Newsletter January 2022

Into the new year with good news.

KELLER.Software wishes you a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2022.

We at KELLER.Software, are also back from a week of company holidays, refreshed, relaxed and energized. We usually like to start our new year with good news. 2022 is also not different. The good news this year is that the free PAL student licenses that we offered to support students during the pandemic, to help them train from home, has been extended till 30.06.2022. Please note that you can only apply for these free licenses until 30.05.2022. We hope this small gesture from us helps support your students in their training. 

In case you are a student/trainee in Germany and you haven’t applied for it yet, feel free to do it here > 

You probably already read on our social media channels that we are participating in the education exhibition in London, BETT UK 2022. Please note that the exhibition dates have been postponed from January to March 23 – 25, 2022 due to the current restrictions in London from the pandemic. Of course, this does not diminish our excitement. We are very much looking forward to spending three days immersed in inspiring content, networking and exchanging ideas with educators from all over the world.  

More info on this can be found here: 

Once again KELLER.Software wishes you a successful 2022.

Much more from KELLER.Software

Next appointments:

10.-11. Feb. 2022: Basics of graphical programming (CAD/CAM) with SYMplus

24.-25. Feb. 2022: Basic DIN/PAL programming with SYMplus

More info >


Let us learn something new this new year. Head over to the KELLER.Software YouTube channel where you can learn all about SYMplus™ and watch other interesting CNC videos as well.

Stop by and leave a subscription to never miss any new videos > 

To subscribe to our monthly newsletter, please use the form below. Thank you.

Do you have any questions?

Our experts are at your disposal. We look forward to your inquiry!

Klaus Reckermann


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    Newsletter September 2024

    Prevent Data Loss : Key Tips for KELLER Users. Summer is slowly coming to an end and the new training year has begun. Many trainees are now entering the world of CNC, while others are preparing for…

    Newsletter December 2021

    Your 2021 with KELLER.Software.

    The year 2021 was once again full of challenges, experiences and innovations. But before we wish each other “Merry Christmas and a good and successful year 2022”, December once again offers the opportunity to look back together into the last year:

    And in December? The KELLER.Software team will be there for you as usual, so that you can get everything sorted before the end of the year.

    Much more from KELLER.Software

    For more Information >

    Next appointments:

    In 2022, the doors of the KELLER.Academy will remain open for you. Keep an eye on our website for new schedules or contact us to book your next training. 

    More info >


    To subscribe to our monthly newsletter, please use the form below. Thank you.

    Do you have any questions?

    Our experts are at your disposal. We look forward to your inquiry!

    Klaus Reckermann


      This might also be of interest to you

      Newsletter November 2021

      Accessibility, Friendliness, Competence and Persistance.

      Are you at a loss for ideas on how to solve your CNC related questions? Don’t worry! That is why we have an expert support team at your service.

      And by that we do not mean an annoying hotline where you: 

      1. spend what feels like hours on hold with a melody (which is guaranteed to give you an earworm), or 
      2. you notice directly that the person has no knowledge of the subject at all. 

      Rather, this is about the support teams, like that of KELLER.Software, who really help you solve your problems.


      Mr.Korthaus from the firm Feinwerkmechanik Marcus Röll in Wuppertal recently described KELLER support with the words: “Accessibility, friendliness, competence and persistance”.  When he faced a technical problem because of the interface between the machine and the computer, “he was at a loss himself”, as he wrote in his review. 


      He went on to say: “In the course of solving the problem together, it had become clear that this problem was not easy to fix. And at this point I’m very grateful that KELLER support got involved and didn’t let go, so that we were in constant contact and were able to find a solution together.”

      We would like to return our thanks to Mr. Korthaus at this point, who has confirmed to us with his kind review that we are not doing a bad job at all.

      You can read the whole review from Mr. Korthaus here, as well as other interesting reviews from customers > 

      Do you also need help with a problem? Then pick up the phone (or the keyboard) and contact our KELLER support.

      Much more from KELLER.Software

      Training more than 70 apprentices with different levels of knowledge is a big task. In the following 2 part video Mr.Herkert, the Head of Technical Training at the firm Knipex explains how KELLER Software has helped him through his challenges and why it is the preferred software at Knipex for almost 20 years.

      Watch Part 1 now > 


      Watch Part 2 now > 


      Upcoming Training Sessions:

      09.-10. Dez. 2021: Driven tools, level swivel and reform PAL2020

      Further Information>



      To subscribe to our monthly newsletter, please use the form below. Thank you.

      Do you have any questions?

      Our experts are at your disposal. We look forward to your inquiry!

