to the KELLER.Academy. The three trainees who attended this year have their final exam in December and were prepared for it in our 2-day PAL exam preparation course. The KELLER.Software team wishes you good luck with your examinations.

                Click on the following link to learn more about the courses offered at the KELLER.Academy:

                Do you have any questions?

                Our experts are at your disposal. We look forward to your inquiry!

                Klaus Reckermann


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                  KELLER Christmas Party 2024

                  Christmas Spirit in the Finnish Grillkota! This year, we took our KELLER Christmas party to a truly special location: the Finnish Grillkota (Fyrhouse) at the “Grillakademie” in Bochum. After a cozy…

                  KELLER.Software with the VR workshop at the BZI Remscheid

                  At this years Open Day 2022 at the BZI Remscheid, the VR workshop was diligently tested by students and trainees with a lot of fun. Even our CNC expert Mr. Reckermann got curious and dived into the virtual world (to be seen on picture 4, recognizable by the blue KELLER.Software shirt). Thank you for the two wonderful days around the topics of training, further education and future. We are already looking forward to next year!

                  Do you have any questions?

                  Our experts are at your disposal. We look forward to your inquiry!

                  Klaus Reckermann


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                    Newsletter December 2024

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                    KELLER.Software at the Metal Day 2022

                    Fostering young talents is the way to go! For the Metal Day at the David Röntgen School in Neuwied, Germany, both practical and theoretical workshops came together. It was a great pleasure for us to be able to hold two workshops there on CNC with SYMplus™. The enthusiasm of the students was absolutely fantastic. Thank you for organizing such a great event.

                    Do you have any questions?

                    Our experts are at your disposal. We look forward to your inquiry!

                    Klaus Reckermann


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