Into the Space with KELLER.Software – Training with Airbus Defense and Space GmbH
“Thank you for the excellent training and outstanding support”
is what the guestbook entry reads after an individual training in our KELLER.Academy.
Mr. Kutsch from Airbus Defense and Space GmbH in Taufkirchen (Bavaria) visited our Academy in Wuppertal for a 2-day CAD/CAM training course (milling).
The company uses CATIA as its design tool, and Mr. Kutsch brought DXF data of practical parts with him for his KELLER.Academy course, which will ultimately be sent into space with satellites, although not by him – his workshop colleague and he “only” mill the models etc.. They work with a DECKEL FP2 with Dialog4 control. By the way, the production of the “real” parts – i.e. those that are sent into space – is carried out exclusively by certified companies.
Click on the following link to learn more about the courses offered at the KELLER.Academy:
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Training KELLER.Academy – Course “Basics of DIN/PAL programming with SYMplus™”
Last week was once again: KELLER.Academy. We congratulate Mr. Breden and Mr. Fischer from BK Hattingen, Mr. Bruno from HELMUT FISCHER GmbH and Mr. Potjans from OTTO FUCHS Dülken GmbH & Co. KG on the successful completion of the course. It was a great pleasure for us to welcome you in Wuppertal.
Click on the following link to learn more about the courses offered at the KELLER.Academy:
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Training KELLER.Academy at company HG Medical
Last week we conducted a wonderful training course at HG Medical.
The company from Raisting (Bavaria) gave three apprentices (cutting machine operators) a crash course in PAL turning (with face, shell, and chord surface machining) and PAL milling (focus on plane swivel). Building on what they had already learned at school, it was a very effective two days of training, and the three of them are now “relaxed” about the final written exam. Of course, we are keeping our fingers crossed for them!
We at KELLER.Software are pleased about the excellent partnership with HG Medical, as well as with the vocational school and other companies in the Weilheim-Schongau region.
Click on the following link to learn more about the courses offered at the KELLER.Academy:
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Training in the KELLER.Academy with VR glasses – Basics of DIN/PAL programming with SYMplus™
For the first time in 2023 KELLER.Academy. One highlight was the VR workshop, which we were finally able to offer again this year, after it had been cancelled the previous years due to the pandemic. The course participants were thus able to get a taste of virtual workshop atmosphere again and experience the learning method of tomorrow for themselves. In the training room, the topic was “Basics of DIN/PAL programming with SYMplus™”.
Congratulations to all participants on successfully completing the course!
Click on the following link to learn more about the courses offered at the KELLER.Academy:
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Training with SYMplus™ for South Korean scholarship holders
The SYMplus™ enabled South Korean scholarship holders to get to know the basics of CNC turning as well as milling.
As part of the “Global Internship Program” project, the total of 8 young people from South Korea visited the electrical training centre in Mühlacker (Baden-Württemberg) for 6 weeks. They had already been able to gain initial CAD/CAM experience at school. However, DIN/PAL programming and some of the basic knowledge associated with it were new to them.
“Before their training, they completed a crash course in German (also lasting 6 weeks) at Frankfurt am Main. An interpreter was present the whole time, who was committed to translating the many technical terms. After a short period of getting used to each other between trainer, trainees and translator, everything worked great,” reports the trainer Matthias Krämer. “Thanks to the help built into SYMplus™, the learners were able to acquire a lot of knowledge on their own.”
Mr Krämer and the young people from South Korea had a great time, technically-didactically and also in cultural exchange.
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Training in the KELLER.Academy – Driven tools, level swivel and reform PAL2020
Full house at the KELLERAcademy this week. 4 different schools attended the KELLER.Academy course today on “Driven tools, level swivel and reform PAL2020”. The schools were Felix Böttcher GmbH & Co. KG from Cologne, the Willy-Brandt-Berufskolleg from Duisburg, the BK Berliner Platz from Arnsberg and the Hans-Viessmann-Schule from Frankenberg.
We congratulate all the participants on the successful completion of the course. It was nice meeting you all and we look forward to meeting you again.
Click on the following link to learn more about the courses offered at the KELLER.Academy:
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Newsletter December 2022
6 steps to an organised Postprocessor list.