      Klaus Reckermann


        This might also be of interest to you

        Newsletter October 2021

        Still in service then and now

        Do you own any old CNC machines? Or do you know such models from the past? Well, even if neither is the case, this discovery at the Bergische University Wuppertal is interesting for all CNC professionals. There is a Boehringer VDT DUC 560 lathe from 1996.

        And the best part: it works! This is achieved by using the former CNCplus control from KELLER, which makes the workpieces turn.

        In the video below, Mr. Cavallaro, the workshop manager of the Physics Mechanical Workshop at the university, takes great pleasure in programming this 25 year old machine.

        Watch now and let us know your thoughts >

        We hope you liked the video. Do you have a similar story to share with us? What does your workstation look like? We would love to hear your thoughts. Feel free to email us your thoughts and ideas.

        Practical Tip: Clever Cutting and Reclamping

        The plan was quite simple. Cut a turned part to be machined on both sides from the bar and at the same time programme the second machining side. If the length of the blank is defined to such an extent that at the end, there is enough material to “cut” out of the protective zone for the chuck or the clamping jaws.

        However, if you proceed as described, after the “cutting off” step it would result in the half-finished workpiece falling in the simulation as in reality the chip tray or a part catcher. Afterwards, the geometry is no longer available in the working plan for further machining.

        But what is the solution then? The following practical tip gives you the answer:

        To learn more about this Tip of the Month, please click on the picture below: 

        Much more from KELLER.Software

        Upcoming Training Sessions:

        04.-05. Nov. 2021: Basics of DIN/PAL Programming with SYMplus

        11.-12. Nov. 2021: Exam preparation PAL

        Further Information>


        Are you tired of reading? Then pay a visit to our CNC-related YouTube channel for a change. And subscribe to it so you don’t miss regular updates on other interesting CNC videos.

        To subscribe to our monthly newsletter, please use the form below. Thank you.

        Do you have any questions?

        Our experts are at your disposal. We look forward to your inquiry!

        Klaus Reckermann


          This might also be of interest to you

          Newsletter September 2021

          Tricky Production Order?

          With renewed energy from the holidays, we are now getting back to work. To support you even more confidently and effectively than before, a very informative training session was held for the KELLER.Software team last month. The main focus was on you, our customer, and how we can help you more effectively in the very first telephone conversation.

          Speaking of support: Recently, Schmidt Zerspanungstechnik GmbH approached us with a very fascinating task…

          For two counter-rotating 3-flute flat threads on a spreader roll (Ø152, length approx. 3m), the control on their machine does not offer a suitable cycle.

          The solution was quickly obvious: a macro needs to be programmed in SYMplus™. This macro will rough and finish the threads with normal grooving steels in many small infeeds. Since this was initially a one-off order for the company from Herdorf, it was created together with the customer via Zoom meeting.

          Are you familiar with such tricky production orders? Do you have trouble finding a solution on your own? Then get in touch with us using the form below. KELLER.Software team will be happy to help you.

          Much more from KELLER.Software

          Upcoming Training Sessions:

          07.-08. Oct. 2021: Driven tools, level swivel and reform PAL2020

          21.-22. Oct. 2021: Basics of graphical programming (CAD/CAM) with SYMplus™

          Further Information>

          You need help and have not yet received a reply from us yet? 

          First of all, do not panic, we will of course get back to you as soon as possible. In the meantime, we recommend that you visit our support page, where frequently asked questions are answered. Maybe your question has already been answered?

          Go to the support page >


          To subscribe to our monthly newsletter, please use the form below. Thank you. 

          Do you have any questions?

          Our experts are at your disposal. We look forward to your inquiry!

          Klaus Reckermann


            This might also be of interest to you

            Newsletter August 2021

            Summer slump? Not with us!

            No matter whether it is a long trip or a vacation at home on the balcony, the KELLER.Software team wishes you a wonderful and relaxing summer season.

            While you are hopefully enjoying your well-deserved vacation or have already enjoyed it, we used the time to further develop ourselves internally. 

             For example, we launched our first ( to be regular in the future) employee survey, which focused on how comfortable the individual employee feels in the company and with his or her colleagues. Because just as the relationship with our customers is important, the working atmosphere is also of great importance for a healthy company – and of course you, our customer, will also benefit from this.



            That’s why the outcome from the survey was all the more pleasing: Everyone in the KELLER.Software team supports each other and we get on very well together.



            In addition to this, our sales department is also undergoing training to make your experience with us even more pleasant.   

            If you want to take advantage of the summertime just like we do, take a look at our KELLER math software, TECHNICplus™. With it, you can brush up on your math skills in a fun way.

            Click here for the software >

            Much more from KELLER.Software

            Upcoming Training Sessions:

            09.-10. Sep. 2021: Basics of graphical programming (CAD/CAM) with SYMplus™

            23.-24. Sep. 2021: Basics of DIN/PAL Programming with SYMplus

            Further Information>


            Here is a look into our absolutely innovative 3D learning world. It is a playful and instructive first contact with the workshop, machine and CNC control. Though this webinar has been created in German, our software is available in many languages including English. 

            (Please Note: This webinar is in German. Interested in seeing this webinar in English? Let us know using the form  below. If there are many people interested in it, we will arrange an English webinar on this topic.)

            Watch the full webinar > 

            To subscribe to our monthly newsletter, please use the form below. Thank you.

            Do you have any questions?

            Our experts are at your disposal. We look forward to your inquiry!

            Klaus Reckermann


              This might also be of interest to you

              Student License "DIN" or "PAL"?

              Student License "DIN" or "PAL"? A question we hear from time to time. This graphic might help you make the right choice! To acquire SYMplus license: What…

              Newsletter July 2021

              SYMplus™. Perfectly. Tailored.

              Do you sometimes feel that companies only offer fixed prices, with which you often feel uncomfortable? Also, your individual requirements for the product are not understood? We at KELLER.Software follow a different philosophy: We would like to know more about you and your company, so that we can create a tailor-made price for you as well as an exclusive plan for your requirements.

              To do this even better, we have developed a new SYMplus™ concept.

              With the new concept, picking the right software configuration for you becomes easy. New SYMplus™ packets provide a good and understandable overview. And with many more add-ons you can personalize your SYMplus™ packet.

              View new SYMplus™ packages > 

              Practical Tip: 3 steps to rotary-symmetric contour

              A pocket or an island contour is usually constructed from the starting point of the contour once around to the end point. In the case of a rotary-symmetrical contour, this would usually be unnecessarily time-consuming and, in part, hardly feasible anyway due to the dimensions.

              To learn more about this Tip of the Month, please click on the picture below: 

              Much more from KELLER.Software

              Upcoming Training Sessions:

              19.-20. Aug. 2021: Basics of DIN/PAL Programming with SYMplus

              26.-27. Aug. 2021: Driven tools, plane swing and reform PAL2020

              Further Information>



              Learn through extensive and playful tasks general arithmetic, rule of three, formula conversion, Pythagoras, trigonometric functions and much more. The software also offers an introduction to CNC technology. You determine your own learning workload and can prove your acquired knowledge in tests at the end. 

              Acquire TECHNICplus™ >

              To subscribe to our monthly newsletter, please use the form below. Thank you.

              Do you have any questions?

              Our experts are at your disposal. We look forward to your inquiry!

              Klaus Reckermann


                This might also be of interest to you

                Newsletter June 2021

                Become a Math Pro with TECHNICplus™ 

                You have an exam coming up? Or an aptitude test? Or simply want to brush up on your math skills for everyday life?

                With TECHNICplus™, the KELLER Math Software, all this is possible:

                Learn general arithmetic, rule of three, formula conversion, Pythagoras, trigonometric functions and much more through extensive tasks. The app also offers an introduction to CNC technology.

                You determine your own learning pace and can prove your acquired knowledge in tests at the end.

                Turn yourself into a math pro with TECHNICplus™. Buy license here> 


                This month we are opening a new chapter with our “KELLER.Software training initiative”. A new support for all trainees in Germany, which makes it possible to book the student license PAL for one year. We would like to remind you once again that this offer is even free of charge until 31.12.2021 (prerequisite: you have a plusCARE™ contract with us).


                Want to learn more about it? 

                You can read all about it here(Only available in German)>

                We wish you a beautiful day ahead.

                                                                                                       – Your KELLER.Software-Team


                Practical Tip: Vocabulary tests? Multiple choice tasks? This is how it works with SYMplus

                If you teach DIN/PAL programming using our SYMplus™ software, you are probably familiar with the “Teacher” mode of operation, which allows you to perform gap-filling tasks in the style of the written IHK(The German Chamber of Commerce) final examinations.

                But what you may not know yet is that this mode gives you many more possibilities than just using an NC program as a basis.

                To learn more about this Tip of the Month, please click on the picture below: 

                Much more from KELLER.Software

                Upcoming Training Sessions:

                01.-02. July. 2021: Basics of DIN/PAL Programming with SYMplus

                15.-16. July. 2021: Driven tools, plane swing and reform PAL2020

                29.-30. July. 2021: Basics of graphic programming (CAD/CAM) with SYMplus™.

                Further Information>

                With our plusCARE™ contract you are always up-to-date with our products and can use them trouble-free.

                Learn about all the benefits you have with a plusCARE™ contract >




                To subscribe to our monthly newsletter, please use the form below. Thank you.

                Do you have any questions?

                Our experts are at your disposal. We look forward to your inquiry!