SYMplus™ provides a list of around 50 Postprocessors. In reality, you will hardly ever need all of them. Mostly you work with one or a few. So selecting the right postprocessor can prove to be a nuisance with such a large list. Here is a tip that can help you organise those Postprocessors efficiently: Create a second folder for postprocessor parameter sets, and copy the postprocessors you currently need into this folder. That’s it.
Here it goes:
Step 1: Open the “Work plan” operating mode (alternatively also “PAL simulator” or “Simulator”).
Step 2: Select “F1 File” > “F5 Management” > “F4 Postprocessor Parameter”.
Step 3: Mark the file(s) relevant to you and …
Click here to read the full version of the Practical Tip >
SYMplus™ Update 63 is now available to all customers with plusCARE™ and includes new features as well as great improvements.
Scale the font size in the editor of the simulators to 200% by default (e.g. for the beamer image of the teacher’s computer)
When creating PAL gap-filling tasks, store individual instructions for each gap in the text
Receive the new simulators for the SINUMERIK 808D control system
The exchange of revolver stations and individual allowance presettings for roughing, facing and grooving in turning operation was never so easy
In addition, many detailed improvements in the simulators for PAL2020, SIEMENS 810D/840D and HEIDENHAIN allow for more effective work. The use of mobile licenses and the sources for the creation of individual macro work steps (by customer order) have also been improved. Other sample programs have been revised according to PAL2020 (for new installation as part of the user data).
More information about Update >
Lastly, we want to pause and look back at the past year.
It was great to see that many events and meetings took place this year. It started with the BETT UK education fair in London in March and ended with the BZI Remscheid open day last month.
The fact that face-to-face meetings were more feasible again than in the past two years was also evident at the KELLER.Academy: close to 40 guests came to the Academy courses this year (in comparison: there were less than twenty in 2021). In addition, the KELLER.Academy celebrated its fifth anniversary and held (virtual) training courses in Pakistan and Mexico, both of which are far away. In September, we published the new “SYMplus™ license via the Internet”, with which you now only need one KELLER ID to let several users work with SYMplus™. And in October, a new edition of the workbooks was also published.
Look out for more new improvements next year!
Missed new developments? Check out our website at KELLER.News for all the important information including newsletters, announcements and more.
The KELLER.Software team wishes you a pleasant Advent season and relaxing holidays.
– Your KELLER.Software Team
Much more from KELLER.Software …
Next Appointments:
12. – 13. January 2023: Basic graphic programming (CAD/CAM) with SYMplus™
26. – 27. January 2023: Basic DIN/PAL programming with SYMplus™
New on YouTube: With the PAL2020 reform, some commands in the PAL encoding have been changed. As a result, programs written according to PAL2008 or PAL 2012 no longer run and lead to error messages. With this practical tip, you can easily rewrite your programs.
Watch now on YouTube >
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Training in the KELLER.Academy – Basic DIN/PAL programming with SYMplus™
Last week the KELLERAcademy course was on the topic of “Basics of DIN/PAL Programming with SYMplus™”. The KELLERSoftware team congratulates Mr. Haasz from KLINGER Fluid Control GmbH and Mr. Dietz from bfw des DGB GmbH – Berufsbildungsstätte Wettenberg on the successful completion of the 2-day Academy course.
Click on the following link to learn more about the courses offered at the KELLER.Academy:
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Our experts are at your disposal. We look forward to your inquiry!

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Training in the KELLER.Academy – Exam preparation PAL
It is that time of the year: Every year, we welcome trainees from the Hager Group to the KELLER.Academy. The three trainees who attended this year have their final exam in December and were prepared for it in our 2-day PAL exam preparation course. The KELLER.Software team wishes you good luck with your examinations.
Click on the following link to learn more about the courses offered at the KELLER.Academy:
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Our experts are at your disposal. We look forward to your inquiry!

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KELLER.Software with the VR workshop at the BZI Remscheid
At this years Open Day 2022 at the BZI Remscheid, the VR workshop was diligently tested by students and trainees with a lot of fun. Even our CNC expert Mr. Reckermann got curious and dived into the virtual world (to be seen on picture 4, recognizable by the blue KELLER.Software shirt). Thank you for the two wonderful days around the topics of training, further education and future. We are already looking forward to next year!
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