                Klaus Reckermann


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                  Olympia, Paris 2024

                  Happy Olympics to our neighbouring country France! Did you know that the famous Olympic flag first flew in Antwerp (Belgium) in 1920? Pierre de Coubertin, an important initiator of the modern Olympic…

                  Newsletter May 2021

                  KELLER.Software Training Initiative

                  Exam preparations will soon come to an end. This month the IHK(Chamber of Industry and Commerce) final exam part 1 of the cutting machine operators (conducted in Germany) will take place. We wish all trainees the best of luck. 

                  But not only will the exams be over, but also our -now more than one year- running offer “all students get the free student version, no matter if the school/company is a customer of KELLER.Software or not” will end. There have been three final exams during this time and KELLER.Software feels glad to have supported all examinees with this offer. After the current exam this action will expire.  This means that from June 1, 2021 all free licenses will be disabled.

                  Don’t worry though, we have something new for you: The KELLER.Software Training Initiative.

                  What is the KELLER.Software Training Initiative? 

                  This is a support for all trainees, which makes it possible to book the student version for one year. And it’ even free of charge until 31.12.2021. 

                  For this you only have to fulfill 3 criterias:

                  1. You must be in possession of SYMplus™ with a running plusCARE™ contract.
                  2. You must send us an application with “Expiry date 2021” by e-mail or by form.
                  3. Your students must then re-apply by naming their customer number on the form below. Applications that do not include the customer number or that do not use the form will be ignored.

                  Re-register via this form >

                  You are not yet a plusCARE™ customer?

                  Then contact us now>

                  We have often written that it is our claim to be the best support in your daily CNC everyday life. To ensure that we can continue to live up to this in the future, we have put all our expert knowledge into the new SYMplus™ Update 60, which is now available to all customers with plusCARE™. 

                  This is what’s new as of Update 60>

                  You need help with the Software Update? 

                  Our support will help you >

                  We wish you a beautiful day ahead.

                                                                                                         – Your KELLER.Software-Team

                  Practical Tip: Machining of Grooves

                  SYMplus™ offers you many possibilities to effectively implement your work. This also applies to the machining of “Grooves”. 

                  To learn more about the Tip of the Month, please click on the picture below: 

                  Much more from KELLER.Software

                  Upcoming Training Sessions:

                  03.-04. June. 2021: Driven tools, plane swing and reform PAL2020

                  17.-18. June. 2021:Basics of graphic programming (CAD/CAM) with SYMplus™.

                  Further Information>


                  Be it a new software update, a new promotion from us or interesting looks behind the scenes of KELLER.Software, if you follow our social media channels, you will always be the first to hear the news.

                  LinkedIn >      Facebook >      Instagram >      Xing >

                  To subscribe to our monthly newsletter, please use the form below. Thank you.

                  Do you have any questions?

                  Our experts are at your disposal. We look forward to your inquiry!

                  Klaus Reckermann


                    This might also be of interest to you

                    Newsletter April 2021

                    Achieve a successful degree with KELLER.Software.

                    We hope you had a wonderful Easter holiday. After this brief recovery period, the time will soon come: In about a month, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) final examination Part 1 for cutting machine operators will be held in Germany. We are very concerned that the trainees are well prepared for this exam – particularly during the time of the Corona pandemic. That’s why our free student version is available to everyone in Germany until after the final exam.


                    You are a trainee in Germany and do not yet have this version? 

                    No problem. You can request it here at any time >



                    Additionally, our spring cleaning is as good as done: Update 60, the latest version of SYMplus™, will soon be available for all customers with plusCARE™ and is packed with improvements. In addition to some optimizations to software performance, you’ll also be able to use the EcoCut tool. As soon as the update is available, you will hear about it via our social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn) as well as via our website. 

                    We wish you a beautiful day ahead.

                                                                                                           – Your KELLER.Software-Team

                    Practical Tip: Ready for the Island

                    Working with islands (or tenons) can get complicated.  However, with SYMplus™ this task is quite easy.

                    To learn more about the Tip of the Month, please click on the picture below: 

                    Much more from KELLER.Software

                    Upcoming Training Sessions:

                    06.-07. Mai. 2021: Basics of graphic programming (CAD/CAM) with SYMplus™.

                    27.-28. Mai. 2021: Basics of DIN/PAL Programming with SYMplus

                    Further Information>


                    Here at the KELLER.Academy, you can experience what can hardly be described in words: With the help of VR goggles, you can switch on the machine, move to the reference point or simply stand in the machine and take a close look at everything. Due to the current situation,  we request you to contact us in advance to arrange an appointment. 

                    Try VR goggles at the KELLER.Academy >

                    To subscribe to our monthly newsletter, please use the form below. Thank you.

                    Do you have any questions?

                    Our experts are at your disposal. We look forward to your inquiry!

                    Klaus Reckermann


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